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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 102 KB, 640x800, My+kind+of+woman_4dabaa_7886549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16153930 No.16153930 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any places like /lit/ but where people are civil? The incivility and edginess used to excite me when I was a teenager but now it's just annoying and very unpleasant.

>> No.16153967

There used to be themed bulletin boards. Maybe there’s still some. Might require an email or password or something
A nice small community of *named* literature aficionados should still be out there.

>> No.16153982


>> No.16153989

Stop pretending youre not part of the problem...

>> No.16154081

There you go, friend :^)

>> No.16154090
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>> No.16154095

Yeah, I get what you mean. When I used to frequent this board as a teen, I used to think that all the edgy comments about [insert philosophy here] were made by cool intellectuals. Then I actually started reading philosophy and realised that the vast majority of people wouldn't be able to tell a schema from their own asshole. I was profoundly disappointed. Sometimes I wish I could go back to those days, when I thought stupid people were smart and I, being stupid myself, would feel smart by engaging with them. Now I know enough to understand that both they - and I - are stupid regardless and that all of this is pointless.

I'll follow you wherever you go, based butterfly poster

I'll kill you, you infidel

>> No.16154103
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>He thinks he can leave

You should leave though

>> No.16154107

fuck you

>> No.16154108

yes but you do get good recommendations here. If it was all stupid, how is that possible?

>> No.16154111

Men find women cute by default, to the point that a significant fraction of the images posted on 4chan are just girl + thing/activity = instantly interesting.

Women should realize they can never be full people while they're also this.

>> No.16154119

Probably reddit. Wish I could get into their shitty interface and community full of dick sucking.

>> No.16154123

The only hope we have is other civilposters cleansing the board.

>> No.16154139

Why do you makes posts like this? What the fuck do you get out of it? Get a fucking life holy shit

>> No.16154142
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IRC, discord - i.e. private and hit and miss

>> No.16154143

lesbians & ftm have iq > 140

>> No.16154160
File: 521 KB, 705x645, 1590756835372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women should realize they can never be full people while they're also this.
Or maybe you can't be a full person if you aren't cute, huh?

>> No.16154183

I know it's not exactly convenient right now, but finding people who read and hanging out with them IRL is probably your best bet

please find something else to distract yourself from your midlife crisis with. You make this board worse

>> No.16154186

Even according to your logic, women are superior people while men are supposedly monkey-tier low-iq beasts who can't think once something boob shapped hits their vision.

>> No.16154204

don't be rude to hons, they can't do anything about it at this point.

>> No.16154271

>anonymous free speech
pick one

>> No.16154272

what is haruhi saying?

>> No.16154304

I assume "Pull in case of emergencies, use without a due reason will be punishable by a fine or imprisonment."

>> No.16154337

>he says as he jezebel-posts
You are just as savage as the rest of the undesirables. You are not allowed to join /lit2/

>> No.16154353
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You Catholic immigrants are what killed the board. Don’t play innocent

>> No.16154398

The immeasurable power of female humor

>> No.16154548

I imagine that being an old, frumpy, ugly lesbian is a very conflicted existence. every attractive girl you see turns you on, yet you are reminded of how disgusting you are by comparison

>> No.16154589

Communities with no moderation turn into shit. Edginess for the sake of edginess. The 4chan experiment has failed

>> No.16154594
File: 57 KB, 473x587, 1594250533664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i find you only have to be kind towards another anon for them to be kind back. If you have patience and do your best to draw them into a discussion, even the most abrasive will settle down and speak civilly.The edgyness is just a facade put up by a troubled and often lonely heart to protect itself from other. But if you treat anons with kindness and seriously engage with them, you'll see that barrier melt away and reveal the fragile but curious soul beneath.
This, i think, is the wellspring of the frens-posting phenomena.

>> No.16154596

>Sometimes I wish I could go back to those days, when I thought stupid people were smart and I, being stupid myself, would feel smart by engaging with them. Now I know enough to understand that both they - and I - are stupid regardless and that all of this is pointless.
You are so close to transcending, Anon.

>> No.16154631

You think that actually means anything to people who are as lonely as you say they are? Instead of a real friendship - it's an insult, a painful reminder of what they lack. The only person who ends up feeling better in the end is you. Well done, pat yourself on the back, you have really done something!

It's so easy when you don't even have to see the other person, when they're gone in but a brief moment, when you don't even know their name. It's so easy, that it's worthless.

>> No.16154706

women are nature, you stupid fuck. they're the ones who select. to be a full person they have to awaken the masculine within them

>> No.16154729

clean your room

>> No.16154730

i agree, the degenerate basement boys have succeeded in bringing this board down to their level i.e racist blog post, women hate threads, shit that imo belongs on /pol/, but hey, what can ya do besides sit back and watch it go to shit.

>> No.16154737

There's a few

>> No.16154748

it's the glowys anon

>> No.16154793

>it's not me, it's them

Look back at the last ten posts you've made. Were any of them even longer than one sentence...?

>> No.16154799
File: 104 KB, 342x523, 1595628830865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, i do think they get fulfillment from being able to discuss the things they like with another, even if only briefly. However short that reprieve, it is a reprieve nonetheless.
You and i cannot provide them friendship, but at least we can provide them an outlet to discuss things—and often things they cant discuss with the few others they may know—once in a while; at least we can treat them like a real human bean in a society that does not afford that nearly enough.
To be shown kindness by a complete stranger who neither knows you or will know you again, i think that is something to be cherished.

>> No.16154802

Twitter-tier post.

>> No.16154808

How magnanimous of you.

>> No.16154828


>> No.16154831
File: 789 KB, 1398x1110, thinking peg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally just lucid dream to the most energetic Astral cafes and Akashic barbecues

>> No.16154853

All I remember about my dreams, is that they are vaguely pleasant. I wonder if I want to remember more or not.

>> No.16154991

stay on 4channel