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/lit/ - Literature

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16148616 No.16148616[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What would literature be like if we didn't have to suffer through 2000 years of Christian ignorance?

>> No.16148639

the same, but brainlets would be whining about Mithraists or Sol Invictists instead of Christians

>> No.16148641

source: bro trust me

>> No.16148656

Very eurocentric graph, its author should be cancelled

>> No.16148665

what would literatures be like if we didnt have to suffer the bronze age collapse?

>> No.16148666
File: 783 KB, 3630x1615, 1474233509560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.16148675

where should i start with the finns bro?

>> No.16148677

What happened to Maldek?

>> No.16148678

Not everyone can be Aristotle or Marcus Aurelius. Furthermore, saying that Christianity backtracked human progress is a fucking joke. Christianity was born of Greek philosophy.
The real problem is the rise of Islam that caused massive wars and destruction.

>> No.16148700

>What is Asia

>> No.16148703

There was no gap during the bronze age collapse? Wht a shitty chart.

>> No.16148713


>> No.16148715

gay take. it was due to the collapse of complex government and systems. thats the problem with having one interconnected empire that runs virtually all civilzed areas.

also, where do the numbers for >>16148616
come from? do they also follow along with the collapse of large population areas like cities? i know this is about thread btw.

>> No.16148731

The Kalevala of course

>> No.16148744

I still can't believe that the fins lost Iserlohn Fortress to the koreans after a hundred year stalemate

>> No.16148754
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>> No.16148757
File: 69 KB, 674x457, oof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>christian painstakingly devote their lives to preserving knowledge, higher culture and civilization in the chaos of the collapse of the roman empire
>years later vulnerable easily influenced teenagers with a hatred for authority blame them for being held back from their utopia which consists of collecting funko pops and putting stuff in their assholes

>> No.16148773

Someone please link that picture with the greentexting monk who has to go to Rome to make a copy of the book that a random seanigger viking raid burnt to ashes in his village.

>> No.16148779

nvm I'm blind >>16148754

>> No.16148799

This. Sure it’s a chart for “scientific advancement”, but still.

>> No.16148850

what does “scientific advancement” even mean? how do you categorize and quantify it?

>> No.16148857

y axis

>> No.16148890

Is this real?

>> No.16148894

Mysterious plague ravaged the population from delving too far into scientific research and going mad from power as a result. Planet was hydrogen bombed and created the current Asteroid belt

>> No.16148900

doesnt really answer my question. what is one unit of scientific advancement?

>> No.16148903

one y axis increase

>> No.16148909

You really think people would just go on the internet and lie? Especially on 4chan?

>> No.16148919

you can't quantify it unless you first know what science is.

>> No.16148937

That image is so eurocentric it hurts.

>> No.16148938

They’re cheap bait.

>> No.16148945


>> No.16148964

100% based

>> No.16149000

>These guys falling for the "eurocentric" bashing view meme that fails to mention the real truth >>16148666

>> No.16149008

I mean, maybe if the Middle East, China, and the good parts of India also had a dark age, it would be an accurate graph.

>> No.16149027


Dangerously based

>> No.16149162

Insanely based

>> No.16149180

You mean Jewish. Jesus was a kike.

>> No.16149218

yes and eddy Murphy is black what's your point

>> No.16149340
File: 119 KB, 500x750, 1395036857691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck science desu. It will only contribute to the downfall of humanity

>> No.16149399
File: 1.19 MB, 689x1033, 92D6B870-BD83-48A7-8D6D-896F98B61603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck Captain Crunch cereal. It will only contribute to the downfall of humanity
That’s how you sound.

>> No.16149436

nice fit

shit fit

>> No.16149520


>> No.16150094

There were no dark ages. If there were, you could prove it by showing me that India and China are 2000 years ahead of Europe. They aren't.

>> No.16150156


>> No.16150246
File: 69 KB, 401x599, 401px-Cathédrale_Notre-Dame_de_Paris _2012 _interior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scientific advancements of the renaissance wouldn't have been possible without the background of mediaeval inventions and scholarship. The Romans didn't do any science either. Technology isn't science; if it were, you would have to call mediaeval military advancements (cast iron, cannons, ships, longbows), civil engineering (water and wind mills), the invention of the compass and gothic architecture science.

