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16126438 No.16126438 [Reply] [Original]

what are some pua books?

>> No.16126470

can you imagine fucking a girl for free. literally making her cum and not even wanting to be paid for it.
Can you imagine literally spending your own money to accommodate a woman and making her feel at home, having a lavish life full of sex and pleasures.

I wonder what would happen to society if men stopped putting women on a pedestal

>> No.16126501

>what would happen
Literally illegal mass migration of females offering themselves to the chad nation

>> No.16126573
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>I wonder what would happen to society if men stopped putting women on a pedestal
Society would collapse literally.

>sex bots reach singularity and are better than females
>men stop caring about women
>millions of women make a living thanks to beta men, patreon, twitch, onlyfans, prostitutes, etc.
>women overall consume more money from the state and they put back in
>women go absolutely bankrupt since they can't drain money from men
>the state has to either feed them for free with gibs and collapsing the whole economy or letting them die of starvation and rot on the street
>also literally no beta man (except mentally ill ones) would still support feminism because there would be no incentive to since they already have steady access to quality sex

The world as we know it would stop existing, the government knows this and this is why sex bots will be banned using whatever excuse they can make up that sounds believable. They'll even have it easier if said bots have an AI.
>omgz u can't OWN an intelligent bot, that's slavery!

That would create a situation of "man hypergamy" in which there are so many females available and not enough men to take them all, the best females would get taken and then you'd have millions leftover, the problem would still stand.

>> No.16126595
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You want the best advice here? Get fit and have the appearance maintenance of a gay man. How do you talk to women? Talk about them. The moment you start interjecting yourself into the conversation for more than 2 seconds you lost. Be an interviewer that can give a shit about the nonsense out of most of their mouths. When a girl bothers to ask questions about you, you may have found a keeper. Be aware. Where is my money? I'll take venmo.

>> No.16126600

Wtf kind of stale pasta is this now?

>> No.16126678

Reflections on The Game:

These PUAs were much higher quality than the RooshV and Matt Forney crew. What’s interesting is that their methods worked better too. Early PUAs were focused on how to get laid, but later PUAs just played on the insecurities of lonely men. The MRA/MGTOW movement is worse technically, but anything that doesn’t work is actually doing something you haven’t figured out yet. Now I get it.

The constant is that these people are losers. The people who don’t learn these methods as a hobby are Machiavellian weirdos or awkward freaks. None of these people could operate outside of their material. Ross Jeffries was a horrible boor at a party. Mystery can’t into life. The pseudonyms inherent in the game reflect that which you never had, eg Style.

Neil Strauss never got over himself. The author is deeply interested in boring things. He persists in the PUA game long past any utility. When he gets tired of it he decides pathologize everyone else to smooth his exit. At least he got a book out of it and documented everything well.

>> No.16126706
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>I wonder what would happen to society if men stopped putting women on a pedestal
We'd turn into the Greeks, start worshiping the male form, and put twinks on a pedestal instead. Don't tell me we aren't halfway there already with the trap meme.

>> No.16126801

Read the Mystery method, the only serious book about it. The game is just Mystery 2.0 in which Strauss stroking his ego, it's ok if you want to learn about the PUA scene.
Anyway devoting so much time picking up chicks it's just immature and immoral behaviour by men-child. Sex without love is pointless, it's basically cardio with pee pee in vagoo. I barely respect women and I absolutely can't respect women (and men) whoring themselves for shallow plesure, they are just a product of this messed up porn filled consoomer society.
Read the Bible and start a family and use your energy to do good things, not doing monkey tricks for a piece of ass.

>> No.16126824

Reading daygame nitro right now. I like it because its not about fucking everything with a pulse using canned shit. Its about how to talk honestly to girls you genuinely find attractive. Its fucking fun. I never wanted to fuck a bunch of sluts, i was always more interested in a deeper connection with chicks, without that i dont want to do the sex on them. Over the last 4 years i visually turned into a chad and want to use game to brighten my day, fucking with chicks mentally. The book teaches you how to make hot chicks do the work and chase you. Its game for alphas.

Another book i can recommend is Models by Marc Manson. In the end this is the only book on women that you really need to read. It teaches you how to make yourself vulnerable and how to be self invested all the time. This works and its all based on honesty which is the most powerful approach.

>> No.16126829

Based as fuck.

>> No.16127403
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This one. I strongly reccomend you follow it religiously.

>> No.16127463

Just listen to the Black Phillip Show on YouTube. Ignore the cuck shit and you're g2g
Hank Venture btfo'd MM

>> No.16127488
File: 22 KB, 333x499, 41+GGFdusNL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Lovin': How To Pick Up Fat Chicks was an absolute gamechanger for me

>> No.16127505

>can you imagine fucking a girl for free. literally making her cum and not even wanting to be paid for it.
not wanting to be paid for it? so you're a gigolo? what?

>> No.16127719

The little bonding moments between him and the other J*w were touching. "Not the same class" as Mystery, that's one way of saying what they were saying.

>> No.16127817

I wish men who read shit like The Game and women who read shit like The Rules would do the rest of the world a favor and date each other.