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File: 46 KB, 618x410, McCloskey-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16161425 No.16161425[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

They're speaking at the Republican National Convention.
What do you think their favorite book is?

>> No.16161431

all western canon
fuck off non-whitey

>> No.16161433

Probably "Literally Thousands of Dicks in my Ass, A Memior" by OP

>> No.16161439

Considering they are lawyers, probably something highly patrician like The Federalist Papers.

>> No.16161445


>> No.16161448

They're objectively pieces of shit. He's been suing his father for years. Not even liberal.

>> No.16161451

damn you guys are a lot more sensitive than the libs
calm down snowflakes, don't go doing another rightwing terrorist act

>> No.16161456
File: 83 KB, 600x800, 1594744473583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16161463

yea i can't believe those "protestors" burned all their neighbors alive and got away with it
Trump's America i guess

>> No.16161464

>four years later
>leftoids still think snowflake is about sensitivity
They truly cannot meme.

>> No.16161468

Aren't they democrats?

>> No.16161471

they did burn someone alive in one city, I think the original city where the riots started

>> No.16161481

>trump is responsible for local administrative responses
If he sent in the airborne all hell would break loose. Maybe thats what we need.

>> No.16161484

no you're just a republican so you believe anything you see on facebook

>> No.16161496

>burning people alive
Imagine being illiterate on a literature board lmfao.

>> No.16161499
File: 125 KB, 1024x819, Moldbug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not entirely sure OP but I'd be willing to bet that they've engaged with some of Curtis Yarvin's works, who goes by the pen name Mencius Moldbug, who has incidentally influenced shrewd master philosopher Nick Land. I believe they've perused his masterstroke known as Neocameralism, a political system for the 21st century, in which people are ruled by sovereign corporations enabled by an all-encompassing patchwork system that demands free exit to all inhabitants of the sovcorp, as well as competition among all the sovcorps in attempting to align the interests of the product distributor and the product consumer.

>> No.16161509

Almost makes the communist classless, stateless society look plausible

>> No.16161511

you re blindly believing a shitpost on /lit/
he is winning this one, lad

>> No.16161518 [DELETED] 

Niggers are gross

>> No.16161528

Definitely hit a nerve there

>> No.16161553

In all seriousness, their favourite book is probably some retarded Dan Brown novel. These two look terminally braindead.

>> No.16161561

Lol why is he suing his dad? Guy might actually deserve it if he's anything like his son.

Nobody was gonna hurt their mansion, even before they came out waving their toy guns

>> No.16161589

>Nobody was gonna hurt their mansion
Jinkies! You got a citation for that, Batman?

>> No.16161600
File: 20 KB, 775x425, 823FCDBB-0DBE-4197-A532-0BF5990A03E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, this old fart is the best that the Democrats have for the presidential election. This is the Democratic Party in 2020.

>> No.16161601
File: 550 KB, 500x564, nhyk7lb0zp151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, a real American wouldve left out water bottles for the brave, informed citizens who boldly trespassed

>> No.16161613

>that pic
lol. The best was when Minneapolis or wherever asked for like 500mil to repair the 'peaceful protests'

>> No.16161617

that appears to be the same facial expession as the guy in the OP pic

>> No.16161625

>rightwing terrorist act
It's terrorism in the same way that Al-Qaeda driving a bomb-laden truck into a city-center is terrorism but the US Coalition Forces firing rockets into a hospital is not. The cyclic exchange of violence between left and right wing is continuous and roughly equivalent, but the right-wing violence occurs external to the desire of the system so it is labeled terrorism, while the left wing violence is labeled as just normal violence.

Radical Leftists literally occupied, as in a revolutionary military occupation, multiple blocks of Seattle using armed "soldiers" and established a shadow government THIS YEAR. The socialist uniparty uses selective policing tactics to keep blacks in poverty while encouraging criminal elements within their population. Thousands and thousands of blacks die across the country from the violence that results. How is that not genocide committed by the radicals? Not to mention that abortion is targeted directly at black populations, and 50% of conceived children in the black community are aborted before coming to term. But this is just """family planning""", nevermind that the same selective policing that keeps blacks in prison, victimized by criminals, or in ghettos also makes them more likely to be in economic positions where they want to get abortions.

So yeah, some guy walks into a mosque with a rifle and shoots a bunch of muslims. That sucks, it really does. Doesn't compare to the policies of radical leftists which, even just considering the black population in the US and nevermind the economic and emotional devastation they've wrought in the white population, is systemically destroying these communities.

>> No.16161629

Have sex

>> No.16161632

no way, that guy is tuff & badass
just like how this guy >>16161600 is a senile old pedophile with dementia but my candidate is an American hero that is not any of those things

>> No.16161638

I'm making fun of OP because he made a non-literature thread, idgaf about his politics.

>> No.16161641


>> No.16161644

you may have autism if you can't tell the soi grimace from a guy yelling

>> No.16161648

>What do you think their favorite book is?