>> No.16150255

Hahaha what the fuck is this

>> No.16150258

We'd be like china. 2000 years of retards commenting on the homer.

>> No.16150276

unuronically the worst graph I've ever fucking seen. end yourself for being this stupid

>> No.16150289

Based retard, doesn't understand history whatever

>> No.16150298

Moomin :DD

>> No.16150299
File: 378 KB, 636x720, tony aj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at any rate we are blessed to live in a time where we can shitpost our lives away with fellow retards on 4chan

>> No.16150327

If Christianity were really this vehicle for enlightenment and truth-searching, why did it take so long for us to invent trains, electricity, internet, technology, etc.? And why did all of these important inventions come AFTER the Enlightenment, which was basically a rebellion against strict religious influences.

>> No.16150337

Explain to me what strict religious influences have to do with humanity's belated invention of trains. Science and technology evolved throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance too, you know?

>> No.16150354

I just don't understand why these things weren't invented a lot earlier. Why only after the enlightenment do we see this huge spike in technological advancement? Did people suddenly get smarter, or can it be explained by an ideological shift?

>> No.16150581

>tfw got burned at the stake because my astronomy research didn't align with the churches dogma
>tfw half a millenia later brainwashed christfags think that the church was concerned with advancing human knowledge

>> No.16150645
File: 162 KB, 1440x1080, jimmy-detweiler-credit-manano-mpongo-gombe-hybrid-monkey-project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Church did halt science and that was a good thing.

>> No.16150675
File: 254 KB, 1600x1067, 98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks science, very cool. The world needs a Canticle for Leibowitz tier simplification because the only thing the enlightenment did was rationalize bad ideas. Demons openly walk among us and nobody blinks.

>> No.16150687

>pop history understanding of the world

>> No.16150702

The limits of extensive expansion in Europe forced intensive improvement in order to feed the growing population, and the landed gentry & merchant traders entered into economic rather than military competition with one another in response. The enlightenment was a post facto justification of the killing of god that this process entailed.

>> No.16150710

idk i think a more probable cause is the politico—urban shift after the barbarian invasions. not many industrial scale advances happen when your biggest town is a few thousand people due to germanic tribal norms. i think thats a lot more coherent of an explanation than dogma and religion.

also, on the topic of it, the enlightenment was also the time of great cebtralization in government abd city building, so people had the human, intellectual,material, and logistical abilities to actually make great advancements. i think you are looking at correlation rather than causation bud.

>> No.16150713

It depends. If Christianity never existed does that mean Islam also never existed? Because if Islam went unopposed during the dark ages and the renaissance we'd all be reading the Quran right now and the western canon wouldn't exist.

>> No.16150719

You know that monks and scientists back then were christians yes?
So, a lot of the scientific knowledge we have now (like the earth revolving around the sun) came from them, even though people like to believe in the opposite.

>> No.16150744

>Christian Dark Ages

literally never happened lol

>> No.16150763

Christians in the Latin West pretty much obliterated pagan literature until the Renaissance. Byzantines preserved a lot of it, but also had a shaky relationship with it to a point that for a time Neoplatonists left to the middle east. This was eventually reconciled though, and many went back. The Islamic world was making pretty big advances because of their preservation and study of Greek philosophy, but around the 1100s-1200s they began a more fundamentalist trend in Islamic culture that more closely resembled the Catholics, and they stagnated ever since. Once the Byzantines fell and Greek philosophy was being spread in the Latin speaking West again this marked the beginning of the end for the Catholic church.

>> No.16150889


>> No.16150934

ok i understand now, thanks for qualifying.

>> No.16150954

Both sides had plenty of blunders. The excelled in science but to call them intelligent is a bit of a stretch.

>> No.16150963

Underage hands wrote this post.

>> No.16150966

It was the most destructive period in history with respect to human knowledge. And it lasted for more than a thousand years.

>> No.16151081


>> No.16151121

Delightfully based

>> No.16151194

Cities existed in the middle ages. Intellectuals, by and large, did not.

