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16136031 No.16136031 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever find yourself bouncing between Christianity and Atheism?

I find a world without a god to be terrifying.

>> No.16136035

no, God is real. The argument of contingency is unfalsifiable

>> No.16136038

No, because I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
and born of the virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again.
He ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of the saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.

>> No.16136062

How's that Ligotti book? Is it good or it's just a pessimistic blabbering nonsense?

>> No.16136084

lots are
>I find a world without a god to be terrifying.
the world is terrifying

>> No.16136085
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Is the "eternal life with God" that Christianity promises also 'eternal consciousness'? Or maybe it's just our essence/soul that comes back to the divine source (after the events revealed to the apostle Jon, I presume, and not after death) while our consciousness dilutes itself?

I also read once that Abrahamic religions don't actually have the concept of the immaterial soul (as an entity alienable from the physical body), but I'm too illiterate on the subject to know if it's true. Well, is it?

>> No.16136098

what difference does it make if God is real or not? your life is still the same

>> No.16136105

You shouldn’t throw away your worldview because of a little doubt.

>> No.16136158
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Once you have a certain 150+ IQ (like me, flex) you don't question god, you see the creator and designer of the universe

you don't need to question it philosophically or dissect universe/god in a pseud-like blog post. You can see the underlying strings that

only sub 115 IQ redditfags fell for the Athiest meme

>> No.16137111

I grew up Presbyterian, our Apostles' Creed was
>I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.
>And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
>I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.
Another funny thing was that in the Presbyterian version of the Lord's Prayer, they say "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors" as opposed to "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us"

>> No.16137172

Read tolstoy‘s confessions.

>> No.16137176

I understand Aristotle too much to discount the existence of God and the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ is persuasive in the sense that the Christian explanation for events makes more sense than other theory put forward. The thing I waffle on is Catholicism. I've studied scripture and tradition for years now and I'm fully convinced that Jesus created an earthly Church with a priestly hierarchy and the primacy of Peter and his successors.

The problem is the evil I witness throughout the Church and clergy, from Pachamama to the "purple mafia" which has destroyed the Church with those pedophile scandals and coverups or just general faggotry. The clergy is teaching error and that isn't supposed to happen.

>> No.16137310

Atheism is a meme

>> No.16137720

yeah, faggots are afraid of responsibility.

>> No.16137939

But what about the problem of suffering and evil?
It gets pretty suffocating here in 3rd world, anons. I am a believer but I am still seeking an answer to this question.

>> No.16138017

>The clergy is teaching error and that isn't supposed to happen.
Matthew 7:18

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

It’s obvious from the evil fruits the Catholics produce that they are not a good tree. Much of Catholic tradition is unfounded in the Bible, and anyone who reads the Bible will clearly see this.

Also, I always find it funny who the Catholics venerate Peter about the other apostles despite the fact that he didn’t even write one of the 4 gospels, and was even rebuked by Paul in Acts for not acting as a true Christian should. It’s telling that they exalt the only person in scripture known to have denied Christ 3 times. It really makes you wonder.

>> No.16138052

I'm better read than you. You're not going to convince me of anything.

>> No.16138131

No. But I find retarded to believe the bible is some special message from God when is just some compilation of texts

>> No.16138159

Organized religion is mostly stupid, and of the religions, Christianity is one of the stupider variants (since calling yourself a Christian explicitly depends on belief in a supernatural act having occurred on Earth), and of the types of Christianity, Catholicism has to be the stupidest one of all

>> No.16138167

Then what kind of God do you believe in?

>> No.16138169

Only the Holy Spirit can convict someone of their error. I’m not trying to convince anyone. Pointing out inconsistencies, yes. And Catholic liturgy is nothing if not inconsistent with biblical Christianity.

>> No.16138204

>Much of Catholic tradition is unfounded in the Bible
Where in the bible does it says that everything Christian must be found in the bible?

>> No.16138216

if god did not exist humanity should have never existed and life would not be worth living. man would be the most miserable being.

>> No.16138236

>I find a world without a god to be terrifying.
Why? I find it impossible to understand this sentiment.

>> No.16138247

>The argument of contingency is unfalsifiable
sucks for you

>> No.16138252

holy based

>> No.16138265

>Do you ever find yourself bouncing between christianity and athiest?
No, because I'm not a weak willed person whose beliefs change with the days of the weak. God exists, and His son was sent to the world to die for us

>> No.16138277

I do not. I find atheism to be something like a childish spasm, made by people who don't even realize how little they understand what their own consciousness is. And I find Christianity to be dogmatic in ways that blatantly don't make sense and are tailored for brainlets who need some kind of orders, although the bible itself, as well as heretical texts such as the gnostics, are extremely profound and worth reading.

>> No.16138331

It feels dismissive to put it like this, but suffering isn't inherently evil. All in God's plan.

>> No.16138346

What do you feel is so profound about the bible?

>> No.16138551

>All in God's plan.
What's that?

>> No.16138556

The concepts and language, the symbolism and figures, undergird so much of western literature that reading it is like consulting a codex for any other major work you've read in English.

>> No.16138569

You're such a fucking pseud.

>> No.16138570

I don’t have that problem, because the gods and I share our destiny

>> No.16138590

Love is as vague of a concept as god

>> No.16138646

I find a world WITH a god terrifying.

>> No.16138662


You are remade through Christ to become one in conciousness with God. The whole reason we seperated from God is that we became concious of ourselves and therefore our frailty.

>> No.16138665

I find a world with a God terrifying because I'm such a terrible sinner. I know that's not the point but I both want to and do believe in God but know that his non-existance is the only way I'll avoid the Hell I deserve

>> No.16138675

*tips fedora while slipping his katana in and out of its sheath*

>> No.16138689

I'm a Christian and you're ridiculous.

>> No.16138746

Nope, never really considered Christianity. When I was growing up I was a Muslim but I stopped believing in Islam and became an Agnostic.

>> No.16138772

Thats why atheism seems so alien to me. If there is nothing after we die and life has no purpose, then what does it matter you believed in it? You are not made of star stuff, you are defined by the endless death and decay of the universe.

>> No.16138965

Op here. I feel the same thing.

>> No.16138975

So our consciousness is not eternal.
Thanks, that's a relief

>> No.16139000

>pessimistic blabbering nonsense

It less philosophy and more him putting his thoughts on paper,

>> No.16139035

athiesm is a rejection of the now outdated beliefs that placated peoples fear of the unknown but failed to provide those same people with a reliable moral substitute. You do not have to subscribe to any current religious institution to believe in a mind-body seperation. Stop relying on these systems to guide you morally or provide you comforting white lies about questions we otherwise would never be brash enough to try and answer.