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16135462 No.16135462 [Reply] [Original]

My son is very interested in history. He keeps asking about what led to wwII. Would it be a good idea to read mein kampf with him? I have only skimmed it but i feel like it‘s the best insight into the mindset of hitler that led to wwII.

>> No.16135499

>I have only skimmed it but i feel like it‘s the best insight

Peak right-wing.

>> No.16135505

Unironically, you should buy him a copy of "Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War"

>> No.16135511

demon god tricking g*rms into killing jews so they can later be given back the country they stole in the first place and decentralize the globalization of the planet to harvest souls and molest children

>> No.16135519

Is there a better insight into a persons mind other than their own attempt to bring it to paper?
I never said i‘m right-winged. I see this book as an extraordinary piece of history. Even if one doesn‘t agree with hitler‘s ideologies, one can‘t deny that he is a fascinating person worth studying.

>> No.16135525

I‘ll check that out. Thanks anon.

Your meds have run out.

>> No.16135544

go away demiurge

>> No.16135559
File: 31 KB, 281x500, hitler born at versailles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He keeps asking about what led to wwII.
"Hitler: Born at Versailles" by Leon Degrelle. It's not really about Hitler despite his name being in the title. It's a history of WW1, how it started, and how its conclusion led to WW2.

>> No.16135560

While mein kampf can be educational, you should probably give him a conventional history of WWII first. He would probably be bored shitless by Hitlers endless droning too.

>> No.16135606

>Peak right-wing
Yet the overwhelming majority of marxists has never read marx

>> No.16135610

Oh that‘s even better because he also asked about wwI and i don‘t know that much about it. Thanks!

We‘ve talked about the conventional history a lot already. He‘s interested in the mindset of people that led to it. It‘s why i think mein kampf could be a good look at what went on a deeper level than „they attacked x on y under the lead of z“.

>> No.16135613

Watch Europa: The Last Battle with him.

>> No.16135620
File: 85 KB, 736x1134, hitler's war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow this with "Hitler's War" by David Irving. It documents the course of tWW2 as much as possible through Hitler's eyes.

>> No.16135643

Shit tier documentary. I say this as an unapologetic antisemite and nationalist.

>> No.16135685

>I have only skimmed it but i feel like it‘s the best insight into the mindset of hitler that led to wwII.

Hitler didn't start the war, Poland did.

>> No.16135708

There was a lot that led to WW2. WW1, the rise of nationalism in all communities, the Zionist Bolsheviks in Eastern Europe, the Weimar Republic, communist movements, etc. I wish it were as simple as mustache man bad. But it's an incredibly complex and a series of unfortunate political realities and ideologies.

>> No.16135715

Ok, i‘ll rephrase. What led to him developing an antisemitic mindset.

>> No.16135724

>mustache man bad
Don‘t worry, i‘m not giving him such one sided approaches.

>> No.16135748
File: 42 KB, 333x499, germany's war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this book.

>> No.16135820

t. communist

>> No.16135828

Being around jews

>> No.16135845

How old is he and what country are you from? If you are American just give him books on the depression and explain that WW2 allowed America to recover from it. If he is 13 or so just give him a soldier's diary, he isn't going to want academic analysis like the others have suggested. Make sure the book is no more than 200 pages.

>> No.16135856

He‘s 9 and we‘re from switzerland.
Yeah i don‘t think he‘s that interested in all the subtlety of the political tensions that led to it, more what emotions lead humans to war.

>> No.16135871

if he is 9, then you'd be better off searching ww2 for kids and buying whatever comes up. i don't speak german or french so i have nothing to recommend to a swissman

>> No.16135885

Most stuff meant for kids is actually just „mustache man bad“ and doesn‘t go any deeper than that.
Maybe the best would be to read it myself and then give him a summary since actually reading it with him might be a bit over the top.

>> No.16135898

Which is especially comical giving that the manifesto is a small pamphlet. Finding an actual copy of Mein Kampf is reasonably hard to find in many countries (yuk think of those "commented" editions lol).

>> No.16135972


>> No.16136018

Marxism is bigger than Marx, Hitlerism is just a personality cult

>> No.16136022

>He‘s 9
No way are you or he going to read the stuff that's been recommended, much less Mein Kampf, which is over 600 pages. If you do read Mein Kampf, the Thomas Dalton translation is the easiest to understand, but has some translation errors. The Reynal and Hitchcock translation is the most accurate. The Manheim translation also appears accurate, but I've heard (not personally checked) there is malicious mistranslation within its pages.

>> No.16136041

explain why you think it's shit then

Hitlerism =/= National socialism. Marx is still the basis of marxism, and yet nearly none of marxists or derivates have read it.

What are the issues with Dalton's translation?

>> No.16136048
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We won‘t need a translation since i can read it in german. I‘m just trying to find a copy that isn‘t commented and was wondering if there‘s one that isn‘t in black letter. I can read it but it‘s a bit annoying.

