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/lit/ - Literature

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16159457 No.16159457[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We love and support women, blacks, Jews, spics and trannies.
Seething /pol/cels won't change this

>> No.16159492

/lit/ is a actually a salafi jihadist board though

>> No.16159508

This is actually a Mongolion nationalist board

>> No.16159516

Bait, a leftist wouldn't refer to them as "Spics"

>> No.16159522
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Why not?
just because I use slurs doesn't mean I dont love and support them

>> No.16159524

wow you’re really smart

>> No.16159529

WRONG. All boards are /pol/ spinoffs filled with racebait and muh jooz conspiracies.

>> No.16159595

/lit/ is actually short for: illeterate group of frog-posting faggots.

>> No.16159625

And by love and support women we mean use our moms’ credit cards to support cam whores

>> No.16159640

leftism on socio-economics and international relations: based
leftism on cultural matters: cringe

>> No.16159650

I’m a leftist but I despise women, spics, niggers, and trannies.

>> No.16159651

Reading Marx is a prerequisite to good litposting. I don't even know why, just an empirical observation/

>> No.16159720
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>> No.16159721

Why would we do that?

>> No.16159730

frog posters should all just collectively go to the nearest desert and rot.

>> No.16159800

Even shitposting this faggot can't say nigger.

>> No.16159813

What about jannies?

>> No.16159834

"faggot" wow how edgy

>> No.16159835


>> No.16159844

Faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot

>> No.16159848

>/lit/ is a leftist board
You can't prove this to be true, therefore your statements are false.

>> No.16159854
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>> No.16159856
File: 91 KB, 1125x892, 72D6D568-6159-445B-B5E1-F8FD1B54AFA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is actually a pantheistic biological determinism board that rejects the typical left vs right dichotomy in favour of a humanist (bad) vs monkyist (good) dichotomy.

>> No.16159886

wow how could Kaczynski be so wrong?

>> No.16159892

this whole website is an fbi honeypot

>> No.16159917

>love and support
Well, of course, anon. Love the sinner, hate the sin.

>> No.16159938
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Kikes leave. The rest can stay and discuss my diary.

>> No.16159983

True /lit/ doesn't give a fuck about labels and

>> No.16160000

>We love and support women, blacks, Jews, spics and trannies.
I support women as long as they are not insufferable woke feminist cunts. But the rest? No. I hate niggers, kikes, mudslimes, shitskins in general and mentally ill degenerates.

>> No.16160085

>Use word
>Entire personal belief system is "unveiled"

And that's how racism started.

>> No.16160094
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>> No.16160109
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It depends.
Of course.

>> No.16160120
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>> No.16160126

Some More Effort If You Wish To Become Based

>> No.16160198

Leftists can never pull off a cool pepe

>> No.16160215

Genuine seethe. Scared of the word faggot lmfao.

>> No.16160295
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>Genuine seethe. Scared of the word faggot lmfao. haha look how edgy iam

>> No.16160299

saying faggot on 4chan is simply not edgy

>> No.16160305
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>saying faggot on 4chan is simply not edgy

>> No.16160306
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>Leftists can never pull off a cool pepe

>> No.16160307
File: 290 KB, 669x1024, 34891028684_4efbc10580_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iT's JuSt A CoNsPiRaCy

>> No.16160312

Mentally stunted adult, please go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.16160323

You can't possibly expect to make any difference on a site where adding 'fag' to the end of a word has been common practice for almost 20 years

>> No.16160332

When are you going to grow up manchild?
If everyone ate shit would you eat it too? derp

>> No.16160341
File: 65 KB, 636x773, 5194D36B-B183-4CD1-94CB-F9F2C3E0EAF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>must say n word and faggot since everyone else says it

>> No.16160350

do you seriously think you're having any effect whatsoever by telling people not to say faggot? it's just ridiculous you are never going to accomplish anything

>> No.16160355
File: 290 KB, 1536x2048, f2mba5spaj701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so edgy.

