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16125309 No.16125309 [Reply] [Original]

What books capture the feeling of old Europe? Lord of the Rings does that, but I wonder if there are other books with a similar melancholic beauty feel to them.

>> No.16125326

Thread theme:

>> No.16125364
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It infuriates me to see the people of Europe squander their continent and history. I studied your continent and its peoples, from the Minoans to today. It is a special place, due to climate, geography, luck and the people that have lived there for millennia.

What happened to you guys? Why have most of you turned against yourselves, and why do you march so proudly towards self-destruction? Is it guilt over colonization? If so, let it go-- any other race would have done the same.

I don't know. I have a lot of love for Europe. It would be a shame if the European cultures were to disappear-- no, worse, if they were to erase themselves-- in the name of liberalism and other such values. Please, stand up for yourselves. Whoever controls Europe controls the world. Don't hand over your homelands so easily. Your continent will play a climatic role in the human story before it's all said and done.

>> No.16125384

Pretty sure it was immigration

>> No.16125386

birth rate too low

>> No.16125390

Name Of The Rose

>> No.16125393

You mean bucolic?
William Morris, Walter Pater

>> No.16125407

yes, we must grow infinitely forever

>> No.16125448

don't you have a statue to worship

>> No.16125453
File: 1.42 MB, 1000x667, 1A1B46BA-FE04-4BC6-A0F1-BB50642335DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read a quote from some Roman traveler somewhere. He said that they traveled from one end of europe to the other and never saw direct sunlight for all the giant trees thick canopy.
It may have been a bit of an exaggeration, but probably not by much. Wish I could remember what the name of the guy was

Białowieża Forest, Poland.

>> No.16125481

kys spiritual semite

>> No.16125484

The Corner that Held Them

>> No.16125490
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>Lord of the Rings does that

>> No.16125492
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>> No.16125496

Don't you have an Imaginary God who does not exist in this World but it totatly does in another to worship?

>> No.16125503

They all tied themselves to the Euro and austerity ideology. Plus the cash cow of imperialism and military might isn't under their control anymore

>> No.16125524 [DELETED] 
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>>Lord of the Rings does that

>> No.16125546
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That was pretty. Thank you

>> No.16125548
File: 34 KB, 400x275, Carroll-Quigley-Tragedy-and-Hope-e1330321825226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happened to you guys?
It's ogre.

>> No.16125565
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define old Europe

>> No.16125583
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Yeah, what are we talkin` about here? 1950?

>> No.16125662

Please die

>> No.16125668


>> No.16125670

Shut up

>> No.16125676

>medieval Europe was JUST LIKE middle earth!!!! I was born in LE WRONG GENERATION

>> No.16125694

Thats what you are saying.

>> No.16125950

>the feeling of old Europe
Don Q
Old Europe was not your sentimental wankfantasy, it was shit, disease, starvation, and war, all the time, everywhere.
Fuck off. We have never had it better. The world is a shitshow of fascists and morons, while we're arguing over who is going to clean our toilets
And there never was a Europe. It was horde after horde of barbarian invasions settling because the land is fertile and the people docile, because Europe is the center of the world

>> No.16125956

>it was shit, disease, starvation, and war, all the time, everywhere.
This is even more wrong than the romanticized view.

>> No.16125959

Open a history book sometime LARPfag

>> No.16125961
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>> No.16125964


>> No.16125984

History books tend to chronicle the wars, pestilences and famines. There were some good times.
One should not idealize the past so much of course, but like anon above just said, don’t go full reverse either.
The forests were better then!

>> No.16125990

Narcissus and Goldmund

>> No.16126065

or we could maintain an equilibrium in population rather than grow forever or shrink massively

>> No.16126076

I remember this book I had around in my house about bed tales illustrated by Arthur Rackam. I remember it mostly for an adaptation of the tale of king Midas, but I remember it had stories about gnomes and shit. Is that what you mean?

>> No.16126159

this, I was so sad when based Umberto passed away desu

>> No.16126171

>old Europe
>mistakes Anglo LARPing for anything current on the continent

Tolkein's letters make it clear he was too uncivilized to fathom what a bidet was for and accidentally drank out of one before the Somme battles.

>> No.16126172

Gargantua and Pantagruel

>> No.16126182

The High History of The Holy Grail.
The Romances of Chretien de Troys.

