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16148618 No.16148618 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else read multiple books at once? At what point does it get out of control?

I have a /lit/ book I only really listen to on audiobook, a book I’m reading for work, and a /lit/ book I read before bed to help me sleep (physical book)

>> No.16148624

Experience has taught me (a brainlet) that I should do one book at a time and two max. If I get more than that going, progress gets too slow and I lose interest. If I only read one book at a time I can finish it in a couple days and jump into the next fixation.

>> No.16148633

Yea I’m kinda worried about it. The physical book I read before bed to help sleep is usually a short story collection that I don’t get too invested in but if it’s Borges I’ll fry my fucking brain and have kaleidoscope nightmares but it’s worth it Borges is a god.

>> No.16148650

yea. by not being autistic

>> No.16148658
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I'm currently reading 6 at a time, but only 3 I read regularly, while the others more sparsely.
Bigger books end up taking a lot of time to finish but I don't mind.

>at what point does it get out of control?
When you're adding books faster then you're finishing books.

>> No.16148684

I’m knee-deep in three 1000 page tomes. I thought I could finish them all by the end of summer... I’m going to pull through. If I come out the other side of this, I’ll be a changed man.

>> No.16148860
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Technically I'm reading something like 10 texts right now but in actuality its more like 3-5 per day while reading a chapter/section of each during that time and once I get tired of a particular topic I'll jump to one of the other 5-7 books and continue that in alternating fashion, sometimes finishing multiple books in a week while starting other just a tad before I'm due to finish another.

>> No.16148867

Don't you ever run into a situation where you develop a new interest that you want to read about but you're already knee-deep in books?

>> No.16148883

I just go ahead and start a book on that interest and if I end up shelving a knee-deep novel for a month or two than so be it, I just keep track of what I've started and need to circle back to.

>> No.16148888

The trick is to binge-read one from your list and finish it so you can open up space to add a new one of your recently acquired interest.

>> No.16148896

Interesting, do you have any strategies for memory retention like taking notes after chapters, or is it just not an issue?

Nice quads, I think I sort of do this by accident while always wishing i would just read fewer books at once

>> No.16148933

>Interesting, do you have any strategies for memory retention like taking notes after chapters, or is it just not an issue?
its normally not an issue since I either re-read a previous chapter to get back into it or justify pushing through it if I'm pretty sure it won't matter

>> No.16149373

non-fiction during the day
fiction at night
pre comfy desu

>> No.16150822

i used to read multiple at once. but i upped my reading to a book per week by choosing a book and sticking with it.
Before that I was floundering with a dozen books and not finishing anything

>> No.16150949

This is it right here, this is how its done.

>> No.16151021

I read 2 books at a time
Usually a novel or a big book in the morning or afternoon, and during the day when I have some spare time I read a non-fiction book on something I’m interested in. This is a nice method if you’re reading long novels since you make constant progress and are still learning new stuff along the way.

>> No.16151508

Right now I read two at the time. One is a collection of short stories which is selfcontaining and easy to remember. The other is a book about the Presidents of the US. I think the best is to combine a fiction book and a nonfiction book if you are gonna read two at the time.

>> No.16151668

I am reading 2, and listening to another..One of the two books is just letters and can be gobbled up in little bites here and there. It is my lunchtime book. The other is a mythology book that is my bedtime reading. The audio book is Nietzsche- I'm just memorizing enough of it to trigger all the christcucks when they start Nietzsche spamming how its not fair that he hurt their delicate sensibilities. Not sure if I could juggle more than one narrative.

>> No.16151683

That sounds entirely reasonable, OP.

I've found having more than one book on the go at a time a good way to get through them quicker. If I try and commit myself to a set reading list where I have to get through one book before picking up the next, there will often be days where I don't feel like reading my current book, so why not read another? But then sometimes I'll get on a roll with one book and fall back into reading just the one.

I haven't listened to audiobooks for over a year, but I was using them for passive listening to genre fiction while working, since I like to read non-fiction actively and without multi-tasking.

>> No.16151694

I've got about 820 pages that I want to read over the next month, which is about 30 a day. Almost finished my current book though, and I'm aiming at 60 a day just so I can get it finished tomorrow.

>> No.16151858

It is definitely better to read ficition one book at a time, since you lose a lot of immersion and consistency and generally get much less out of it in terms of nuanced ideas
Non fiction is different. I usually read it one book at a time too but sometimes read specific parts of some books that i have already stuildied thoroughly.
That would be ideal, though. Now that i study philosophy and literature it has fucked me up a lot because i have to read like 8 books paralelly with completely different topics so im just waiting to finish this piece of shit university so i can go back to studying philosophy seriously

>> No.16152033

I usually like to read at least three books at once with a couple audio books thrown in occasionally. Why, just this morning, I was listening to a Homeric Greek rendition of the Iliad in my left ear, and savouring the mellifluence of Ovid in my right, whilst holding the text of Phaedo in one hand, Mein Kampf in the other, and flipping through the pages of Lolilta with my erect member.

>> No.16152784

That sounds nuts, 8 simultaneous books is unsustainable. 2 is ideal, 3 max.

>> No.16152900

Right now I'm reading Gravity's Rainbow, a book about Germany's history and Donald Duck in French.
I usually have 1 fiction book, 1 non-fiction and 1 book for the purpose of improving my German or French going at a time.