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File: 96 KB, 421x614, l'étranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16111257 No.16111257 [Reply] [Original]

>mother dies
>goes on a date the next day
Was this a plothole? It's pretty unrealistic desu.

>> No.16111269

I once went on a date with a girl who did this exact thing
Kind of ruined the mood when I thought we were about to bang and she told me her mom had just died and she spent the rest of the night crying

>> No.16111283

No, you just didn't understand the novel in any capacity.

>> No.16111291

Its strangeness was very intentional

>> No.16111300

Bait or OP is a retard.

>> No.16111303

How can you misunderstand a concept this badly? This is probably bait.

>> No.16111304

Having read it in english and french i can tell you that was Camus point, to get you the reader into the of character driving the story right off the bat with behavior and thoughts that make the apathy of this young man clear from the get go.

>> No.16111370

I would probably do this, what's the problem?

>> No.16111374

I did understand it though?
His mum dies, he goes on a date, he sets up the whore for his neighbour, he shoots the whore's arab brother, he goes to prison
What am I missing?

>> No.16111385

The point

>> No.16111388

you sound like a pseud.

>> No.16111400

you're getting baited, friend

>> No.16111410

Is The Stranger really just American Psycho for non-Americans?

>> No.16111411

Apparently actually pretty normal to feel relatively indifferent if your parents die from old age rather than from accident

>> No.16111437

no, american psycho is about consumerism and soundless cutthroat corporate world. mersault(me) is just completely apathetic to the world and just goes through the motions of life

>> No.16111935


Bait. It is philosophy colliding against various surfaces of human life.

>> No.16112287

Reminds me of that anon that said the Illiad was pro-war. It should be illegal to be this stupid.

>> No.16112398

But it is pro-war.

>> No.16112418
File: 25 KB, 282x320, rodion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is poort
>murders and robs pawnbroker
>doesn't spend the money
Was this a plothole? It's pretty unrealistic desu.

>> No.16112594

>I did understand it though?
peak hubris

>> No.16112621

Sounds kinda hot desu

>> No.16112869

how ironic how that guy is clearly joking but you think he's serious and still claim to be smarter than him

>> No.16113078

you have to go back

>> No.16113097

desu why does he get so het up about the whole thing? just chill bro lmao

>> No.16113975

thats pretty fucked up of her

>> No.16114690

Fine. I'm not OP, but I didn't get any insight or point from this book either. What did I miss?

>> No.16114770

Meursault doesn't play the game, as Camus says. He is a man who is completely honest about himself, acting according to instinct and thus becomes a stranger to the society he is in, which leads him to commit rather unfortunate actions. Ultimately though, he is not punished because of his actions but because of the attitude he maintained during his actions. Ironically enough, this realization is what drives him to anger and he becomes a surrogate for Camus' absurdist philosophy. I agree that it's a pretty overrated novel, but I still like it stylistically.

>> No.16114884

Do people actually function this way? It thought everyone just assumed some identity in life, whether they realized it or not, whether it was fake or not. Like identity of a working man, or a NEET, or a parent, or a hermit, or a slut and so on. It's not that people are one-dimensional, it's that culture/parents/peers/movies/4chan teaches them that they have to assume a certain identity and they impose it on themselves.
Whenever a situation arises, they don't do what they feel - they do what they're supposed to feel. They assume some role and act it out.

>> No.16114920

>Do people actually function this way?
No, they don't. Meursault isn't supposed to be relatable. In fact, the existence of someone like Meursault is impossible unless you're a very specific kind of autist or just sociopathic.

>> No.16114922

I guess I'm just a retard. I didn't think anything he did was off. Isn't everyone as honest with themselves as they can be?

>> No.16114923

mother? He said Maman, weird name desu

>> No.16114938

>I didn't think anything he did was off.
You're a liar and a larper.

