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16113477 No.16113477 [Reply] [Original]

Are there some books better than pic related against the cult of veganism?

>> No.16113494

Put the tendies down.

>> No.16113504

Veganism is its own punishment. Just look at any vegan over 40. They do not look well.

>> No.16113527
File: 41 KB, 350x527, FB4F5744-F7EB-440E-96F9-4D2899C6B1A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hunters herders and hamburgers tries to trace the lineage as a product of the historical process and the development of thought and culture. very good book that isnt pro meat or pro vegan but explains the consumption of meat from a nuanced and multifaceted standpoint.

going over its connection to religion, culture, marerial/economical sercunstanced, mindset, etc. good read.

also, inbfore rabbid vegans and bro-meat eaters shit up the board with their inevitable autism.

>> No.16113550
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Kek how autistic do you have to be to feel "rage" at people not eating animals. You only need to read the summary to refute this book:
>exposes the destructive history of agriculture
Their suggestion that agriculture should be local is good, but they've made a very typical mistake of thinking animals just photosynthesise and don't need the destructive practice of agriculture themselves to grow (at a highly inefficient rate). There is one good argument for meat eating that very few are bold enough to make: chinks are the only ethical meat eaters by virtue of having no delusions as to the ethics of eating cows compared to dogs. Also hunting is cool.

>> No.16113556

principled vegans aren't likely to be swayed by historical arguments and surveys.

>> No.16113561
File: 384 KB, 998x1460, Screenshot_20200812-142842_Drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book was published this year. In the intro, the author explains how he originally set out to prove that, no matter your ethical stance, you have a moral obligation to be vegan, but he explains that he scrapped that idea, changed his mind, and wrote a book explaining why not everyone has a moral obligation to be vegan.

>> No.16113664

there is not a single argument against veganism that isn't motivated by the tongue. not a single one. prove me wrong.

>> No.16114087

i would say they would if they were honest and evaluated why they are principled. priciples and morality are not removed from the historical progress. our morals are products of the history of thought, so to not seem as a holier than thou non-understanding polemicist it is a good idea to evaluate why and how things came to be. seeing as the vefan movement is one that really muchof a thing in other ages and places which had a different understanding and process in their relation with meat. and how it is a largely post-domestic phenomenon in the west that was not much raised when farm anamals and slaughter were a present every day thing.

>> No.16114131

It all comes back to population control. The number of humans on earth needs to be cut by 95%.

>> No.16114158

>i would say they would if they were honest and evaluated why they are principled. priciples and morality are not removed from the historical progress.

with jains and manichaeans abstaining from animal products for the same reasons although separated by gulfs in time and space, I would indeed say there is something trans-historical to moral or "spiritual" veganism.

>> No.16114184
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Are there any recent books on this topic or that tackle the idea of actively control and reduce human population?

>> No.16114211

im pretty sure this guy just posted a book of such arguments

>> No.16114219
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>> No.16114228

i disagree, i would call that convergent evolution, not a universal, trans historical truth. there are various instances of similar happening i dont like to get polemic on this topic since it usually reverts to non productive shit throwing (from both sides), but thank you for being respectful.

i think this video illustrates one scenario in how the moral and sociological development of human-animal relations change that is not the simple reductionism of “human bad to animal” “human should be good to animal”
its a complete mindfeame and set. like this one of animals being considered part of a community with humans, and their slaughter (and being liable to judical sentencing) being a part of that communal hierarchy. and that transitioning into animals later on in the enlightenment not being considered to have much moral agency or part of the community at all, fir vad and ill

i dont know if you are understanding what im saying, but there are complete paradigms of understanding that are too ofteb completely reduced in this debate

>> No.16114230

Spooked and cucked. NGMI.

>> No.16114235

*for bad and ill

>> No.16114244

which is why I don't bother with these debates. I don't want to live in a violent universe, and since I already do, I'm not gonna join 'em. that's it. I call it the argument from the gut. I got nothing to justify to anyone. if this doesn't satisfy you, oh well.

>> No.16114347

in that case, good on you. if its a gut feeling thats fine, but i strongly dislike the people who say its some indisputable moral absolute. im not even anti-vegan, but the type are odious in the extreme. not that their oposition is usualy better. it devolves into complete shit. i think there is nothing appendicitly wrong with eating meat, and if it was sociologically acceptable, id eat humanwurst too. im just tired of people thinking in absolutest terms.

>> No.16114432

Many of them aim to stop others from eating eat and they spread their misguided and dangerous ideology.
I have nothing against vegetarians eating eggs and milk products, they are eating in a way the human body has no problem surviving on. Global veganism would lead to global stagnation in all aspects and the end of civilization within the a decade because of the degraded minds of the common man.