>> No.16126191

Ecco was a modernist and a liberal who's philosophy was antithetical to old Europe.
Rabelais was one of the writers who contributed to the rise of decedant modernity.

>> No.16126202


>> No.16126206

Yeah I wish we could go back too before all the tranny's and immigrants fucked Europe up.

>> No.16126228


You're a retard mate.

>> No.16126231

Europeans are already dead inside, even if they removed every last kebab and poo they’d still be empty husks

>> No.16126257
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>oh my gosh I love culture and history so much yeah you could say I'm a free thinking individual whom loves history

>> No.16126261

Yeah I hate historyfag LARPers too.

>> No.16126264
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>I studied
>let it go
>love for Europe
>please stand up for yourselves
>human story

>> No.16126268

Modernism is a hell of drug.

>> No.16126271

Hitler was a tranny immigrant?

>> No.16126283

Why are atheist retorts always so bitter and inelegant? Like a child having a fit.

>> No.16126290

Because christcucks are mental toddlers. Lmao do you think you deserve a well written response to why your fantasy isn't real? Lmao just lmao

>> No.16126694

Read European mythologies.

>> No.16126705

This Fucking Shit Again (vol. 325)

>> No.16126715
File: 680 KB, 822x802, 1594752345101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

European here. It's over, there are already enough brown non-whites in western europe to destroy the race and phenotype once we inevitably mix. One of the most important cities of my country had 50% of this years newborns be non-white of african or arabocongoid descent. The only salvation would come through mass deportation or genocide, and the probability of it happening is low since the jewish hand will keep us from rising up using law enforcement and brainwash.

Enjoy while it lasts, take whatever you can get, try to save it's knowledge in digital format, grow a decent .png folder from every european art piece before the shitskins burn it and tear it all apart, etc. Move on. Learn from this and warn your people so that they may learn what happens when you allow endless foreigners that hate you to settle on their land.

>t. Stoic Spaniard

>> No.16126735

im trying anon. Nobody wants to listen.

>> No.16126738

Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott

>> No.16126752
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You guys did it thanks to WWII. You know who should have won that. Keeping it /lit/ related has anyone bere read "The man in the high castle"?

>> No.16126789
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>> No.16126822

Stoicism is just cuckoldry then. If you were a real man, you'd do something instead of complain and cry.

>> No.16126854


Most of the people I know don't want migrants in our country lol. before someone call me racist no I don't hate them. I want my country to stay like it was. We don't need little africa, little turkey and shit like that. So stay in your country please!

>> No.16126862
File: 25 KB, 480x480, Patrick-Leigh-Fermor-credit-JohnMurrayArchive-BW_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to weep for what Europe once was, Read a Time of Gifts by Patrick Leigh Fermor. So much of the richness of European culture was lost in WW2.
We have no true aristocracy anymore, just petty bourgeoise and financiers.

>> No.16126874
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>le stoic cuck meme, do i fit in yet réddit?
>just do something!!! xD
This thing is out of my reach and I can't do anything to change it. My people has been brainwashed into becoming extinct as fast as possible.

How would I go about reverting the values and ideas of millions of people that people were brainwashed with as young as the age of 3?
Ideas which their fundamental cognitive orientation is based upon? Do you know how hard or near impossible this is in the field of psychology? Do you know the mental breakdown this would cause on an individual?

Afterwards, how do I go about murdering millions of immigrants, or how would I put them on boats, send them back to their countries, and make them swear to not come back ever again, myself? A single guy?

And if I don't do this all myself, and solve this herculean task with which no individual or collective was faced ever before in the history of mankind, then that means stoicism is cuckoldry and I am a cuck. Not a real man.

Dear 13 year old kid, once you grow up you will realize that real life isn't like your marvel comics, and that a single man cannot drain the entire ocean. And realizing this and accepting it, is stoicism.

>> No.16126891

I did, great book

>> No.16126935

>tl;dr: just give up, bro
You're such a worthless faggot.

>> No.16126997

I hope you find some modicum of what you are looking for brother.

>> No.16127189

Why not?

>> No.16127214

Lol you sound depressed, like most people who call themselves stoics. Take some time off the internet, read Mein Kampf, and soon you'll feel whole again and know how to be a man.

>> No.16127475

Do you wanna know why I'm right? Because you haven't provided a solution for anything yet. You just say "DO SOMETHING" like a faggot jew who just critiques everything but offers no solutions.