>> No.16151618

We must return to monke

>> No.16151627 [DELETED] 

Well, pagans should have kept their birth rates up instead of being abortionists and homosexuals, womp womp to you

>> No.16151677 [DELETED] 

That's kind of Eurocrentic, buddy. The muslim, Hindu, sub-Saharan animist, indigenous American, and confucian civilizations weren't affected by it. Are you saying human knowledge is centered in Europe or something? Implicit bias much? I bet this guy thinks he's woke too.

>> No.16151693


>> No.16151702

Thats actually true. Just because europe was in the dark ages doesn't mean Arabia, china or india were

>> No.16151718

how does one measure scientific advancement?

>> No.16151748

You know that Newton was a christfag and a exoteric autist at that, right?

>> No.16151751

Brainlet take right here, that Christianity is at all responsible for the intellectual 'poverty' of the Middle Ages.

>> No.16151787

>African proto-kangdoms

>> No.16151816

Wrong thread, christcuck.

>> No.16151821

>i-it's just a coincidence
fuck off

>> No.16151826

Looks like I struck a nerve lmao, cope harder brainlet.

>> No.16151878

Do you know when Newton was born, smoothbrain? Tough question for you, I know.

>> No.16151888

We would still have about 90 to 99 procent of all of Latin literature, for one

>> No.16152037

>christianity does an okay job (not really even) of rote transcription in the ruins of higher civilizations it replaced in favor of inbred effete bourgeois and bureaucratic church virgins sperging against each other for centuries
>years later self-deluded reactionaries with delusions of grandeur about da west praise them for only losing all the ancient texts they did in their sometimes moderate iconoclasm and producing like one good mind per century in fields other than squaring christian law with the natural world

>> No.16152038

Even for a bait thread, the quality of discussion here is poor. The answer is simple: yes, Christians understood that academia was a threat to their hegemony, writers and philosophers have been savaging Christianity as soon as it began. That said, the Church did not wholly destroy all academic institutions, generally speaking, they tried to control them. Institutions that were prepared to make Christian theology the main focus of their curricula were encouraged by the church. However, original research was strongly discouraged because it led people away from Christian mythology. But the Church was willing to violate this principle whenever there was extreme pressure on them; hence, some fields, such as Military Engineering continued to see regular advancements, because the church did not want to make enemies of the armed forces.

>> No.16152050

western academia literally is the church, they founded the universities

>> No.16152070

The European dark age is also highly exaggerated in length since by the 600s the Carolingians were in charge and the graph was going up again. Knowledge was lost but less than Reddit atheists and Enlightenment nerds want to think


>> No.16152071

Blast it all, if only I'd addressed that hoary old chestnut, but HARK! What's this? I did!

> the Church did not wholly destroy all academic institutions, generally speaking, they tried to control them. Institutions that were prepared to make Christian theology the main focus of their curricula were encouraged by the church. However, original research was strongly discouraged because it led people away from Christian mythology.

If you don't understand something, read it again and keep reading it until you do understand.

>> No.16152078

>I mean yes Christianity literally created the modern Western academy but uhh they guided people's studies so I can still be wistful about "ugh...what might have been..."
Haha, fag.

>> No.16152079

That is not what I said though, you make it sound like the Church absorbed them. The Church created them, and they did shitloads of original research for centuries

>> No.16152117

Are you even paying attention? Saying "Western academia is Christian academia because the church founded the universities" is about as accurate as saying "Soviet academia is Russian academia because the Soviet Union founded the universities". The church founded universities for the same reason any other dictatorship does, it's easier to gain control of the systems of education then it is to stamp them out.
>The Church created them,
See the attached metaphor, the Soviet Union created the entire public education system is Russia, prior to the Union Russia had no public education. They did so for the same reason the church did, controlling education is easier then eradicating it.

>and they did shitloads of original research for centuries

As I said, the Church would bow to external pressure and would permit research in certain areas, such as Military Engineering. But in general, they took a suspicious attitude to research and for good reason. Once the educational systems began moving away from an explicitly Christian perspective it resulted in a major theological crisis that's still on-going to some extent today.

