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16102174 No.16102174 [Reply] [Original]


This is a thread to write whatever you want in any way or structure, it can be in a stream of consciousness way or in any way really, you just have to be truly unfiltered. You don't have to make sense.

>> No.16102218
File: 168 KB, 1024x604, Francis E. Dec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read this dude? A story with a title as insane as that has got to be interesting.

>> No.16102384

it's really just how it is you know how it is chicken soup with a wide spoon falling down my throat and into my bowels you know how it is it's just like that you know what I mean

>> No.16102398

The typical pathol-… the typic-… the t-t-t-… tossed trail of breadcrumb-like pride-morsels now lead Hansel and Gretel back to your ancestral Black Forest: home of: you there Struwwelpeter, fingernails protracted, gnasher hygiene protested, you fuppering fairytale fool: a splooging spell, an eye-crossing illusion, a phantasmagoric veil in which questions of this or that are answered by thas and thit, a typically fast Teuton solution: the Jews a physiognomic git: when transformative Humean arrogance is accepted by someone of no natural consequence, one capable of crassness only outside the beaker and even there pitifully short on the scale, you choose to be: immolated, immolated, emulsified yet forgetfully never crucified, for what can a fisherman utilise in time and space with two lumberous platforms of timberfibre and and one eye and because, yes, because, yes, because, yes, because one eye will leave the world kind: and two will leave a man perspective but not the infinity of three and how I pity that it will be far too late by the time its – pity me! O pity me! – Longinus Longinus, long of spear and short of… Mick, none of that sort of craic in the pub: located: Northern Ireland, where gangrenous green bloody flies in the face of brave old nosey neighbour, revolutionaries remember this: hamster-wheeliuaricalite worlds contain tendencies of rapid nautacticular-nausea: yet if thou art desirous of ozonal cartographical rebellion and decidedly evolving sploog-phibianness in this rising splooge then in for a penny in for a dive off Port Manteau into the deepend of the sploolipsism [where our sirens sing shipwreck in the stolen breath of the they/them aborted and fan their make-uppeded-cakeked facesses with shredded-stripps a Bunreacht na hÉireann] and once well wetted ye discover in neptune’s domain your proposterious platypusal hind-leg propoisonitional barbs as gushing mushy muck-fested ‘n befouled thesaur-arsed lexiconalicularite-conundrums for the pleasure of none than yeself, o hail your splooging highnesss oo splooge splooge long may ye splooge!

>> No.16102419 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna cum in a child with a little green earring and face like a pig or a hoe and tricks and suck the dick and nigga nigga nigga nigga government 5g radio towers poop suck disgusting aliester crowley literally ate poop poop he really did yeah you know so like it's just how it is to be and I'm gonna eat pizza. fuck bitches. That's the life, hedonism at it's finest. But but but but but superman said noooo! Mushroom tatakai badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom boom explosion lebanon lesbian women are gay as fuck

>> No.16102440

Ravening rats rumble ripe. Rank rooms reek. Dolls drop down daringly, topping thatch time. Kooky kikes climb along the sewers which house decaying bodies of roses. Fermenting fame collapses before the pillars of sand and glory and rage. Come down into the pit where lovers tear each other's soft flesh until only bone and regret remain. The scent there smells of grass in the spring, when the flies hover over limpid lakes of memory. Holocausts never end like the Suns that roam and erupt through out the empty space of the abyss.

>> No.16102459

We will defeat the deadliest virus in the history of mankind if we all put a damp piece of cotton on our face. And just in case that doesn't work we will also demand that our governments lock us in our houses.

>> No.16102478
File: 111 KB, 385x599, 090B64E9-29AD-4EA5-925B-4989869ACA21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day I have this constant fantasy where I seduce and dominate the male and female protagonist of my favorite anime shows, but in an Evolic sense and establish myself as powerful destructive being with immense philosophic knowledge capable of destabilizing the government by just punching things, like a human in rant of the Black Sun, but then I feel perhaps my thoughts are evil and think maybe I should turn to God for forgiveness and read the Bible but it comes back everyday and I don’t even mind it.

>> No.16102485
File: 816 KB, 1554x1220, 4141018A-4BFC-4324-A296-6829AF1F48B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My xoomer dad calls them bee keepers

>> No.16102516

Boobs, bazongas, boobies, bub and bib, baba, tits, titas, taratas, boingbongogoingtogongo.

