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/lit/ - Literature

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16154461 No.16154461 [Reply] [Original]

Short Story Group?

This board is godawful and has hardly any actual literature discussion. The group that reads books together can be good, but it probably excludes a lot of people because they may not want to read that particular book, or it seems like it'll take too long, etc.
So I propose a short story group, where we read one short story a week or whatever and discuss it, it'll probably attract more people since it's more accessible than reading all of Moby Dick or IJ, and it'll be easy to jump in and out of the weeks whenever you want so it's not like there's a big commitment.

>> No.16154496
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I'm in, fren
But I think one short story per week is too little, I suggest one every three days at least.

>> No.16154514

That could work too, I just think it could be annoying if we move on to a different story but people are still discussing the previous short story in the same thread, maybe we should do a new thread for each story

>> No.16154526

I would be very down for this. I think 1 story a week is enough so it doesn't get in the way of my regular reading. I would participate in this for sure.

>> No.16154538

>maybe we should do a new thread for each story
Yes, that's exactly what we should do.

>> No.16154547

I'm down
I'm so sick of this fucking board, if I have to see another bait thread with Marx or Kat I'm gonna kill someone
I think we should plan on doing 1 story per week, but if the discussion on it dies down just start the next thread early. I wouldn't make it a general because then it'll just become too confusing/a circlejerk

>> No.16154660

I'm in. We could all buy a compilation and read it cover to cover.

>> No.16154686

That's sort of the opposite of why this group exists. Doing that necessitates the type of commitment we should avoid due to alienating people. It'd be better to pick random stories (preferably) available online in hopes of as getting as many people on board as possible

>> No.16154700

yes I agree with that, jump around between authors and read a mix of well known and hidden gems, I agree that we should only read what we can find PDFs of

>> No.16154708

So what story do you want to read first?

>> No.16154714

My first pick is "A Good Man is Hard to Find" by Flannery O'Conner, pretty famous and I think could lead to a good discussion

Found a pdf

>> No.16154732

Can we do something a little less well known?
How about The Gay Old Dog by Edna Farber


>> No.16154735
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what's the height requirement?

>> No.16154760

Actually nvm that's not the right version and I can't find the correct one online that's well formatted.


>> No.16154795

I don't mind either way

>> No.16154796
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nominating Another Pioneer by DFW

>> No.16154804

In the Penal Colony by Kafka would be a good read as well.


>> No.16154807
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As long as we read some Borges

>> No.16154862
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This too, not being another anglo circle jerk and having authors of other languages is a must.

Also, there should be a more fair way to decide what we'll read.
>first person to get dubs chooses the author.
Would be great

>> No.16154867

Rolling for http://gutenberg.net.au/fsf/BABYLON-REVISITED.html

>> No.16154896

Love this story, this could be good too. All good suggestions so far, we could compile this into a list and then just go down the list

>> No.16154927

Nah, it's more fun if we decide one at a time. Making a big ass list would ruin the surprise and the thrill of seeing new stuff.

>first person to get dubs chooses the author.
Rolling for James Joyce. If it lands, the first reply to this post chooses the story (from Dubliners).

>> No.16155091


>> No.16155210

what waterlevel we at in Wuhan and TGD?
Anything actually gonna happen or are we still just following the normal operations of a random fucking dam in a shithole region?

>> No.16155227

Good idea.
I agree, been wanting to get into her for awhile now.

>> No.16155234

I'm in.
Coincidentally just read both of these about two weeks ago. Either way, I'm in.

>> No.16155253
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Roll for it then, you fucker.

>> No.16155277

How would be able to regularly met up online and form connections?

We're anons.

>> No.16155308

Rolling for The Sisters

>> No.16155598

Rolling for Nabokov's Dozen. (You) choose which one.

>> No.16155626

Rolling for a short story from The Plain in Flames by Juan Rulfo. First (you) decides which if dubs.

>> No.16155640

Fuck this nigger group I'm out

>> No.16155925

rolling for The Demoiselle d'Ys

>> No.16155946

Rolling for O'Conner

>> No.16156134

We should just pick something before the thread dies, threads can only sustain themselves for so long on this board if it's not mostly full of bait
What about Babylon Revisited? I saw someone post a PDF in here already

>> No.16156253

Hello God, it's me again
Rolling for "La increible y triste historia de la cándida Eréndira y de su abuela desalmada"

You gotta roll for it

>> No.16156287

Time to end this, rolling for The Judgement by Kafka

>> No.16156343

Rolling for "Heirs to the Living Body" by Munro.

>> No.16156366

Rolling for BR

>> No.16156371

And so it is decided.

>> No.16156385 [DELETED] 

So 'BR' it is
What's BR?

>> No.16156413
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We're reading Babylon Revisited, then.
OP when are you posting the first issue of the ShortStory Group?

Can it be agreed that in each issue we roll to decide which story should be read for the next one?

>> No.16156422

When should I? Right now? Or should we wait until we have more people on board maybe tomorrow?

Yeah I think that sounds good. After the discussion on a story dies down we can start rolling

>> No.16156461

I suggest you do it 18 hours from now.

>> No.16156773

give us the link for Babylon Revisited rn so we don't have to wait for OP to make the new thread tomorrow

>> No.16156781

please read my short story and let me know how to improve it before its thread dies

>> No.16156946


'Babylon Revisited and Ofher Stories', by F. Scot Fitzgerald. - EPUB download

>> No.16157292

Roll for your own short story next time, bucko.

>> No.16157575

What you should do is chart out a calendar with all the stories you intend on reading for the month.

Also rolling for The Egg by Sherwood Anderson.

>> No.16157776

Thanks anon, I'm in

>> No.16158133

Babylon Revisited on Gutenberg

>> No.16158505

This is a good idea

>> No.16159425
File: 271 KB, 1296x1005, January-2020-Calendar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried doing something like this (but I included essays and poetry) at the beginning of the year. People didn't respond to it well, saying that they'd prefer each month to be structured around a theme. I thought the relatively structureless approach would be better for the way discussions are held on this site, so I just gave up.

>> No.16159449

> I thought the relatively structureless approach would be better for the way discussions are held on this site
Absolutely right. Deciding each at a time is, to put it simply, more fun.

>> No.16159472

I'm in. What are we reading??

>> No.16159574

Babylon Revisited - F. Scot Fitzgerald

