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File: 61 KB, 1280x720, quine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16113613 No.16113613 [Reply] [Original]

What do I read to get into modern philosophy?

I'm not really interested in philosophers pre 1960

>> No.16113649

go back

>> No.16113656
File: 69 KB, 600x624, 1586938811873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You start with the Greeks

>> No.16113670

I've already read the major greeks, the major romans, the major scholastics, kant, descartes, hume, spinoza, and a lot of other great philosophers but I'm much more interested in modern philosophy and how it works in the 21st century.

>> No.16113689
File: 2.89 MB, 1195x2050, Philosophy_1_Core.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic related for philosophy of language/mind.

>> No.16113694
File: 1.89 MB, 1046x1460, Philosophy_3_Science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And pic related for philosophy of science/math.

>> No.16113705

Thanks, this should keep me occupied for a time

>> No.16113735


>> No.16113744

Just read Nietzsche and then repeat what he says about everyone before him. Easiest shortcut there is

>> No.16114754

>how it works in the 21st century
It doesn't.

>> No.16114766

very analytic biased, 60% of this is pseud tier

>> No.16114842


>> No.16114860

you haven't read a single book on either of those lists, come off it

>> No.16114863

Might as well read old instruction manuals for crap you don't own.

>> No.16114873

>modern philosophy
It’s shit, don’t read it. No philosopher has truly contended with nihilism yet and it won’t happen for another 30 years

>> No.16114890

i have, not the 60% that are outdated pseud shit though

paging carnapfag

>> No.16114891

>all philosophy is ethics

oh no no no no ahahahahahahahhahaha

>> No.16114902

"Nihilism" is not a thing in philosophy, you edgy teenager.

>> No.16114909

Just join a local university's socialist club and take a shit-tonne of acid.

>> No.16114912

Anything past the 30s is useless

>> No.16114918
File: 43 KB, 264x388, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, have you tried Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig? Or maybe The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson? Both introductory, I'll admit, but excellent examples of modern philosophical writings. They really made a difference in my attitudes towards life!

>> No.16114924

Nice bait

>> No.16115045


You can't refute because it's true

BOOM how my asshole taste? That's an ethical question bitch

>> No.16115071

but modern philosophy started in XV-XVI century with thinkers like Nicholas of Cusa, Erasmus of Rotterdam, Pico della Mirandola etc... You're looking for contemporary philosophy

>> No.16115107


>> No.16115119

Well there are no philosophers after 1960 so I guess you’re shit out of luck

>> No.16115150

Start with Girard and Resume with Sloterdijk

>> No.16115168

Since you posted Quine I'm assuming you're not looking for continental philosophy. Read these at least:
>Naming and Necessity by Saul Kripke
>On the Plurality of Worlds by David Lewis
Some other recommendations on the other side of things, still analytic:
>Reason, Truth, and History by Hilary Putnam
>Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature by Richard Rorty
You know, technically Quine's Word and Object came out in 1960, so you could read that if you wish. I'd say these five are indisputably the most important analytic books post-1960. Now if you want a book that's more on the historical underground side of things because of how new it is, I'd recommend Theodore Sider's Writing the Book of the World, assuming you like metaphysics and metametaphysics. I feel that book will be seen as one of the most important analytic metaphysics works but it's less than ten years old. Metametaphysics (a compilation of new essays edited by David Chalmers and some other people) is a good introduction to that topic and the form it's taken recently, so if you want to know what analytic metaphysics is up to since the days of David Lewis I'd check that out as well.

>> No.16115251

>analytic biased
It says at the top that it's a chart for analytic phil. What did you expect?

>> No.16115411
File: 183 KB, 1931x1855, 1hukga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard Molymeme is the most famous modern philosopher

>> No.16115419

There's some pre 60s philosophy you absolutely must know to understand anything post 60s

Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein, Carnap are absolute prerequisites. Would be good also to know Austin, Strawson, Ryle.

>> No.16115441

Seconded. The essentials:
>Sense and Reference
>The Though
>Concept and Object
>On Denoting
>On the Nature of Acquaintance
>The Philosophy of Logical Atomism
>Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
>Philosophical Investigations
>The Logical Structure of the World
>Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology
>Sense and Sensibilia
>The Concept of Mind
>On Referring
I hear Strawson's Individuals is good as well but I haven't read any of it.

>> No.16115487

Why don't you just read a shitload of fiction? I find that I read something, it makes me think, and I'll just go on a naturally occurring quest for knowledge

>maybe the real modern philosophy is the friends we made along the way

>> No.16115496
File: 50 KB, 441x458, 1595048570993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ guide to (analytic) philosophy
>woah, this is very analytic biased!

>> No.16115521


>> No.16117069


>> No.16117840

Anon you're responding to here. I definitely second this list, it's compact but covers the essentials. I would only add: Frege's "Foundations of Arithmetic" is absolutely fundamental, and is also an absolute joyful work of philosophy. I would also add Strawson's Individuals, it's fantastic and cram-packed with interesting arguments and ideas; it pairs extremely nicely with a lot of Quine's writings on reference.

>> No.16118600


>> No.16118617
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For fuck's sake, read a little