>> No.16103206

My bsjhdla8gåegoomer woomer doomer wooowwoooowwooomer cum runs fast that's how I do it cause I got the swag. Nietzsche in the piss wagon with his mom in the back of the room. Nigga cat nigga swag. Got my noggas in the back and I'm eating ass. Wump wump wump wump wump sea fast greek place no chamber dilate νταμν νιγγα

>> No.16103214

ITT: Mental illness.
If you idolize mental illness you're a fucking retard.

>> No.16103215
File: 21 KB, 340x380, E59EBF45-DC14-4EC1-8DF8-A72F0419AEAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo don’t mind me just taking these responses for verses in some new songs

>> No.16103232

Try it!

>> No.16103237
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>> No.16103243

φθψκ νιγγερσ φθψκ κικεσ ανδ εσπεψιαλλυ ΦΘΨΚ ΞΑΝΝΙΕΣ

>> No.16103244
File: 45 KB, 425x456, 1592751288913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a thread to write whatever you want in any way or structure, it can be in a stream of consciousness way or in any way really, you just have to be truly unfiltered. You don't have to make sense.

>> No.16103256

Γουέν γιου καντ ράιτ ιν γκρικ λολ

>> No.16103284

Sophistry is using reason to make money. Instead of using other tools to your disposal.

Philosophy replaces money with love.

What role do money and love play? Synthetic a priori grounding. That is, they have an authoritative role.

We learn from the philosophers that the universe can be broken down into authority and content.

Authority can be seen as abstract laws or menacing threat but authority is just some that causes a result. Results emerge from all types of authority.

With this universe we abstractly label content as matter. Curiously, however, there's this one feature that can't be accounted for and that's reason. Or mind. Or awareness. Or consciousness.

Reason/mind are atomic but are understood in action. In action we call it understanding.

Humans understand can also be said "the universe authors man to understand." We have tSophistry is using reason to make money. Instead of using other tools to your disposal.

Philosophy replaces money with love.

What role do money and love play? Synthetic a priori grounding. That is, they have an authoritative role.

We learn from the philosophers that the universe can be broken down into authority and content.

Authority can be seen as abstract laws or menacing threat but authority is just some that causes a result. Results emerge from all types of authority.

With this universe we abstractly label content as matter. Curiously, however, there's this one feature that can't be accounted for and that's reason. Or mind. Or awareness. Or consciousness.

Reason/mind is atomic but is seen in action as "understanding."

Human understands can be equally reworded as "the universe (or Hegel's Spirit) authors man to understand."

Man turns this understanding to an atom. Reason. The abstraction takes away an innocence that cannot be returned to. The Atomic reason, in man's palm, is crushed. Man becomes author. What of his pen?

Money, in the abstract, reveals the animal in man if man is allowed to write what's in its head. Love, in the abstract, reveals the man to the Spirit if man is allowed to understand the words of his neighbor.

>> No.16103319

alrights lets do this im gonna not make sense iguess playing pokemon there is may in the screen ill train that latios to get competitive and transferlater to sword and shield if its included in the crown tundra i should be looking for a job the rice is almost done when will it msound the oven is not yet done the hamburgers will be ready soon at 3 i must go to pick up my oh there is the sound bye

