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16167910 No.16167910 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, what are your thoughts on him?

>> No.16167913

Literally the smartest man of all time.

>> No.16167914

i think that both right wingers and left wingers use him to get replies in this board

>> No.16167964
File: 332 KB, 597x746, Jordan Peterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be honset he is a good public speaker and thinker but the zizek thing was to much.

>> No.16167975

He's a dork who wrote a bad book,, he doesn't deserve to have his limp white ass dragged across the world by his murderous daughter

>> No.16167987

I hope he recovers and goes back to giving lectures comparing modern Disney films to biblical stories.

>> No.16168001

He's good when he talks about stuff he knows about (psychology, Jung, self-help) and terrible when he talks about stuff he doesn't (Marxism, Post-Modernism).

>> No.16168023

His daughter is trying her best to kill him. It's a shit show.

He ate more than he can chew.

>> No.16168068

>His daughter is trying her best to kill him
how can't he see what she's doing? is it because she is his daughter or he is just blind?

>> No.16168268

What's he gonna do? She's clearly not going to stop and him making to much of a show of it kills his brand.

>> No.16168923

He basis his talks on Marxism off of works like George Orwell's "Road to Wigan Pier" (the second half of which is Orwell's own criticisms of the socialists of his day- he himself was a socialist), and Dostoevsky's spiritual/psychological analysis of 19th century "liberal activist" types. He outright predicted the Bolshevist Revolution in his book "The Possessed/Demons" in 1871. Most of Dostoevsky's greater works are analyses on the psychological profile of the modern intellectual mind, and the proclivity of the intellect to rationalize evil deeds.

It's not a total analysis of Marxist rhetoric that he does, but on the people who believe in Marxism for the wrong reasons- reasons of spite, envy, resentment. Reasons that are deeply rooted in the irrational, that are cloaked by their ideology of choice.

Although it is for sure an incomplete analysis of the phenomena of Marxism, it's still one that I believe is worth taking into account. People definitely are not honest enough with their own inner motivations for their actions.

>> No.16168983
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>> No.16169009

He based his understanding of Marxism off Stephen Hicks awful book on post modernism, which does the same ass-backward conflating.

>> No.16169023

>>16168923 (You)
I stake my case the fact that I've read Peterson's book, 12 Rules for Life, and explored a lot of the books that Peterson uses to make the case for his arguments. It is definitely a perspective that is limited in its scope, but you have to remember that Peterson's perspective is going to be one of a clinical psychologist first and foremost.

If you follow the origin of modern Freudian/Jungian Psychology, it has foundations in the works Nietzsche and Dostoevsky. These authors focused on a proto-psychological analysis of the European intellect, there is slight crossover into 19th century European "liberal" politics, especially in Dostoevsky's works, Dostoevsky himself in his youth was an anti-Tsarist liberal acvitist, Russia in the latter half of the 19th century was experiencing a crisis of national identity in their intellectual class- a crisis that Peterson has tried to make parallels to from the identity crisis of the West today.

I believe there is an element truth to that kind of parallel.

>> No.16169034

He's cool but his fans suck

>> No.16169756

>tfw no homicidal gf

>> No.16170436
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He's a pretty good speaker and a wise man but he doesn't want to fully commit to a system of beliefs that hurt people by necessity, he simply filters out all the useful information from Christianity and psychological figures without the support structures that brought them in the first place.

For example, he mentioned that enforced monogamy might be a good idea but won't commit to it being legally enforced and says it could be reinforced socially. On paper it sounds cute, but in practice most of these social conventions have to be forced in before they become socially practiced.

Often, people take for granted the kindness of their fellow man and forget that the reason the common person is kind and won't bash your head in for 20$ is because through time those individuals would get arrested or killed by society slowly culling their population over time until the reasonable person who didn't bash your head in for money survived and thrived, creating a population of more peaceful people.

Christianity is a powerful religion, not just because of its truth, but because those who followed through with it just won over time.

>> No.16170515

The dust has settled - what, did he finally croak?

>> No.16170531

stepping stone for brain dead gamers
prison for those who can't jump across the river

>> No.16170557


>> No.16170652

Rather mediocre and overrated. He's alright on a few things, but by far not the great intellectual many seem to think he is. Especially after the whole Zizek fiasco a while back.

