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/lit/ - Literature

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16128926 No.16128926 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't /lit/ ever talk about "In Search of Lost Time"? I just finished the first chapter and it is great.

>> No.16128956

>homosexual Jew

>> No.16128959

It's just tomes of Jew worship. Fuck off

>> No.16128980

>allegorical narration of Proust's own life
>4.215 pages

even if it is good, just not my type of book, sorry anon.

>> No.16128989

Holy shit you fucking retard shut up and kill yourself, I am so sick of braindead /sig/ /pol/ pseuds infesting this board. If I could round you all up and kill you in the most torturous manner then I think I would, it wouldn’t even be murder since your iqs are so low you barely even qualify as human.

SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. NIGGER. No one wants to listen to what you have to say, it’s the reason why nobody likes you or wants to be associated with you.

>> No.16128990

>Dude...what if...everyone was gay, actually? Everyone would be gay if they were allowed to be! Just like me!

>> No.16129003

you really start to get it when you're on a handful of pills just as he was

>> No.16129006

KEK the best summary of the books I've ever seen.

>> No.16129007
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Yes, gentlemen...he's the one. Take 'im out for some fresh air, would ya? Thanks.

>> No.16129013

Racism is not allowed on 4chan outside of /b/.

>> No.16129046

I mean sure, gay jew, but he's dead so maybe he's one of the good ones? Have you ever tried it?

Sure, the first 30 pages are about the moment between the first character being asleep and opening their eyes. Still it was great. Seriously.

Can we talk about the book please?

I guess I'll find out.

>> No.16129078

He converted to Catholicism but the only thing that yanks can say about him is that he’s a jew

>> No.16129091

Ew, this post is so cringe. How do 4chan posters really LARP as mob bosses in their heads?

>> No.16129126

it's unfair to call it an allegorical narration of his own life, I think. Other characters display parts of Proust's self much more so than the narrator does. But can understand why it's not your thing; dinner parties lasting half a novel are obviously not everyone's cup of tea.

>> No.16129141

>4,000 pages
most plebs here get nervous at anything above 400

>> No.16129226

See, there ya go. A gay Catholic. Everyone feel better now?

So has someone here actually read? >>16129141 4000 pages is pretty long even if I like it.

>> No.16129268

I recently learned that the people who post those images are literal autists. There's a whole crossboard subculture of people living off disability for "mental reasons" who post those memes and call each other "based". The whole situation is quite sad to think about, so much so that people generally leave them alone and don't make fun of them.

>> No.16129281

unquestionably based

>> No.16129327

Raus, juden. Raus!

>> No.16129332

>It's just tomes of Jew worship.
Sounds amazing.

>> No.16129418

Mazel tov!

>> No.16129430

You mean to say he was raised from birth in his father's religion; catholicism?

>> No.16129522

The reason no one talks about it is that nobody on this board reads anymore. This board got taken over by /pol/ long ago, and those morons would never get caught dead reading anything longer than 200 pages, much less the writings of a "Jew."
I wish I could talk about this book to be honest. I haven't read it yet.

>> No.16129546

>come into thread expecting to discuss proust
>every post is about the fucking jews

>> No.16129555

what'd you expect kek

>> No.16129980

/pol/ has taken over every unmoderated place on the internet. My favorite economics blog's comment section as well as my favorite science one. I don't know what this means, but it is interesting.

So what do I need to know? Should I have read something else first? (Besides the Greeks)

>> No.16130033

he cute

>> No.16130058

So unintelligent. Pol has hardly taken over anything.

>> No.16130079

So unobservant. Spend more time in the wild small places.

>> No.16130094

This board was never much into reading.

>> No.16130099

>Should I have read something else first?
Nah, just keep reading him and watching some Tarkovsky films alongside it

>> No.16130120

Because most of /lit/ has shit taste

In Search of Lost Time is the supreme achievement of the human mind

>> No.16130123

We went form not much to not at all

>> No.16130126
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>I just finished the first chapter and it is great.
So were the first few chapters of Dracula, but the quality dropped off very quickly. Never judge a book by the intro.

>> No.16130149

"Quelquefois, comme Ève naquit d’une côte d’Adam, une femme naissait pendant mon sommeil d’une fausse position de ma cuisse. Formée du plaisir que j’étais sur le point de goûter, je m’imaginais que c’était elle qui me l’offrait. Mon corps qui sentait dans le sien ma propre chaleur voulait s’y rejoindre, je m’éveillais. Le reste des humains m’apparaissait comme bien lointain auprès de cette femme que j’avais quittée, il y avait quelques moments à peine ; ma joue était chaude encore de son baiser, mon corps courbaturé par le poids de sa taille. Si, comme il arrivait quelquefois, elle avait les traits d’une femme que j’avais connue dans la vie, j’allais me donner tout à ce but : la retrouver, comme ceux qui partent en voyage pour voir de leurs yeux une cité désirée et s’imaginent qu’on peut goûter dans une réalité le charme du songe. Peu à peu son souvenir s’évanouissait, j’avais oublié la fille de mon rêve."

