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16159895 No.16159895 [Reply] [Original]

Not even the coronavirus pandemic can stop George R.R. Martin from... announcing his intentions to eventually finish The Winds of Winter.

The Game of Thrones author revealed in his latest blog post that the long-delayed completion of the next installment in the Song of Ice and Fire franchise is now back on his to-do list.

“I am back in my fortress of solitude again, my isolated mountain cabin,” Martin wrote on his blog, adding, “which means I am back in Westeros again, once more moving ahead with WINDS OF WINTER.”

Martin, whose most recent Song of Ice and Fire book, A Dance of Dragons, came out in 2011, has been living in an “isolated mountain cabin,” he wrote, with a revolving staff of assistants (whom Martin, in a tone-deaf aside, referred to as “minions”).

“My life up here is very boring, it must be said,” he wrote. “Truth be told, I hardly can be said to have a life. I have one assistant with me at all times (minions, I call them). The assistants do two-week shifts, and have to stay in quarantine at home before starting a shift. Everyone morning I wake up and go straight to the computer, where my minion brings me coffee (I am utterly useless and incoherent without my morning coffee) and juice, and sometimes a light breakfast. Then I start to write. Sometimes I stay at it until dark. Other days I break off in late afternoon to answer emails or return urgent phone calls. My assistant brings me food and drink from time to time. When I finally break off for the day, usually around sunset, there’s dinner. Then we watch television or screen a movie. The wi-fi sucks up on the mountain, though, so the choices are limited. Some nights I read instead. I always read a bit before going to sleep; when a book really grabs hold of me, I may read half the night, but that’s rare.”


>> No.16159897

Martin added that he has stayed relatively secluded since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, and that “weeks and months go by when I never leave the cabin, or see another human being except whoever is on duty that week. I lose track of what day it is, what week it is, what month it is. The time seems to by very fast. It is now August, and I don’t know what happened to July.”

But, he wrote, the solitude is “good for the writing.”

If the famed author’s existence sounds a bit spartan, perhaps he has heeded his own previous words. Last year in May, Martin goosed fan interest in the possibility that he would actually complete The Winds of Winter—which, lest we forget, is actually planned as the penultimate book in the Song and Ice and Fire saga; the seventh and final tome will be called A Dream of Spring—by giving himself an ultimatum to have the finished manuscript in his hands by summer 2020. If that didn’t happen, he wrote, “you have here my formal written permission to imprison me in a small cabin on White Island, overlooking that lake of sulfuric acid, until I’m done. Just so long as the acrid fumes do not screw up my old DOS word processor, I’ll be fine.”

Presumably, his current location is low enough on acrid fumes that he should be able to bang out a few chapters before next year.

>> No.16159910

He also said he'd have the book ready by Worldcon this year, as well as making a dozen other deadlines he failed to uphold.
I'll believe it when I see it

>> No.16159942

It almost sounds like they've put him out to pasture in an old folks home and told him it's for his writing lmao. Why the hell does he need minions to make him breakfast and bring him coffee? Imagine having to snuggle up with GRRM to watch a film every night for two weeks straight hahahahaha.

>> No.16159968

so I guess he will finish it by 2025

>> No.16159975

How could you misunderstood the concept of "the mountain" more than this? An army of assistants, wi-fi, internet access... good lord.

>> No.16159976

What's the point? He has literally 0 chance of finishing the next one.

>> No.16159978

fuck off and go back to >>>/tv/

>> No.16159989

/tv/ told me to come here.

>> No.16159991

Okay but do his assistants jack him off or not?

>> No.16160088
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I finished the last book in 2013, and was hoping winds of winter would release in the next year or so.

I'm still mad

>> No.16160093

It's coming anon just wait a little longer have faith!

>> No.16160107
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I don't even care anymore. If the new book does come out I'll have to re-read all the old ones to catch up again - it's been seven fucking years


>> No.16160516

He's in colorado, its in mountains, close to new mexico where his house is, and it was snowing there in March which he noted on his coronavirus blog post

>> No.16160676
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Does GRRM require a minion massage?

>> No.16160736

Man i want to read asoiaf but i just can't wait for this fucked to finnish it
Fuck this fat peice of shit
Give me some sci-fi or fantasy to read while i wait for this little fat shit to finiah his books

>> No.16160767

gotta give it to him the minions part is pretty funny (based)

>> No.16160781

Read gene wolfe's books.

the new sun books. the soldier series. the wizard knight. top tier

>> No.16160805

Thanks anon

>> No.16161011

I learned English by reading ASOIAF, now I'm going to read Winds of Winter in German (becaus I'm learning it). GRRM has so easy prose, that even his translations are a way more easier to understand and read, than some native literature. Feels good.

>> No.16161085

>Other days I break off in late afternoon to answer emails or return urgent phone calls. My assistant brings me food and drink from time to time. When I finally break off for the day, usually around sunset, there’s dinner. Then we watch television or screen a movie. The wi-fi sucks up on the mountain, though, so the choices are limited. Some nights I read instead. I always read a bit before going to sleep; when a book really grabs hold of me, I may read half the night, but that’s rare.”
This guy clearly doesn't know about Deep Work

>> No.16161108
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, F7B9614A-3EDC-4F4C-AD7E-D1659CA25EC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finish the last book in 2013 when I was 14, Martin assures that the next book will be out soon, the tv adaptation is on its third season
>go through the entirety of highschool
>drift from old friends
>find new friends
>start going to parties and drinking
>fall in love and have a long term relationship for the first time
>have first heartbreak
>spiral through depression for two years as the idyllic illusive ideal of youth is broken
>go to university
>start clubbing with friends
>experience sexual
>change greatly as a person
>self-improve, become healthier
>the tv show adaptation of Martin’s series is over after seasons of crap with a meme ending
>I develop greater understanding of philosophy outside and understanding of life inside of my studies
>become happy and fulfilled, find inner peace
>essentially find God
>finish my bachelors
>start applying to med schools as postgraduate
>Martin still hasn’t released winds of winter
>tfw in the time it’s taken Martin to write the book, I have changed so completely and become fulfilled enough that I don’t care about a stupid genre fiction series.
Based, his inability to write has likely helped many misguided teenagers to lose interest and improve their lives.

>> No.16161342
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So what do you think his average writing speed is?

>> No.16161360

A chapter every 3 months
And then each year he decides 2 of his chapters weren’t good enough and re-writes them for another 3 months

>> No.16161513

>Everyone morning I wake up and go straight to the computer, where my minion brings me coffee (I am utterly useless and incoherent without my morning coffee) and juice, and sometimes a light breakfast.
>sometimes a light breakfast
That is the most unbelievable thing I've ever heard from a man who has lied his ass off about "finishing the book" for over a decade.

>> No.16161517