>> No.16114471

>Global veganism would lead to global stagnation in all aspects and the end of civilization within the a decade because of the degraded minds of the common man.
Absolute hysteria

>> No.16114499

It isn't eating plants will give you stroke, now it's eating plants will collapse civilization. Fucking laugh riot

>> No.16114500

No, vitamin B-12 deficiency will degrade the mind and global veganism would not only mean people would have to worry a about B-12.

So many problems would arise a complete collapse of civilization will be welcomed in the end. Veganism is the anti-christ.

>> No.16114515

The Accursed Share

this is pro-vegetarian

>> No.16114524


>> No.16114532

This is no joke.

>> No.16114548

You sure? Because you really seem like a clown

>> No.16114549

There is no way you actually believe this.
Anyway, you are wrong:
"And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so."

>> No.16114566

We are not in eden anymore.

Radical ideas are seldom welcomed at first, the truth is still the truth.

>> No.16114576

You can not be truly against animal cruelty and eat meat, especially if you eat factory farmed shit, which makes up the grand majority. Ethical slaughter is an oxymoron.

>> No.16114588

The radical idea of anti-vegetarianism? Every retard brainwashed by the meat industry subscribes to this belief.

>> No.16114595

Actually correct. There might be some way to do veganism "right", but the way most people do it ends up being a disaster. Vitamin deficiency combined with sugar overdose. They get fatigued very easily and have trouble focusing. Long term it means rotting teeth, weakened immune system, mental illnesses.

>> No.16114614

I’ve never observed these issues in any “vegans” except in people who go from having meat for every single meal to eating, like, a banana.

>> No.16114618

Do mutts really have this trouble feeding their bodies? Jesus Christ. Eating brussell sprouts for a few months is gonna make me mentally ill? You sure you aren't?

>> No.16114621

B12 comes from bacteria, cumguzzler. Try again.

>> No.16114645

>the meat industry

Do you know how much money venture capitalists have been pouring into these gross fake meat companies? Your whole vegan "awakening" is the result of social media marketing from big tech, lmao.

>> No.16114654
File: 1.32 MB, 1922x1188, ReiKozVeganismContraCarnism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine attempting to rationalize one's subhuman tendencies by assenting to fallacious carnistic arguments.

>> No.16114666

Very few vegans are 100% vegans for many years straight, they lie to feel good and B12 deficiency takes years to start showing mental problems, but by then it is too late.
Their minds are permanently damaged.
This is no conspiracy theory, this is what B12 deficiency does.

Oxygen comes from plants, you don't need to breathe air, cumguzzler. Try again.

>> No.16114668

its not the nutrients that are the main problem retard,we can all just eat nutruent paste or whatever. the problem is that some people find it morally troubling to eat animals and in what manner and some do not. im in the latter camp. its more a subject of if it is a moral moral prerogative or not.

>> No.16114685
File: 135 KB, 988x1059, 0141BC97-F2C7-40BB-9570-79BBBF5C7B2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry you got your last pic mixed up btw.

>> No.16114689

>imagine taking this thread seriously after you post this sensationalist trash


>> No.16114697

But that is largely useless and inaccessible to us. A very small amount of plants contain B12, as well as stuff like seitan. But the place where it is most readily available is in meat. But for real, it's not that hard to find foods which have been fortified with b12, that guy probably eats a ton without even knowing it.

>> No.16114706

The philosophy precedes fake meat companies. Surely you must realize this, or are you deliberately being ignorant?

>> No.16114708

Do you know much money corporations have put into the mindfulness dad? That doesn't invalidate Buddhism.

>> No.16114719

I was a vegetarian for several years before I decided that I really didn't give a shit anymore. There is nothing wrong or even particularly disturbing about your "carnist" pictures

>> No.16114723

It is not ethical to believe it being morally wrong to eat animals. If society were to follow this toxic belief it would induce a slave morality in the population making them ripe for subjugation by anyone rejecting the slave morality.
Veganism is promoting might makes right, and telling you to be the one conquered.

>> No.16114725

yes, but thats a common point vegans bring up, like its some sort of dismantaling of capital rather than being honest with the core position which is usually a moral one.

>> No.16114734
File: 51 KB, 960x640, qpcGhsU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not necessarily against animal cruelty, though. You shouldn't try to equalize animals and humans, it's cringe af.