>> No.16127509

Narcissus and Goldmund pcomfy desu

>> No.16127517

You're not going to listen anyway because you're depressed. You can't do anything anyway because you're depressed. Fix that first. It's really not hard to think of what to do (the doing will be hard though, won't deny that).

Develop yourself. Set an example. Organise. Spread propaganda. Use the system against itself.
But first, fix your depression, and your stoicism cope isn't going to help.

>> No.16127602


>> No.16127616

>Develop yourself.
Yes, but that won't solve it.
>Set an example.
And end up dead or in jail.
I have no social skills whatsoever and even if I did no one would listen to a "rayyyyycisss"
>Spread propaganda.
Yeah, that works, I'll make the 90000th thread about the jewish question and the demographics problem, then I'll get sent to /pol/ and in /pol/ I'll get niggerdick spammed until the thread is archived.
>Use the system against itself.
My actions make no difference, what is a drop of water compared to an ocean.
>But first, fix your depression
I fixed it once I accepted our inevitable fate.
>your stoicism cope isn't going to help.
Believing you can change the world or some cringe teenager shit helps no one. Stoicism is about accepting reality and not thinking you're some sort of live laugh love superman that can overturn a millennia old conspiracy to assimilate the white race into a brown hybrid.

Coping is needing to think that something will be done about it because thinking that it's inevitable is too scary for the redditor who disregards stoicism.

>> No.16127648

>You're not going to listen anyway because you're depressed. You can't do anything anyway because you're depressed. Fix that first.

Your posts reek of depression anon. Stop sulking and act like a man.

>> No.16127658

The World of Yesterday
The Man Without Qualities
Haven't gotten a chance to read them yet, but I've heard very good things.

>> No.16127663

Prosperity was the death of our people

>> No.16127711

Can somebody please give me a clear explanation of what constitutes white vs nonwhite?
It's been brought up in this thread but I don't understand exactly how the concept of whiteness applies to Europe

>> No.16127718

or we could shrink from this unprecedented level of bloat, leaving more wealth per person

>> No.16127730

holy fucking shit the comments on that video are some of the cringeworthiest shit I have come across in a long time. I actually feel sad right now. Reading those comments has fucking killed my mood wtf

>> No.16127771

Europe was made of invasions and migrations.
And you’ve never heard of The Satyricon?

Things change, but this migrant crisis is getting to be pretty forced. They’re trying to break the welfare system
The liberals. Jews and non Jews

Capitalism was

>> No.16127806

> I'm willing to have my progeny die if it means a bit more "GDP" for moi
Holy cow, maybe you horrible people deserve to die out.

>> No.16127831

If you have embedded memories, dreams, and visions of Hyperborea you are white.
If you don’t you aren’t.

>> No.16127858

How do you explain eastern Europe then

>> No.16127872
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>> No.16127907

Based and true

>> No.16128073
File: 486 KB, 1280x914, Macaulay quote on Horatius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend, you're right, the situation is very very bleak... but not totally hopeless!
Hitler almost changed this course, though he failed.
History is made by the actions of Men who harness public sentiment. It is a FACT that if you could make every single country in Europe to totally cut immigration today all of them would (okay... I'm not sure about Sweden lol), even more if just MEN could vote on it, and MEN MAKE HISTORY.
Don't do anything reckless, just become the best Man you can be for 20-30 years in the future, the shit WILL hit the fan sometime and... we have to be ready for it.
t. Nietzschean White Argentine

>> No.16128150
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True, the fact that I've become blackpilled doesn't mean I'm not getting ready for what's to come. I own several weapons (no firearms because cuck country though) and I practice with them as a workout. I look forward to death in battle when shit hits the fan. Neighborhoods are becoming more and more favelized. I hope I can save enough money for a proper longsword before it happens. Good luck.

>> No.16128173

>I'm willing to import a billion niggers if it means the GDP goes up
This is your position
>Let's just not worry about the GDP going up and let the population settle back down to where it should be
This is mine

>> No.16128175
File: 59 KB, 640x305, Pedro Pizzaro quote on Peru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man. But what about hunting? No podes conseguir armas de fuego asi?