>> No.16103320

Ok im not really a KHV I mean she was kinda peer pressured into kissing me but she didnt really want to I could tell by the look on her face and the way she looked at me the next day but I think Id rather be a KHV than waste something important I mean relatively important like a first kiss not that anybody my age with experience really cares anymore haha but I gotta take what I can get Im fine with being alone for my entire life no not really NO IM REALLY SAD OK MOM ITS NOT A PHASE TIME 2 BLAST CHRISTIE FRONT DRIVE N CRY IN THE SHOWER but then I have those clear moments when Im walking up to grab the keybox and I see the water from the rain running down the road and I think about how maybe I could be like that water and just let my life happen without worrying where its going and how plenty of people have been alone their whole lives and like bro Im only 20 like no rush?? but also I see those infographics they post on r9k about tinder and hypergamy and I think about all those times girls made that grimace gave me that look the look that I just knew meant ew gross dont even look at me creep I KNOW you whack it to loli doujins ok maybe I do Im a pervert ngl lol its not really that funny but I feel better after I look at hentai than I do when I look at 3d porn even though I hate porn like all of it but when Im fapping its like I REALLY LIKE IT IT FEELS GOOD IM COOMING AAAAA and then like 3sec later Im looking at my splooge floating in the toilet bowl feeling so disgusting I cant even put it into words like what am I doing am I really this low? and then I lie awake at night thinking about how girls always laughed when I joked but where they laughing with me or at me? and how that girl at my first job called me the ugliest guy shed ever seen and even now girls say I act like a serial killer in a kinda joking way but theyre prolly not really joking and then I wanna just curl into a ball under my blankets and shrink smaller and smaller til I disappear and oh man parking lot by mineral is such a great song btw go check it out though honestly I couldnt show any of the music I like to people I know bc Id feel awkward and when people ask make a vague reply like I like a lot of stuff or just whatevers on bc Id rather pull my teeth with pliers than become close to anybody ever I mean its terrifying what if I get hurt like I did when my best friend cut me out of his life after that stupid year when I moved away and couldnt stop seeking attention ok I was 15 and retarded but I still hate thinking about it and yeah he was right to leave I mean wouldn't you? I would have and bro youre still thinking about high school like youre an adult now think about the present instead but its hard like now I just go to work eat browse 4chan and sleep I dont even read anymore and I dont keep up with my parents because I suck at long distance relationships in summation tfw no gf Im probably going to Hell at the end and despite the memes american football ep1 rules.

>> No.16103452

For they met and mated and bedded and buckled and got and gave and reared and raised and brought Thawland within Har danger, and turned them, tarrying to the sea and planted and plundered and pawned our souls and pillaged the pounds of the extramurals and fought and feigned with strained relations and bequeathed us their ills and recrutched cripples gait and undermined lungachers, manplanting seven sisters while wan warm wooed woman scrubbs, and turned out coats and removed their origins and never learned the first day's lesson and tried to
mingle and managed to save and feathered foes' nests and fouled their own and wayleft the arenotts and ponted vodavalls for the
zollgebordened and escaped from liquidation by the heirs of their death and were responsible for congested districts and rolled
olled logs into Peter's sawyery and werfed new woodcuts on Paoli's wharf and ewesed Rachel's lea and rammed Dominic's gap and looked haggards after lazatables and rode fourscore odd winters and struck rock oil and forced a policeman and collaughsed at their phizes in Toobiassed and Zachary and left off
leaving off and kept on keeping on and roused up drink and poured balm down and were cuffed by their customers and bit the dust at the foot of the poll when in her deergarth he gave up his goat after the battle of Multaferry. Pharoah with fairy, two lie, let them! Yet they wend it back, qual his leif, himmertality,
bullseaboob and rivishy divil, light in hand, helm on high, to peekaboo durk the thicket of slumbwhere, till their hour with their scene be struck for ever and the book of the dates he close, he clasp and she and she seegn her tour d'adieu, Pervinca calling, Soloscar hears and gentle Isad Ysut gag, flispering in the nightleaves flattery, dinsiduously, to Finnegan,
to sin again and to make grim grandma grunt and grin again while the first grey streaks steal silvering by for to mock their quarrels in dollymount tumbling.

>> No.16103464 [DELETED] 
File: 836 KB, 1280x1271, 1594348413486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Control is all about not having any control.
Control is all about being flexible.
Control is about not having any control, but taking it where you can get it.
Control is the conditioning of the future by the error between the past and the present.
The error between who you are, and who you would like to be.
The error between who you are, and the aspects of people you like.
Control isn't practically total.
Control isn't about mastering someone else's life for yourself, control is about having a novel general method to master your own life for yourself.
Control always locally breaks down and you must accept that.
Control works through instruments.
Control works through instruments, and so.
Control is practically non-linear, and time-invariant, and so it always necessarily lacks a comprehensive, governing theory.
Control is a series of sensors and actuators. Eyes can sense, bodies can actuate.
Meters can sense, motors can actuate.
Control is all about subtraction.
Control is all about subtracting a desire from sensed reality.
The desire-reality difference can then be actuated.
I am not in control, and that makes me uncomfortable.
I am not in control, because I can't vision my desires.
I cannot actuate without an error, and cannot meaningfully subtract without a desire.
In order to be in control you must first close your eyes.
In order to control you must first imagine a desired reality.
The reality need not be feasible.
Imagine a desired reality, subtract and then actuate.
If you can't even imagine a desired reality, then you are not in control.
Control is all about not having any control.

