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/lit/ - Literature

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16122110 No.16122110[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There have been a few threads recently complaining about the state of this board. While I don't agree with everything that's said, the basic problem seems to me that you have to sift through mountains of adolescent trash to find that elusive quality content: helpful recommendations, interesting discussions, insightful observations, etc.

I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good forum where these kinds of things can still be found, but without sacrificing the freedom of expression (and freedom from sanctimonious moralising) that so often dominates other spaces.

>> No.16122178 [DELETED] 
File: 624 KB, 1711x1760, pegmeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet a fruit like you'd fancy nanowrimo

>> No.16122227
File: 60 KB, 610x708, FE5750C4-82F8-44F1-AFBB-B718AC006615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second for interest. so tired of seeing good and high quality threads/posts ignored and deluges of retarded /pol/tard and redditfag posting. where is there a good board where good literature is discussed seriously and intelligently?

>> No.16122266


>> No.16122407

This would qualify as adolescent trash.

>> No.16122439

when I want to shitpost with people who have at least a triple digit IQ, /lit/ is fun. but when I want to have a productive thread, /lit/'s low standard of moderation fucks it over. it also makes no sense how there are multiple boards devoted to philosophy. it's all a convoluted mess and it needs to be organized better.

>> No.16123063

They don't exist. You'll have to make one yourself.

>> No.16123068
File: 519 KB, 1667x2500, roland bremen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone make a discord and we can all join it

>> No.16123080

Love Ian.

>> No.16123082

Discord is against free speech and anonymity.

>> No.16123099

You are (one of) the cancers killing this board.

>> No.16123106

It's been about a year since I stopped using it because this was true and it's got even worse lol
cos nobody's ever made a discord server before aimed at the non-yards on /lit/

>> No.16123118

>how there are multiple boards devoted to philosophy
Which /lit/ is not meant to be one of

>> No.16123150

It’s called reddit
The reason you have to do so much sifting is simply a lack of people discussing literature. Everything else is secondary, the only way for more discussion is more users who read and isolating yourself with a small group won’t fix that.
Reddit has everything you’re looking for; it’s not a joke. There are far more users there and if the people there don’t like your opinions they will let you know, just like /lit/ will let you know if you don’t subscribe our groupthink.
If you don’t like it it’s probably because you’re hooked on or are fond of of 4channel users more than you care to admit.

>> No.16123171

There’s already like 3 “official /lit/ discord server”s and the book club

>> No.16123405

Do you want upvotes for effortposts? There are no rewards here. If you have something meaningful to say then do it but don't wait for your medal

>> No.16123600

Can't speak for the other two, but I'm not interested in validation. I just want to find a message board for literature that has /lit/'s good qualities without so much of the bad. I like this format, just, as stated, would rather not waste so much time trawling through shit in search of gold.

>> No.16123652

But most of the discourse is so fucking vapid and asinine. Occasionally I read something on here that makes me genuinely reconsider the world, literature, politics, psychology -- that's never happened on reddit. It's like on average the content is better quality, but that's it, just average quality content -- I'm not going to find something that genuinely reaches me. I'd love to find a place where that can happen more often, and where I don't need to pay such a price.

>> No.16123671

Unironically reddit. Try to find smaller communities off the beaten path. The pynchon subreddit just did a GR groupread for example which had a handful of very insightful and intelligent posters following along

>> No.16123681

Jannies have to keep everything outside the sticky out of /lit/.
fuck jannies

>> No.16124247
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All I want when I effort post is to be repayed in kind. That doesn't happen much anymore...

>> No.16124317

This, janny laziness and refusal to uphold board guidelines is the problem. I’ve heard that the mothnigger is a janny so that would explain it because she loves bitching about off topic political and philosophical shit, also probably encourages all the pseud Marxism.

>> No.16124326

what the fuck is a janny

>> No.16124355

I know a couple of places, but I'm keeping them a secret so you guys don't shit them up.

>> No.16124376

>I would like a forum where I'm the only midwit allowed
How would that work?

>> No.16124384

Rocket chat?

>> No.16124468
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Chats are shit for long form discussion. You need a forum or a board where responses can be well considered, written and edited before posting. Technically possible with a chat, but not encouraged. And a chat will bump the post out of sight way too quickly.

>> No.16124488


You have to lurk for at least 3 years before posting, newfag.

>> No.16124550

I'll further add that your desire to use existing services instead of creating your own site is exactly why the internet went to shit and we're all in this circumstance to begin with.

>> No.16124832
File: 5 KB, 192x250, relax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.
Philosophy threads on /lit/ contain some high-quality discussion, better than you will find in most college classes. There are some smart and very well-read posters who frequent this place. Also I think many people have been encouraged to begin reading philosophy purely due to inspiration and recs they have received from /lit/. I think thats a good thing.
Yes you have to search through the horseshit to find the jewels, but you cant expect the good things in life to be just handed to you without any effort.
I like /lit/ and dont plan on leaving

>> No.16124894

As soon as it's mentioned here, it will likely be flooded by the common idiot that posts here. Look for forums and subreddits if possible. You could also see if 8kun has a lit board and make one there if it doesn't.

