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/lit/ - Literature

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16133763 No.16133763 [Reply] [Original]

Surely you've read all of these, anon?

I've only read 4. (Currently on Gatsby.)

>> No.16133766
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No, I'm too busy reading Thomas Carlyle

>> No.16133768

Catcher in the rye
American psycho
the picture of dorian grey

>> No.16133772

these are books everyone should have read by the time they were old enough to post here

>> No.16133844

Y-yeah. W-what kind of loser hasn't read all these books?

>> No.16133862


Lol no, a few of these are Fight Club tier and are pretty skippable contrasted with the higher classics and even certain contemporary fiction.
>American Psycho
>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
>To Kill A Mockingbird
>A Clockwork Orange
What’s next? Haruki Murakami? John Green?

>> No.16133869

Most of that is gay and cringe so no

>> No.16133991

>To Kill A Mockingbird
What's a non racist / incel reason why this shouldn't be read?

>> No.16134004


It’s white savior liberal pandering and there are many, much better books by black authors (Invisible Man is already listed) that convey more significant points about the black condition in America.
>t. Black anon

>> No.16134023

I've read 14/20.

I agree with >>16133862, some of these are definitely skippable.

>> No.16134109

>almost only XIXth and XXth century anglo lit

>> No.16134217

Can you recommend other books similar to invisible man? I have plenty of respect towards civil rights activists such as Malcolm X and Martin Luther King but there is no way I can take the current "Black lives matter" movement seriously due to their idiotic behaviour so preferably books that focus more on actual racism and not the "alleged" racism that goes on today.

>> No.16134235

I’ve read 9, but most of the others aren’t worth my time. I would probably read one or two others on this list, tops.

>> No.16134280

0/20 I don't waste my time with anglo writers when there are so many great works outside the anglosphere

>> No.16134284

Oh, I see. It's one of those books that despite being somewhat well written and appropriate for children or young adults, must be interpreted as something political, twisted or denounced by the narrow scope of tribalism because it's popular and "dishonest" (even though justice is justice no matter the color of your skin), maybe deemed a CLASSIC (imposed) by the whites, or even though you could perfectly read it along with other books. As if losing a few hours of your life, in case you found the book dreadful, was too much of an unforgivable waste.


>> No.16134307

From what I've read

Brave New World : 6/10
To Kill A Mockingbird : 7/10
1984 : 7/10
Slaughterhouse V : 5/10
The Catcher In The Rye : 8/10
Fahrenheit 451 : 5/10
American Psycho : 9/10
The Great Gatsby : 6/10
Of Mice and Men : 6/10
The Picture of Dorian Gray : 8/10
Lolita : 9/10
Lord of the Flies : 4/10
Do Androids Dream... : 3/10

>> No.16134312

I read 7 of these just by going to public school

>> No.16134380


>> No.16134412

I‘ve only read lolita from those. Don‘t plan on expanding on that list.

>> No.16134530

>more significant points about the black condition in America.
Get a job.

>> No.16134537

>I‘ve only read lolita from those. Don‘t plan on expanding on that list.
Thanks for the blog post pedo

>> No.16134540

Literally every book there is shit.

>> No.16134543

Your welcome. For only a small fee of $69/week you can subscribe. Click below and don‘t forget to like and share.

>> No.16134630

Quite a feat, to provide a list that is largely pessimistic and subversive in form but bourgeois and American-curriculum tier in substance.
This list (on a budding mind), would certainly only nurture or reinforce a suspicion that the world is broken and literary expression is merely a means to diagnose it.
I do not wish to imply that what these authors expressed were not valid, but it is such a narrow facet of what literature is capable of.
None of it is particularly life-affirming.

>> No.16134637

What is good life affirming literature? Most "great literature" seems to be about depressing commentaries on the nature of man/society even if they aren't 100% hopeless.

>> No.16134638

entry level core

>> No.16134648


>> No.16134667

Whoever made this chart is a despicable mutt.