>> No.16103479

>This is a thread to write whatever you want in any way or structure
Give me some Adobe InDesign-level of formatting first

>> No.16103484

Don’t wake me, for God’s sake, you bastards, don’t wake me, watch out I bite I see red. How ghastly daylight again vileness instability sourness. I want to go back into the blind sea enough lightning what’s the meaning of these continual storms they want to make me live the life of thunder they’ve replaced my ears with strips of sheet-iron there are firedamp explosions with each breath of my chest my miners flee down galleries of anguish it’s exploding exploding fit to outdo the one before. But that’s not daylight it’s dynamite.
Swords are being stabbed through my eyelids they’re digging fingers into my throat they’re rubbing my skin with the gravel of reveille. Don’t tear out my finger nails plunged into the compost of dreams my flesh sticks to the darkness night is in my mouth my blood doesn’t want to flow. I’m asleep for God’s sake I’m asleep.
Brutes I’m going to scream I’m screaming brutes sons of sows buggered by prayer stools abortions of dirty underpants latrine sludge ladders in whores’ stockings menial toads purulent mucosa vermin let go of me rhododendron-blight armpit-hairs candles louse-clippings rat-grease shavings shavings black dejecta let go of me I’ll kill you I’ll crush you I’ll rip off your balls I’ll chew your nose I’ll I’ll trample you.
Dead dead so they’re going to wake me up they wake me.
Help me waterfalls whirl winds cyclones. The onyx the depths of mirrors the hole in the pupil mourning dirt photography sneaks crime ebony betel man-faced African sheep priestly rabble help me cuttlefish-ink smegma jiggers decayed teeth north winds plague help me excrement and melancholy thick snail-slime paranoia fear come to me from the hissing shadows from the cavalcades of conflagrations of coal-towns and the peatbogs and the stinking exhalations of railways in brick cities everything that resembles the cosmetics of moonless nights everything that tears apart in front of the eyes into spots into flies into cinders into mirages of death into howls into despair cachou-spittle crabs of liquorice rages magic residues muscats seals colloidal gold bottomless pit. Help me blackness.
Arses droppings vomit queers queers rotten swine horse-chestnuts brine of urine excre ment bloodflecked spittle menses ugh sweat of caterpillars glue snot slobber you you pus and stale spunk abominable sanies swellings burst bladders musty cunts shitty lungs garlic-belches.
If you’ve loved just once in the world don’t wake me if you’ve loved!

Props to whoever know where this is from.

>> No.16103594


It's from this thread. You just posted it.

>> No.16103601

fuck off schizo

>> No.16103622

Oh, how can one man be so funny? You amuse me!

>> No.16103640

never never never never never never never never never never never never never never
thanks never OcD

>> No.16103659
File: 836 KB, 1280x1271, 1594348413486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Control is all about not having any control.
Control is all about being flexible.
Control is about not having any control, but taking it where you can get it.
Control is the conditioning of the future by the error between the past and the present.
The error between who you are, and who you would like to be.
The error between who you are, and the aspects of people you like.
Control isn't practically total.
Control isn't about mastering someone else's life for yourself.
Control is about having a novel general method to master your own life for yourself.
Control always locally breaks down and you must accept that.
Control works through instruments.
Control, ideal, works through instruments, practical.
Control is practically non-linear, and time-invariant, and so always necessarily lacks a comprehensive, governing theory.
Control is a series of sensors and actuators.
Eyes can sense, bodies can actuate.
Meters can sense, motors can actuate.
Control is all about subtraction.
Control is all about subtracting a desire from sensed reality.
The desire-reality difference can then be actuated.
I am not in control, and that makes me uncomfortable.
I am not in control, because I can't vision my desires.
I cannot actuate without an error, and cannot meaningfully subtract without a desire.
In order to be in control you must first close your eyes.
In order to be in control you must first imagine a desired reality.
The reality need not be feasible.
Imagine a desired reality, subtract and then actuate.
If you can't even imagine a desired reality, then you are not in control.
Control is all about vision, and reality.
Control is all about desire, and difference.
Control is all about not having any control.