>> No.16124951

>Philosophy threads on /lit/ contain some high-quality discussion, better than you will find in most college classes.
t. Has never been in an advanced philosophy class

>> No.16124955
File: 24 KB, 229x343, Cynical and downtrodden Chrysippus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you on the part about high-quality philosophy discussions on /lit/ and I like them too, but the problem with the philosophy threads isn't the insightful posters or the ones that at least don't negatively contribute to the thread. It's the blatant shitposters that turn an insightful discussion into a spergfest. I get that there's going to be a few of them in every thread, but the quality of discussion has gone downhill drastically since I've last came here in 2017 and we are at the point where people start phil. threads for the explicit purpose of getting (You)s and shitting up the board even more. For every good philosophy thread, there's at least 20 shitty bait tier ones.

Last time I checked, their /lit/ board is dead. Someone might be able to ask for board owner status and start it off anew.

>> No.16125050

Well I did say "most"
I've been in some graduate classes where some genuinely brilliant things were said but generally speaking the standard is not high. I was an academic for 14 years before I got out a decade ago so possibly things have changed, but all the reports I hear from ex-colleagues are that standards are still sliding.
But perhaps it was a false comparison on my part - if you compare /lit/ with the rest of the internet I maintain it stands up well.

You could be right. I dont mind shitposting so much, to tell you the truth it often makes me feel superior to the shitposter. Sometimes I wonder if its just a phase or part of a world-wide decline in culture.

>> No.16125148

I don't think you are underestimating university classrooms so much as you are overestimating /lit/.

>> No.16125846


>> No.16125858

literally only here because everywhere else on the internet bans you for unfiltered opinions and ideas.

>> No.16125888

On reddit you need to find the small subs. Any big sub is trash. If the top post of all time has like 10 to 20 upvotes and the community is active it's a good sign.

>> No.16125914

This thread’s depressing. Bump btw

>> No.16125970

Unreasonably based

>> No.16126068

Maybe some other chan? I'm sure there must be a /lit/ board there, in one of them at least.
But there's the risk that the community is so small that discussing is virtually impossible.

>> No.16126150

Unfortunately /lit/ is about as good as discussion gets. There are some more niche twitter circles and discord channels but I won’t list them. Look around enough and you’ll stumble over them.

>> No.16126514

I find it insulting that people have the audacity to say a recent newfag influx isn’t causing /lit/‘s current shittiness when posts like this are made. No wonder nobody here posts relevantly to the board topic, most of them weren’t even on the site a few months ago

>> No.16126554

r/truelit and r/literature are quite nice unironically

>> No.16126610

>the basic problem seems to me that you have to sift through mountains of adolescent trash to find that elusive quality content: helpful recommendations, interesting discussions, insightful observations, etc.
1. If you want to get quality content fast and dense you should read blog posts and books. Not that there is a garantee for that but often that is one of the aims of the author (at least in my case) in order to hook the reader. Watching videos are usually not that good, since reading is faster than listening to a person. Unless the visualisation is faster or better than reading it I recommend sticking with books.
2. In my experience, almost every discussion in real life and online is going to have lots of filler information, redundancy and trash. Look at any tech forum where people have questions and are looking for the solution to a problem they have. Most posts are not worth reading, there are people asking the same question, or bashing the OP or other posters.
3. If you are looking for a better discussion of books you should read commentary of other authors, which are usually books. Any major work has them and some are usually listed on Wikipedia.
4. Giving helpful recommendations is one of the strongest sides of /lit/, where you will get good and often lesser known book recommendations as well as movies, animes, comics, cities, video games if you are more open for the medium. Especially vice versa: people ask for the 'feel' of a certain other medium and ask for books and you will get answers. Besides the archives on warosu are open and useful, since most of these 'recommend me a book'-questions have been usually about the same type of books.
5. I knew two forums that would have gone into the direction but I lost the links to these and they weren't in English. Besides they were dead.
6. There are printed literature magazines. Have you ever looked at them. In my own langauge there are more than 30 and I guess you will have at least one for any languagee with more than 5 million native speakers. If you are an anglo: Look for 'english literature magazine' and you will find them. Of course you might dislike most of them but you would have to walk through the sift in this case only once.

>> No.16126722


>> No.16127004

Start a forum site Anon. Maybe it'll catch on and become something big.

>> No.16127024

I fucking hate username-type forums. They are always a disgusting circlejerk.

>> No.16127053

this but a new futaba-style image board. One dedicated to the arts and humanities so you can rope in all the frustrated posters from /lit/, /his/, /ic/, /mu/, and /tv/ (/film/) and hopefully get enough users to have non-dead traffic. Artschan.

>> No.16127100

what about a new humanities board on 8kun?

>> No.16127686
File: 276 KB, 500x528, Screenshot 2020-08-10 at 11.27.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's never going to be a good alternative to /lit/ because I forbid its creation!! ahahaha!!

>> No.16127747

I will be wherever they make it and I’ve got a lot of problems with these masks that I wanna talk about

>> No.16127833

OP here. I've found what I'm looking for. I'm not going to broadcast it here, but if you take the time to read through this thread and follow the suggestions you should end up there as well.