>> No.16128209

>all this pseud babble to justify giving up

>> No.16128243

Asi puedes tener pero es un calenton de cabeza, tienes que llevarlas a revisar a la guardia civil, nunca puedes tenerlas fuera del armero homologado (que te obligan a comprar, y son caros), y si se diese el caso de que la usas aunque sea en defensa propia o justificado, vas a la carcel. De hecho practicamente no existe la defensa propia, si alguien entra a tu casa a robar o a lo que sea, y le haces algo, le tienes que indemnizar con miles de euros y vas a la carcel, y si resulta que en la pelea lo matas aun sin querer, a la carcel tambien. Te arruinan la vida. Y tambien estas en una lista en la que en cuanto tengas cualquier problema con alguien por ejemplo una pelea aunque sea a puños o una discursion y venga la policia o haya una denuncia, te retiran las armas aunque no tenga nada que ver. Es un infierno burocratico, vale mas la pena tenerla ilegal sin que nadie lo sepa y usarla cuando sea necesario realmente. De hecho es que incluso si te pillan diciendo "negros de mierda" en una red social o parecido, te quitan las armas tambien, te lo quitan hasta por respirar. Y socialmente esta estigmatizado tener armas, como si fueses un psicopata o algo extraño. Asi que de momento entreno con armas de filo y aprendo HEMA.

>> No.16128282
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Bien, la situación en Argentina es igual (y se que es así en varios países europeos)... Yo en un par de años es probable que me vaya para ahi, ya que mi novia es europea.
Mis antepasados son gallegos, vos de cual región sos? Si no queres responder por el "doxing" lo entiendo igual jaja

>> No.16128295

He never came to a fucking lake?

>> No.16128314


>> No.16128317

you sound like a huge faggot. its cool medieval music, either listen to it or don't. no reason to whine like a woman about the youtube comments. who cares?

>> No.16128337
File: 88 KB, 640x352, Goering sur le fanatisme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Un saludo y que puedas conquistar lo que te propongas!

>> No.16128359

Igualmente, larga vida a la raza blanca, nunca derrotada por la espada.

>> No.16128364

yeah i'm thinking cringe

>> No.16128386

i scrolled the comments for three pages looking for something cringeworthy, it's just the standard "omg this musician is so amazing i love this shit" that you see on every audio upload, not sure what triggered u to death

>> No.16128387
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Don't you have a circumcised cock to gobble on?

>> No.16128394

Tolerance was the death of Europeans, of the Germanics in particular. Africans and Asians have never been as tolerant as Germanic peoples.

>> No.16128409

don't you have some moors to be conquered by?

>> No.16128433

t. BBC fetishist

>> No.16129264

Immigration is a symptom of the sickness, not the cause.

>> No.16129947

The Nibelungenlied is pretty good.

>> No.16130095

try out Mary Stewart's "Crystal Caves" series. It's the Arthur stuff through the eyes of Merlin (it's been decades since i read it though, so i don't remember much) but it's all set in old europe

>> No.16130121

Remember that time when Germanics had three world empires converge on a Central European power revoking concepts of tolerance in the state of...

>> No.16130257

One the marble cliffs

>> No.16130263
File: 3.50 MB, 1186x2599, DISGUISEdd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Song of Roland (english translation, whatever)
Malory's Morte D'Arthur

>> No.16130267
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& this desu

>> No.16130370

Nothing worthwhile occurred in western Europe after the World Wars.

>> No.16130380

t. irrelevant shithole dweller

>> No.16130708

It's Capitalism you fucking retard.

>> No.16130727

Truth. The fall was way before the massive immigration waves. Western europa is an industrialized land, with not much true nature left.

>> No.16130746

You mean jews and women. Women command the consumer markets more than men. Take away the ability for women to spend money, remove the jews: Bingo. Here's your Europe, on a platter.

>> No.16130750

>due to geography and luck
Try again.

>> No.16130804
File: 94 KB, 500x680, pleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old? The World of Yesterday by Stefan Zweig gives you a sense of Belle Epoque europe, the height of Viennese intellectualism at the turn of the 20th century.

pic related

>> No.16131092

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

>> No.16131114

no it isn't

>> No.16132169

Kys midwit.

>> No.16132943

Isn't Wagner one of Tolkien's stated influences

>> No.16133202

What if you agree that it is capitalism but see communists as morally indistinguishable from liberals? Can capitalism be defeated by based people like religious zealots, militarists, or Kings?

>> No.16133249

No kings. The others incidentally can be a part of it.

>> No.16133310

Okay, what if my side wins? Are you gonna side with the ex-bourgeoisie in overthrowing the based and redpilled rebirth of my ancien regime? Or do you want to join??