>> No.16152126

>the Soviet Union created the entire public education system is Russia, prior to the Union Russia had no public education.
This is not true though, they had been creating a public education system for a few decades.

And you can't eradicate something that doesn't exist. They didn't control the academy, they created it.

>> No.16152130

... dont see your point. it would be fine to say they were in part soviet universities. its not a all or nothing kinda thing.

>> No.16152140


>> No.16152144
File: 597 KB, 1400x2095, 917z+5gMyGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this.

>> No.16152149

but that does not refute original post dumbfuck

>> No.16152151
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So your problem is just that hegemonic narratives exist, whether that be communism or Christianity?
Okay, retard.

>> No.16152156
File: 172 KB, 667x1000, 71W32byt7ML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this.

>> No.16152166

keep seething tranny
nice r*ddit tier knowledge of history faggot

>> No.16152174

>It is sensible to attribute to an ideological tradition things that are contrary to it, provided they occur in the very base time and place of it

>> No.16152177

Atheists make fun of this stupid graph now but they all unironically posted it at one point

>> No.16152184

I'm aware that the metaphor is not perfect. What I'm trying to establish is that the church did not create the concept of "academia", it predates the church. Many of the universities in Europe and Britain were founded by the church, but they were founded out of a desire to keep the church staffed with scribes and to prevent competing philosophies from establishing educational facilities. They were not founded out of a love of learning for learning's sake.
The motivations of the founding and the historical context are the point. The Soviets were adapting the pre-existing idea of public education to create a tool of social control, just as the church was. Neither party had a genuine interest in intellectual exercise, they merely saw it as a useful tool of social manipulation I think it's disingenuous to credit the church as the progenitor of the modern idea of academia.
The truth does not fear examination. Why are you Christians always so foul mouthed, anyway? Are you following the precedent set by Yahweh?

>> No.16152198 [DELETED] 

I'm 14 and listen to reactionaries, what are lost works and the several iconoclasms

>> No.16152206

>but they were founded out of a desire to keep the church staffed with scribes and to prevent competing philosophies from establishing educational facilities. They were not founded out of a love of learning for learning's sake.
I think you're being a bit unfair. There was certainly an element of religious dogma at play but it was part of the whole Christian outlook to uncover the laws of nature as God had created them.

>> No.16152222

Your new is showing faggot.
Lost works are common in history to any society. Iconoclasms mostly damaged christian art.
Christian monks literally strengthened the foundation of western society.

>> No.16152229

That's how some individual Christian scientists saw it. But that's not the traditional Christian view, nor was that the majority view. Many Christian thinkers thought it was arrogant of man to pry into the mysteries of nature.

>> No.16152242

Of course it does, you fucking retard.

>> No.16152243

it does not fucking faggot.

>> No.16152248

Newton was born in 1642, well after the start of the Renaissance. Stop doubling down on your retardation.

>> No.16152256

The centuries long process of Christianization where the foundations of Antiquity in the East and West were let to decay and once expanding outward the primarily oral traditions of Northern Europeans was damaged Christian art.

>> No.16152387

Who were the PIE peoples?

>> No.16152408

Have sex

>> No.16152409

They are the "Proto-Indo-European peoples", they are real, but the "Hyper war" is not.

>> No.16152427

This is not the board for historical revisionism.

>> No.16152435

Sure now you're going to try to discredit ot by labeling it a "conspiracy theory". We're on to your Neanderthal ways.

>> No.16152445
File: 161 KB, 1050x1611, 71PnjAgNvVL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks proto-indo-european is made up by /pol/

put down the soi and read a book

>> No.16152448

So wrong. Islam is the only thing that preserved greek philosophy. Roman greed and decadence collapsed them and Christian faulty, unstable dogmas caused its own internal collapse.

>> No.16152452

Permit me to rephrase my remark: "The Hyper War may or may not be real, but there's no way to know. The powerful "Anti-Hyper-War" lobby keeps sabotaging the archaeological expeditions".
I'm not a Hyper War-Denier, I swear.