>> No.16114745

Why? Because we are more intelligent?
We are still animals with animal drives and needs. Denying them hurts us in many ways, just like mincing up a Leopard in a cage hurts it, even though we take cares of it's essential needs.

>> No.16114746

>veganism is promoting might makes right

You're really fucking retarded, dude.

>> No.16114751

I’ve never heard that take outside of the internet.

>> No.16114753

i said i am in the “i dont care to much if people eat meat” category. my point is that the debate is largely one on if it is morally pressing or not. not that if x has vitamine zxb124 in it or some shit.

>> No.16114765


>> No.16114771

i have. when we got the presentation about it in a debate club. my point is that it often is brought up as a point.

>> No.16114775
File: 147 KB, 1908x1146, 1458347731508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are still animals with animal drives and needs.
Then I've the "right" to be as cruel as I want.

>> No.16114781

but what is with the arbitrary level of equity with some things and not with others?

>> No.16114787

You didn't understand my point.
It breeds a weak population, making it easier to subjugate them.
It does promote might makes right indirectly, by creating a society were opportunities for abuse if power for personal gain are easy to see.

One does not have to work towards something for it to be the end result of one's work.

>> No.16114800


>> No.16114815

I did understand your point, you think picking up steak at the supermarket is the condition of you being a freedom fighter or something, you're eating right out of their hands.

>> No.16114820

I believe human nature should never be denied and should play a part in all political decisions.
Needs further down the ladder can be partially suppressed, but never completely.

>> No.16114836

How dense do you have to be spin a self-aggrandizing hero narrative out of being able pick up some wings at the supermarket? Masculinity is internal.

>> No.16114838

No, that is not my point.
Global exclusive veganism is what I'm arguing against, this does not mean every time someone eats meat they are saving society.

>> No.16114851

Yeah, nearly no vegans last more than a year before giving up (they've been an obnoxious zealous cunt for half that time though), but the ones that have been at it for a decade look like corpses unless they're deep into a rigorous diet and tonnes of supplements.

>> No.16114864

Sadly, if they really were strict its too late for them after only a few years. Their vision will be permanently degraded, and so will their mind.

>> No.16114865

>Denying them hurts us in many ways, just like mincing up a Leopard in a cage hurts it, even though we take cares of it's essential needs.
what is deny them? is this a question of agency? is the human agent somehow more responsible due to intelligence? in that case do we give a special pedestal to that intellegebt animal man, and how far does that pedistal reach from that of a cat or a dog or a lice or a rock?

what makes a life fullfiling and is it only a negative right of non-interference?

>> No.16114867

There's nothing wrong with vegetarianism/veganism if it's purely a personal choice, the problem comes from people and organization who try to force those lifestyles on everyone and even go out and preform destructive acts for their end goals.
See pretty much any example of activists trying to raid chicken or turkey farm.

>> No.16114869

Lol you're already a slave you pathetic blithering fucking larper, you're not a horse lord or some mountain king.

>> No.16114905

>There is nothing wrong or even particularly disturbing about your "carnist" pictures
That is because you are ethicomorally ignoble, and spiritually deficient; there is absolutely no excuse for the imprisonment, exploitation, and slaughter of one's fellow sentient entities --neither ethicomoral, nor biophysical; beside the former, which is selfevident to any noble person who loves animals, all nutriments that are required for optimal biophysical functioning can be obtained from vegetable sources.

>> No.16114913

Based. Always good to see you my brother.

>> No.16114917

Those farms truly are appalling though. Everyone should have their own chickens, they're not hard to take care off.

I know a few vegans who have been at it for several years, they are all at least as healthy as the average person, sometimes moreso given the amount of attention they pay to their diet.

>> No.16114925

Everything on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to be fulfilled to some degree to produce a well functioning human being.
Food is a most basic need, one that is needed to survive. Give a man only gruel and nutrient paste and you can break him.
This is not about agency or self fulfillment, this is about fulfilling the basic needs to a degree that can allow humans to function properly.

>> No.16114935

You have a joke of a mind of you think that's how I see myself.

>> No.16114941

Fuck your pussy morality desu. You're the kind of guy who would cry after seeing roadkill.

>> No.16114952


>You are a bad person. If you were a good person, you would do what I tell you to do.

I hate moralists so fucking much.

>> No.16114958
File: 32 KB, 297x331, 1507472521767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going to lie lads, I caught a mackerel last night, my first fish despite my age but had to throw him in because he was to small. The hook caught him through the side so he was guaranteed a slow painful death.
Then today, I caught a mouse in "non-lethal" trap. It broke his ribs, front legs and smashed his organs but not so bad that he'd die instantly but was instead sentenced him to an another slow death.