>> No.16170681

i like his ideas about the bible. i have been interested in this same conception as him and mircea eliade for a while, but haven't gotten around to exploring it independently.
i intend to watch his biblical lectures.

>> No.16170961
File: 12 KB, 180x240, Zizek-wedding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>klonopin addict
>went on a livestream with a filthy room
>married a subpar woman
>failed to observe his own personal philosophy
>acted as a charlatan
>brought a macbook to a debate against a cue card using Marxist who he failed to name when Zizek asked about those deadly Marxists ruining our postmodern society
>has a whore of a daughter
There are likely more examples, but he was a snake oil salesman from the get go. There's too many faggots who still suck his cock while there are others who are more deserving of the attention than his needless attentionwhoring.

>> No.16171486

Benzos are bad

>> No.16171523

His accounts of post-moderism and marxism are so dumb I can't tell if he honestly just doesn't understand them or is purposefully trying to straw-man them in order to misguide his incredibly unread audience.

My honest guess is that he doesn't care whether he understands what he is trying to talk about or not, and is okay with misrepresenting everything because he knows none of the people who buy his books have actually read or understand post-modern literature and won't call him out for bullshit like using the term "marxism" to connote "liberalism".

It wouldn't be so bad if the premise of his vague, overarching psuedo-theory wasn't based solely on his account of "post-modern marxism". Some of his straw-manning is just so bad and blatant it hurts to read, not to mention how thinly-veiled his politics are.

He is like a shitty, 2020 version of Ayn Rand (in terms of his sophistry begetting his relevance).

Does anyone actually think he cares about anything other than selling books?

>> No.16171531

I’ve enjoyed what I’ve seen of him, which was a few videos about mythology.

>> No.16171541

I was never a huge fan. Not that he's bad - I do like him - but I had a good father growing up so I didn't need JP's advice as much.

Whereas, a lot of youth who have grown up fatherless (or effectively fatherless due to dad being a pussy) have found a lot of value in JBP. And you know what? Good for them.

>> No.16171615

You are all abunch of stupid cunts ... Jp predicted this woke culture , antifa , cultural Marxism ( blm) , and antifa ... All the while making the world a better place ... Stop over intellectualizing and being cunts ...

>> No.16171843

Tbh hes actually ok when hes talking about jung and some psychology.
Thing is i work in the creative industry, and am somewhat involved with a bunch of different creative pursuits, music visual art, design, theatre, etc. And what he says about creativity and how it works, is straight up wrong. "Creativity" isnt even what hes saying it is.
I also know some philosophy and politics...other people here have already said it but when he talks about philosophy hes also blatantly wrong.

That all being said, i went through a phase where i actually liked peterson and took him seriously. There are still a few nuggetsnof wisdom that i think are valuable...but the reality is most of it is trash. Hes just wrong on most of what he talks about, to the poknt where the other stuff that i like about hkm i question is even right either.
If you just take him at his word it seems to make sense...but if you look into it you realize that what he says about alot of stuff is just stereotypes and surface level knowledge about things

>> No.16171862

Adding on to this robert greene is sort of a meme but i think anyone that likes peterson is honestly better off reading the 48 laws of power, some basic freud to understand the darkness of human beings, and the tao te ching/meditations/the ego and its own to deal with it.
Youd be better off desu. I kinda regret i ever really took him seriously. Wasted alot of energy

>> No.16171872
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>Stop over intellectualizing

>> No.16171895

Cleaning your room is unironically good advice. He's obviously being metaphorical. People are happy when they improve in self determined directions. The point is that to be happy, to become a better person, find the easiest things you can improve on and then work your way up one step at a time.

>> No.16172079

>Christianity man, it's the basis of all human thought. These bloody Marxist scum try to twist morality in their own image. Jung said X and that's why Y. I really recommend you read Jung

>> No.16172479

He is not philosopher or some kind of messiah but is very interesting person and good psychologist. Attacked by left a lot, but only ad hominem, his arguments are usually solid. I hope he gets back from his troubles stronger than ever

>> No.16172484

Your description fits every human on earth

>> No.16172497


>> No.16172515

>I hope he gets back from his troubles stronger than ever
He's already dead.

>> No.16172519

He triggers both trannies and incels, which goes to show they are really just two sides of the same mentally ill coin. Jordan Peterson is about as moderate as it gets, so if he manages to somehow offend a person they must really have problems.

