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16150268 No.16150268[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

where does /lit/ go to find information on modern habbenings? I know it's unrealistic to seek unbiased sources, but I need something better than fucking facebook fags and /pol/. Surely there's one or two media outlets still releasing decent content?

>> No.16150277

>information on modern habbenings
Completely irrelevant.

>> No.16150297

Are you implying literature on current events can't exist?

>> No.16150310

Stop consooming news and social media.
99% of news don't have any effect on your life and are therefore not valuable information. Gossip or in general information surrounding the people you care about is unironically more important than news and social media.

>> No.16150360

I listen to Strike and Mike once a week while doing other stuff.

>> No.16150383

yes, buddhist supremacists plot. observe decline of the west, breath.

>> No.16150602

It really improves one's life

>> No.16150872

this and TDS

>> No.16150893
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>never read the news. go visit family
>all the gossip is about fear of a deadly virus, a "pandemic"
>family members wearing masks in their garden
>look at media coverage
>realize it's a hoax
what do?

>> No.16150920


>> No.16150937


>> No.16150947

Just stop caring.
It's genuinely not worth your effort. Instead, take interest in things that directly affect you. Take interest in your friends and local community, meet people at your church (even if you aren't religious) and see how you can help them/what they can do for you. At most, local politics is all that you should really be bothered caring about, and even that is unimportant.
What you'll find is that the world is so much more than the internet's shit-slinging political nonsense, and there is actually a real life that matters underneath all the polarization. You'll likely find yourself a lot less stressed, a lot happier, and a lot more connected. And, at risk of sounding even more cliche and cringe than I already do, that's what actually matters.

>> No.16150986

There's good and bad in your post. I'll focus on the good.
>Take interest in your friends and local community
This is the key to beginning anything greater than oneself. Get know and influence the people around you. Only with that foundation can you move on to greater goals.

>> No.16150987

Foreign Affairs magazine is excellent.

>> No.16151000

They’re both unlistenable.

>> No.16151029

I mostly agree with the people in this book except for information on the economy where you want to go beyond local news if you have any kind of money invested.

>> No.16151170


That's about all you need to keep yourself informed and not get consumed by the toxic beast known as the news cycle

>> No.16151321
File: 77 KB, 917x626, Operator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just stop caring bro

Get out, Lefty shills. You will not destroy our countries.

>> No.16151428

Based but gossip is mental garbage

>> No.16151431

This. Not only will no outlet be enough, but if you want to know recent happenings you can but you should be restricting it to discussion to those around you when they eventually bring it up or something similar thats passive. Actively looking up the news is pointless because a vast majority of it isnt news/doesnt need to be reported and if you’re even somewhat intelligent you can recognize that overall this “news” will have little impact on you or your life. The only exception I can think of is if your job is related and actively requires you to be up to date on news. Otherwise constantly knowing whats nee or happening is unhealthy for you and you’re better off not knowing whats going on because nothing is really going on

>> No.16151433

What if you have none?

>> No.16151435

new or happening* sorry lads

>> No.16151511

Let your passion eat

>> No.16151612
File: 70 KB, 410x624, amusingourselvestodeath-410x624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask yourself the following questions:
"What steps do you plan to take to reduce the conflict in the Middle East? Or the rates of inflation, crime and unemployment? What are your plans for preserving the environment or reducing the risk of nuclear war? What do you plan to do about NATO, OPEC, the CIA, affirmative action, and the monstrous treatment of the Baha’is in Iran? I shall take the liberty of answering for you: You plan to do nothing about them." In fact, most of us plan to do nothing and it's not like we even can do shit at all.
>But we can vote for representatives that hold the same ideals and politics as us
Postman called voting the "next to last refuge of the politically impotent." The last refuge being "giving your opinion to a pollster, who will get a version of it through a desiccated question, and then will submerge it in a Niagara of similar opinions, and convert them into—what else?—another piece of news." News, news, news, news, news, ad nauseum.