I guess in both these cases, it was my fault for being too much of a faggot to not finish them off mercifully. Still, felt bad enough that the idea of veganism unironicly crossed my mind a few times.

>> No.16114969

I literally can't own a chicken because it is not allowed by code in my township. Also, niggas in housing complexes can't own one either.

Cope harder forest fag.

>> No.16114995

>tendies are part of Maslow's hierarchy of needs


>> No.16114996

god, what an odious post.
> That is because you are ethicomorally ignoble, and spiritually deficient; there is absolutely no excuse for the imprisonment, exploitation, and slaughter of one's fellow sentient entities
prove it. prove to me that it is so ethicomorally deficient besides through a tailored lense to make it so retroactively. what does a cow care if it dies by disease or by blunt force to the brain. it will die anyways, why does it matter that it dies for a tailored purpose? all you care abour is to wash your hands free of petty inevitability and prostilatise your righteousness for letting a beast die in a ditch rather than a butchers cleaver.

>> No.16115014

>we're doing them a favor by killing them

You proved the guy you were responding to right.

>> No.16115019

The big tough meat eater is afraid of the zoning board, nice. And the residents of apartment complexes could keep a flock of chickens in some space near the building, or on the roof. I'm not coping with anything, merely suggesting an alternative to industrial farming, which is barbarous and bound to collapse in the neat future anyway.

>> No.16115022

j think this is a common thing. i grew up around animals and it is similar. but i thought it was purely egocentric washing hands of responsability rather than anything moral. is it more moral to let a creature suffer, but not have the guilt of its death onnyour hands, or to actively stop that suffering, knowing you yourself were not so petty to disengage from responsability.

>> No.16115029

Sorry dude this is a shit argument, if there was less demand for meat then your theoretical cow dying in a ditch would probably not even be born

>> No.16115035

i never said we were doing them a favor incel. i said that its morally equilative, its just that the ditch strokes our ego more, reread my post.

>> No.16115047

then thats not an arguements against eating meat now is it? that is an argument against eating a specific quantity of meat. and if we take that logic of decreasing all pain and it “never being born” to the extreme, we should exterminate all cows to begin with.

>> No.16115063

Lol, and you guys act like vegans are the insufferable ones

>> No.16115066


Is this the power of a carnoid brain?

>> No.16115076

yes you are, you started this line of thought without the balls to actually finish it. thats why you are so insufferable.

>> No.16115093

>hmm, this animal seems to live and die and produces a product we like
>why not let it live and die in our curated environment while harvesting the thing we like.
unless gou have some sort of vague sanctafied “natural state” argument i cannot see the negative in this.

>> No.16115137


>> No.16115139
File: 647 KB, 1200x800, 39196426995_3f3019ac38_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, shares of Beyond Meat (BYND) are down to 150 after being as high as 240! Come on all of you, consooom veganism! Get those shares back up!

>> No.16115141

I'm not a vegan. Taking things to their absurd "logical conclusions" is not good argumentation and it just makes you look like a seething retard. People have been trotting out this "the cow will die anyway" bullshit for decades now, and there is no arguing against it because you people will not listen to other arguments. Personally I see nothing wrong with killing an animal for meat, but they should be raised in healthy and comfortable environments, for reasons that go beyond the ethics of factory farming, such as disease and the quality of the meat itself. But of course, convenience trumps all.

>> No.16115162

Watch slaughterhouse footage for a few hours and come back to this thread. That is where the majority of the world gets its near from. I'll wait.

>> No.16115164
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>> No.16115192

humans are different because no other animal can factory farm or slaughter prey or cut down trees at the rate our technology has enabled.

>> No.16115196


my arguements werent against any of that curation of meat and the meat industy stuff though? it was simply against the moral stance against eating meat in itself and being againt the curating of an animal for the express purpose of an animal product in itself.

the person i was responding to was pulling the “not even be born card” so i was adressing that specifically. im sorry i went deeper into the topic they themselves brought up.

>> No.16115205

yah, we dis that in 7th grade. pure pathos and not an argument. do you give that as a example against fa

>> No.16115206

Non-human animals aren't conscious--they have no inner-life or subjective experience. They are incapable of feeling "sad", or *feeling* anything for that matter. With that said, we should still maintain a healthy relationship with their kind, but for purely ecological reasons.