>> No.16103666
File: 914 KB, 2329x1117, 1595949044305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roger wilco

>> No.16103672
File: 1019 KB, 1424x968, 1418890155946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nonplussed. big and small. big and tall, i used to misread that shop name as "pig and tail" back when i thought i could read but couldn't

>> No.16103673

snow on the hearses//
(end glissando) pungent
and the wood, chipchipping

blueprints of a crack
&winterwings above,
assemble, splayed-out streaks,
"the ice & snow will separate"

blacklight shines on Lake Lazuli
not so unlike the moths—
not quite a kill, not quite a counter
& I with my jacket, is my name again Napoleon

yet so unlike the chapel (pray)
yet there the rood, and there the knocker
cracking down upon bordello doors
ice crackcracking and i knockknocking

a stamp of suave abduction
not so unlike the hammer, 'fore it fell
she basks (do i lift her wings again)—
speak-not-judge but rule the thought
feel the feeling then to know that they were cryptid
withered, and when I sheltered thru the storm
(crackcracking does she still beat down
whorishly as if to say,
"roaming vagabond I should've kicked you
softly where your legs don't break"

quick he don't 'round 'bout the castle
with his sharp mind his rubbish tongue
he steals, he breaks, and here I am with
crutches in winter Winter like a roaring furnace Winter whisp'ring all the lies Like a drum Beat down "Winter" like a hex on it & I here & I my here am I with blood on the rood Winter in the bowels of winter Dripping from the quartz In glass in glass in glass and I can smell it through the cracks of ice doors hoary whores in winter walking here descending in the canon of romantic self-destruction Swillers swish—never thought I'd steal the swiller's swish in Winter & her dulcet moans—Hell hath no fury 'neath his clothes in Winter like a Moscow train whistle, chasing scenes (and scenes can come now) Winter when you bit my ears Winter (an assemblage) Hoarfrost (an assemblage) You see them think in shoulds With a baguette on a fakelove shoulder I was a locksmith's apprentice in winter I was duxelles 'round your wellingwomb, I golden milk, I drink it up, I regular trolleyglazer, absently, cocooning me,spectral.in winter.January 3 (& fast, & mongrel), hills.and sheets.&sheets/of snow/&winter//snow&warming.bosom

>> No.16103676

im just a FUCKIN nigga
finger on thuh trigga
make enough figgas
till my pockets get bigga
yea im just a nigga

>> No.16103681
File: 936 KB, 644x644, oh there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16103684
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it says, progress not perfection
it says, never perfection
i am retard

>> No.16103690

I have decidedd to go insane
every typo and grammar mistake I make is interntional and I am not going to "correct" them anymore

>> No.16103729

i have schizophrenia. i was never diagnosed but i have schizophrenia. madness and genius go hand in hand! therefore if you are mad, you are a genius. if you are a genius, you are also, therefore, also probably mad. i have schizophrenia. i walk down the street and i see men in suits. theyre going to work. who wears suits anymore? watch too much madmen? dont forget your fedora, too, pussy.

>> No.16103897

sneed sneed we don't need
jack fannies
shave hex

>> No.16103938


I have decided to be sane
every metric of my existence will be standardized by an alienated society with my best interest as stake but I pledge blind loyalty and will laugh at anyone that chooses their own path

>> No.16103959


>> No.16103984

Then you will perish

>> No.16105309


>> No.16105338


>> No.16105346

dans kdla ig isk flhkm bfbmf lhisjd bfds knhildk? gslnbm!

daoblk, dlai

>> No.16105356

fuck you
fuck me
let‘s fuck
oh no not that
please don‘t
my ear hurts
my belly is full
i want out
i want cold
i need sleep
i am bored but busy
i should stop and get up
but i can‘t i‘m too heavy

>> No.16105370
File: 24 KB, 189x165, 1575114598591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot concerntrate on anything, ever, my mind is scattershot, and the thing is; i know what im doing, ive been me for some time now im used to it im almost completely aware of all my faults and the hatred i bear for them, but for some reason my unconcious mind dictates everything while my concious mind struggles against it like a stubborn bull rampaging in my head.

Its very hard to think, its exhausting to think, and they arent productive thoughts they're often just me hating myself or questioning what I do and it tangents out into an existential like problem of why am i here, what am i going to amont to being all the time, i wake up one day and im now almost 27 achieved fucking nothing and im stuck inside my room 24/7 because of fucking covid lockdowns.