>> No.16114992

I remember being a teenager and asking my first girlfriend for nudes while she was at a funeral, while I also knew she was there. And she actually sent me nudes as soon as she got home. There's a saying in my country the dead stink up and the living fuck. So yeah, its realistic

>> No.16115009

I want to be Meursault

>> No.16115015


>> No.16115026

based gf
wait no - she's a slut, fuck her

>> No.16115065

That's because you're young and easily impressed/impressionable.

>> No.16115194

I'm not anything. Stop trying to box me in. If you keep telling me what I am, I might believe you and play that part. I'd become what other people see me as, or what I want other people to see me as, or rather desperately try to be that thing without success.

I'm not anything. My past behavior only influences my future behavior as much as I think it does.

>> No.16115214

As I said, impressed/impressionable.

>> No.16115226

Woah I'm so depressed. Idk why people in their 20s take depression seriously when it's just hormones and completely normal. This book is cringe drivel

>> No.16115252

>he fell for the jewish attempts at trivializing the human soul
Yes goy, take your pills and get back to work. All your feelings are just symptoms to be medicated away. They don't matter.

>> No.16115386

>Tfw diagnosed schizoid
> never felt so related to a character

>> No.16115425

Please start reading the foreward in books, anon. It literally explains it

>> No.16115440

>somebody has to explain a joke to you before they even say it

>> No.16115465

My copy only has a three-page translator's note.

>> No.16115476

One of the main points of the novel is about how indiferent the protagonist is to society, values, norms and all that shit. He feels so separated from it that he doesn't even care about his mother's death or fucking a girl the day after.

>> No.16115500

why is it that when girls crying I get turned on

>> No.16115507

Because you desperately crave human connection and tears are more honest than laughter.

>> No.16115562

What did you think about literally everything else he did in the novel?

>> No.16115563
File: 71 KB, 316x475, 797192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>character's mother dies
>skips her funeral to have sex

>> No.16115700

that cut deep

>> No.16115724

Did she kill your sand.nigger sister?

>> No.16115908

I could relate to Meursault with some self projection. Not literally his i don't care but sure attitude (girl asking about marriage) but more how he does not want to comform to the society and status quo. Hence 'the stranger'.

>> No.16115923


No it isn't. It's an attempt to replace the most important woman in his life with another, if anything it's symbolic.

>> No.16115930

>TFW no emotionally unstable gf

>> No.16116101

So what? The alive ones must live

>> No.16117897

this, but with a clear suspicion in mind

>> No.16118127

Everybody thinks they don't conform.

>> No.16118141

Based and sincere-pilled

>> No.16118192

gee, people are BOTH quite good at discerning fake from genuine laughter AND valuing fake laughter as a social bonding mechanism that is also a healthy exercise. nobody says you should go all Jimmy Fallon on people's asses, but a charming laugh is a good thing even if the joke causing it is not as real as the childhood trauma that connects that anon with crying bimbos in porn questioning their life-decisions.

>> No.16118213

>>mother dies
>>goes on a date the next day
>who's gonna make da sammiches

>> No.16118245

the main character being a fucking autismo is like half the story, did you just stop reading when you got to that part?

>> No.16118484

>the mc of L'Etranger is an autist
no, he is clear-sighted, in contact with his true feelings, and will not hesitant to act accordingly.
>implying his behaviour is outlandish
many people will not feel anything when they hear a relative died, except of course for disbelief. the body tries to save itself from too much harm at once. otherwise we just break down and die, which happens sometimes (see Broken Heart Syndrome).

>> No.16118738

Point isn`t really apathy of character but how others view apathy. And character just accepts the facts of life instead of fighting them he has feelings but he accepts them instead of fighting them like everyone else. He is not indifferent to things, most readers think he is but not really.

If he cried for his mother he wouldnt get executed. Judge even gets angry at him and says he is danger to the society. Author criticises society with that part.

Him shooting the arab i think was like him following path of destiny. Not going against destiny but rather following it.

>> No.16120013

i dont conform

>> No.16120025

The book is a shit.

>> No.16120149