Bros, I...

>> No.16130156

Ill prolly read him later this year, after Im done with other books. I hope its good.

>> No.16130170

I know nothing of cinema, what should I watch and why?

I guess I'll see. It's hard to imagine he can keep me hard for more than 4000 pages. Call the doctor!

>> No.16130201

The main character is decidedly hetero-- and he makes some pretty acidic remarks about gay men (none of the statements are categorical however).

Paraphrasing: The invert desperately wishes to be women, to be the object of man's desire, but his curse is to only attract false men like himself.

>> No.16130243
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>I wasted all this time thirsting for a woman who wasn't even to my tastes, who wasn't my style!
Proust is hilarious in a very different sort of way.

>> No.16130247

i think thirstin for taste of the dilznick is more his style

>> No.16130253

That quote is not from Proust's self-insert.

>> No.16130261

I know, right?

The quote above is also evidence.

>> No.16130291

The book has such a satisfying ending, not for its tone (although an older Marcel in wartime France holds a beautiful melancholy), but rather for its grand thesis.

>> No.16130296

Evidence for what? I know that Proust was a gay man, but the character is decidedly not.

>> No.16130325

That the main character isn't gay. >>16130149 He gets horny for an woman in it. It ends poorly for him though.

>> No.16130382

based Proust's boytoy

>> No.16130397

Based but seething

>> No.16130404

>He gets horny for an woman in it.

Yeah, but did "scientific sexuality" exist back then? It wasn't until recently that gay became an immutable state of "being", so a dude could get horny for a chick, but also polish a few knobs, and not not be gay

>> No.16130415

The pitcher isn't gay, only the catcher

>> No.16130458

>I know nothing of cinema, what should I watch and why?
Tarkovsky was highly inspired by Proust, he is the only one who manages to capture him in cinema. You can see this most in the mirror, but it’s better to start with Andrei Rublev or stalker

>> No.16130652

Context matters but I don't think you are correct. Liking men a hundred years ago was not something you did as a "phase". Also MSM is also an acronym for men who have sex with men. And quite a modern term.

No one asked you, ancient Greece.

Ok, perhaps I should read the first thousand pages though? Do they directly relate to any part?

>> No.16130730

You will know if you want to read more Proust or not by the time you finish volume 1, anon. No need to stress it.

>> No.16130772

Is this book only known because it's needlessly long?

>> No.16130782

>4000 pages is pretty long even
That's not long if you actually read and aren't some halfwit.

>> No.16130783

I fucking hate americans so much

>> No.16130786

good goy

>> No.16130807

>look guys i said nigger so im totally not some upset redditsoi hahaha lol

>> No.16130811

I've only read the first one like most people. give me a quick rundown on the others

>> No.16130816

based indeed

>> No.16130847

Zzzzz. What offends me most about you /pol/ types isn't the racism but the philistinism. Everything is filtered through "is this Jewish propaganda?" so nothing is ever judged on its own merits.

>> No.16130877

Seething. But it's funny that you admit it is actually jew propaganda

>> No.16130909

Go back

>> No.16130946
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>What offends me most about you /pol/ types isn't the racism but the philistinism!

>> No.16130965
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What happened to this place? Is /lit/ just a bunch of teens who haven't yet outgrown their Nazi LARPing phase?

>> No.16130966

I have much to do. That's a lot of hours to devote to idleness.

>> No.16130975

>what happened to this place!
>Zzzzz. What offends me most about you /pol/ types isn't the racism but the philistinism
Not even /pol/ go back to redd*it newfag

>> No.16130981

Yet here you are spending that time replying on a forum when you could be reading a page. Fuck off retard and stop reading so slow mouth-breather

>> No.16130992
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Zzzzz. What offends me most about you /pol/ types isn't the racism but the philistinism

>> No.16131049

Perhaps I read slowly, is 500wpm slow? but smartz I has. Also I can accomplish some tasks while phoneposting, but those tasks make enjoying literature impossible. Mostly it's all the screaming.

>> No.16131133

free phillisine

>> No.16131224

If it was free, the Jews would just want it more!!

>> No.16132680

Ironically the only reason you take umbridge with his homosexuality is because of the influence of Jewish culture on the West. The Greeks are Romans were raging faggots, the Jews forbid homosexuality.

>> No.16132771

romans and greeks were pederasts. pederasty is a natural human male impulse, but it's unjust so of course it would be prohibited. even modern homosexual advocates denounce pederasty. the difference is that even greeks and romans weren't as savage as to penetrate the recipient, or to have mutual sexual relations with someone of the same age, because that's just mutual masturbation.