>> No.16160362

well keep up the fight brave comrade, Im sure in a few weeks or months nobody will say faggot on 4chan anymore

>> No.16160370

>he censors himself where there is no punishment for free expression
>displays himself as a cukced to the core by spooks such as social acceptance
>he thinks he's somehow not an npc despite bowing to jewish overlords of language where there is no reward or punishment for doing so, the very definition of being a programmed npc
pathetic niggerfaggot

>> No.16160372
File: 807 KB, 784x1100, 955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well keep up the fight brave comrade, Im sure in a few weeks or months nobody will say faggot on 4chan anymore

>> No.16160386

>pathetic niggerfaggot
You'll grow out of your edgy teen phase one day

>he censors himself where there is no punishment for free expression
There's no reason to use slurs like that. You just want to be edgy and oh look the edgelord is crying because someone doesn't agree with him how Ironic. >>>/pol/

>> No.16160391

this redditry is just going to make more people call you a faggot

>> No.16160394

very edgy >>>/out/

>> No.16160397

based faggot defener

>> No.16160404
File: 36 KB, 600x558, d6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to /pol/ or at least lurk more edgelord

>> No.16160407
File: 12 KB, 261x382, Faggots_by_Larry_Kramer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some essential faggot reading to get you up to speed

>> No.16160416
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>I spam the N word
>but when someone doesnt agree with me i cry

>> No.16160424

>reddit spacing
>telling others to go back
pottery. No matter, you will leave or you will become one

>> No.16160434
File: 65 KB, 1006x813, 92631502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pottery. No matter, you will leave or you will become one

>> No.16160447

I don’t like black, Arabs who aren’t assimilated to their host country. Either you lose your culture and adopt our or you go back to your shithole.

>> No.16160449

Don't you have to get back to complaining about bernie?

>> No.16160452

Whats the edgiest insult leftists use?

>> No.16160459
File: 6 KB, 171x300, 31EiDAkHd8L._PJku-sticker-v7,TopRight,0,-50._SY300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one may be redundant for you but it's good to get the basics down

>> No.16160462

"chud", "basement-dwelling incel" and "nazi" are literally the only 3 that they've got lmao

>> No.16160538

We also have "Shitlord"

>> No.16160605

I always thought this word was an variant of "Chad", and took it as a complement (still do) whenever some leftist called me it.

Tip for dumb lefties who (obviously) can't meme: a word has to invoke strong negative emotions in order to be effective, you got that nigger faggot?

>> No.16160612

>Tip for dumb lefties who (obviously) can't meme: a word has to invoke strong negative emotions in order to be effective, you got that nigger faggot?
Edgy teen

>> No.16160629
File: 26 KB, 257x300, Mediterranean-Chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Edgy teen

>> No.16160649
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>> No.16160656

Is being a leftist not edgy anymore? Isnt that a big part of it? Uh oh dem conservatives are the new punk rock heck yeah brothet

>> No.16160660


>> No.16160679

Uh don't use those slurs buddy. But yes, since /lit/ is a more intelligent board, it naturally leans left.

>> No.16160698
File: 91 KB, 960x925, 1595296568620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I have been here since 2017 and I frequent both /pol/ and /lit/, and I will continue to stay here to have quality discussions on national-socialist satanism.

>> No.16160705

I truly believe being transexual means to be mentally ill

>> No.16160706

t. dsa chair
derp! trollface

>> No.16160718

is this really the best you can do?

>> No.16160749

nigger faggot jew nigger faggot jew nigger faggot jew nigger faggot jew

Oh bros, I wonder, why is this still not old and boring after so many years. It's just a bunch of words repeated one after the other without a semblance of coherence, yet it's still comedy gold.

4chan = /pol/ territory now dear faggot
Leddit would be the better place now for you subhumans


>> No.16160759
File: 244 KB, 953x510, Gigachad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I spam the NIGGER word when someone agrees with me
Yes I am based, how could you tell?

>> No.16160776

>all the /pol/ newfags in this forum

>> No.16160792

Lefties be like: YOU CANT SAY THAT

>> No.16160799

How is that "leftism"? Are they going to take the means of production or something?

>> No.16160816

>seething /pol/cels unironically believe that bootlicking the status quo makes that status quo respect them

Furthermore, Mother Anarchy loves her sons, you seething nazi virgin fagqueers

>> No.16160817

I think leftists are evil people and I would genuinely like to see some right wing death squads. Everyone that ever attended a BLM rally needs to be dealt with.