>> No.16115211

>what does a cow care if it dies by disease or by blunt force to the brain
It likely doesn't. Of course, it absolutely and measurably cares about being caged without being able to move, its forced pregnancies being taken away, it's being locked into a harness, its milk being harvested, and generally abused, brutalized and tortured through a myriad of ways over years.
The effects of these torments are quite literally measurably by a great number of litmuses, and furthermore, a huge number of the biological byproducts of a tortured existence gets passed on to the carnivore.
I sincerely cannot understand how anyone can have even a rudimentary knowledge of the meat product industry and not instantaneously know in their heart that that is NOT the way to treat an animal.
I'm not even anti meat consumption. What I am anti is the horrifying, nightmarish, dystopian process that we put the vast, vast majority of industry animals through.
Its between you and God, at the end of it all.

>> No.16115217

>reality isn't an argument
>just play more word games with me bro, lol I promise it'll be worth your time

No lol

Please don't project your autismal void on animals, thanks

>> No.16115218

*factory farming (and intentionally the worst footage they could find of it to shove in the emotional angle) or against eating meat in general?

>> No.16115228

I am that same anon. I never said anything about eating meat being immoral or whatever. However, we should be careful about how we "curate" animals, because then you end up with shit like pandemics. But you are obviously just a precocious 16 year old so I'll just leave you to it.

>> No.16115238

so this is an argument against a specific process rather than eating meat as a principle. id say thats less vegainsm and more anti-industral sentiment.

>>just play more word games with me bro, lol I promise it'll be worth your time
the cope of someone who doesnt want to engage in the core particulars of a subject.

>> No.16115248


>> No.16115256

>Please don't project your autismal void on animals
It's the opposite. I refuse to anthropomorphise them--give them all these human qualities that vegans give them. I'm just letting animals be animals, including ourselves--the human animal.

>> No.16115270

you responded to my post responding to the chain concerning this:
> > That is because you are ethicomorally ignoble, and spiritually deficient; there is absolutely no excuse for the imprisonment, exploitation, and slaughter of one's fellow sentient entities
so i assumed you agree with his primarily moral stance on the very act of curation, not specific methods of curation, sorry.

>> No.16115321

That's where you're getting tripped up. You don't have to sentimentalize animals to attribute them the quality of having an inner life, which anyone working with animals will tell you they do. It's all in the eyes. No sentimentality, just plain fact. If you have fish eyes, all you'll see are fish eyes.

>> No.16115364

there is no such thing as "consciousness." not a scientific concept. and they clearly feel and experience.

>> No.16115365

You think you see an inner life in the eyes of chickens and tuna? Have you been taking your meds like the doctor recommend, friend?

>> No.16115383
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Woah, maybe Peterson was right, and lobsters really do have alpha and beta personalities!

>> No.16115401

The inner life adequate to chicken and tuna, yup. I like how you don't mention cows or pigs.

All living things suffer and die. You'd just rather not think about it as you forget on your tendies. Seethe you idiot child

>> No.16115405

>All living things suffer and die

Citation needed

>> No.16115427 [DELETED] 

I like how Indians, who have lived for countless generations with the most dehumanizing and unequal societies ever documented, are worried about the inner life in a chicken's eyes. Try looking into the eyes of the untouchables who collect your rubbish, you scumbag.

>> No.16115444

What necessitates veganism? No, really. What obligation is there? I can eat meat all day and no one would stop me. Yeah, it might fuck up my health, and it might destroy the environment, but that's about it. Nobody is holding a gun up to my head and telling me to go vegan. I don't have a duty to be vegan. It's not my job, not my problem. You think "muh morals" and "muh environment" is forcing you to do X, but it all it does is sit there.

>> No.16115448

Indians? Untouchables? Huh? Complete non-sequitor. You have nothing to say.

>> No.16115461

Nope. I don't need to buy into some retarded metaphysics (like vegans do) in order to think that non-human animals have value. It patently obvious that non-human animals aren't conscious/don't have an inner life/don't have a subjective experience etc., but I still think they have value.

>> No.16115463

>he thinks people acquire their moral convictions under duress

blithering retard

>> No.16115481

Where do you think your "all things suffer and die" ideology came from

>> No.16115489

This is what urbanization and the language sickness does to human beings. Take heed.

>> No.16115499

From my own observations

>> No.16115501
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The carnist consumes corpses at the cost of hybridization, transmuting them into opaque, tainted energy, thus perpetuating his earthly subhumanity; the vegan sublimates vegetables with a reward of depuration, transmuting them into diaphanous, clean energy, thus transcending his earthly humanity ---in light, through fire.

>> No.16115502

>he thinks morals without practical scenarios have any real-world meaning
Blithering onions

>> No.16115510

So you project your miserableness on to non-sentient creatures? As usual, vegans always have some psychological problem

>> No.16115515

No, I see the life that is clearly and self-evidently there.