>> No.16127845

Nobody cares fag, stay in your new subreddit please, though we both know you’ll stay on 4channel to x-post epic screencaps

>> No.16127930

sounds awesome anon, I love this idea, no tech skills whatsoever tho so I'm no help

>> No.16127965

give us a hint

>> No.16128354

There are select discord groups for the discerning few. Be a sincere reader and we will find you.

>> No.16128368

philosophy should gtfo, just because philosophy is written in books doesnt make it literature any more than computer science is literature because its in books, get that shit out of here, there are never any threads about actual literary theory or literary criticism, there's very little about "lit" on /lit/

>> No.16128678

no. cultivation and enforcement of a type of board culture would be better. a lot of people treat /lit/ as a place to shitpost for people who are too intelligent for /pol/ or /tv/. that can be a lot of fun, but it ends up sapping the energy away from threads that have a potential for effortposting. I wouldn't mind having two boards, a "catch all" shitposting board to siphon shitposters from /his/, /lit/, /sci/, etc., and then start enforcing much stricter moderation on /lit/ until it slows down and reaches a new state of equilibrium.

in addition to what I suggested, a third option is to make a 2nd "catch-all" board for intellectual thinking, for topics that could be on /lit/ or /his/ but have otherwise too broad of implications to necessarily fit on those boards, so people can have intelligent conversations with other idiosyncratic but thoughtful people about anything. yeah, it sounds a bit pretentious, and we should avoid taking it too seriously, but a lot of us are here to talk in a forum where it is likely that our interlocutor has at least read a few books.

>> No.16128810

What is this common self-congratulatory meme I see of the people on this board being 'intelligent?' Most of the threads are groid-tier sex bait or worshiping authors without having read their work.
The majority on this board, as anywhere, are dogshit retards.

>> No.16128877
File: 561 KB, 709x565, Screenshot 2020-08-14 at 8.53.22 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ve got a lot of problems with these masks that I wanna talk about
wha-what masks??

>> No.16128993

yeah i just want recommendations for books I haven't read and interesting conversations. but every thread devolves into the same argument about Marx

>> No.16129655

Recommendations are the only this /lit/ actually does do well.
The only time it doesn’t work is if someones request is vague enough (any good fiction about America?!) where no one feels like writing a thought out paragraph about a book that’s likely to be off the mark; or, if you ask it in a faggy general questions thread nobody browses

>> No.16129936
File: 249 KB, 447x446, Screenshot 2020-08-14 at 8.33.16 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Recommendations are the only this /lit/ actually does do well.
What sort of threads on /lit/ should I be making if I'm in the middle of reading a recommendation but don't want to get spoiled?

>> No.16130164

good riddance faggot

>> No.16130354


>> No.16130377


>> No.16130453

Wow, /r/truelit actually looks pretty good
/r/bookscirclejerk is also funny

>> No.16130559

Sometimes the mods seem to really do their job and deleted OT threads but it is just impossible when shitposters spam their garbage threads relentlessly.

>> No.16130733

which sub

>> No.16130995

Reddits updoot system prevents any meaningful discussion. All subreddits are doomed to become circlejerks.

>> No.16131030

A subhuman race

>> No.16131094

unironically go back

>> No.16131221

Recently I went on a few BBSes, maintaining this illusion that somewhere outside of the internet proper, there might still be some individuals worth talking to, who aren't totally braindead.
What I found was thread upon thread of BLM, "climate change," "LGBT" and all the other crap. The only difference was, the interface was worse. There's no escape--we've reached total global contamination now. Why can't people think for themselves?

>> No.16131228

Jesus fucking christ this so much. Philosophy fags should just get the fuck outta here.

I didnt major in lit and kinda wish I had, if anyone has some good recommendations for introductory literary criticism throw em my way please

>> No.16131242


>> No.16131243

I like your second idea, we could call it /dum/ - the place for internet intelligentsia

>> No.16131249

circlejerk is pretty fucking funny ngl

>> No.16131259

What's funny and tragic is that, as shitty as /lit/ can be sometimes, it's literally the only place you can even get close to what you're after. This is as good as it gets.

>> No.16131287

>you have to sift through mountains of adolescent trash to find that elusive quality content
It isn't that hard. Shitposters are thankfully transparent. Just hide anything that opens with an image of a frog, chad, wojack, jezebel, twittercap etc. or consists entirely of greentext or a single line. Those threads are catnip for shitposters and are better left hidden on sight.

>> No.16131292

>I would like to solve the puzzle

>> No.16131294

go back niggers

>> No.16131650

>against free speech and anonymity.
Do you want to shitpost, say nigger, and get away with samefagging?

>> No.16131687

Jesus Christ, you're not supposed to get them this new.

>> No.16131699

Why is it so bad to be new? I’m not even that new lol. I just keep hearing that word and idk what it means.

>> No.16131706

ever tried googling things instead of making a fool of yourself

>> No.16131739

You should be hearing the words 'lurk moar' but unfortunately they have fallen out of favour.