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File: 33 KB, 255x391, Confederacy_of_dunces_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16153703 No.16153703 [Reply] [Original]

>worships obscure philosophers
>insincere christian moralising
>wants a return to monarchy
>pathological liar
>massive ego
>societal outcast
>doesn't clean himself sufficently
>filthy room
>cumstained sheets
>leeches off his mom

Is Ignatius /ourguy/?

>> No.16153714


>> No.16153721


>Somehow loses his virginity to and gains a qt gf

Just unbelievable. The book's only flaw.

>> No.16153728


>> No.16153751

I seriously doubt Myrna was cute.

>> No.16153788

Wasn't she essentially the Big Red-feminazi from back in the 'ol 10s?

>> No.16153796

He dosen't lose his virginity. Myrna is obsessed with sex and using him as a project, but they don't actually fuck during the book. She is never described, I imagine her as an ugly as fuck nympho. They are both egotistic weirdos with extremely strange ideas about the world, not that unbelievable that they would end up together

>> No.16153865

No. She had a lot of weird ideas about sex but never displays outward misandry. The book is set in the 60's, people are still scared of commies and liberal is a dirty word. She's just a weirdo beatnik.

>> No.16153915

You think Boethius is obscure? By God, you moderns are worse off than I thought.

>> No.16153916

Weirdo beatniks were often commies and liberals

>> No.16153929

I'd imagine most 4chan users as a mix of Ignatius and Holden Caulfield. It's like a sliding scale, though - some more like Ignatius, some more like Caufield

>> No.16153961

Jokes on you i only relate to reactionary, insincere christian moralising, pathological liar, massive ego, pseudointellectual, societal outcast, filthy room and cumstained sheets

>> No.16154004

Of course. But she's not a feminazi.

>> No.16154016
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude feminazi

>> No.16154085

Is this book as amazing as it sounds? Its like someone wrote a 600 page novel about a shitposter, and set it in the 60's.

>> No.16154093
File: 95 KB, 1072x1440, 1595904083137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's better. Read it now

>> No.16154099

Feminazi is just a buzzword

>> No.16154105

This almost seems like a shitpost but it's pretty accurate. Everyone(including me) thinks they're more perceptive than the normalfag hordes, but we're all dumbasses in our own ways.
Yes it is, and yes it is. It's an extremely funny book, and the jokes often feature classic literature. It's worth reading.
Any time a tradcath shitposter posts soys or anti modernity screeds I think of Ignatius and his Big Chief tablets. Reading A Confederacy of Dunces has improved my 4chan browsing experience significantly.

>> No.16154129

I was being serious for reasons you touched on. 4chan users think they're smarter and more perceptive than normals, but they're just a different flavour of shit. Me included

>> No.16154140

>Hey Reddit! I did a thing! Give me gold!

>> No.16154145
File: 63 KB, 1280x1280, Fido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also we have a high degree of misplaced self worth

>> No.16154154

Okay you fucking convinced me. Downloading it now, is the "b-ok.org" link at the home page safe?
I am reading about the author now, and what a tragedy that it was published posthumously, because his mother insisted so much and went to so many different people.

>> No.16154165

What does the anonymity say about us though? Many other places to shitpost, but this is where anonymous faggots come for the content alone, no followers, likes or anything.

>> No.16154185

I don't know, I bought a physical copy over 15 years ago. It should be, but don't quote me on it

His whole backstory is sad. I think he was depressed, too. His other book (Neon Bible) is worth checking out, too, but it's more American Gothic

>> No.16154199

We can speak our minds without much physical/real life implications. Doesn't matter if it's shitposting or whatever. Can't really do that on other forums or social media or whatever

>> No.16154210

It just seems like a playground here, if it makes sense

>> No.16154289

Im starting to think that the cliche great pain makes great art is true. And the irony in the author of one of the greatest comedies ever, was deeply depressed and committed suicide.

>> No.16154295

A redditor

>> No.16154344

It's funny but 4chan is probably the best place on the internet to have conversations. Though it is still is subject to the hivemind mentality, it's better than any other place on the internet.

>> No.16154381

Very much agreed. Perhaps thats the allure of it, for people who want to be social for no other sake than talking. And also obessively arguing over literally anything, seemingly forever.

>> No.16154625

Absolutely. You can tell patricians from plebs by their position towards Ignatius.

>> No.16154640

You forgot the most important part

>> No.16154644


Okay, you two need to actually look cause this made me puke in my mouth.

>> No.16154657

>If everyone is anonymous then nothing matters
Hey retard, we are all going to die anyway and none of this shit matters

>> No.16154929

Yes, it's great. Toole literally predicted shitposters 40 years before they existed. Terrific book. I still laugh at the part where Ignatius beat off to his dead dog.

>> No.16155336

everywhere else people are cultivating their images in one way or another. With anonymity you can experiment with ideas that you wont need to defend for the rest of your life.

>> No.16155448

The funniest book I ever read. That the writer went the way he did is outlandishly tragic.

>> No.16155491

Yes, OP. And you’re the first person to ever make this observation.

>> No.16155496

Just think. A faggot at Simon and Schuster made him keep rewriting and then never accepted a book you consider the funniest book you have ever read causing the author to go mad and kill himself. Food for thought.

>> No.16156206

I am skinny but I live with my mother and saw a lot of myself in his character.

>> No.16156529

He's the opposite of the kind of person I want to be, and I think that's the point

>> No.16157217

Funniest book ever written, but also a worthy classic. I do not wish to think about the fate of the author today. Too sad.

>> No.16157466

>Is Ignatius /ourguy/?
Has that even been in question?