>> No.16115517

ok hippie

>> No.16115522

This post doesn't make any sense. Man, none of you are articulate or cool or insightful, none.

>> No.16115525

You're imagining a fantasy. You have no fucking idea what the life of a squirrel is.

>> No.16115527

>preform destructive acts for their end goals
I literally never hear about something like that. They mostly are in ecosystems like tyoutube and make fun of meateaters?

>> No.16115528

Animals are conscious, and have personalities; it seems, rather, that you are the one who is lacking in consciousness, and awareness.

>> No.16115531

I never claimed privileged knowledge of the inner life of a squirrel, I only claimed that there is one there adequate to its mode of life.

>> No.16115534

>or cool
yeah, man veganism is totally cool, you can make up for your shitty personality by adopting an extreme food taboo diet promoted on social media by tech startups that sell heavily processed fake meat, so cool, dude

>> No.16115541

>nooo not my heckin factory farmerinos

Kek kys

>> No.16115542


>> No.16115546

define "inner life", define "mode of life"

>> No.16115551

Kek my rationale for eating plant-based has nothing to do with your faggot mutt culture war, consoooom retard and shut the fuck up.

>> No.16115559

That vegan chick you got influenced by on instagram is probably on the payroll of one of the fake meat startups

>> No.16115564

Inner life: Internality, the property of relating and being related to an environment.

Mode of life: the totality of determinations that make up what we define as a squirrel, a dog, a cat, etc.

>> No.16115568

>more mutt strawmen

Not interested.

>> No.16115585

plants relate to an environment

so you are projecting scientific animal categories onto organic matter, a squirrel knows nothing of squirrels or their "mode of life"

>> No.16115590

Keep believing you're not just a consoomer doing consoomer things

>> No.16115593

It's the opposite. Scientific vegensim and its retarded metaphysics is a very modern phenomenon.

>> No.16115603

So plants have a center that reacts to an environment, like amoeba do, like humans do. The scale isn't vertical.

Man, why am I wasting my time. If it screams, it's alive, there's something there and I won't be the one to rip that life out of its body for mmm bacon. The rest is abstraction.

>> No.16115610

>no one abstained from animal products before the second millennium AD

This is what cities do to the human mind.

>> No.16115616

Vegans and animalists are sick, check this out.

>> No.16115621

So, you consider milking a cow to be ripping its life out of its body?

>> No.16115630

Life? No. I consider it a form of vampirism though. If I feed on the bodily fluids of another species, what else would you call me?

>> No.16115642

>I consider it a word with negative connotations

so what

>> No.16115649

>uh durr durr durr just call it this word with positive or neutral connotations instead

>> No.16115656

>lmfao only an incel would get upset at the idea of eradicating all life on earth and turning people into mindless CONSOOM/PRODOOS robots just trust the corporations bro
No wonder you hate yourself.

>> No.16115678
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>I am therefore inclined to embrace the heretical conclusion tat we have a reason to desire the extinction of all carnivorous species

>> No.16115706

Do you consider it a form of vampirism is eat what is produced by subsistence laborers toiling away their lives in rice paddies? Surely these people must have an inner life? If you think about it, their life might matter almost as much as your own? Or, maybe not.

>> No.16115727

Never said that dumb cunt

>> No.16115730

If you want to see suffering, just look how an invasive species with no natural predators turns out

>> No.16115731

Yes, all systems are vampiric on their underclass, but then meat eaters are doubly vampiric, for what happens to the animals and for what the workers must be subjected to.

>> No.16115734

That's not a good reason to keep killing them the savage way we are.

>> No.16115735

You said it by implication. Here's my response then: I'm not an Instagram vegan. Only my family knows I am one, I don't bring it up casually in irl conversation, I don't fake meat bullshit. What now?

>> No.16115737

Well, then the only way to not be vampiric is to join the underclass. You first, comrade, show us the way.

>> No.16115742

You can't prove any of this. This is just what you believe.

>> No.16115746

Cows are killed completely painlessly except in places that produce certified Halal/Kosher meat which requires that the animal not be stunned first

>> No.16115758

no u

>> No.16115764

This is reddit tier moral reasoning. You think the abolitionists were were in the wrong for "forcing" their lifestyles on others and retaliating against the slave industry with property damage?

>> No.16115766

lol trying to make me a Marxist now.

>real slaughterhouses have never been tried


>> No.16115775

There's plenty of human misery around today, but for some reason you're focused on chickens. Weird.