You‘re right, reading it with him would be overkill. I guess i‘ll go with checking out the recommended books and then talk to him about what i‘ve read.

>> No.16136109


>> No.16136156

>explain why you think it's shit then
It makes claims that are not well researched, or are deliberately misinterpreted for propaganda purposes, for example: Gandhi being Hitler's pen pal, and calling him "friend". The documentary shows an excerpt from a letter out of context. The letter is actually chastising Hitler, and blaming him for the war. It's a bad documentary and you'll look stupid recommending it to people with deeper knowledge of the topics.

>What are the issues with Dalton's translation?
It seems to be a rewording of the Stalag translation, just as the Ford translation is, because it contains the same translation errors, like writing "Fathers" (ancestors) as "father". I haven't gone through the whole thing or seen anything particularly heinous, but the errors change the meanings of sentences. It's not enough to make me not recommend it, because the Stalag and Ford translations are both serviceable, but I trust Dalton less when he claims to have translated something, but retains all the same errors as the other two popular (among "natzhees") translations. I'm confident he took the same shortcut as Michael Ford.

>> No.16136198

So your criticism is that there's a few errors and embellishments, just as in pretty much every documentary. Got it. If you have better alternatives let me know.

That's pretty interesting about Dalton though, I thought it was a completely new translation. Would you recommend it over Manheim?

>> No.16136215

It seems like this entire thread is missing any recommendations on the Japanese front as well. But I am not sure if OP and his son care about that. Nonetheless, I think the rise of imperial japan is fascinating as well.

This seems like a good source, but I haven't read it myself
Ishiwara Kanji and Japan's Confrontation with the West

>> No.16136217
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>(yuk think of those "commented" editions lol).

It's like a fucking study bible. They can't let you read the text without all this garbage because then you would come to identify with it.

>> No.16136281

The example I showed you is an outright lie.
>If you have better alternatives let me know.
Read books, and trust no one.

>Would you recommend it over Manheim?
I haven't read both, so I can't say. I lean most towards Reynal and Hitchcock. It translated by a whole team of researchers in the 40's and contains detailed commentary that adds context to Hitler's historical references. Dalton adds the same context to his book in shorter form, so I think he drew from the R&H translation in that way.

>> No.16136461

>Read books, and trust no one.
Agreed, but to get normies into this stuff, documentaries like Europa are pretty good. Just add a disclaimer about the inaccuracies.

>Reynal and Hitchcock
Thanks, will check this out.

>> No.16136492

The Unnecessary War by Pat Buchanan.

>> No.16137295
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What's the "Rise and Fall" equivalent for Japan's involvement in the war? That is to say, not necessarily 100% accurate, but the seminal tome on the subject matter.

>> No.16137323

Just read culture of critique with him

>> No.16137327

should be all right as long as he's not part of the lunatic fringe

>> No.16137336


>> No.16137337


The what now?

>> No.16137374

The people who call everyone with a different opinion fascists and nazis you mean?

>> No.16137392

no they'd just call the fascists and nazis fascists and nazis in this case

>> No.16137486


There's nothing wrong with being either of those things.

>> No.16137523

well i think there is

>> No.16137533

The basis of Marxism is Das Kapital not the Communist Manifesto.
That's why nobody has read Marx.

>> No.16137552


well I'd love to punch you in the neck. how about that?

>> No.16137579

have a go

>> No.16137584
File: 75 KB, 600x737, d5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad shabosh goy!
Don't you have any uncontrollable thoughts!

>> No.16137593

>into the mindset of hitler

You retarded or something?

>> No.16137600

yeah you wish people cared what you thought
prob why you go for (You)s all day

>> No.16137608

There are no actual fascists or Nazis in the west, but if Marxist keep pushing we will have no other choice than to abandon libertarianism and embrace fascism

>> No.16137612

No, english is just not my first language so sometimes it isn‘t that easy to say what i want to say with my limited vocabulary.

>> No.16137786

>There are no actual fascists or Nazis in the west
>but if Marxist keep pushing
that's no excuse for behaving stupidly and talking piss

>> No.16137804

why do you have to be such a faggot, nazi
just be a fucking man for once in your life and admit you're a nazi, don't cry crocodile tears about evil bolsheviks calling you a nazi when all you are is a """white identitarian""" or some other mutt nonsense

>> No.16137940


>> No.16138009

Antisemite conapiracies were around for centuries before Hitler. It was common christian propaganda

>> No.16138014

Ah, this is the lunatic fringe >>16137327 was talking about

>> No.16138045

you already made that jibe >>16137374

>> No.16138049

It's not behaving stupidly, it's acting appropriately

>> No.16138062


>> No.16138079

bit lame

>> No.16138113

Okay, but at least not retarded like >>16137804

>> No.16138143

He would get much more out of the national socialist worldview by reading Gottfried Feder's Germany on a Nationalist and Socialist Foundation to him.

>> No.16138213

read robert conquest

>> No.16138221

Dangerously based thread

>> No.16138253

get punched, nazi

>> No.16138294
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savitri devi