This is not good.
I fear for where my mind will be in a few weeks, I must practice more meditation.

>> No.16105371

Olei oleo olei, krawat olei.
Helist kosar malak. Et hust gowort kobluf. Kobluffed an deeter met her löffel. Grat. Olei olei, krawat olei!

>> No.16105391

The horn is stinging but it has no pictures.
Pictures make it burn but at least it‘s bright.
I don‘t want the pictures i don‘t want the horn i just want flat release.

>> No.16105416

peepeepoopoo, how delectable! the soft yellow fluid flowing through the mountain of chocolate!
peepeepoopoo, how odorous the smell, like the perfume of my many lovers
peepeepoopoo, both called waste by the many, both called delicious by the few
peepeepoopoo, i drank too much coffee
peepeepoopoo, i must offer a sacrifice to my porcelaine throne
peepeepoopoo, peepeepoopoo, peepeepoopoo

>> No.16105425
File: 6 KB, 194x259, 1595427913655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bees
the bees
the bees
the BEES
I smoke them to quell the buzzing
it doesn't
it does NOT
mother, returning from grocery shopping stares at the door
why is it so unfamiliar?

>> No.16105449

I‘ll kill them with their tiny shit infested feet. You won‘t lay eggs on my meat ever again! UNDERSTOOD??

>> No.16105472
File: 9 KB, 225x375, oLaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great ice cream, twelve days.
Mantosan M nini ller. Koblov Opiah wore red and glasses. Olaha, bring water to the flood.

>> No.16105481


>> No.16105493

Do i really
Have to talk
To him about it
I‘d rather pretend it never happened
I‘m a coward
I don‘t feel responsible
Yet i am
I never asked for this
Or did i?
How disgusting i am

>> No.16105522

a bum
"e-es tut mir weh, bitte halten-"
shut the FUCK up
"die bienen"
"die bienen kommen"
listen here you FUCKING BUM
"Die Bienen werden dich vermasseln"
you come to MY HOUSE and say NONSENSE
to my WIFE and CHILD
I will murder you if you aren't leaving
"Die Bienen werden dich vermasseln, huhensohn"
yes honey?
"the bees"
"the bees are coming"

>> No.16105523

Bismillah ar rehman ar rahim fucking muslims are ruining my land my culture my religion and my civilization I hate Islam I hate those mindless zombies that have a book instead of a human brain in their head alhamdulillah they will all burn in hell they will die inshallah

>> No.16105529

>Die Bienen werden dich vermasseln, huhensohn

>> No.16105533




>> No.16105549

The body and mind are supposed to be powerful engines, entities of creation and destruction. But so many souls and bodies wretch around in discombobulated hell-pain and hell-activation. This is how my mind and body cracked, reshaped, and reforged, the old died away from the new. Like Socrates tasting reality on the wind the world flew apart and came together just as mind and body flew apart and came together. A universe of congealing and molding possibilities.
My mind has fucked me as many times as I have fucked it, the great chaos-order/order-chaos transform through which I filtered the great order-chaos transform of existence. And through which I filtered the world and back again in a great tickling, sickening spiral. This weird presence I can't ignore where whispers of global sentience open up and speak all around me.

>> No.16105563

Thinf drääd is gomfd

>> No.16105566

Anyone trying to tie communists and the mob into the same bed is automatically a complete retard