>> No.16133355

The only way we win is by revolution. Another coup is a another loss, and we have no more time. Your “rebirth” will be a stillbirth.
Embrace tradition. Overthrow the power elites and establish a non market economy and direct democracy for your local community.

>> No.16133428

>muh revolution
Pretty cringe for someone who's not a 15 year old

>> No.16133451
File: 281 KB, 1400x2114, DD9FF376-BC0D-4984-A669-59007B6B0A5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is even more cringe, wastrel

>> No.16133458

Believe me, I would love to live in a commune in an enchanted forest like Tom Bombadillo >>16125309. Problem is such an arrangement isn't uhhh...militarily viable in our globalized world full of nations if you're picking up what I'm laying down. That's why people like me think the only way to beat the power elite is by replacing it with a new power elite (this time more based). Unless you have a way to enforce global compliance with commune-ism or Shire-ism in a world that is changed beyond recognition from the material conditions that made those arrangements the norm. Not really being sarcastic here, there could be a way I just don't see it

>> No.16133545
File: 96 KB, 500x660, 14CC68CD-7358-4E21-B4E6-F19263073761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replacing it the way they replace themselves has never worked, and will never work. It has to be more substantial.
We have to offer the majority everything, and get them all on the right side. So called rightwingers and leftwinger. The military and the newly poor middle class, with advanced communications We must catch on like wildfire. Your way, Lenin’s way, Kim il Sung’s way, won’t do shit, and the majority of the US won’t lift a fi her for it. (Maybe tankies are suitable for India, I donno, but it wont happen in the US)

And we can’t have old growth forests overnight. Though that is the best way to save the environment, we must plant those seeds before it is too late.


>> No.16133568
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>books with a similar melancholic beauty feel to them.

>> No.16133578


>> No.16133734

Sadly this. Especially young people are nothing but mindless drones who bow to the lowest form of American culture and can't think an independent thought if their life depended on it.

>> No.16134197

It's hard to see what you're referring to, but if you're talking about the RP stuff it's probably not what it seems. People use this music for playing DnD so what seems to be RP is just people making playful references to the DnD experience.

>> No.16134200

well women are the problem and if you're honest you'll admit that, it's the redpill.

>> No.16134233

>Rabelais was one of the writers who contributed to the rise of decedant modernity.
How come?

>> No.16134247

Fought ourselves to a standstill, then got warsick.

>> No.16134251

You been eating blue pills

>> No.16134341

Nothing to do with old europe, only the beginnng of degeneracy and industrialization and war. At their point it already all was shit.

>> No.16134562

>What happened to you guys? Why have most of you turned against yourselves, and why do you march so proudly towards self-destruction? Is it guilt over colonization? If so, let it go-- any other race would have done the same.
There's too many men, too many people. And not much love to go around.

>> No.16134603

It's urbanism, anonymity and atomization turns men into orcs. The pre-enlightenment private man (the greek idiot) epithomized by the hobbits is already a degenerate step in that direction. The interwar mass movements of fascism and communism were attempts to overcome urbanism within the framework of urbanism by rekindling the heroic age through a refoundational myth (palingenesis). But that failed. Fascism got aborted and communism grew sick and died an old man's death.

We're living in the void created by capitalism, which has long since transcended its heroic phase. My personal hope is that climate change will somehow crash globalization and limit to manageable centres.

>> No.16134718

The Nibelungenlied wasn't written by Wagner. You're thinking of the Ring-tetralogy, which is an adaptation of the myth, based in part on the Middle-High German epic and primarily on the Icelandic Völsunga Saga

>> No.16134733

please shut up about your cringe ass pills and stop blaming half of humanity cause you never got laid

>> No.16134747

Revolution isn't ontologically real, Butthead. It'll only ever occur at the behest of Power, in which case it isn't revolution at all.

>> No.16135104

>Rabelais was one of the writers who contributed to the rise of decedant modernity.

cite your sources

>> No.16135112

didnt bother japan.

>> No.16135134

Simplicius Simplicissimus

>> No.16135289

Settle down, Phil.

>> No.16135313

>Time of Gifts
I came here to post this. It’s not a lament for the Europe that we’ve lost, it’s a celebration that it ever happened. Best book I’ve read in years.

>> No.16135321

Because of plastic.

>> No.16135353

Germs losing ww2 obviously.

