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16141694 No.16141694 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for books, articles, journals, pamphlets that delve into history/methods concerning the subjugation of modern American people.

Been interested the last couple years in hoe a country of 330+ million people can be so easily controlled and manipulated into becoming nothing.

Pic related + media manipulation, internet control, kakistocracy, bi-party government, degradation of medical and education, debt culture, hype-materialism, cult of celebrity, "drug enforcement", "prison rehabilitation", armed citizen, division of wealth, class,

so many other things can't remember everything I had originally had. I am sure, however, that they will come up through the evening.

>> No.16141739
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Not exclusively about America, but you may be interested.

>> No.16141776

Don't let the litle deceive you OP, this is like Chomsky on steroids.

>> No.16141779

Have not heard of that one, looking into it now.

Do you have any info?

>> No.16141789

Appreciate the replies, will be purchasing it promptly.

>> No.16141821
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Habermas gives a history of the public sphere in politics (a kind of interpretive history/genealogy akin to Nietzsche's genealogy of morals and a lot of Foucault's work). His major thesis is that the development of democracy was tied to an open and interactive public sphere which comprised of individually owned presses and pamphlets/newspapers, distributed and debated in coffeehouses and public squares. However, eventually these presses became centralized under major media companies and ceased having any interactive quality, along with the development of new forms of mass-media (radio + television) and techniques/philosophies (public relations) turned the public sphere from one of interaction to one of asymmetrical top-down relaying of information. This essentially destroyed the vital forces which created genuine democracy and replaced it with a kind of elitist plutocracy of media owners who generate and control public opinion, and parties + media corporations work hand-in-hand to obscure the public from their self-interested machinations. It's written in a very academic style so i'm not surprised that it isn't widely popular.

>> No.16141822
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You can find the pdf on libgen or b-ok

>> No.16141827

Sounds like good shit. Imma get a copy. Thanks!

>> No.16141854
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No worries mate. While you're here, i can recommend a few more book in a similar vein (mostly to do with public opinion/propaganda)
>Public Opinion - Lippman
>Propaganda - Bernays (the devil himself)
>The Image - Boorstin
>The Hidden Persuaders - Packard
>The Spiral of Silence - Neumann
>PR! - Ewen
For the other stuff you mentioned, you'll have to find a more knowledgeable anon for reqs.

>> No.16141890

Has anyone read understanding media by marshal mcluhan. If yes, does it discuss things similar to this thread?

>> No.16141893

Actual OP here. thank you for the recommendations. Will look into those.

I appreciate your passing the knowledge on as well as admitting to not knowing everything. I'm sure you can appreciate the idea that sometimes people tend to go a little too deep into areas they don't well understand.

I don't anticipate this thread going well, as there are people who honestly believe that what they understand and hear every day toe be sacrosanct

And I'd love to hear from those people as well, what is it that keeps you believing?

>> No.16141899

OP: would be interested in hearing more.

>> No.16141996

Robert Hughes - Culture of Complaint
well, more or less it is relevant to what you want to read

>> No.16142103

Yes i have, and no it doesn't really. He does say some things about oral vs written culture, but he doesn't say much specific regarding politics and culture. A lot of parts are really bizarre too, like when he describes different tools as extensions of individual body-parts. In a away, the famous phrase "the medium is the message" really says everything there is to say about the book.
I admit i may not have the best appraisal of it, it's been a while since i read it, but McLuhan-influenced writers like Postman may be a better read.

>> No.16142320


>> No.16142778


>> No.16142936



>> No.16142973

>published in 1962
Does he have more recent thoughts on the thesis in this book vis-a-vis the advent of the internet?

>> No.16143474
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>reams and reams of wasted paper when there is a simple answer

Come on, you already know.

>> No.16143662
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From my shelf
> Denis McQuail - McQuail's Mass Communication Theory (sixth edition)
> Ryan Holiday - Trust Me, I'm Lying
> Richard Dawkins - The Selfish Gene
> Benedict Anderson - Imagined Communities

While these recs don't seem helpful, by reading them in a twisted fashion and paired with academic and political works that centers on mass communication and dissent of public opinion.

>> No.16143669

cont. (realized I stopped midsentence)

they can be consultive works and a stepping stone to others that have no background in case you wish to share it with others.

>> No.16143695
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How do I approach OP's pic related? This book's prose is drier than the Sahara desert.
>Looking for books, articles, journals, pamphlets that delve into history/methods concerning the subjugation of modern American people.
Douthat's The Decadent Society, Hedges's Empire of Illusion, Bernays's Propaganda, Industrial Society & its Future, Aronson's Age of Propaganda, Lasch's Culture of Narcissism, Postman's Amusing Ourselves to Death

>> No.16143704

> Industrial Society & its Future
So, how do you get deliveries to your cabin?