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16144062 No.16144062 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that when I tell people I like writing they just mock me for it? Do any of you have to deal with this or is it just me? I'm an adult.

>> No.16144065

this thread is underrated

>> No.16144068

>i‘m an adult
Saying things like this is why people mock you. Most people who „write“ write absolute crap.

>> No.16144073

c h i l l a x

>> No.16144074

Why would they mock you for it?

>> No.16144079

I only say it to clarify that I'm not still in school where you'd expect boys to be dicks to each other, generally life is more civil after you graduate.

>> No.16144109

By claiming you like to write you are essentially claiming you're good with words. People expect you to have wit. Hence they challenge you by making fun of you, expecting a witty retort. I would also make fun of anyone who claims to love writing to see how good they are with words.

>> No.16144153

*gets bullied for writing
>ok this is clearly 4d chess. I take up your rhetorical challenge, good sir. the game is on!

>> No.16144162

Don't be autistic. People shit test each other all the time. It's called banter.