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16113828 No.16113828 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16113843
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>> No.16113845

Tell me your problem with postmodernism in 5 sentences or less, Peterson. I bet you have no idea what it is.

>> No.16113853
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>> No.16113878
File: 72 KB, 800x800, pepe_scream1596308734897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw smart enough to know when a work is postmodern
>but not learned enough to put into words what makes a work postmodern

>> No.16113882

Your reaction image is an example of postmodernism

>> No.16113889


1. No actual response to modernity
2. Fundamentally nihilistic or fascist
3. No actual plan for change or group cohesion
4. "It's descriptive not prescriptive"
5. Pseudoscience data tables made up of emotions and dirty tampons
6. Calls other people pseuds

>> No.16113943
File: 228 KB, 1024x768, EdOnYA-XsAE0Ayx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16113963

postpartum depression maternal traumatism

>> No.16113984

> "It's descriptive not prescriptive"

uh, why is this bad? or are you saying it actually is prescriptive? genuinely curious my understanding is that Baudrillard's work was mostly descriptive. Is this dichotomy just not real in the first place?

>> No.16114015

>1. No actual response to modernity
>2. Fundamentally nihilistic or fascist
>3. No actual plan for change or group cohesion
muh aesthetics must be practical!!! no.
>4. "It's descriptive not prescriptive"
see above
>5. Pseudoscience data tables made up of emotions and dirty tampons
never seen a table in one of these yet

>> No.16114143


>muh aesthetics

Reminder that Postmodernism is the first school of thought that "ironically" setup an onlyfans page just to test the waters. Fucking capitalistic hipster dressed in Marxist moomoos.

>> No.16114327

postmodernism is nothing more than a delusion we have concocted to convince ourselves that we can ever escape modernity.

>> No.16115571
File: 9 KB, 220x220, pepe_smoke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modernist book
>straight forward story with philosophical underpinning
>postmodern book
>wacky whimsical tale of if you don't like/understand/accept it then you're FILTERED

>> No.16115685

so... Romanticism 2.0?

>> No.16115715

Pynchon is good, autists pls go

>> No.16115755
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>pre modernism

>> No.16115898

identifying with post modernism and not immediately hanging yourself is more than enough proof that you're just trying to sound like some intellectual badass rather than actually getting to the bottom of things.

>> No.16115957

Postmodernism is continental cope with the fact that a communist revolution failed to mobilize in 1968. The children on this board engaging in Petersonian nitpicking around the term are too young to have a modernism which to relate postmodernism to. Postmodernism killed off all the grand narratives and replaced them with negation. It is postmodernism which gave you the tools to deny postmodernism and to say it belonged only to purple-haired body-positive Latinx sex workers but did not belong to you. In placing it outside your umwelt you only accelerate postmodernism further until shared reality becomes impossible to construct.

>> No.16115969

Moral relativism and the things it has begotten.

>> No.16116054

Postmodernism is useful, an a lot of its developments should be understood and appreciated. While it can get into the weeds of psychosexual nonsense, modernism or romanticism had their own nonsenses.
The issue is that its entirely built around dissection and deconstruction. Its a system for critique that was transposed into an actual philosophical system for people to follow. Its in a role which its not fit to fill.

>> No.16116069

kinda this ngl.

>> No.16116088

agreed. nothing constructive comes of it without it being falisious and proped up by an aposing strawman that the necessary deconstruction can be directed toward instead of the deconstruction of the deconstructions that should logically be aplied but isnt becuaseit would cause zero meaningful progress anywhere.

therefore synthetic progress is the norm that us necissarily extremely fragile.