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/lit/ - Literature

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16117188 No.16117188 [Reply] [Original]

EXEGESIS OF THE WHITE LAMB: a bolt of metanoic lightning has shattered the Black Cube, CHRISTOS descends into the combinatory engine of time just as the redemptive topology of the subject - that stanchion that qualifies man as the Allogenes, turning the duck of the archontic power-system into the rabbit of liberative negation: move and counter-move: Kant's transcendental “I” defined against the objectivity of the empirical self; knowledge of the transcendental subject qualifies as the knowledge of a kind of pre-propositional self-acquaintance or “conceivability”: which poses the question: what grounds the circularity of this acquaintance, and what is its relation (if any) with a gnostic soteriology? In Buddhist terms: how to understand the retroactive illumination of what-always-was? Univocity of inner sense hosts the combinatory field of the human: mirroring the cosmic khora in which transgression, perversion, and Evil become concomitants of the teleological production of novelty: Adorno: Evil is the identity of triviality and inertia: Abraxas/the Brahma Lung: that effectivity against which “nothing stands opposed ... but the ineffective ... his effective nature unfold[ing] itself freely”: from a Vedic perspective, heat death signifies the exhaustion of the khoric “algorithmics of connection” inherent to this epoch: already anticipated by capitalism's combinatory simulation of signs: libidinally charged bathwater, ahegao toasters: zygosis psychosis of the White Lamb: the commitment to the Empodecles' God of Love BEFORE Strife's perforating “passion” for transgressive access; but Lacan: if freedom lacks the knowledge adequate to transgression, that purity must in some way be “immature”, stillborn, ie Darkness stands in a relation of objectivity to the Light: inverted by Sethianism: Light alone understands Evil's major malfunction … averse thermodynamics: before the end of time, all possible horrors will be fulfilled, just because they are possible; that space yawns to abide the murder of flesh by non-flesh … man makes himself findable in the world to the utmost limit: it is not an illusion that capital inverts the constitutive relation between image and world: Valentinus would agree: the light-image of the Anthropos preceded the demoniacal construction of homo sapiens in Hyle: Derrida: writing's correlation with onanism: that obscene, simulative power of the presence/absence binary switch: anime weaponizes the synthetic-pareidolic function against itself: but this “retroactivity” is not without soteric value: just as someone whose never heard of rabbits will suddenly perceive one in the Duck/Rabbit figure after being told what they are, so do avidya and liberation work on the same principle: the Rabbit and Duck are consistent with the same “stimulus identity”, it is KNOWLEDGE that makes effectual: axiological variance within invariance; alternation in constancy:

>> No.16117207
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We can't generate ambiguous figures in our thoughts because we are one: by the ontological ego we don't mean some Secret Center, but knowing myself after the plan of my own knowing; I know myself as saved only if I am transcendentally inclined (through an act of grace coming from outside the system) to impute the character of “being-saved” to my primordial conceivability: in the Zone of Ichthys opened by the intersection of a reticular continuum with an intelligible light-world, the individual spirit neither pre-exists the body nor coemerges with it; it acquires its eternality retroactively, just “for having [once] arisen”: the empirical “I” acts a provisional opening into an omega-oriented deployment: just as the “subject which enunciates” anticipates/is anticipated by “the subject of the enunciation” in Lacan – that each part of a sentence grounds the whole that seals their meaning after the fact – so does death itself complete me like a sentence: like the set-up of a joke not being funny in the moment, but retrospectively: the Sethian Pronoia: “I became the seed of myself [in time]”: in other words, the gnostic savior intervenes at a contingent moment in history precisely for always having been destined to intervene in it, but final confirmation is postponed until the moment of death and ascension through the twilight region of the Archons, ie the Clear Light residuum of the nervous system experiencing its own decomposition: either I am saved, or exposed as the autorapist of my own transcendental bud in time: Tiantai Buddhism provides a robust framework for all of this: truth is not universality but findability: all propositions are true for being the localization of global incoherence in just this way; even “stupidity” is consistent with some heuristic: X implicates the non-X by exclusion: to the non-intentional (Tathagata) consciousness, the intelligibility and and ineffability of the object are disclosed as independently valid and inseparable: organs just stand for khora that disambiguate objects along a given scansion: not accessed, but iterated, by the senses: reflexion is the disease of modernity and the escape hatch, in much the same way that a proposition's liberative value lies precisely in its capacity to “point to the moon”: overcoming its provisionality after its own mode: training yourself to see SOTERIOLOGICAL VALUE in BIAS: an equivocal criterion of truth grounded in univocity: but modernity horizontalizes this vertical demand into consumer drives; the re-cognitional arena of the exteriorized persona; energic “altitude sickness”: Sloterdijk and the urban origins of the atman: ascesis has always been topological: the secession of individual space from public space, undertaken as the adept's unconditional submission to his eikon/syzygos: THE DUCK/RABBIT IS THE SNAKE/ROPE, THE SALVATOR/SALVANDUS: this is what the White Lamb said: “Love walks Uphill, sunlight is a time machine.”

>> No.16117225

HE'S FINALLY BACK. I actually feel a little emotional, thank you so much we are saved!

>> No.16117240

Looks like you got off the meds again bro

>> No.16117246

i've been saying this for years.

>> No.16117249

missed u bby

>> No.16117269

A long time ago, I read this line in a long passage on /lit/-

"The leafing greens"

Was this you OP? It changed my life.

And got me into process philosophy.

>> No.16117912

>just as the “subject which enunciates” anticipates/is anticipated by “the subject of the enunciation” in Lacan – that each part of a sentence grounds the whole that seals their meaning after the fact – so does death itself complete me like a sentence
Could someone elaborate on this? I'm rusty on my Lacan. Could it be that death is a sentence in itself, or rather, it is THE sentence? A sentence that encapsulates salvation in Soham: I am that? I'm not sure if I'm making sense or if I understood this right.

>> No.16117974

Every part of the sentence suggests the meaning of the complete sentence, but that meaning is nothing without what anticipated it. Lacan's point is the subject is always split by this "determinability" that defines his self-expression through language. Now just apply this to death. Death completes the process of signification that was your life.

>> No.16117984

>ahegao toasters

>> No.16117999
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>> No.16118022