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16110617 No.16110617 [Reply] [Original]

>named after a character in the Iliad and character in the bible

What are some embarrassing /lit/ names?

>> No.16110626

>named my cat NIGGER-MAN, my dog Lolita and my son Meursault

>> No.16110628

first name Bible last name Reeder

>> No.16110629

>named after a capital city and a character in the Iliad

>> No.16110631

Samuel Agamemnon.

>> No.16110633
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>Named after a founder of a religion

>> No.16110634
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>Melchizedek Gouneus

>> No.16110685

>named after joy

>> No.16110697

>named "eternal" in sanskrit
Not embarrased at all, just thought we were riddling names

>> No.16110705

based household

>> No.16110718
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>> No.16110742


Apparently I wrote Hamlet, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, As I Lay Dying and Junkie.

>> No.16110808

>named after some christcuck saint
I hope this doesn't apply to you!

>> No.16110849

>named after a religion

>> No.16110945

I depends on the name, being called Hector is based, being called Achilles or Paris is cringe

>> No.16110982

Ulysses S. Grant, for example, is quite a cool name

>> No.16110991

>Have group of white friends
>Be Meximutt with German name
>Some discussion leads to them poking fun at this fact
>"Does it sting a little that I have the most authentically European name and all of yours are Jewish?"
>Its not funny anymore

>> No.16111000

My name is Alexander. Thank you mom and dad for giving me the most great, based, international name ever. I literally dislike every other.

>> No.16111003
File: 492 KB, 1126x1600, Alexander-the-Great-detail-painting-Porus-Charles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Look at me go. Look at this double trips. Im really gonna shake the fucking world huh?

>> No.16111013

I mean it's cool in the history books but if some guy called ulises was in my class me and the boys would have beat him up

>> No.16111027

My second name is Alexander

>> No.16111033

based and great

>> No.16111055

>not being named after some Saint

>> No.16111056

Brown hands typed this post

>> No.16111330
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What if my saint was based?

>> No.16111342
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>named after a knight of the round table

>> No.16111355

sorry tony, no christcuck is based

>> No.16111358

I am named after Pontius Pilate and was bullied for it in school

>> No.16111376

>Alexander whose ambition was, to unite all mankind to him, as their common head, declared that they should no longer be called mortals, human beings, or men, but Alexanders.
- Polyaenus: Stratagems.

>> No.16111398

>t. Jésu Christo de la Santamaria de la Trinidad Santissima de nosotros madre la Virginia Santississima Maria Ruiz
Yeah bro, you're totally gonna make it

>> No.16111402

>tfw parents named me Ringo after the drummer for the Beatles

I fucking hate the beatles

>> No.16111414

>call him Ishmael

>> No.16111419
File: 36 KB, 500x491, 7EBF1B24-0A89-4D87-9393-874F9B571FFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>named after a tv channel

>> No.16111421

You'll always be my Paris anon.

>> No.16111431
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>parents named me and my siblings after Sumerian kings and queens

>> No.16111451

any name a pagoid chooses to replace their christian name because they feel it retroactively oppressed their fine culture.

>> No.16111460
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>named after a roman emperor

>> No.16111462

and going off this, really any name change an edgy teenager or 20 something does to rebel against their parents, unless they named him something weird like “blue skies” or some shit.

>> No.16111486

>born into a Christian family
>why yes, a perso-islamic name will do

>> No.16111518

>named after a greek goddess
Feels good

>> No.16111635

my dude Bet

>> No.16112463

I was named after a dragon in a children's book (not ya). Also born in year of the dragon. Based or no?

>> No.16112476

>named after some roman

>> No.16112493

>dad wants to name me John after himself
>mom wants to name me after Hazrat Ali because he came to her in a dream and told her to name her first son after him
>they compromise and name me Ali-John

As much as I like my name, I hate having to explain to people to call me by both. It infuriates me when people call me “John.”

>> No.16112518

Hello, Omar

>> No.16112531

Went to school with a kid named Aristotle.

>> No.16112555
File: 343 KB, 1024x622, Captura-de-pantalla-2016-09-22-a-las-6kk-1024x622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup faggots

>> No.16112556

Thats weird. It's even weirdo to me because Aristotle isn't even his actual name, but it would be even weirder to use the real one.