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16131837 No.16131837 [Reply] [Original]

Rank them.

>> No.16131846

Brothers Karamazov > Crime and Punishment > Demons > The Idiot

>> No.16131876
File: 24 KB, 560x547, images (37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro are you a fucking idiot? Why are you wasting your time reading these fiction books when an AI GPT-3 is looking to be able to write and create infinite amounts of stories by itself and without the need of a human? Pick up a real and usefum book like SuperIntelligence by Nick Bostrom before you mias out the real AI revolution. It's not a threat; it's counselling.

>> No.16131910

you forgot the "/Shelf Thread/", retard

>> No.16132015

Are the Wordsworth Editions some good quality translations?

>> No.16132100

by thiccness

>> No.16132151

check the translator's name and research him you dumb cunt

>> No.16132187
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>> No.16132194

It’s Garnett. The only public domain translation.

>> No.16132202

Move Idiot to the bottom and put Notes on the top and you're good

>> No.16132448

nice toy gaytard

>> No.16132519
File: 610 KB, 1536x2048, 63BBEFDB-9197-4F7A-9C92-73B655D85E46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a toy.

Quit projecting.

>> No.16132576

Crime and Punishment >TBK = Demons >>>>>>>> The Idiot

>> No.16132577

ah so you have killed people with it?

>> No.16132618

Of course not, I just like to take photos of them.

>> No.16132630

so then it is a toy

>> No.16132719

Women's Suprematicm > Late Stage Kasmir Malevich > Juvenaila > Early Suprematicm > Late Suprematicm.

Oh you meant Dosto. C&P > *. I mean he works a fucking Deus Ex in and it reads credible.

>> No.16132720

Is The Idiot really that bad?

>> No.16132918

they are already ranked from best to worst in that picture

>> No.16132935

It would probably be better on a 2nd reading but yeah it takes FOREVER to get going even for a Dosto book and when it does its still pretty meh. Might have liked it better if I hadn't read C&P directly b4 it which is enthralling from cover to cover.

>> No.16132987

There really is no reason for it to be a 600+ page book.

>> No.16133022

it's not bad, but it's the worst Dosto I've read.

>> No.16133048

Serialisation. Look it up. Novel used to come out in newspapers weekly. So like Jap shit in boy jump and crap they endlessly spin it out.

>> No.16133573

I just finished The Idiot and I really liked it. If it's a bad Dosto novel then I'm fucking amped to read his other works.

>> No.16133602

>Haven't read it > Haven't read it > Haven't read it > Haven't read it

>> No.16133609

Brothers Karamazov>Demons>Crime and Punishment>The Idiot

>> No.16133761
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Is Devils / Demons more essential than the Idiot? I've read C&P and BK, and I think i'm gonna try to find a non p&v translation of Devils next.

>> No.16133860

congratulations on your slight recovery from blunt trauma and severe brain damage.

>> No.16134182

What would reading about it change? If it's inevitable (which I believe too) then what does reading about it change. Also longer than 5 years more like 20,

>> No.16135063

Brothers K: 10/10
Crime and Punishment: 9.5/10
Demons: 9/10
Idiot: 7/10

>> No.16135185

I wonder what kind of mental illness this is

>> No.16135187


You know he wrote more books than those four you know

>> No.16135840

Did you break into my room?

>> No.16135851

thats just too much ass for me

>> No.16135857

Crime and Punishment > Demons > The Idiot > TBK

Demons would be first if the first half wasn't boring

>> No.16135862

>dostofag is a big fuckin dweeb
well color me surprised

>> No.16135867

No, it's my favorite novel of his.

>> No.16135873

It’s a good book
but the other three are incredible reads, and I put Crime and Punishment first because I think anyone who reads it will enjoy it, which makes it his greatest work

>> No.16135892

Such as?

>> No.16137341

t, Seamus O'Neill

>> No.16137369

I read the first like 150 pages and got a bit impatient for him to do much of anything. Might be due to me being a zoomer though, so I will keep reading.

>> No.16137597

I encourage you to keep reading anon. Crime and Punishment is what got me back into reading after Nearly a decade of not reading a book

>> No.16137622

Unironically this.

>> No.16137823

the village of stepanchikovo

>> No.16137855

Notes from Underground
The Double
The Eternal Husband

>> No.16137877

is there a proper order to read them?

>> No.16137880

>Summoned to the country estate of his wealthy uncle Colonel Yegor Rostanev, the young student Sergey Aleksandrovich finds himself thrown into a startling bedlam. For as he soon sees, his meek and kind-hearted uncle is wholly dominated by a pretentious and despotic pseudo-intellectual named Opiskin, a charlatan who has ingratiated himself with Yegor’s mother and now holds the entire household under his thumb. Watching the absurd theatrics of this domestic tyrant over forty-eight explosive hours, Sergey grows increasingly furious - until at last, he feels compelled to act. A compelling comic exploration of petty tyranny, The Village of Stepanchikovo reveals a delight in life’s wild absurdities that rivals even Gogol’s. It also offers a fascinating insight into the genesis of the characters and situations of many of Dostoyevsky’s great later novels, including The Idiot, Devils and The Brothers Karamazov.
This sounds brilliant. Why have I never heard of it before?

>> No.16137894

funny that from ancient greece to the present day, brass is the aesthetic of war

>> No.16137909

Nope, but I would recommend starting with either Notes from Underground or Crime and Punishment. Those are his easiest to get into and will be a good test to see whether or not you like his style.

>> No.16137914

This ranking is correct.

>> No.16137921

That art is atrocious. Stop buying shit from postmodernist jews.

>> No.16137968

i will not denounce.

>> No.16138753


>> No.16138925
File: 110 KB, 849x565, Americhad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16138961

>Is Devils / Demons
There is absolutely no point read this book if u an american, because all the archetypes of the characters in this work are deeply russian. And even if a foreigner is well acquainted with the history and context of what is happening, he will still not be able to fully understand and feel this book. For example, the chapter "Of Ours" is written subtly, in Gogol style. But this subtlety, this purely Russian flair, will be caught only by a Russian person.
Because, for my opinion, for americans the best choice is "Notes from undergroud" and "Idiot".

>> No.16139038

>Notes from Underground
First part of these book can to scare away the reader, because these part containts more strange, semi-philosofical, semi-publicistic writing style. Therefore, if you want to read this book, you better start with the second part of the book. Although this is not the main problem - main problem it's obscure stream of consciousness, in a bad sense of this word constuction.
For my opinion, better to start read "greatest five books" Dostoevsky's with Crime and Punishment.

>> No.16139211

this is not a well constructed english language post

>> No.16139228

My english is not very good.

>> No.16139234


>> No.16139237

The themes of Demons are universal and are widely relevant today.

>> No.16139306

Do you know, that Karmazinov is a prototype of Turgenev?

>> No.16139327

I do now.

>> No.16139867

Is there really zero reason in reading Demons if I'm a Burger?

>> No.16139873

Read Fathers and Sons first

>> No.16139967

Is Demons a satirical take on Fathers and Sons?