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16128967 No.16128967 [Reply] [Original]

The girl I was with abused me for years, and now she's writing a book... ABOUT THE HORRORS OF ABUSE


I'm done. It was always my dream to be published, and she's now stolen eve that from me.

I spent today writing up my experiences into a shit book so at least I can be published before I die. Read it, don't read it, who cares.

>Amazon Link
>money instructed to go to men's abuse charity

>Free PDF download

>> No.16128983

the free pdf link doesn't work.

>> No.16128986

Jesus dude you've already embarrassed yourself enough, no need to make it worse by killing yourself over a roastie.

>> No.16128988


>> No.16128997


>> No.16128998

Don't you think you should kill her first? Then yourself?

>> No.16129009

Nah, it's fucking done man. Literally all I want is to know that what I experienced can at least be read by someone else. I'm pathetic enough, who cares what anyone thinks

>> No.16129032

too much of a pussy. more like the virgin protog from Notes from Underground than Chad humbert humbert

>> No.16129094
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Don't let her win anon! Just because she writes a book doesn't mean you can't write a book.
Besides I doubt she will mention you by name or anything. Plz be strong anon!

>> No.16129107

I started reading it but got bored. Sorry OP.

>> No.16129114

I'm way further along than her, but she has the connections and the pussy so she's the one actually getting chances to meet with publishers.

I just don't know how i'm going to get there.

>> No.16129136

What I don't understand is why you retards don't use the law of attraction to get published.

Also why the fuck doesn't OP do something about it? Don't Americans love to sue people over everything?

>> No.16129167

murder suicide?
people will understand it

>> No.16129171

Wish I had benoit's balls

>> No.16129793

still, don't let that stop you anon. Don't let her come out on top.
Live well, friend

>> No.16129882

Just wait for her to get published and metoo her lol

>> No.16129893

23 pages

>> No.16129898

>letting a woman abuse you
you deserved it anon
the only way left for you to redeem yourself is to honor kill her i'm afraid, good luck brother

>> No.16129941
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>The girl I was with abused me for years,
What is that female-tier passivity? Why didn't you just left her?

>> No.16131048

this. murder suicide is the most /lit/ move you can make from here. it will make your book famous overnight.

do it!
men can't metoo

>> No.16131061

Solid marketing ploy, ngl.

>> No.16131067

writing is kinda lousy. could have gone blind owl route since it has the same vibes.

>> No.16131079

I really want to know what drives some men ro just accept being a used. Why don't they just leave? Are they too fixated on pussy?

>> No.16131087
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>> No.16131101

hey OP if you sudoku do i have permission to develop your story into a full novel? i like this scandal angle. i'm already piecing it together in my head.

>> No.16131662

>my diary desu
someone finally published it
too bad i ain't giving you a cent, fix your free pdf link

>> No.16131696

No one cares fag

>> No.16131951

I had a similar thing happen to me but it was my dad who was the abuser and had a 10 minute bit in a relatively popular new age documentary about taking drugs to achieve world peace lmao. All the factoids about his life were inaccurate, made to make him look like a tortured martyr. Someone even made an accompanying animatic to some of his anecdotes, it's ridiculous. Too ridiculous to even challenge. Well mostly I don't have enough firepower to fight a cult, nobody would believe me and think that I'm not a true believer or something

>> No.16132011

calm down OP

you are so traumatized you're not thinking straight
there is more to life than writing books and ex-gfs

>> No.16132014

well, I just did (believe you).
I'm sure others would too. nobody really likes hippies

>> No.16132070
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>letting that worthless cunt have the final laugh

God damnit OP, do your part to reverse the trend of evil always winning and good people always being punished for being good. Overcome this bullshit and take a new stand in your life. Take control, overcome this, and some day in the future save 10 other guys like you from being fucked over the way you were, and 10 women from becoming the evil piece of shit your ex is.

>> No.16132075

I was in a similar situation and the feeling goes away, just let it pass, move on if you can. You should still write though.

>> No.16132105

just go fuck somebody else, anon. she's just a b*tch. get over it