>> No.16135425
File: 34 KB, 470x246, thomas_jeffersion_963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even kidding.

>> No.16135452

Most great European books of the 19th and early 20th century. I found it in several books that belonged to the realist and romanticist type.
Personal recommendations:
The Leopard
War & Peace, Anna Karenina

>The World of Yesterday by Stefan Zweig
Yes, however the man without qualities wouldn't have what Op is looking for.

Funny article, however it does not feel like old Europe, you burger. What makes your book different from other PUA books in the year 2020?

>> No.16135501

Just read anything written before 1500.

>> No.16135830

Not much beyond similar hackneyed fantasy. LOTR has this feeling because it already exists on that cusp of obliteration of european locale; I would recommend Mann's The Magic Mountain

>> No.16136464

Fuck the aristocracy. They didn’t make Europe any better for sponging off the masses.

>> No.16136746

yes? how?

>> No.16136943

Sebald's The Emigrants gave me that feel of old Europe knowing it will disappear soon but it's been so long since I've read it.

>> No.16137358

I just came back from 2 months of traveling through Europe and I barely saw any immigrant or even dark skin. No joke. On the east part of Europe they are just non existing. I only saw them in France and German city's. Countries like Croatia and Hungary are just so racist that literally no immigrant wants to go there.

>> No.16137384
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Somewhere in Poland.
After this trip I'm even more hyped about Europe and my roots. it is really not as bad as people imagine it.

>> No.16137391

>Imaginary God

>> No.16137448

>It infuriates me to see the people of Europe squander their continent and history.
>What happened to you guys? Why have most of you turned against yourselves, and why do you march so proudly towards self-destruction? Is it guilt over colonization?
What do you mean?

>> No.16137628

>they brought in millions of third world Islamists as a capitalist conspiracy against the welfare system

Why are leftoids like this

>> No.16137631
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>It infuriates me to see the people of Europe squander their continent and history. I studied your continent and its peoples, from the Minoans to today. It is a special place, due to climate, geography, luck and the people that have lived there for millennia.

>What happened to you guys? Why have most of you turned against yourselves, and why do you march so proudly towards self-destruction? Is it guilt over colonization? If so, let it go-- any other race would have done the same.

>I don't know. I have a lot of love for Europe. It would be a shame if the European cultures were to disappear-- no, worse, if they were to erase themselves-- in the name of liberalism and other such values. Please, stand up for yourselves. Whoever controls Europe controls the world. Don't hand over your homelands so easily. Your continent will play a climatic role in the human story before it's all said and done.

>> No.16137632

>haha we wrecked europe you mad pagan?
I mean yeah

>> No.16137975



Brainlets. The bourgeois are importing migrants for two reasons
1) cheap labor
2) "progressive" appeasement and a common enemy for the working class that isn't the rich

It's all a distraction for them to ascend to global aristocracy.

>> No.16138019

People are crazy these days!

>> No.16138559

Holy shit please kill yourself

>> No.16138628

the larp is... too cringe...

>> No.16139375

Let's suppose that we accept your priors about how it's all economics.
What ethnicity are these "bourgeoisie" then midwit?

>> No.16139999

Interestingly, I've yet to see evidence that this was not largely the case for all of human history. Only that it is remarkably more visible now. In fact, everything I've encountered seems to esteem the hoi polloi similarly as trend-hopping slaves.

>> No.16140783

Capitalism requires cheap labour. Capitalism pushes for liberalism. Without Capitalism there is none of this.

>> No.16140797

There’s been many hands involved in doing this, and they all seem to be doing it for the money and power. Follow the money, anon.

>> No.16140935

not an argument

>> No.16140949
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The genetic lottery is a game of luck.

>> No.16141061

Small skirmishes fought mostly by nobles
Now we have insane rates of diabetes and heart disease, obesity etc
Fair point, but going back to my last point, the malnourishment of modern times is probably as devastating as the undernourishment of the past. I’m a healthy weight myself, but I’m gonna guess that pushing 250 lbs probably sucks as bad as an empty stomach
Obviously I would hate living in the Middle Ages but it would be pretty dope to check it out. Like the idea of bears roaming the English countryside, absolute silence and stargazing in a clear sky at night, wilderness looming in every direction. There’s no denying the period had its charms.