That said, I don't really have any positive or negative feelings about him other than appreciating how he makes losers seethe.

>> No.16172523

Well he strongly recommends to read Bible before you read anything else. It's necessary for understanding ourselves and understanding other works and people. Even nonbelievers are strongly shaped by thousands of years of Christianity.

>> No.16172524

quite based. he deserved better than what he got.

>> No.16172553

Fat tranny detected. Jordan Peterson never calls anyone scum even if he doesn't like your beggars philosophy. That's typically the word you use for your gay terminology like "truscum" or "cisscum" or whatever other mentally ill phrases you fags are using now.

>> No.16172568

>reading the bible before all the texts that influenced it
Peterson confirmed as a pseud.

>> No.16172573

>all the texts that influenced it
Such as. The primary texts of influence are the Old Testament.

>> No.16172590

It figures the fans of Jordan Pseuderson are also pseuds.

>> No.16172606

I'm not even a fan of Peterson, I'm just waiting for you to actually provide some substance instead of projecting

>> No.16172609

>films days of lectures about Mesopotamian gods
shut the fuck up marxist hater, your transgender is showing

>> No.16172612

you eat out of a blender

>> No.16172615

>my obvious white knighting of Peterson doesn't mean I'm a fan
I expect little of you, /lit/, but holy shit.

>> No.16172620

Insecure for sure.
Wants to be seen as someone of great stature. The attention wasn't good for him, as it made it possible for himself to feed his ego.
His ideas are jungian, most of them are not new, just putting them into format for his deciples.
He ain't stupid tho, if his ego weren't something that gets in his way he may have done great things.

Also a following represents the leader to a large extent.

>> No.16172621

It's not like twitter or reddit here anon, people can have pretty neutral, grounded opinions of things

>> No.16172622

I asked you a simple literature recommendation, and here you are acting like a faggot because you're too stupid to provide an answer.

>> No.16172630

>people can have pretty neutral, grounded opinions of things
You're hilarious.

>> No.16172632

Not everyone is autistic as you. It might raise your abysmally low self esteem to pretend you know things on a /lit/ board of 4chan, but when you can't actually expound upon your statements it reveals you as the illiterate you are.

>> No.16172644

You don't think so? I can't blame you because most people aren't open to change, but it's not a great outlook on life

>> No.16172741

Not even fat or a tranny. Post body faggot

>> No.16172749

Seethe harder faggot your boy was anal raped on an intellectual level by zizek who was going easy on his pseud ass

>> No.16172757

>marxist hater, your transgender is showing
Transgenderism which is based on mentally feeling like you belong to another gender while physically belonging to another contradicts Marxist materialism you basedbrain pseud

>> No.16172767

You get real bitchy when you forget to dilate.

>> No.16172770

Retard who tricked faggots with daddy issues into worshipping him. His entire brand is based on critiquing on idea he only read the tl,dr pamphlet on

>> No.16172782

Cope harder faggot, this isn't /pol/ your low IQ based boy posting doesn't mean anything here.

>> No.16172788

just why?

>> No.16172794

Some baiting faggot

>> No.16172815

did you even read his book? you're not really saying much there friend

>> No.16172835
File: 217 KB, 1920x777, rdqtu6uc53b01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I supposed to be impressed by his school of life tier philosophy references?

>> No.16172840

Jesus christ, is this a passage from his book?

>> No.16172842

Kek, in 2017 this guy was a revelation for me. I feel so fucking stupid now.

>> No.16172851

How can he shit on Derrida for being "obscurantist" but give Heidegger a free pass? Derrida entire work was literally based on Heidegger's.

>> No.16172866

>Heidegger labored for decades to indicate that being is a combination of subjective and material substances
The absolute state of 21st century public """intellectuals"""

>> No.16172874

I genuinely wonder if he's read these books at all.

>> No.16172897

Derrida's works can be used to critique the status quo, heideggers can't. He picks and chooses intellectuals based on whether they can be used to justify his politics

>> No.16172922

completely the opposite, Derrida's works are the most conformist to the current status quo while Heidegger's are not.
Derrida was not some postmodern neo-marxist as JP would have you believe, he was at best a social democrat.

>> No.16172925

>he was at best a Diet Marxist

>> No.16172932
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Even though he won't name the jew and support ethno-nationalism he seems to have helped a lot of people in different ways and for that I am thankful.