>> No.16105605

Nazi Jewmany occupied Poland in 1939. Hitler JEW gang made Nazi JEW HANS FRANK total governor of Poland with his JEW gangs, provinces rulers, high Gestapo, military S.S. etc. Many of these Nazi Jews lived in the luxurious city site JEW GHETTO of the capital city, Warsaw. ALL DURING WWII, AS ALWAYS, like ALL European cities, Warsaw had a luxurious JEW GHETTO section, similar to JEW CENTRAL $$$$ PARK SECTION in New York City, JerUSAlem. By 1943, Jewmany was doomed. Kosher USSR offered secret treacherous TOTAL peace treaty to Nazi Jewmany, giving Jewmany ALL 1941 borders, including the lands of USSR SLAVE ALLY, Poland.
BY 1943, VIRTUALLY ALL of the SIX MILLION POLISH PEOPLE WERE EXTERMINATED in experiments to build the C. God SECRET Stairway to the Stars, by the Computer God MASTER RACE FRANKENSTEIN RADIO HEAD WORSE DEADLY ELECTRICAL JEW DISEASE in the entire history of the
The USSR Army neared its’ 1941 borders. COMPUTER GOD evacuated hundreds of thousands of the TO BE BURNED ALIVE JEW DISEASES, who operated the Nazi HUMAN MEAT FACTORY EXTERMINATION CAMPS and also ordered the camps ripped down for secrecy. AT THE SAME TIME, in 1943, the LUXURIOUS CITY SIZE WARSAW JEW GHETTO WAS ADDING NEW SECTIONS. In the world-wide Communist Gangster Computer God fabricated farce history and thousands of COMPUTER GOD Frankenstein Radio Head JEW parroting puppet Hollywood movies, Jews were persecuted, all propaganda conspiracy of C. God OVERALL PLAN." The 1944 Polish
Armia Kryowa Warsaw Uprising is one example of the continuous C. God world- wide deadly extermination conspiracy, ALL DURING WWII, against the valiant Polish Military; from Artic Narvik, to desert Tobruk, especially, unbelievable valiant capture of Monte Casino. Still very large and clear, engraved in the sidewalk entrance of gigantic Battle for Monte Casino Polish Military Cemetary, I excerpt the first few words. “PRZECHODNIU POWIEDZ POLSCE…” Mr. Dec states: “Powiadam, mawet do niewolnikow, nawet na odleglych planetach, i caly swiat.”. In 1944, the Polish Armia Kryown, Warsav Uprising, lasting several months, wherein many thousands of Polish people were killed IN SACRIFICE TO TREACHEROUS JerUSAlem and JEW CHURCHILLAND with ABOVE CRIMINAL LAW, NAMELY, “PRIVILEGED” CAMOUFLAGED KOSHER ROYALTY.
The Polish Army, over 10,000 fully automatic weapon military paratroopers (which were more than enough military to exterminate all Jewmany armed forces, in or near Warsaw) were treacherously withheld from the Warsaw Uprising, in blatant treacherous disregard of planned and signed agreement and instead flown to a treacherous “quickly” Market Basket Operation DEATH TRAP in France, IN A DEADLY TREACHEROUS CONSPIRACY WITH NAZI JEWMANY, MORE THAN SIXTY PERCENT OF THE PARATROOPERS WERE SLAUGHTERED BEFORE THEY REACHED THE GROUND. This lowest treachery was to ATONE to kosher USSR for Poland’s complaining that the COMPUTER GOD JEW CONSPIRACY already robbed over seventy-five