>> No.16142026


>> No.16143320


>> No.16143434

>There were some good times.
Life was nasty, brutish, and short, even at the best of times.
It was not small skirmishes. It was hordes moving back and forth across the land, driven by cropfailure, and starvation. Britain is on the very edge of the map, and their chronicles are nothing but wave after wave of invasion devastation, followed by infighting, religious turmoil, dread, and disease.
If you were lucky enough to live in backwater shitsville, your life was toil and disease

You fucking internetbabies need to grow up with your shit baawaa modern life is rubbish, you are free for the first time in all of human history and all you fucking do is cry a river.
Don't want to be an obese diabetic, get off your fat ass.
Want to pretend to be a girl? For the first time people won't burn you for being a freak.
Want to cry about how bad everything is and pretend to be the last vestige of a lost civilization? LARP on /lit
Fuck off

>> No.16143467

which is cringe. i played D&D in my youth and god damn i wish i didn't waste my time being an absolute faggot surrounded by absolute faggots.

>> No.16143481

for centuries peasants in medieval England worked way less than we do now and there was very little war, definitely no total war like was seen in the modern period. I am not romanticizing them, these are simply facts.

>> No.16143494

>Life was nasty, brutish, and short, even at the best of times.
Hobbes was talking about 'savages' here, not about medieval or modern peasants, under the feudal system and/or monarchy.

>> No.16143519

the self hate is... too cringe...

>> No.16143595

>le ebin cringe XD
Back to plebbit.

Every problem you stated in Britain was directly caused by the ideology you're selling (Liberalism), and even that's a laughable oversimplification. Go read a book.

>> No.16143659

faggot, what you call european history is really just the history of about 4 different families who became so inbred they couldn't breath anymore, the fact that they paid homos to paint them in a way that made them look tough isn't a reason to think they were cool

>> No.16144019

Armor licker

>> No.16144146
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we are victims of our own success I guess. Millions of muzzies moved in because we were so prosperous for hundreds of years and now we are infested. The average euro-cuck is too much of a fag to get them to leave. Europe is fucked.

>> No.16144158

>Countries like Croatia and Hungary are just so racist that literally no immigrant wants to go there.
where do I sign up? I live in france and its infested with mudslimes.

>> No.16144166

What happened to us was two devastating world wars and then being left to be picked out by USA and USSR.
In fact that's what happened. Half belonged one while the other half belonged to another, both nations with inferior cultures but it's not like we had a choice. The best we could do to still compete with them was forming EU though.
Now we have shitty globalist politicians in charge of the EU, especially Germans who want to do the completely opposite of the Nazis as if they have a guilty consciousness.
Interestingly enough, the nations who still have a sense of pride in their culture tend to be the poorest such as Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece. We don't take kindly to foreigners trying to change our way of life. It's mostly the souless northern Europeans who don't have much of s culture to begin which tend to promote globalism and cultural diversity.

>> No.16144486
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>my ancestors
good bait mutt

>> No.16144585

>European here
>>t. Stoic Spaniard
pick one and one only

>> No.16144658

wow... I would like to dress as him but India we cannot find clothing like this

>> No.16144720

Anglo prep is cringe. Get some taste and at least LARP as an Italian or a French.

>> No.16144799

Too late already, capitalism is a unstoppable machine. We are it's epiphenomena.

>> No.16145372

Jesus fucking, sad to see the state of you fucking people. All of you, whether american or european, sit here from you home at your computer, crying over how "fucked" and "doomed" Europe is. What the fuck are you on about? Life in this continent, or anywhere else in the world, has never been as good as it is right now for the modern european middle class. Holy shit, you are all so fucking sheltered. Go outside for a while maybe, and realize what people actually care about, what people do for fun instead of staying home al day larping and dreaming of some "good old days".

>> No.16145395

They don't want their countries to turn into Lebanon or Brasil. It's called foresight

>> No.16145421

Can you point towards any aspect of European society that is steadily regresing towards that of Lebanon or Brasil? Can you provide academical sources? Or are you scared by the dark-skinned migrants that you have seen on the latest video by your favourite youtube propagandist ?

>> No.16145454

I would have thought that was obvious, Lebanon blew up in the 70s because of the decades of Muslim immigration preceding them, notably refugees from Palestine. Brasil represents the demographics that the USA is trending towards. Brasil is actually functional at least, the failure mode of latin american countries is worse.

>> No.16146434

you haven't read it, now go back to pol

>> No.16148098

that was once a man