>> No.16132779

the savagery as a norm, I mean. it definitely did happen but was not a norm.

>> No.16132798
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Juden Raus! (lit. "Jews Out!") is a cross and circle-style game published in Germany by Günther & Co. in 1936.[3][4] The game was advertised as "entertaining, instructive and solidly constructed".[5] The game's equipment includes a pair of dice, a game board, and several game piece figurines with large pointed hats meant to represent Jews.[6]

Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their "Jews" across the map toward "collection points" outside the city walls for deportation to Mandatory Palestine.[7] Written on the game board, it says "If you manage to see off six Jews, you’ve won a clear victory!"

>> No.16133987

It reads like a Seinfeld episode lmao

>> No.16135081

Proust is great and an immense talent. Up with the GOATs. But is the entire series really worth it? Are all the books necessary reading?

>> No.16135535

>finished the first chapter
Clever way to trick nowadays /lit/.

>> No.16135631

The first chapter of In Search of Lost Time is about 200 pages long.

>> No.16136265

Even better, it is really good yet nothing really happens. he wakes up, a neighbor visits (who he doesn't talk to) then he tries to get a goodnight kiss from his mother

>> No.16136341
File: 1013 KB, 2136x3000, Montesquiou,_Robert_de_-_Boldini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mark of a skilled writer of literary fiction is (in part) his ability to make banal events interesting, and Proust is exceedingly good at it. I'm sure you'll enjoy the novel-within-a-novel about Swann. It could practically stand on its own as a brilliant little novel about obsession, love, and time and habit's effects on the latter.

Pic related is Robert de Montesquiou, a man so decadent he became the model for both Baron de Charlus of ISOLT and Des Esseintes of Huysman's À rebours.

>> No.16136915

I could write a book about my experience of reading this enormous opera: it's at the same time the most interesting thing I've ever read and the most boring. I've not still finished it, I'm at 81% of it (sixth book out of seven)

>> No.16137225

The Raoul Ruiz adaptation of Time Regained (the last volume) is pretty cool.

>> No.16137868

impotent homo rage, don't you have a church to vandalize or kids to diddle?

>> No.16137983

Explain what Marcel Proust meant by this.

>He was scathing enough about some kinds of Jew, though never out of racial or religious prejudice. “Have you ever been to the Marais,” he said, “–the Jewish commercial district?” “No, monsieur.” “You haven’t missed anything, Celeste. The ugliness and meanness! On the other hand, it would have been an interesting experience for you. Fortunately they are not all like that–far from it. You don’t have to be a Jew to have those faults, or many others. But those merchants! It is not surprising Christ drove them from the Temple!”

… a Jew, making his entry as though he were emerging from the desert, his body crouching like a hyena’s, his neck thrust forward, offering profound “salaams,” completely satisfies a certain taste for the oriental.

>> No.16138432

literally rent free

>> No.16138468
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I am going to read the Penguin Random House versions with the new translations:

>Swann's Way
By Marcel Proust
Introduction by Lydia Davis
Edited by Christopher Prendergast
Translated by Lydia Davis
Notes by Lydia Davis

>In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower
By Marcel Proust
Introduction by James Grieve
Edited by Christopher Prendergast
Translated by James Grieve
Notes by James Grieve

>The Guermantes Way
By Marcel Proust
Introduction by Mark Treharne
Edited by Christopher Prendergast
Translated by Mark Treharne
Notes by Mark Treharne

>Sodom and Gomorrah
By Marcel Proust
Introduction by John Sturrock
Edited by Christopher Prendergast
Translated by John Sturrock
Notes by John Sturrock

>The Prisoner
By Marcel Proust
Introduction by Carol Clark
Edited by Christopher Prendergast
Translated by Carol Clark
Notes by Carol Clark

>The Fugitive
By Marcel Proust
Introduction by Peter Collier
Edited by Peter Collier
Translated by Peter Collier
Notes by Peter Collier

See you guys in a few months.

>> No.16138553

Good luck

>> No.16138642

I’m almost done the 2nd book now.some passages hit really close to home.contemplating buying the boxed set

>> No.16138737
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Good luck, anon. It's a brilliant book! I'm not reading it in english myself, and I don't mean to stoke the autistic translation fire of /lit/, but I have heard many times over that the Moncrieff-Scott translation is a work of art on its own.

>> No.16138747

Actually, never mind. I see you're reading it on an e-reader; I'm sure the Penguin translation is on point either way.

>> No.16138810

Yea, I know, but I wanted to try a postwar translation and people said lots of good things about the first book by Lydia Davis. If I hate it, I can always change books after all.

And thanks. *salutes back*

>> No.16138969

im curious about chapter 2. lots of books flop halfway through. your argument is invalid

>> No.16138986

>translated by women

>> No.16140751


>> No.16140776

>I am going to read the Penguin Random House versions with the new translations:

Do not do this

>> No.16140834