>> No.16134705
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>Thomas Carlyle was a British-

>> No.16134706
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Lmao just read whatever you want.
Don't pretend /lit/ is full of classically trained intellectuals and don't trust its charts.

Read 6 books on that list.

>Brave New World:
Annoying story but great philosophical questions. Excellent. Timeless classic.
>A Clockwork Orange:
Interesting use of language but philosophical plot rather weak. Good depictions of needless violence.
>Slaughter House Five:
Premise and plot very weak. Pretentious and boring read. The characters are just random amalgamations of traits and don't serve a purpose whatsoever. Not funny. Nothing to learn from this book.
>American Psycho:
Groundbreaking. Great depictions of vanity and the disgusting. Irony is on point.
>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?:
Really mediocre. Breaks off when an interesting subplot begins.
Spiritual nonsense. No "enlightenment" in this one. Also Mango tree. Very primitive view of Buddhism even at its own time. Ridiculous.

Got some other ones on the list as well but haven't read them yet.

>> No.16134717
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Three, reading one:
>American Psycho
>Lord of the Flies
Reading Brave New World.
I do own a lot of those, they're just on my backlog.

>> No.16134720

Can you do me a favor and give me your top 50 MUST READ books?
My childhood was 95% Harry Potter, and I went to an alternative school because I didn't behave, so I missed out on most essential reading.

>> No.16134722

I'm not american so i had to read different books in highschool but ive read a handful of these when i started reading english.

>> No.16134727

Hey thanks anon, don't let /pol//lit/ get you down.
What are some other books you would recommend?
I heard The Hate U Give was popular, but not much else other than it being YA.

>> No.16134881

>somewhat well written and appropriate for children or young adults

>> No.16134991

Start with the Greeks!

>> No.16134999

sorry, but pederast literature is strictly for pleasure

>> No.16135154
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Might read the remaining, but they're not at the top of my list.

>> No.16135173

Only ones I'm missing are American Psycho, Dorian Grey, and Fear and Loathing. Most of these I read in high school.

>> No.16135186

those are the best ones

>> No.16135190

I have only read 4 as well, but I was never going by this list in the first place.

>> No.16135200

Lol sure they are. I'm probably never going to bother with American Psycho

>> No.16135209

>almost only anglo-saxon """literature"""

>> No.16135568

I can't recommend Dorian Gray enough. It's a pretty quick read and my personal favorite book of all time. So much genius expressed in relatively few pages, as poetically as it can be.
American Psycho is a good one too, but I can understand why you don't plan on reading it.

>> No.16135766

What's wrong with American Psycho?

>> No.16135794

Yeah, I'll get around to Dorian Grey eventually. I have the complete works of Wilde that I've been picking at over the years. I'm sure American Psycho is a fine book, but honestly I can't help but see it as a meme at this point and desu the subject matter has never interested me

>> No.16135807

the /lit/ starter kit is all fiction. how embarrasing.

>> No.16135835
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Just watch the movie adaptations.

>> No.16135925

I went to high school so yeah almost all of them lol

>> No.16135946

yeah this is more a list of adapted blockbusters

>> No.16136212

>Siddhartha, not life affirming.
You want a book about rainbows and kittens or what?

The /lit/ wiki has a chart of life affirming books.

Siddhartha isn't about Buddhism. He just has the same name.

>> No.16136222
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I have no desire to read the rest.

>> No.16136263

Cuckoo's Nest, Catch-22, and Invisible Man are the best things on this list though.

>reads Nietzsche once

>> No.16136331

I quite liked Huck Finn.

>> No.16136361
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>> No.16136374
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>Brave New World
>The Catcher in the Rye
>The Great Gatsby
>Lord of the Flies
>The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
These are the ones I've read, all as part of high school English classes.

>> No.16136497

IMO? Nothing. I think it's fantastic. But I can see why someone wouldn't want to read it for the reasons in >>16135794

>> No.16136503

Only the ones from Kubrick.

>> No.16136516

>One flew
>to kill a mockingbird
>american psycho


>> No.16136529

I’ve read twelve.

>> No.16136559

Yes, I’d read them all by the end of sophomore year, just like every other retard with a high school diploma.