From Postman: "For most of us, news of the weather will sometimes have such consequences ; for investors, news of the stock market; perhaps an occasional story about a crime will do it, if by chance the crime occurred near where you live or involved someone you know. But most of our daily news is inert, consisting of information that gives us something to talk about but cannot lead to any meaningful action." The news (and tv in general), social media (including 4chan), etc. feed us with an abundance of irrelevant information over which we cannot act at all. Ever since telegraphy was created, "people were faced with the problem of information glut, which means that simultaneously they were faced with the problem of a diminished social and political potency." With television, all of this worsened and the Internet took it up a notch.
>Gossip or in general information surrounding the people you care about is unironically more important than news and social media.
This. I'd stray away from the gossip though; it's just an analog version of Twitter.

>> No.16151664

absolute drivel

>> No.16151692

how old are you

>> No.16151721


>> No.16151749

Were you seriously getting your information on current events from facebook and /pol/?

>> No.16151750

This is why the world is the way it is

>> No.16151758

>hates leftists
>posts a picture of a man defending globalism

>> No.16151874

It’s unbearable but I honestly dont blame him too much, its what I did for a while before realizing its pointless and /pol/ can fuck itself

>> No.16151911
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News means nothing without an ability to interpret them in a greater political context. Just read books.

>> No.16151915
File: 255 KB, 1556x849, 98D3F48F-1B12-4968-803F-B87A83336876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found Jimmy Dore to be a very accurate news filter. Don’t have the energy to search around anymore

>white supremacists. Sit out their race war.
Ha. Nice if true, Onion, nice if only.

>> No.16152036

You are so astoundingly ignorant and consistently wrong that it boggles the mind
Stop posting

>> No.16152045

It's pretty much entirely for retards

>> No.16152099

Astoundingly empty sentiment.

>> No.16152134

Best thing to do is just ignore him its not worth your time

>> No.16152163

I use http://warnewsupdates.blogspot.com, /pol/, and a local Facebook news group which keeps me up to date on the crime in my neighborhood.

>> No.16152178

I get all my news from my colleagues at work.
I found out that if something is supposed to be important, someone will tell me.
Most of the stuff isn't important though.

I've found that reading about history actually helps with understanding current events.

>> No.16152244

Wikipedia editors are mostly schizos and trannies

>> No.16152270

A dude in my discord group is going crazy over the national justice party, some faggot made a website and shitty vid we have seen 100 times before and he thinks its going to be white supremacy rising.

I hate the world.

>> No.16152296

I think the white supremacists missed the boat during the Civil Rights Movement. If it didn't happen then, hard to imagine it happens now. Might very well be a civil war that is partially race-based though I guess.

I don't people understand just how deeply a civil war would suck, I see people agitating for it, fantasizing about killing their enemies, but it would just be a nightmare, and I guarantee whatever came after wouldn't be what anyone dreamed of.

>> No.16152367


I still use slashdot.org

I don't care about politics, but I like to keep up with research.

>> No.16152382

slashdot been superseded by the orange site my nerd

>> No.16152392

I stopped visiting slashdot when they turned off anonymous comments.

>> No.16152393

They think that its going to be some glorious victory for white sup people and that they are going to take their country back and that degeneracy is at n all time high and that will cause all american people to side with them.

oh and they have guns so they aint scurrred

i hate it.

>> No.16152402

>i hate it

so don't hang out with retards

>> No.16152423

What is the orange site?
I have never felt the need to comment on the news.

>> No.16152424

"Where the automatism increases to the point of approaching perfection—such as in America—the panic is even further intensified. There it finds its best feeding grounds; and it is propagated through networks that operate at the speed of light. The need to hear the news several times a day is already a sign of fear; the imagination grows and paralyzes itself in a rising vortex. The myriad antennae rising above our megacities resemble hairs standing on end—they provoke demonic contacts."
Jünger - Forest Passage

>> No.16152434

yeah ive known them for a long time, I dont know why I do it anymore to be honest,

>> No.16152444

The Economist, but skip the editorials and skim most of the longer articles. Everybody's going to laugh at me because it's basically the flagship publication of neoliberalism, but it provides a fantastic survey of world politics. Read the Economist every week and you'll always know what's happening. Read long form essays and books to try and find out why.

>> No.16152480

there's a board in this same page called Current News you autist,they're irrelevant anyways,you shouldn't care.

>> No.16152752

K but all perspectives in books tend to just be wrong because literally, unironically the only thing that matters in politics is blacks and da joos.

>> No.16152999

>you will not destroy our countries!

See OP's pic