>> No.16152457

All the Greek shit was still preserved in the Greek speaking city of Constantinople

>> No.16152460


>> No.16152464

You should be ashamed of yourself be for being so stupid.

>> No.16152468

yeah, i don't go on /pol/ i didn't realize it was some gay thing from them my bad

>> No.16152496

What the fuck are you even talking about? You are dumb. At least have the decency to be quiet.

>> No.16152498

I'm not actually a Christian, I just like them.
And how do you feel about examining the Holocaust, or hegemonic liberal narratives, if you're so interested in uncovering the truth?

>> No.16152549

I think everything should be examined. I have as much disdain for the mythologisation of the Holocaust and for the modern cult of "feelings over facts" as I do for Christian revisionism. I recognise the fact that most people don't feel this way and that there's never going to be a society full of hyper-rational sceptics who question everything they hear, but I think there's a spectrum of possibilities between total fantasy and total rationality and I think mainstream society can be a lot closer to reality then it currently is.

>> No.16152604

I think that mythic structures in society are important and valuable as long as they're positive (which I regard Christianity as) but I respect that take. Within an academic setting there's value in that kind of total emphasis on material reality.

>> No.16152630

If Christianity were a retardant to technological progress, why is it non-christian regions of the world hadn't continued advancing at a standard or rapid pace independent of Christianity? Why didn't the Chinese invent trains, or electricity, or internet?

>> No.16152637

Renaissance was influenced by Christianity

>> No.16152665

Wrong thread, moron.

>> No.16152684

How big will the modern science downfall be as a result of progressivism, feminism and diversity hiring?

>> No.16152685

no it's not brainlet

>> No.16152694

>That moment when Khan Pekka XIII broke through the ranks of the Jedi-Knights and routed the whole Hwan army with his merciless Mammoth-cavalry charge while screaming "HAKKA PELLE POIKKA!"
pure fucking kino right there

>> No.16152696

Yes, it is. Newton was born in 1642.

>> No.16152700

they were not "let" to decay retard. Collapse of Rome was cataclysmic and it affected many things, including preservation of antique art.

>> No.16152726

kull yourself tranny
does not matter his believes were founded on middle age christianity faggot.

>> No.16152727

Copernicus was a Catholic priest

>> No.16152760

>Once the Byzantines fell and Greek philosophy was being spread in the Latin speaking West again
Greek Philosophy was being spread in the Latin speaking West hundreds of years before the fall of Constantinople

>> No.16152767

In your dreams, smoothbrain.

>> No.16152771

nice non-argument tranny

>> No.16152778

Stick to the topic on hand, cocklover. The Christian middle ages was the most destructive period in history with respect to human knowledge. And it lasted for more than a thousand years.

>> No.16152780

post proof that it was most destructive dilator

>> No.16152799

The period from Hypatia to Copernicus was almost entirely devoid of progress in mathematics, philosophy, and basic science. It was a desert of knowledge, more a thousand years long.

>> No.16152817

Stagnation does not mean destruction dumbfuck.
Also who was Aquinas.

>> No.16152822

I like how you imply all other cultures never destroyed knowledge or never had any in the first place. like there isn't a time in Chinese history known as "The burning of books and burying of scholars" and it didn't destroy anything important, especially the start of a scientific revolution with the mohists.

>/lit/ discusses /his/

>> No.16152837

Basically from the adoption of Christianity by the Roman Empire to the Reformation, there were no great European advances in mathematics, philosophy, and science. That's more than 1000 years of intellectual degeneration.

>> No.16152848

repeating same bullshit does not mean that it's true you gigantic faggot.

>> No.16152855

A lot more filth and empty critiques.

>> No.16152867

"Bullshit"? Are you retarded? Read any work on intellectual history and you will notice a conspicuous thousand-year gap for Europe.

>> No.16152871

post your work faggot

>> No.16152895
File: 27 KB, 1122x173, cat encycl 1914 article science and the church.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll leave this one here....

