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16158490 No.16158490 [Reply] [Original]

>reading on the train

Is there anything more pretentious, more attention-seeking?

>> No.16158494

How do you expect me to pass my three hours in the train? Jacking off?

>> No.16158498

Bugs... Easy on the carrots

>> No.16158502

Based upholder of the ritual

>> No.16158535

I can unironically think of 100 things that are more pretentious, more attention-seeking than reading on the train.

>> No.16158536

Name one (1)

>> No.16158537

holy shit

>> No.16158547
File: 58 KB, 976x850, 1597749947470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is merely presupposition on your part. Reading on the school bus is far more ostentatious.

>> No.16158558

reading on the bus

>> No.16158565


>> No.16158574

Honestly, the one thing I miss about going into work everyday (rather than working from home) is reading on the train.

>> No.16158578

Your post

>> No.16158583

I read everywhere and anywhere, even in front of acquaintances because I don't like people (that's why they aren't my friends).

>> No.16158609


>> No.16158650

> look ma, I'ma riding the train like a grown up city slicker!1
Do you seriously think people who ride a train for two hours each day, every day want to look at their neighbors in suffering? Get a load of this faggot!

>> No.16158655

Yes. This thread. Not giving you your (you).

>> No.16158658
File: 30 KB, 342x236, Hedgehog (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading Plato on the subway
>Parmenides, struggling to understand
>black guy next to me glances over
>"Are you an intellectual ?"
>"Not really."
>"That's why you read Plato"
>he smiles and leaves a few stations later
>come home and try thinking of comebacks in the shower
what the fuck

>> No.16158660

can't even type it correctly

>> No.16158665

Holy shit. Imagine being this much of a newfag. Imagine thinking you are blending in by posting this, when in reality you're just outing yourself as a reddit tourist. Lurk more nigger. You obviously didn't lurk enough to know it is
>bugs.. easy on the carrots
Fucking newfags.

>> No.16158671

>I take PRIDE in my knowledge of the minutiae of grammar in niche memes, because I have GAINED THAT KNOWLEDGE by spending the majority of my BEST YEARS here. Don't think you can meme with the big boys kid

>> No.16158683

käfer... unbeschwert auf den karotten

>> No.16158687

seems sensible

>> No.16158712

Anon feels intimidated by the people reading on the train because it reminds him of his own brainletism. Reading on the train is based.

>> No.16158758


>> No.16158771

бaгз.. пoлeгчe c мopкoвью

>> No.16158783

OP can get his ass back to /b/
reading anywhere doesn't mean jackshit apart from that you are reading

>> No.16158804

>this thread again
Why do you hate fun? Reading fiction is not even intellectual, people are not out to impress the plebs with game of thrones. Reading makes your commute feel like 5 minutes

>> No.16158814

How is reading an act of seeking attention? Reading really isn't that big of a deal, don't be so insecure.

>> No.16158881

He was being nice to you bro, he’s saying the path to becoming an intellectual starts with Plato.

Magic negroes are not a movie trip the are real. When I was 16 and a doctor saw me squatting with bad form at la fitness and corrected me. Diverted my path from snap city to gainsville. At first I thought he was just an African immigrant going to work some janitor job(I worked out at 5 am) but I saw him come out of the locker room in his doctors coat and scrubs underneath. Based

>> No.16158903

Goddamn pal, I'm just trying to pass the time.

>> No.16159532

This. OP does everything for the attention of others and now thinks everything is seeking attention. OP is gay

>> No.16159671
File: 368 KB, 912x1024, 072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jacking off?