>> No.16172937

To me, he is nothing but a false prophet. He's perverting the words of greater men than himself. Really the only thing you need to know is that he is making millions of dollars doing this. A good author is not in it for the money.

>> No.16172944

Social democracy is the status quo in the west and in Peterson's country, Canada.
But I guess the welfare state is literally marxism for the average American, next thing you'll tell me Prussians and Bismarck were commies since they came up with it.

>> No.16172947

he may be a hack who hasn't read a single page of anything he talks about, but at least he serves as a father figure to teens and motivates them to get their shit together.

>> No.16172949

>the common person is kind and won't bash your head in for 20$

Have been to Chicago?

>> No.16172960

Why do modern men need "motivation"? It's such a loser mentality. Your motivation is to survive in this world. Do you want to keep living, maybe have a chance at having offspring, or do you wanna die? That's all the motivation your ancestors needed, you are the result of that. It grinds my gear that modern men is always looking for "motivation" outside of themselves, it must be the result of the welfare-system, which caused men to believe that they are not responsible for their own sustenance. Maybe when you grow up you will have an episode like I did, when you will realize that you can choose either work actively for your own self-improvement, or give up and die. Don't need JBP to babysit you.

>> No.16172986

He's pretty retarded. When he first started being a popular retard, this board used laugh at screenshots like >>16172835 of his work which clearly demonstrated his lack of understanding and his hope these things were just buzzwords with no meaning. That he went into a debate with Zizek without knowing anything about Marxism besides the Communist Manifesto which was basically designed for illiterate peasants is a testament to his grandiosity.
I see sometimes that people comment he's shit when he's outside his main métier and claiming his Jungian shit is solid, but even Jungians hate him. That is a real achievement because Jungians are one of the loosest collections of thought possible. Many of them are pissed about his postmodernism spiel too because most Jungians think Jung should be considered the father of postmodernism ahead of Heidegger.
Beyond that, it's pretty obvious why his daughter is crazy and married to a guy who believes he is possessed by a demon who she had to get her daddy to hire. In one of his books, there's a scene where some kid on a playground steps on his daughter's fingers, and Peterson sees this kid as attacking *his* alpha male status. Think about that for a second: your daughter, who will later claim crippling arthritis, gets injured, and you think that's about you. He also thinks that extreme violence to the other grade school kid would be justified. Again, not to protect his daughter or stop her pain, but to make him alpha once more. It doesn't occur to him it's an attack on his daughter, or even that if you're planning on beating the shit out of a five year old you're not making an adult weight class.
His daughter has a long history of being fucked in the head. Probably because her dad is. But what she's done, since he cannot separate an attack on her from an attack on his own person, is made up all these bizarre woowoo chemical monsters she must fight, and by virtue of her doing that, he must see these things as attacking him. The thing about raising kids like that is that it turns them BPD, and if you cannot turf them out to go wreak havoc on others and are codependent, that makes all the BPD focus on the source: the parent who couldn't establish boundaries. He's going to be like Norman Bates' mother by the end of this "treatment" for his daughter's imaginary demons. (And, yes, that includes her sketchy russian husband who he employs to help fuck him/her)

>> No.16172995

This isn't 40 000 BC anymore grandpa, people don't even need to try that hard in order to "survive", having food and shelter is the standard you moron.
People look beyond that in their lives, and many feel lost and alienated in modern society due to their lack of purpose and direction in life, stop with your reductive bullshit, no you're not a caveman, no you're not a huntergatherer, you're just another slave to modern society whose needs are already taken care of.

>> No.16173000

I mean fair enough, you can go be a slave cry like a fag about how "alienated" you are. It's your choice. Or you could choose to live free and take responsibility.

>> No.16173162

that's JP's entire point I guess

>> No.16173427
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kek the dust hasnt settled not at all
people cant stop talking about him
12 rules is part of the canon now

>> No.16173927

He truly is the smartest thinker of our times.


>> No.16174020

I recognise his faults now, but he was able to show me the importance of how the subjective self percieves and represents the world, leading me off the path of scientism and pure materialism, and for that i am forever in his debt.

>> No.16174118

Oh, anon, he's just getting started

>> No.16174399

Munchhausen by proxy

>> No.16174809

Smart guy, interesting lectures. Hope he is doing better.