>> No.16153251

>can't even be arsed to read wikipedia
"Following the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the decline in knowledge of Greek, Christian Western Europe was cut off from an important source of ancient learning. Although a range of Christian clerics and scholars from Isidore and Bede to Jean Buridan and Nicole Oresme maintained the spirit of rational inquiry, Western Europe would see a period of scientific decline during the Early Middle Ages. However, by the time of the High Middle Ages, the region had rallied and was on its way to once more taking the lead in scientific discovery. Scholarship and scientific discoveries of the Late Middle Ages laid the groundwork for the Scientific Revolution of the Early Modern Period."

>> No.16153258

>he thinks I am talking about Copernicus
>he thinks being a catholic priest means agreeing with the church's dogma

>> No.16153312

Are you retarded?

>> No.16153356

High middle age starts in 1000AD. The quote contradicts your assertion of nothing until 1517.

>> No.16153413

No, it does not.

>> No.16153436
File: 11 KB, 379x325, faggotry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16153496
File: 3.05 MB, 1820x4352, 1489628723710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrrr christianity da best, middle ages were totally fine, man! lots of smart people there!
>also there are literally only two medieval works of literature on our top 100 chart (both of which were in fact already anticipating the renaissance)
>t. /lit/

>> No.16153520

so ignorant, medieval philosophy is incredbibly valuable. it legit is the rogue place where a lot of seemingly innovative ideas have come out from in the west for a long time

>> No.16153534

>on our top 100 chart
Ah yes, the one that put Infinite Jest above Don Quixote.

>> No.16153552

So what are your favourite works of the medieval literary art, if you disagree with the chart?

>> No.16153579

Roman de la Rose, of course.

>> No.16153584

Ha, ok. Maybe pick a new hobby, not based around reading comprehension.

>> No.16153605

Are you retarded?

>> No.16153609

Do you know how the plural works in the English language?

>> No.16153619


>> No.16153642

Ha! I can't decide who is more amusing, you or the guy I'm force feeding carrots.

>> No.16153649


>> No.16153822

What is Mu, based Satan? Like, the Kingdom of Mu, from the Krautchan minecraft server?

>> No.16153852

fucking KCigger

>> No.16153896

>Oh fug I forgot what science is
>Rereads the Republic by Plato
>Oh yeah I remember the definition for science now
>Wait fucktard greek asshole didn't tell me what the metric unit is for science
What a piece of shit I hope he's forced to resurrect as a dictator every single time he dies as described in the Story of Er

>> No.16153906

Shut up Buttercup, >>16148666 is based.

>> No.16153919

>tranny atheist admits muh scienza is basically captain crunch cereal
Wtf, baste?

>> No.16153933

>he isn't a /his/torian
You're missing out anon, /his/ is like right behind /lit/, /out/, and /sci/ in IQ.

>> No.16153940


>> No.16153950

Ancient Greek work of western Europe was likely scarcer due to the lack of intellectual centres in the west and the sheer destruction during the civil wars and barbarian invasions/ migrations.
The idea that Christians tore down and burned every pagan work is simply beyond credibility.

>> No.16153974

The religiousness of Europe laid the groundwork for the explosion of technological development.
Now that the genetic and intellectual potential developed by the eugenic conditions of Christianity is wearing out we are seeing the slowing of the West, and likely its collapse.
>start teaching something without any proof
>Church asks you to stop
>Insult the Pope and God
>be surprised when they put you under house arrest
The absolute state of 'scientists'

>> No.16153983

Ah yes I see, Micro Technology stock and a greek letter that I knew about.

Very interesting anon, this has definitely solved all my questions about /his/ pseudohistorical memes.

>> No.16153986

Yet Western Europe was more developed than Rome during its golden age by the year 1100.

>> No.16153998

>Intellectuals, by and large, did not.
So the philosophers, natural scientists, theologians and alchemists didn't exist?
What about the monasteries and universities?

>> No.16154009

>it's easier to gain control of the systems of education then it is to stamp them out.
The Church founded them you utter retard.
The entirety of education that we know of it is a product of the Church.

>> No.16154033

Quite literally untrue.
By 1100 Western Europe was more advanced than Rome in almost every field.

>> No.16154067

Are you retarded? You can't just go from the watermill straight to trains and the internet. You have to build on past developments.