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/lit/ - Literature

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16124935 No.16124935 [Reply] [Original]

How do people read 70+ books in a year? How can I do the same?

>> No.16124949

reading a book every 3 days

>> No.16124954

They usually read with their eyes.

>> No.16124968

Read every single day. You might think you don't have the time, but you actually do. Just stop being lazy.

>> No.16124971


>> No.16124980

You're on 4chan. Get off the computer and pick up a book instead of shitposting here

>> No.16125104

Cuz theyre pseuds and its exaggerated anyway. You dont have to read that much if you dont want to

>> No.16125121

I don´t count the books I read, but I am already running out of space in my room to contain them.

Frequency is key, reading 50 pages a day will take you very far.

>> No.16125179
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Start with the classics

>> No.16125195


>> No.16125204

Is that greek?

>> No.16125916
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>You might think you don't have the time, but you actually do.
Pick up a book every time you feel like cooming/other time-consuming, low-reward habits, and read until the urge goes away.

>> No.16125931
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Has this even worked for anybody? In my experience I read a lot for 3 days then go back to cooming and don't read before another month passes by. Sucks.

>> No.16125966

i read while i coom

>> No.16125971

And if I basically only work, make meals/eat, and sleep?

>> No.16125977

just pick easy targets. but then why bother?

>> No.16125999

What if I read right before cooming every single day until I get dopamine rush from reading instead of cooming?
Would this work if I know what I'm trying to do to my reward system or do chemicals not care?

>> No.16126007

i dont care how fast or how much i get through in a day/year. the fact that i take care of myself now-a-days, and i give myself time to relax and read (reading is like a meditation for me,) is enough for me to appreciate the good ive done for myself.
stop caring about your progress: is your life in order?

>> No.16126012

that is decline of the west. people compete in stupidity. issue is, they read, but not necessarily understand. there's only a couple of books that are essential to start being a human. reading anything else is just killing time, escapism.

>> No.16126072

Enlighten us

>> No.16126088

Hang a picture of Jesus on your wall.
Get a chastity belt.
Use the hosts file to block all porn sites.
Move to a cloister.

Start a trade union and demand 8-hour workdays.

I've read that placebo treatments are still effective even when you're told it's placebo, so it may work.

>> No.16126095
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I can only "read" reddit while cooming. I watch some porn while shaking it, then give myself some relief for a few minutes and read reddit, then start with porn and shaking again, then reddit and repeat. Takes me about 1.5 hours to coom but it is very relaxing. I always masturbate lying down, watching and reading on my phone.

>> No.16126129

what's the source for the picture?

>> No.16126163
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people learn through pain. pain is what drives them out of comfort zone and makes them do miracles. reality is outside.

>> No.16126273

"Dan Vs."

>> No.16126276

Every time you feel the need to make these shitty threads on /lit/ and view its replies, you read.

>> No.16126353

Why is it important to you how many books you read a year? People that brag about the number of books they read likely don't take any of it in. You're much better off spending a longer time reading something and understanding it in depth than flicking through 5 books quickly and getting the gist of them. Reading is a pursuit you should engage in because you enjoy it, not because you heard some fuckwit on Roe Jogan's podcast talk about how reading 70 books a year gave him dude DMT lmao superpowers.

>> No.16126366

They're reading no-name genre fiction, that's where they get copious amounts of books to read yearly. Focus on good books and just read what you can.

>> No.16127126

you surprisingly have a ton of time if you walk away from the computer

>> No.16127776

you are such a fucking pseud

>> No.16127979

Read short books I guess