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/lit/ - Literature

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16157788 No.16157788 [Reply] [Original]

Just read 25 pages in one sitting. I know it’s not that big a number in comparison to what you guys normally do, but I’m still proud of myself. How many pages have you read today?

>> No.16157801

He looks like someone who is very passionate about representation in science fiction and fantasy.

>> No.16157806

I've never counted the pages I've read in a sitting, or how many books I've read in the last year or whatever, I don't really think of reading as something to measure. anyway, what are you reading?

>> No.16157813

Well done mate, that's pretty good. I'm reading Moby Dick and the chapters are pretty short so I would guess I read around 10-15 pages but 3 chapters.
What are you reading?

>> No.16157815

Lord of the rings. I just arrived to the part where Frodo arrives at Rivendell. I was pleasantly surprised at how many pages I read when I finished. People who say Tolkien is boring and a slog to get through have been filtered.

>> No.16157826


>> No.16157839

I read 84 pages today.

>> No.16157845

Nicely done! What have you been reading, if you don’t mind me asking?

>> No.16157869

I agree, I love Tolkien. A lot of people say the council drags a bit but I liked that too, if be interested to see what you think given that you're nearly there. What sort of stuff do you read?

>> No.16157922

I read mostly classical fantasy, so pre-Tolkien stuff, specifically British children’s books that are oh-so witty and clever in their prose (Lewis Carroll and A.A. Milne for example). I’ve also read lovecraft, Beowulf, the Aeneid (in the original Latin for practice), both Homeric poems, a thousand and one nights, and Gilgamesh. I’m not a big fan of the modern fantasy scheme, so I don’t read much of that. I think I tried to read the storm light archive by Sanderson, but gave up after one page because of the god awful prose. I have my eyes set on Thomas Mallory’s work, and thoreau’s transcendentalist books have caught my interest as well. I read to be comfy, in case you couldn’t tell.

>> No.16158004

Have you read Once and Future King? I think you might like it

>> No.16158005

No, but I have heard of it. It’s an Arthurian tale if I remember, and consider that I really like Le morte D’Arthur, I think I’ll like it as well.

>> No.16158007

I read 20 pages of "Tigers in the Mud" by Otto Carius earlier. Read 'em out loud and recorded it, too. Took and an hour and 20 minutes. I kept interrupting myself to rant about loosely related things, so it could have been shorter. Might be a while before I get back to that book, but it's good. Recommended if you want a good look at the experiences of a Panzer Commander in WW2.

>> No.16158035

Why are you recording yourself, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.16158053

>Read 'em out loud and recorded it, too. Took and an hour and 20 minutes. I kept interrupting myself to rant about loosely related things, so it could have been shorter.
Sounds like the basis for a podcast.

>> No.16158055

>Pages? I use the catalogue.

>> No.16158059

I read 60,000 words of a smutfic on akun today, in between about 6 faps. My dick feels like I've rubbed sandpaper on it.

>> No.16158062

why are you acting so reddit? i'll beat the fuck out of you

>> No.16158070

That's exactly right. There's a lot of nods to Malory in Once and Future King and in White's other novels. More than nods, actually, it was pretty much his chief influence. It is ostensibly a kid's book but it is comfy to read and the prose is pretty good too. Tennyson has a great poem along similar themes, i want to say it's called Idylls of the King.

>> No.16158075

He's acting like a nice human being rather than the egotistical, confrontational bellends you normally find here. I've actually had a nice conversation for once without being called a retard. Is that what reddit is like?

>> No.16158102

You are the typical retard that will read a book, and a fiction book while we are at it, and even though you already know the plot and how it ends because you've seen the movies 20 times you still will waste your time reading that instead of reading something else because you are a brainlet and you think reading for the sake of reading is somewhat benefitial

>> No.16158116

These threads are so fucking useless, but it probably killed some twitter screen cap so whatever

>> No.16158148

If you think all that can be taken from a book is 'what happens next', then we know who the actual moron is. To be so blind to literary technique that you think there is nothing beneficial in reading (or even re reading) Tolkien is truly moronic. You seem like somebody who reads purely to gesticulate to others about how well read you are. The op reads because he enjoys to read, so I ask who is the real moron? As John Williams said, 'to read without joy is stupid'. You'll tell me, of course, that this isn't you at all, although given your inability to recognise joy as a good enough reason to read a book, I'm not going to believe you

>> No.16158169

I started child of God by Cormac McCarthy, and finished it in the same day. Just couldnt put it down. Haven't read anything as depraved as that since my diary

>> No.16158182

What's your favourite Cormac? Mine is The Road, though I'm yet to read Suttree. I'm sure I'll get shit for that but whatever

>> No.16158218

I've been doing it for a couple years. It started out as a way for me to have audio of some books for which no audio existed, then evolved into me sharing the result around the chans, and trying to improve my speaking voice (which doesn't completely suck now). Today I just felt like reading aloud, so I didn't structure the recording at all (no intro, editing, ect...).

You can listen to my efforts here:

Heh, that's probably not happenin', but you can listen to it:

>> No.16158275
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>a nice human being
literally the most reddit phrase ever. Just leave

>> No.16158284

Haha, shit is it really? Is that necessarily a bad thing? Op seems like a really nice guy, I'm having a good chat with him about Arthur and Tolkien and shit. Is that bad? Should we both just go to reddit?

>> No.16158287

I don't even read books, just grammars and dictionaries.

>> No.16158298

When do I say 'if I were' instead of 'if I was'

Who or whom?

When do you use 'affective'?

What are the rules on hyphenating words?

Is the passive voice necessarily bad? If so, why?

>> No.16158342


>> No.16158359
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>> No.16158408

I don't count pages. It's not a good measure of progress for both fiction and non-fiction.

>> No.16158581

Keked and checked

>> No.16158746

Not sure. Only read the road, blood meridian and child of God. I'm reading no country for old men at the moment, started it today. I think blood meridian was the most beautiful, prose wise. Need to reread the road desu, it was so long ago.

>> No.16158820

I only count pages as a marker for pacing myself.

>> No.16158858

Ok Chang, it’s time for you and me to go to the bathroom

>> No.16159236


>> No.16159282

Do threads count as pages?

>> No.16159285

I read 190 pages and finished the book today.
I read On Writing by Stephen King

>> No.16159292

>Should we both just go to reddit?

>> No.16159333

Well done! Doesn’t matter if *other* people think it’s “a lot”. It’s a lot for YOU, and that’s the point!

>> No.16159351

You can’t have anything resembling a normal conversation. It’s a spergfest in here.

>> No.16159389

Then what is this place for? I'm trying to talk about books. Should I just be bleating 'retard' at anybody who disagrees with me and 'based' at anybody who calls someone a retard and then just move on? What's the point?

>> No.16159408

I haven’t actually watched the movies, thank you very much.

>> No.16159419

I read over 70 pages from The Two Towers.

>> No.16159470

This isn't reddit.

>> No.16159474

People say that the pacing of two towers is quite fast in comparison to where I am in the first book. Is that true?

>> No.16159589

I'm not too sure but I personally do love the amount of things going on so far in the second book.

>> No.16159613

Yes it is definitely a faster pace i would say. I preferred fellowship personally but both are great

>> No.16159643

i do two to three chapters a say depending on how i feel

>> No.16160480

About 20 or so in C&P today, although that was between classes and not dedicated reading. I was probably going to go read for a bit before hanging out w/ friends since I did my classwork for tomorrow.