>> No.16161672

>hurr OP said "book" therefore it's literature

>> No.16161674

yea loser
this >>16161456 is a soi grimace
this >>16161425 is a warrior cry

>> No.16161749

Good on them for getting into the grift market right away. I bet they'll have a bestseller out by the end of the year.
All lawyers are plebs. Studying American law tends to have a lobotomizing effect on people for whatever reason.

>> No.16161756

inability to read expressions is a serious disability, that sucks bro

>> No.16161766
File: 43 KB, 378x489, 1591077715738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this thread was DOA

>> No.16161799

You guys are just a bunch of pussies. I live in a city where there was significant rioting, no homes were vandalized or looted, the streets didn't feel unsafe while this shit was going on. But you guys see a couple cop cars and a Target burn and act like it's the fall of the west.

>> No.16161804

ur super brave tho fight the power

>> No.16161827

Fuck off, you stupid suburban teenage bitch

>> No.16161845

Ok Socrates
They're lefties anyway

>> No.16161848

the amount of bravery it takes to stand for blm, i admire u so much

>> No.16161853

I still don't understand what they did that was wrong.

>> No.16161857

>rich corporate democrats
America was truly a mistake

>> No.16161861
File: 323 KB, 3072x2048, vMd1rYI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is unbearably bad in the run up to the presidential elections.

America is an awful country

>> No.16161869

a left wing mistake

>> No.16161872

>4chan is unbearably bad
Coulda just stopped there lol

>> No.16161879

Oh you must be the guy who thinks anyone who isn't a monarchist is left wing. Eat shit, your opinions are retarded

>> No.16161880

Awful gun handling desu

>> No.16161886

It's literally individuals steeped in the contra-western culture (the synthesis of African American and postcolonial third world culturs) doing whatever is in their power to destroy the last remnants of western ideals that still exist on the planet.
>But you guys see a couple cop cars and a Target burn and act like it's the fall of the west.
Just because the left is smart enough to generally not kill people when they don't have absolute power doesn't mean we can't see the writing on the wall.

>> No.16161891

>tfw the French revolutionaries, the original left wing, were wrong about admiring the American revolution
if only they had you to teach them anon

>> No.16161898

Eat shit urbanite nigger, it's brave that you endorse riots but your kind always moves to smaller towns to fuck things up. We've had damage done to local businesses, we've had to remove our statue of a catholic saint to appease niggercattle, and now we have protests against the arrest of a nigger who led people to block a freeway and smash up a car with a child in it.

>> No.16161902

Give me a list of western ideals

>> No.16161906

according to the Smithsonian it's stuff like being on time and trying hard

>> No.16161922

Niggers are cancer enjoy your hellhole amerimutt.

>> No.16161932

Which saint? Anyway, I don't know where you live, but the towns surrounding us have not been fucked up at all. There was an attempted break-in at a mall but that's it. I'm not "endorsing riots," but I am saying that you guys are buying into this manufactured idea that there is widespread fear and destruction, that cities are "war zones" or whatever but that's really not the case. Life has gone on as normal, the stupid fucking virus has had a much bigger effect than the riots.

>> No.16161939

>this manufactured idea that there is widespread fear and destruction

>> No.16161960

Again, you're acting like a few stores burning is the end of the world

>> No.16161964

>500 million
>requesting federal aid

>> No.16161968

Junipero serra, and what the fuck are you talking about? Is watching people burn the American flag in my downtown area "buying in" to something? How is seeing people protest the arrest of a black communist who led a march on to a freeway resulting in attacking a car with a mother and child, and the assault on a police officer falling for a narrative?

>> No.16161989

>colonial missionary
Lol fucking knew it. Muh flag, muh black commies, muh law and order and keeping the highway running smoothly. You guys like to play coy but you know exactly what you're defending. Suck my nuts.

>> No.16161990

You got me, ideals was a bad term as civilizations are defined more by generalized aesthetic and cultural traditions and their historic opposition to other aesthetic traditions. The notion of the West as we know it today was birthed from from European states understanding their common features in the face of the Islamic other. The western aesthetic tradition has been in the process of replacement since jazz spread to Europe. Now we are seeing the violent destruction of whatever remained. Soon we will only have the cult of the body and its rhythmically syncopated hymns.

>> No.16161995

The triumph of civilization over abject savagery is a great idea no matter what your cult of human body tells you.

>> No.16161997

based coward

>> No.16161999

this is satire right?

>> No.16162008

Why would it be. Are you incapable of imagining anyone valuing something more than how comfortable human bodies are?

>> No.16162020

You got me, I prefer law and order over college aged people who moved in from urban areas destroying everything

>> No.16162029
File: 73 KB, 1024x597, E7064E13-C61E-4E74-B4DC-7C78A82E4A75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This couple is garbage. They only got away with defending themselves because they’re rich and have connections. They even went out of their way to endorse and donate money to BLM. So they are fine with throwing the rest of us under the bus. Poor whites get railroaded by the courts everytime they defend themselves from savage niggers and ANTIFA. It’s disgusting. God damn the police, god damn the legal system, the media, the 2A, journalists, blacks and jews.

>> No.16162051

With the decline of the church, academia became the institution of greatest importance. These are just the results.