>> No.16136583

Haven't read invisible man but you can skip
>to kill a mocking bird
>the catcher in the rye
>lord of the flies
and maybe
>fahrenheit 451
>the great gatsby

Wasted time with these (they sucked)

>> No.16136588
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>Siddhartha isn't about Buddhism. He just has the same name.
... and that name doesn't exist sperate from the sociocultural sphere Hesse was referring to in the novel. The name was a conscious decision, a themed one at that and cannot be viewed as unrelated to buddhism.The novel literally takes place at the time of Buddha's teachings aka the proto stages of Buddhism

If I were to call the protag in my next novel Jesus, tell me would there be any religious connotation?
If put into context the novel is a romanticication of early Buddhist thought and one without much substance at that.

>> No.16136619

>read (by choice)
To Kill A Mocking Bird
(I really liked all three of these btw, all are easy 10/10s for me)

>read (in school)
The Catcher in the Rye
The Great Gatsby
Of Mice and Men
Lord of the Flies
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
(Of Mice and Men and Lord of the Flies are the only ones I sorta like from this section)

>haven't read (but plan to)
Brave New World
The Picture of Dorian Grey

>no plans on reading them
Slaughter House Five
Fahrenheit 451
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
A Clockwork Orange
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Invisible Man
American PSycho
Do Android Dream of Electric Sheep?

>> No.16136669

tried reading
>to kill a mockbird
got bored and dropped all of them.

>> No.16136734

Jesus christ, how come so few people itt haven't read Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas? It's really good

>> No.16136744

because muh serious literature

>> No.16136747


>> No.16137136

F451 is so fucking boring

>> No.16137153

Yikes. A bunch of high-school literature in a shitty chart. I mean, how hard is it to make the books the same size?

>> No.16137207

Please go back to /mu or wherever the fuck you came from. What a useless little post full of numbers that mean absolutely nothing.

>> No.16137237

Is it better than the movie?

>> No.16137251

It's almost identical. Few bits here and there are taken out for the movie but for the most part it's the same.
If you like the movie you'll like the book.

>> No.16137258

in mspaint? probably fairly hard

>> No.16137268

Never read anything from this chart I read pynchon and joyce because i'm a fucking faggot

>> No.16137279

it's much better like nearly every book

>> No.16137298

i've read the picture of dorian grey and lolita
i have no interest on reading the rest

>> No.16137331

well heads up gatsby & twain are the 2 best on there so

>> No.16137401

siddhartha, maaaaaan.

>> No.16137561

Sure the book references Buddhism directly in several ways, but is not about Buddhism or an explanation of Buddhist beliefs. It's about a Hindu who met Buddha and rejected him. Maybe it's supposed to be an alternate life of Buddha, but that still won't teach you about actual Buddhism and it wasn't supposed to. So don't act all surprised when it isn't a novelization of the Dhammapada. (Which is awful btw, just poorly designed adcopy.) Go ahead and write your Jesus book, and I'll argue it isn't Christianity. You'll thank me when you write the Mohammed one.

>> No.16137585

holy shit just say what you mean you mincing bitch
>you should read this because you weren't doing anything better and it wasn't that bad
how hard is that? it isn't, it just doesn't hold up because someone can rightly go "rofl nah"

>> No.16137592

guess how i know you're a sexual deviant whose favorite author is either burroughs or joyce

>> No.16138582

I’ve read 14 of those
Mostly in high school
A few in college - invisible man, fear and loathing, catch-22
I started American Psycho after college but got bored and put it down
I think I read To Kill a Mockingbird in 7th or 8th grade if I remember right

>> No.16138619

You're right that the book isn't good and doesn't delve deep into Buddhist thought but it sure doesn't look like you understood it, either. One of the crucial points in the plot is literally Siddharta meeting the Buddha and rejecting his teachings. It uses Buddhism as a backdrop for Siddharta's spiritual search, but it's ultimately a bildungsroman colored by Western gnostic concepts just like every single other of Hesse's fucking books