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16154792 No.16154792 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me, or are books that are supposedly portraying the wickedness of a subject often just a way of subtly glamorizing transgressive behavior? American Psycho and Lolita come to mine. Scarface for films

>> No.16154812

Imagine American Psycho or Lolita except at the beginning and end of every paragraph it says "This is bad and evil and people should not do this"

>> No.16154815 [DELETED] 

I don't think Scarface was supposed to portray "wickedness". Scarface (1983) is a very interesting movie though. I watch it maybe once a decade, and always see something new. It approached class and privilege in a way only surpassed by Kubrick.

>> No.16154817

Yeah, that's what all those paintings with nude women are about, so-called biblical stories to paint nude etc. The same with those cannabis-is-bad! movies from the mid 20th century. (although cannabis is prettybad)

>> No.16154821

Or saying this is good, do this. The truth is portraying something in an ironic way is done in commercials to get you to buy because it gets around cynicism

>> No.16154835

based saudis

>> No.16154851

>Cook the bean, face the Mujahideen

>> No.16155924

Btw she fled to the US with her daughter who is a dual citizen

>> No.16155945

Cringe. Now the daughter will grow up to be a whore.

>> No.16156331

Will serve as another example of why single mothers are a detriment

>> No.16156356

based saudis

>> No.16156380

It's just you.

>> No.16156392

>argue with anons that non-Muslims are second class citizens and have no rights in Muslim countries.
>they say I'm full of shit
>see this news article

>> No.16156400

Would it be different with a saudi woman? The only difference is a saudi woman wouldn't have a traceable social media full of nudes because she'd know you can get fucked over or killed for this. And a saudi woman couldn't run off to big daddy america for protection

>> No.16156425


This is a faggot liberal thing

Acknowledging evils and dealing with them in a mature way leads to greater goods. Instead of shaming and hiding.

When will jews figure out technology neutralized their vantage point. A few of them are trying to weasel their way to being a protected class but it isn't happening.

>> No.16156525

I thought American Psycho was pretty clear in how much suffering it brought to people around Bateman and Bateman himself so I don't understand how someone would think the book is glamorizing him in any way.
As for Scarface, only absolute subhumans on whom human rights are wasted take it as an example so I don't know how it fits into the question. It'd be like asking if dogs being taught to give paw are somehow going to learn to have a theory of mind.

>> No.16156549

kek, fucking based

>> No.16156560

Lolita doesn't glamorize pedophilia at all.

>> No.16156776

>white mother
>half-black daughter
This goes in the poetry thread.

>> No.16156999

He is saying that just portraying it at all might make people glamorize it just because it was in a piece of media that they liked.

>> No.16157134

Seeing the picture on the right, I agree with the judge. Is this really the future of our culture? Complete license for women to engage in homo-erotic behaviour with their own pre-pubescent daughters without any repercussions? Disgusting.

>> No.16157176

Sure it does, why do you think pedophiles love it and use slang like Lolita and Loli

>> No.16157246

People are just generally seek depravity for fulfillment and will look for endorsments and encouragement anywhere.

People were going to be fucked up regardless, people forget that we evolved competing with Lions and shit on the savahnnah, Thats just humans.