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16103305 No.16103305 [Reply] [Original]

Where should I start with Pynchon? Is it worth it?

>> No.16103317

Go to youtube and write "Pynchon book review". Look at the kind of people who read him. Do you want to be like them? If yes, read him, if not, don't.

>> No.16103325

in bathroom.

>> No.16103326

Shut the fuck up you socially sensitive little rat. I want real answers. Is Pynchon a good author? Are his books emotional, funny, philosophical, nicely written — in other words, is he worth reading. And if he is, where should I start with him? I do not give a fuck about your YouTube celebrities or your self-image issues.

>> No.16103331

Go to youtube and search for absolutely any book review. Do you want to be like them? Then don't read
Retard argument

>> No.16103360

Post face

>> No.16103636

>Is Pynchon a good author?
It's not an argument, it's a way of figuring out whether you should read an author.
Why should I?

>> No.16103687

Most of the people doing book reviews on YouTube look unappealing, I just checked, Homer, Dosto or Pynchon, it doesn't matter.

>> No.16103689

Read a book, faggot

>> No.16103736
File: 1.50 MB, 2043x1209, chadvsvirgin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel to get BTFOed?

>> No.16103760

The left side is unironically less embarassing, everyone on there is equally retarded but the left at least doesn't thing of themselves as deep

>placing the most important writer in the history of mankind (who everyone knows about and most people probably read in school) next to Pynchon who is a complete nobody outside of the US
Search for someone in the same league, retard

>> No.16103780
File: 10 KB, 214x317, 1591757722438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not acknowledging the Meme Trilogy as the highest league there is

>> No.16103911

>he doesn't know about Rupi Kaur

>> No.16104874

He's good but he's not for you. There, saved you 200 seconds that is the amount of time you would invest in any of his books anyway.

>> No.16104884

Some people would say it's better to start with Crying of Lot 49, because it reads like condensed Pynchon and won't take a great amount of time to finish. While I enjoyed Lot49, I think it has a very (purposely) messy narrative, and it might feel like a let down. I think the best way to start is V., even if it's big and at times confusing it's not as intricate as GR. Many passages are a light read, very entertaining. Some of the characters in GR also appear there. It gives you an overall look on Pynchon's style and themes (organical vs. artificial, secret plots, paranoia and hallucinations). >>16103326
>his books emotional, funny, philosophical, nicely written — in other words, is he worth reading
I would say Pynchon matches all your requirements. I like his prose, some passages are very funny (even if there's a unique sense of humor, often slapstick or scatological) and he can reach some decent depth in his reflections.

>> No.16104932

god I really dislike that book_chemist guy