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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 474x231, chad-angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16125262 No.16125262 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16125278

feed the poor

>> No.16125280

As low T as you can get. Jesus wasn't a cuck. We need to get rid of the Jews and start another Crusade

>> No.16125281

Get a war pope who declares a Crusade on the holy land.

>> No.16125286

You're going to make it great again with stale memes.

>> No.16125287

Not all angels are described as looking the same way in the Bible. Some Biblical angels do just look like people

>> No.16125318

Make a hip hop musical version of the bible

>> No.16125321


>> No.16125346

Take all the kids in school up to age 14 and have them spend all day listening to real stories, history, and bible readings instead of YA crap, discuss it with their teachers and with themselves, writing and learning rhetoric, and engaging in physical activities and work. Very basic math mainly focused on logic, no science, just discussion and play and simple work (chores) until they hit puberty.

Then when they hit 14 they go to school and POWER through mathematics through to basic calculus, and introductory basic sciences. At 20 they pick a subject to specialize in and learn it inside and out.

What does this have to do with Christianity? Kids now can't understand Christian philosophy because all the time that should be spent teaching them reason, social skills, and thinking, when they're still developing their minds and learning things, is wasted teaching them simple facts. !Science!-types justify this by saying basic sciences teach reasoning, but that's a lie. No one learns reasoning from basic science, they learn reasoning from the act of reasoning. Reason should be taught first, through analysis of stories children will learn and begin to know, and analyzing those stories and understanding them, seeing them as a foundation. People then confuse the principles of scientific analysis, which is about extrapolating conclusions for industrial planning, to philosophy, which is about deriving culturally-significant moral frameworks from axioms. So you get atheists all over the place because people never develop the capacity to discuss moral frameworks, only materialist analysis.

Teach kids reasoning and have them learn by talking about stories and they'll actually develop the capacity to think. You can't do this by forcing them to read crap books. Sit them down and read them stories about things. Teach them to write about what they hear. Discuss the things together the next day and have them read what they wrote. Now they learn how to reason. You spend all your time doing that, and the kids will hit puberty with the reasoning capacity of your average college student today, and none of it has been confused with scientific analysis so there's less untying to do later. Then all you have to do is discuss Christianity with them and even if they disagree they're disagreeing for real reasons and not just "Muh sky fairy".

>> No.16125360

>If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/.
Do rules not matter here in /lit/?

>> No.16125371

>Jesus wasn't a cuck
Yes he was.
>inb4 that one time when he had a hissy fit and overturned a few tables

>> No.16125376


>> No.16125377

The jannies seem to be running an experiment of doing absolutely nothing.

>> No.16125378

pagan lies

>> No.16125383

>real stories, history, and bible readings i

>> No.16125389

Gospel of thomas written before gospels

Gnosticism is the hidden teachings of jesus

The real religion

everyone knows it secrelty


>> No.16125406


Why did you save such a tiny picture?

>> No.16125415

Have you tried reading the Bible, praying, and going to church?

>> No.16125439

You are not a Christian, meaningless stupid violence has nothing to do with what Jesus said but sacrificing your material self for another man has. Go and jack off to your power-fantasies elsewhere.

To be a true Christian is to be a ‘cuck’, get over it and get off your egotism.

>> No.16125445

>another man
The way I put it sounds a bit gay, *for other people

>> No.16125455 [DELETED] 

Nothing wrong with being a ‘cuck’ in the sense you are speaking off, caring what /pol/ thinks of you over your religion and morality is another form of being ‘cucked’ and spooked

>> No.16125456

You're both wrong.

Feed the poor.
Sell your cloak.

There is no contradiction here.

>> No.16125477

Nothing wrong with being a ‘cuck’ in the sense you are speaking of, caring what /pol/ thinks of you over your religion and morality is another form of being ‘cucked’ and spooked

>> No.16125488

We don’t need a crusade, we need to drive out the merchants en-masse.

>> No.16125493
File: 63 KB, 382x450, God and his Seraphs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading all Biblical lore makes Satan into a fucking chump.

First of all, he was never anything more than a mid-ranking executive, essentially. A Cherub, that is not even the highest rank of angel, which are Seraphs, or "Burning Ones".

Seraphs literally guard God's throne. They are, in essence, the most powerful beings in creation next to God himself. They would annihilate the devil with the greatest of ease.