>> No.16115782

I didn't. You were just keen to jump to conclusions because you're on the defensive.
>What now
I don't give a fuck lol. Why do you care so much about my lack of believing in the inner-life of animals?

>> No.16115787

>He's not a revolutionary socialist

See, told you veganism is just a consoomer lifestyle

>> No.16115790

>passively condone violence and suffering
>durr why is there so much violence and suffering guys I'm a humanitarian

All misery is co-morbid, it's all or nothing faggot

>> No.16115796 [DELETED] 

>this guy values the life of a chicken tendie as much as a black man choked to death by the cops

Wow, just wow. The inhumanity of vegans is beyond the pale.

>> No.16115801

You think I care about yours? We were having a discussion. Fuck off then.

>> No.16115812

Ah ok, you're just baiting then.

>> No.16115815 [DELETED] 

>All misery is co-morbid

You literally equated the life of a chicken to that of a human being. Vegans are always so toxic.

>> No.16115825

And you have the inability to decipher basic speech.

>> No.16115826

>nooo not the humanerinos

Humans are the greatest enemies of life on this planet. Spare me the liberal waterworks.

>> No.16115830

Lmao no we weren't. You were just flinging shit. See>>16115610
and >>16115489

>> No.16116002

I love chuds who come to this board like "how do I own the side that keeps owning me in online debates!"

>> No.16117739

>There's nothing wrong with vegetarianism/veganism if it's purely a personal choice, the problem comes from people and organization who try to force those lifestyles on everyone and even go out and preform destructive acts for their end goals.
Have you ever had a single original though in your life you literal Youtube/Facebook boomer?

>> No.16117744

Meat is good because:

>it tastes good
>it makes me strong

I literally could care less about the wellbeing of animals.

>> No.16117757

So that means you do care you fucking mongoloid?

>> No.16117761


>> No.16117788

retard. go eat more tendies

>> No.16117807

Sorry to tell you, but you're just a garbage person.

>> No.16117814

Would you say they're bad people?

>> No.16117815

Yes. Seethe.

>> No.16117856

I'm allergic to fruit and some vegetables, what the fuck am I supposed to do. Only eat grains?

>> No.16117872

>فَـكُلُوۡا مِمَّا ذُكِرَ اسۡمُ اللّٰهِ عَلَيۡهِ اِنۡ كُنۡتُمۡ بِاٰيٰتِهٖ مُؤۡمِنِيۡنَ
>So eat of that [meat] upon which the name of Allah has been mentioned, if you are believers in His verses.
>وَمَا لَـكُمۡ اَلَّا تَاۡكُلُوۡا مِمَّا ذُكِرَ اسۡمُ اللّٰهِ عَلَيۡهِ وَقَدۡ فَصَّلَ لَـكُمۡ مَّا حَرَّمَ عَلَيۡكُمۡ اِلَّا مَا اضۡطُرِرۡتُمۡ اِلَيۡهِؕ وَاِنَّ كَثِيۡرًا لَّيُضِلُّوۡنَ بِاَهۡوَآئِهِمۡ بِغَيۡرِ عِلۡمٍؕ اِنَّ رَبَّكَ هُوَ اَعۡلَمُ بِالۡمُعۡتَدِيۡنَ
>And why should you not eat of that upon which the name of Allah has been mentioned while He has explained in detail to you what He has forbidden you, excepting that to which you are compelled. And indeed do many lead [others] astray through their [own] inclinations without knowledge. Indeed, your Lord - He is most knowing of the transgressors.
An objective statement showing the permissibility of eating meat slaughtered in a halal way. Ignore the atheists ITT who can't even define their own morality in clear terms.

>> No.16117876

Imagine being anti-vegan. Imagine actively being against wanting to help animals and nature. Its okay with me if you want to keep eating meat, but you should at least be rooting for veganism and alt-meats to become the norm.

>> No.16117887

what's the point of being religious if you're just gonna do the same shit normies and retards do?

>> No.16118134

Then you're not paying attention.

If all you do is eat brussel sprouts, yes probably.

Yes it is, you just don't want to see it, people who act "ethical" over a piece of food are the real retards.

>> No.16118190

Not really. The logical conclusion of the vegan fixation on reducing suffering is anti-natalism. It's better few/no domesticated animals are born according to them, since they suffer and it invalidates their existence.

This is a false equivalence and an anthropomorphism, but vegans often use similar holocaust comparisons: imagine if Jewish people were like cows and specifically bred in camps to be inevitably slaughtered and eaten by Nazis. Would the Jewish people prefer the Nazis to go vegan if it meant they would no longer have a reason to be bred, resulting in the total extinction of their race?

