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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 764x191, lit ban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1611293 No.1611293 [Reply] [Original]

>be tripfriend
>post lit related stuff
>get reported by anon due to their irrational hatred for tripfriends
>get banned

>be tripfag
>post unrelated topics 24/7
>get ignored by mods

ummmmmmm LOL

>> No.1611299
File: 12 KB, 183x275, Wildest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what it is like

being worthless

>> No.1611297

100% correct.

the authorities in this place are a joke. i was banned for a DFW thread once, i guess they dont know who that is.

>> No.1611302

We have mods?

>> No.1611306

no, people are autobanned when they get enough reports

>> No.1611310

we have for a while now

I cannot say they are lacking in their errands

A few of my threads have been deleted

this one will surely follow

>> No.1611316

threads are totally autodeleted if they're reported enough

>> No.1611322

the few that have been deleted were done so only, i would say, seconds after posting

>> No.1611325

I reported op for spam and I suggest everyone else do the same.

Mostly for using the term "tripfriend".

>> No.1611326

There is no greater hope for the future of this place than what this thread brings to light.

Oh, and, reported. He said with an impish smile.

>> No.1611330
File: 77 KB, 1125x681, tripfagsinanutshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1611333

Someone who hates you applied for janitor I guess

>> No.1611339


>yfw everyone in /lit/ is black.

>> No.1611359



maybe they only found my contributions to be a bit overrefined

>> No.1611382



but you don't need a tripcode for this

in fact, in your case d&e i'd say it's done you more harm than good considering what a splendid reputation you lug about all over the place

hell even people on /v/ know your name when you troll there! but i suppose that's the meat of this issue.

>> No.1611385



>> No.1611397

>say to myself "ok /lit/ has gone to complete shit and though I've been coming here less I'll give it one more shot. Any tripfag threads on the first page and I'm done for good
>see this thread
>wat do

Actually nevermind, I already know. Unless this shit is gone completely I think I'm out. Maybe I'll check back after a few months to see if the tripfag eradication has been completed but in the meantime enjoy your psuedo-Facebook.

>> No.1611433
File: 101 KB, 1125x681, 1299549606066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1611446


would you slight a crippled man for sporting a crutch?


>> No.1611443

hahaha yeah
>tripfag !BszTT1la
can be a bit schizophrenic in his posts, don't take it too seriously though

>> No.1611470


This is funny. I always thought tripfags were just people who didn't know Yahoo has a book chat.

>> No.1611471

Well we've proven that bans don't fucking work too well. As evidenced by the fact that you are STILL posting off topic material. Maybe a month long one would work.

And no one likes tripfags except other tripfags. Their enterprising attempts to make a name for themselves (even on such a shitty board) are excruciatingly transparent and deserve nothing more than to be ignored. Though ignoring them doesn't stop them from making useless posts in EVERY thread on EVERY page that still don't ever manage to actually contribute to the topic at hand. Tripfag is synonymous with Attention-Whore. And no one likes attention-whores.

>> No.1611477


My best friend has a crutch, and we make fun of him for it all the time. Of course he gets us back, but it's all in fun. Learn to deal with it, tripflounders.

>> No.1611485

>And no one likes attention-whores
I thought attention whores liked attention whores

see, you're sputtering out phrases and conjectures to and fro and you've tread your own path more than once

>> No.1611500

>Doesn't know the difference between tripfriends and tripfags

>> No.1611501
File: 70 KB, 650x433, 2004-mean-girls-005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention whores hate other attention whores that drawn attention away from their whoring.

Dumb betch.

>> No.1611507

but you said yourself that tripfags are only liked by other tripfags

and later that tripfag is synonymous with attention whore

god all of this is tuckering me out

>> No.1611517

Excellent retort. You really showed him. (herp)

>> No.1611513

what is the difference then?

>> No.1611520

I urge any and all anons browsing lit right now to report this thread and all replies

>> No.1611525

woah /b/itch

don't get PA

>> No.1611532


Secretly they will backstab one another before the prom. That weight-loss bar you're eating actually makes you fatter than a cow. Lindsey Lohan lied to you.

>> No.1611534

wow there are moderators here

saging an off-topic thread

>> No.1611537

Lindsay Lohan has gone to shit

i feel bad for her

I dont even care about the TLC bar

>> No.1611545

I love seeing anon's do this. It's probably samefaggery, but it still tickles me.

>> No.1611561

>Get banned for posting off-topic stuff
>Continue posting off-topic stuff

Go somewhere else.

>> No.1611590
File: 59 KB, 703x432, tripfriends tripfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truman is a my bro

go ahead and h8

>> No.1611615

Reported for ban evasion.

Reported for being TyBrax.