Really kind of puts into perspective what a joke Satan's rebellion is.

>> No.16125513

I am so tired of racism, in the name of Jesus Christ, shut up and let us contemplate on God in peace.

>> No.16125556

Contemplate all you like in Heaven.
A earthly world still contains earthly concerns.

Further, God and volk are not mutually exclusive values. Merchants threaten both, though you see it not. You will, in time.

>> No.16125580

ask /x/ not /lit/ - literature
your holy book is no more on topic here than a catalogue of stamps

>> No.16125590

do fuck off

>> No.16125605

How about posting a decent sized image on an IMAGE BOARD???

>> No.16125612

reconcile with nitch

>> No.16125640

Total psyop by the Demiurge to keep you attached. Yeah you'll feed them alright.... for the next 20 life-times. Teach the poor about the food of divine knowledge, and they shall be nourished in spirit

>> No.16125735

The most powerful are the archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and (sometimes) Uriel.

>> No.16125769

embrace the fact you're living in a secular society, return to the catacombs, be the Church of the Roman Empire, read the Church Fathers

>> No.16125890

Depends on the angle he is taking. If he’s talking about the bible from a metaphorical/literary angle then it’s /lit/, but if it’s a literal purely supernatural angle then it’s /x/

>> No.16125891
File: 80 KB, 896x708, worlds-most-important-graph-2017-f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.16126192
File: 9 KB, 256x197, big soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16126243

What's with these angel posts the last couple months.
It's like one person was amazed by what angels look like and now can't stop posting about it.

>> No.16126249

>Start Crusade
>Secure Jerusalem
>Wipe out other faiths with convert or die edict
>following world religion establishment, formally abolish currency, credit system, banks, and other Sanhedrin fictions
>organize multiracial Catholic elect into agrarian communes
>Workers' Soviets lead by Bishops
>Diplomacy through the Deacon
>Monastery schools
>Barter economy through Christian ethics
>Mass Asceticism, rejection of pure natalism in favor of spiritual enlightenment
>different races meld into a roughly Semitic-looking pre-Babel monoculture
>2nd Coming kicks off
>everyone ascends to paradise with counter-revolutionary atheists, race nationalists, and subversives left behind

Jesuits were right.

>> No.16126300

Yeezus Christ Niggastar

>> No.16126304

>ing I should read before Kant?

>> No.16126320

Personally, I'd start by using an American political slogan. That will guarantee nothing but the highest quality of conversation on the topic. The next thing I'd do is I'd use the chad/virgin meme, so people know that I'm not only serious on the topic, but also willing to engage openly and honestly. Lastly, I'd contribute absolutely nothing other than this shitty title and picture, because I want people to know I have plenty to say on the subject and am willing to contribute.

>> No.16126326

Jesus was a Jew, you fucking idiot.

>> No.16126464

jews are white

>> No.16126518

Stop posting memes and start going outside talking to people.

>> No.16126648

How do we make /lit/ about literature again? This certainly isn't a thread about books.

>> No.16126672

Yeah, a more cucked version is certain to work lol

>> No.16127242

They aren't, actually. They're just high ranking angels who are more tied to humanity.

>> No.16127460

From purely biblical knowledge we can assume the archangels are the most powerful, as the Archangel St. Michael rules the armies of heaven. It isn't until the 5th century that the most known hierarchy of angels is recorded in the De Coelesti Hierarchia, which was later adopted by other influential Christian theologians like Thomas of Aquinas.

>> No.16127472
File: 141 KB, 960x720, 1571648925643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>certain players online is desperately trying to push Christianity on us
I wonder why that is... Pay up, goyim.

>> No.16127485

the eye-wheel meme is for sub 80 iq guys that cant recognize metaphor

>> No.16127491

I'm pretty sure the "Westernized" angel is actually the pre-Christian Roman angel. (Yes, they had angels too.)

>> No.16127512

> sell your cloak and buy a sword

>> No.16127530

Judaism is an explicit reaction to Christ, you stupid dumb fuck. There were no Jews before Jesus.

>> No.16127899

that would cause the opposite desu

>> No.16127948

Abolish Vatican II

>> No.16128023

Christ is forever great. There's nothing to make 'great again'. Where we fail to genuinely love Him, then we pay the toll of that.