>> No.16118227

pretty flawed argument. Let's look at this 'fixation on reducing suffering.' I'd say that vegans would want to reduce the suffering of animals caused by humans. not suffering altogether. There's plenty of suffering that occurs in the animal world. I doubt a vegan would want to prevent that. I think another tenet of veganism is to let animals live natural lives. Humans in control of preventing more animals from being born is not vegan going off of this definition. Additionally, this is just one aspect of veganism and if you were to take the other aspects to their logical extremes, they would most likely start cancelling each other out. Perhaps, it is better, to not use fallacies like appeal to extremes and strawmanning, in order to make it seem like veganism is a flawed concept. Many thinkers throughout history, most of whom have eaten meat, have predicted a world where animal meat is not a necessity, and some more future-minded ones even predicted lab-grown meat. This type of future is a net benefit in almost every conceivable way, to vegans (in the case of better animal welfare) and non-vegans (in the case of healthier protein sources) alike. I'm not saying to go vegan right now (I am one, and I advocate for it when asked by someone whether they think they should become one, but I'd never push it on someone). I'm saying that its stupid to not want a future like that.

>> No.16118236

There are so many arguments you could be making that make sense and you're too unbelievably stupid to do anything but make the most nonsensical ones.

>> No.16118260

How do I know you have value?

>> No.16118277

This doesn't make any sense. Are you saying that your shit is diaphonous if you don't eat meat? I don't eat meat and my shit is the same as everyone elses. The energy the food I eat is transmuted to is the same as everyone elses. Why go down this faux mystical alchemy route? It doesn't make any sense. Eating vegetables also doesn't transcend your earthly humanity you fucking moron, jesus fucking christ. This is why I don't call myself any of these labels, it is excrutiatingly embarassing to be associated with people like you.

>> No.16118296

Humans are part of nature too, just we've become apex predators, as well as 'apex nuturers' that over extend our social/empathetic/attachment instincts to the care of other species.

I don't think a chicken really would prefer being eaten torn apart by a fox more than being eaten by humans. I'll admit free range animals have better lives than factory farmed animals, but chickens lack the leverage to make me care about their preferences more than eating their meat for a low cost. I think moral arguments come after the fact, leverage is what really decides who has 'moral value'. Cats are cute, dogs are cute and useful, other people are capable of fighting back, especially in groups, so we consider their preferences and make concessions according to what will benefit us.

>> No.16118559
File: 92 KB, 558x640, 326695896_70960580-1140-464c-8550-95f32f2bd021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The energy the food I eat is transmuted to is the same as everyone elses.
No --via hybridization --through michrochimerization-- the carnist becomes as the animal, hence his subhuman qualities; conversely, via depuration the true vegan transcends his humanity; did you even 'read' the post to which you replied?

>> No.16118897

it's veganism as a result of anti-industrial sentiment, retard

>> No.16119116

If you're going to invent words at least spell them correctly - micro is spelled without an "h". I unfortunately did read your post, and quite regretting it. Your alchemical larp is truly something, but you might want to invest your considerable free time elsewhere as your logic makes no sense.

>> No.16119246

>micro is spelled without an "h"
I know; that was a typo.

>> No.16119334

I am surprised at how many vegans there are in /lit/ considering its basically a mental illness acquired by choice. I find it fascinating that the apex predator on earth is now so over socialised that it rationalises malnutrition and slow starvation to feel better.

The lion doesn't care about the zebras feelings.

>> No.16120105

Are you also antivax and do you live in a cave on a rock bed?

>> No.16120115

Can't cope with the fact that vegans and vegetarians will outlive you?

>> No.16120135

I'm not a vegan. But only consuming animal protein twice per week is the absolute meta. You can't refute this.

>> No.16120218

The absolute meta?
Of course you can refute it though, just eat meat everyday and automatically be healthier than when eating it twice a week.

>> No.16120630

Get off your meds Peterson.

>> No.16120651

when i think of meat eating i think of nihilism

>> No.16120801


You are completely missing the point and rationalizing things in an oversimplified way

You are right the lion doesn't care about the zebra's feelings but do you know how many lions there are on the planet compared to humans? It's an incredibly minuscule amount
This is how the food chain is supposed to work the apex predators are supposed to be at the top and they are supposed to be vastly outnumbered by their prey that's what a balanced ecosystem looks like
Instead because of the huge disparity between humans and every other creature on the planet that entire balance is destroyed humans literally can't even forcibly breed and farm their own prey as fast as their own population grows

>> No.16121418

>rawr I am a lion