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/lit/ - Literature

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16104113 No.16104113 [Reply] [Original]

*perfects art and transcends literature in your path*

>> No.16104119

It's fine but it's just a convoluted mish-mash of specific myths and folklores which most probably aren't intelligible to you, unless you're from the Caucasus or something.
Nice pseud-thread though.

>> No.16104130

Visual poetry.

>> No.16104132

My favourite color. What's up with him i don't understand the thread?

>> No.16104133

Beautiful movie.

>> No.16104147

u watched that youtube video, u fool

>> No.16104188

Youtube video?

>> No.16104234

Based, as an armenian,this is literally the only thing produced in our country I'm legitimately proud of.

>> No.16104241

It's not hard to read the commentary subtitle track.

>> No.16104254

idk i think armenia is kinda interesting historically.

>> No.16104274
File: 113 KB, 1600x900, 29219id_048_w1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good movie
PS. /lit/ is now a /cinema/ board

>> No.16105047

The virgin Color of Pomegranates vs. the CHAD THE PLEA.


>> No.16105158
File: 346 KB, 1600x1200, BCA460BE-55C0-420C-B076-BD890CBFC9B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love it.
First saw it used in a Juno Reactor music video.

It’s a poetic portrayal of a poet and full of meanings that might only reveal themselves to locals or native Armenians, but when you discover them or are told of them, it makes the experience all the better.
A mish-mash is haphazard nonsense. This is not that. It’s too good for /tv/

>> No.16105545

Based. They also use a lot of clips from it in the video for Phoenix IV: Levitation by Night Verses.

>> No.16105600

Very cool movie. Good thread op.

>> No.16106727
File: 129 KB, 533x284, mentalnote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make a mental note ofthe dead ram

>> No.16106775

Kek, I actually did watch the YouTube video years ago

>> No.16106783

Neat movie but “pure” kino for me is Nostos: Il Ritorno. I had such a strong feeling of deja vu in certain scenes that I swear I had been there in a previous life and I’ve never had that feeling before or since

>> No.16106840
File: 111 KB, 960x960, 1570595589862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I escape the current of culture? Every thing I think I found on my own I suddenly find that a shit ton of other people have suddenly taken an interest in it. Don't say pick media at random.

>> No.16106897

Is this based on the Nart Sagas? I have been reading through them, would be interested in seeing how people have adapted them over the years.

>> No.16106911

Do you think that media = culture?

>> No.16106981

It is one of my favorite films. Parajanov's other famous movie, Shadows of our Forgotten Ancestors, is very good, although not as visually stunning.

You also like Daisies, do you not?
At least we have similar tastes in cinema, because other than this...

I recommend Birds, Orphans and Fools, by Jakubisko, in case you haven't yet watched it. It's not as radical as Daisies, but contains much that is similar in its form, specially when it comes to the more or less anarchic sequence of the images and the heavy use of music.

The best mixture of cinema with music that I have ever seen is probably Carl Orff's Carmina Burana filmed by Ponnelle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj-tBVq61as.. It is more theatrical than cinematic, but every shot could be a rococo painting, and Ponnelle has now and then some very beautiful conceptions, that clearly suggest a mind educated in poetry even more than in painting.

>> No.16107136
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x960, 40B52CC4-C236-49AB-95A4-ACA846667E6C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You also like Daisies, do you not?
Oh yes. Thanks for the recs.

>Nostos: Il Ritorno
Been trying to see this since watching Cacoyannis‘ Iphigenia.

>> No.16107438

i also liked the Legend of the Suram Fortress

>> No.16107492

this one?

>> No.16107535

Nah, it's loosely based on the life of 18th century Armenian poet/bard Sayat Nova.

>> No.16107661
File: 108 KB, 500x380, 9330AA89-AC14-4A13-BFE7-ED7B078C0A51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good stuff.