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/lit/ - Literature

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1615051 No.1615051 [Reply] [Original]

I want to read pulp sci-fi that's so bad it's good.
I need jetpacks, pew pew, Spaceman Spiff, this kind of stuff. What do?

>> No.1615053

inb4 Philip K Dick

>> No.1615064

it's best done in film

>> No.1615067

after reading slaughterhouse five i wanted to do the same thing... is there an author similar to Kilgore?

>> No.1615066 [DELETED] 


Probably Perry Rhodan.

>> No.1615069
File: 15 KB, 188x229, babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kurt vonnegut

>> No.1615072


maybe the golden age section?

>> No.1615075


You're so fucking inconsistent.

Kurt Vonnegut is hipster? I'm glad I can enjoy things and not have to compartmentalize them all the time.

>he berates tastes and then calls others hipsters

>> No.1615077

Get into Coheed and Cambria. I'm not even kidding. It's all there. Bad writing, cliches so uncool they wrap right round to cool again, actually cool characters, everything.
Plus god-tier music.

>> No.1615078
File: 8 KB, 188x229, babby2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kurt vonnegut is indeed for hipsters sorry to burst your bubble of insecurity

>> No.1615082

Stag.. approximately how tall are you?

>> No.1615084


Meh, whatever. I'll just enjoy him and give a fuck what you think

>> No.1615085

5"11 i think

>> No.1615090


And you're like 17 right? Still live with your parents?

>> No.1615091

are you taller or shorter than tybrax

>> No.1615094

No i'm 16

hmmm i'm not sure how tall ty is, is this for another tripfriend pic

>> No.1615096

how could anyone not like slaughterhouse-five? i think it may be the best modern book ever written

>> No.1615103
File: 136 KB, 720x540, 1299647142073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1615104

because sh5 is simply a cheap imitation of hemingway mixed with a little sci-fi

>> No.1615105

ohlol i knew it

>> No.1615109


Dude. You're 16. You don't know what you're saying and this is the internet. There's no one to impress here.

>> No.1615110

well if you don't like sci-fi then i can understand... but hemingway is just so boring, i don't see how he could be compared to vonnegut

>> No.1615112

so what if i'm 16? i'm in english 2 honors and probably know more about literature than 75% of this board

>> No.1615115

Hemingway isn't boring. You're boring. Old Man and the Sea is one of the only good American novels.

>> No.1615116

ummm LOL hemingway isn't boring unless you are a mouth breather who doesn't understand the whole lost generation simplicity writing style he had going on.

also sh5 is supposed to be a comedy but i never laughed once what's that about?

>> No.1615118
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>mfw stag is 7 yrs older than me

>> No.1615120

it's dark humor... if you legit laughed out loud you would need to seek help

>> No.1615122

>dark humor
>not supposed to laugh

ummmm wat

>> No.1615125

one million times yes
so you know, I'm around 6'3", 190cm
Keep that in mind k?

>> No.1615132


Neat. I'm working on a PhD but I don't need to whip it out to prove myself. I'm working with people who have studied lit their entire lives and they would say that your comparison is extremely shallow.

Get over yourself. There are plenty of people in the world, and on this board, who know a vast amount about something you haven't even experienced. If you stop putting up a front, stop shutting down ANY writer and listen, you might learn something. And you're plain incorrect. They have nowhere near the same writing style or content.

Cat's Cradle is incomparable to The Sun Also Rises. None of their books are similar in subject matter at all.

>> No.1615129

if you think hemingway is better than vonnegut you are an emo hipster faggot.

>i hate how vonnegut is so popular, i will just read his influences
>no other 16 yr olds read hemingway, i am so different and unique

>> No.1615134

>implying the average 16 year old has ever read a book

>> No.1615135

i'd rather be an emo hipster faggot than have bad taste

>> No.1615139

It's not a matter of who's better. They're both great writers.

Get beyond the black and white binaries.

>> No.1615148

the content of sh5 and the writing style of it owe a lot to hemingway because vonnegut tries to show how bad war is with how disillusioned billy seems to be with his simple writing style passing off deaths as NOBIGDEALLOL "so it goes" it's really apparent and if you don't notice it you should start actually paying attention to the shit you read

>> No.1615149

What if you're doing both?

>> No.1615152

Tripfags UNITE!

>> No.1615153


Heh, okay. I'll start paying attention from now on.

>never change young'n

>> No.1615154

In brightest day,
In blackest night..

>> No.1615155
File: 88 KB, 247x248, 1281461679554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because vonnegut tries to show how bad war is
>how bad war is

why don't you go take the SAT child

>> No.1615156

OP here. Would you mind stopping your faggotry in my thread, please?

>> No.1615159

did you even look at that rec list i posted? it was right on the sticky on lit's page
right here >>1615072

>> No.1615160

herp derp yes it's an anti-war novel i guess you missed that too

what's with the abundance of retards on lit we're supposed to be the smartest board

>> No.1615163

>guise Thomas Pynchon is basically Joseph Heller because they're both funny and write about "how bad war is."

>> No.1615168


duh. of course slaughter-house 5 is anti-war. it says so on the back flap. you're not enlightening anyone with this fact.

but you are astounding others with your ignorance.

>> No.1615166
File: 25 KB, 398x328, 1299445297946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pro-tip: stop being elitist. you will never make any friends.

>> No.1615174

I did.

>> No.1615179

good... you never responded so i thought you left...

well, i'm reading Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clark right now and it is awesome. You may want to look into it?

>> No.1615191

Guys exploring a giant space tube? No pterodactyls? No rayguns? No space pirates? No half naked space princess?

>> No.1615198

Stag I am sorry to say it but you do not know what a hipster is

>> No.1615217

>pulp sci-fi thread

WTF? OP, the best pulp has always been in magazines. Try to find a comp of Amazing Stories.

>> No.1615260


>> No.1615267

There are an awful lot of issues on eBay. If you'd rather get a paperback, there were a few best-of compilations published in the mid-80s, though they appear to be out of print.

>> No.1615287

Armor by John Steakley
>rayguns check
>space pirates check

Golden age:
>Wasp by Eric Frank Russell
>Have Spacesuit--Will Travel by Robert A. Heinlein

>Bill, The Galactic Hero by Harry Harrison

>> No.1615424

Armor, definatly zero irony SPEEECCC MEHREEENS

>> No.1615426
File: 175 KB, 595x853, A princess of mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A princess of Mars, About as pulpy as it gets

>> No.1615446
File: 53 KB, 385x600, CB-214 Swastika Sex Cult by Davis W. Gordon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1615450

I stand corrected, my sincerest apologies

>> No.1615478

This. "Red Indians" everywhere.

Also, I usually roll my eyes at people recommending the Baen free ebooks cold, but in this case it sounds like exactly the sort of thing you're looking for. Browse away! Only read a few of the fantasy ones so I can't narrow down further.


>> No.1615680

Vonnegut came up in the first place because of the character Kilgore Trout, who is a pulp sci-fi author.