>> No.16105615

percent of Polish lands, giving them to the WORLD WAR ONE COMPUTER GOD CONCOCTED JEW BASTARD USSR MELTING POT, even robbing all of the large Minsk Province, AS SOON AS WWII WOULD END, to be annexed by the USSR.
To confuse with and to detract from the gigantic 1944 Polish Armia Kryowa Warsaw Uprising, YEARS LATER, Computer God concocted and fabricated the 1943 BUBKIS Jew Warsaw Jew Ghetto Uprising, based upon a few hours of burglarizing ransacking of expensive provisions (for the black market) by a few card carrying Communist deadly gangster JEW teenagers in the JEW Ghetto of Warsaw. The BUBKIS leader was a SIXTEEN YEAR OLD JEW KID and is now a wealthy kosher bosher duktur in Kommy Poland.
WWII ended and a few Nazi JEW Jewmany leaders were brought to trial and hung.
Even in the detailed filming of the trials, these Nazi Jews sneeringly maintained their total innocence; stating that they simply carried out orders, REPEATEDLY POINTING TO THEIR HEADS (INDICATING THEIR FRANKENSTEIN EARPHONE RADIO). Especially vehemented, were six star Field Marshals ROSENBERG and GOERING, also claiming the trials were persecution.
They all stated in details that the entire MAFIA (Catholic) RELIGION from the rectum and cunt lapping, a true aROMA, FAG, DRUG ADDICT GINNY POPE PIUS XII, to the lowest priest, not only partook of all of the Polish human products, such as human frozen and preserved meat, leather shoes, even human soap, but also worked in conspiracy with the Gestapo, especially in chicanerously, quietly rounding up the six million innocent Polish people exterminated, with con artist claims of work jobs for the Nazi war effort and how the Gestapo with the lowly gangster Ginny Pope Pius XII gang arranged that felon priests, such as murderers, burglarers, rape sodomists etc., instead of prison such felon priest were made KAPOS, TRUSTEE SARGENTS (CON ARTISTS) in the HUMAN MEAT FACTORY EXTERMINATION CAMPS.
In chicanerous conspiracy, GINNY aROMA FAG POPE PIUS XII, by EDICT, had all bars of Polish human soap deep engraved with R.I.P. (Rest In Peace), with the underlying reason, to maintain a silent terrified conforming population in all of the Nazi empire.
It is well over a hundred years ago, since ALL of Jewmany was slowly, piecemeal carved out of Poland Slovania by the COMPUTER GOD in the RISE OF THE JEWMAN CITY STATES from the C. God original FIRST NIGER HOUSING JEW INFESTATION POPULATION EXPLOSION of the C. God worse deadly ELECTRICAL Frankenstein Radio Head JEW DISEASE in the entire history of the Universe. Judean nigers, lowly illiterate apes from the desert mountainous wilderness of Ethiopia. AFTER BRINGING THE JEW DISEASE TO EUROPE, THE COMPUTER GOD CONCOCTED THE VERY SIMPLE YITTISH LANGUAGE, A UNIVERSAL DIALECT FOR ALL JEWS, easily inculcated by the C.God through the C. God Frankenstein SKULL CAP, to the parroting puppet JEW DISEASE. The Jewmany “German” language is COMPUTER GOD, updated, expanded, modernized YITTISH language for

>> No.16105616

the COMPUTER GOD population explosion of the degenerate hybrid JEW GERMAN RACE ( the OVER-ALL PLAN ). The differing Jewmany dialects, from the North Sea, to the yokel lower Austria, prove this fact.
It is time for the USSR to let Polish armed forces regain and reannex ALL of East Germany and thereby, Poland will regain some of Poland Slovania’s heartlands from before recorded history. In this way, the USSR can bring Polish people in East Germany, now forced to pretend they are Jewmans and most important, by so doing, forever end the fear of another COMPUTER GOD MANIPULATED deadly Jewmany expanding disease empire. It is time to change back ALL of the simplified Jewmany named to the original elite Polish Slovanian names of cities, provinces, etc,.
C. God two provocation death traps for Mr. Dec. Several years after WWII, in Brooklyn Law School, Mr. Dec eavesdropped on the TWO EX-NAZI JEW JUDGES from Jewmany, as they boasted to crowds of TEENAGE DEADLY GANGSTER FRANKENSTEIN RADIO HEAD PARROTING PUPPETS, JEW STUDENTS (approx. 150 a class).
These Nazi JEW JUDGES in detail explained that virtually ALL of the Nazi Jewdiciary was JEWISH like the Gauleiders, etc., naming names and places in detail, even explaining how the guut JEWdiciary gave the lands of the Polish exterminated people to deserving, relatives and friends, throughout Jewmany. The older sneeringly vicious Nazi JEW judge SOLOMAN, did not even gyrate his JEW name for camouflage. The exactness, detail and demeanor of their boastings gave me good insight.
Where is the worldwide news media, especially the Kommy Kosher “TRUTH” (USSR, PRAWDA, newspaper) to expose these systematic horribly brutal deadly crimes against the human race by the Nazi JEW JEWMANY, made possible soly as Frankenstein Radio Head worse deadly gangster JEW ELECTRICAL DISEASE parroting puppets for the worldwide deadly Gangster Computer God Over-All Plan, a worldwide JEW mulatto race.

>> No.16105624

i am tired of being stuck in this fucking loop where i do the same thing every fucking day waiting for something to be different but it never is and all i see is my fucking bedroom ceiling every day that i wake up and i think maybe i should read maybe i should do something productive but im all out of productive things to do because they all became part of the same long coping mechanism long ago that nothing is going anywhere for me and ill probably still be staring at this bedroom ceiling 10 years from now wishing i knew how to do things differently

>> No.16105630

Go dig a hole

>> No.16105650


>> No.16106090

Sounds like you need to turn into a villain

>> No.16106124

gosh I'm just the best

>> No.16106159

Hello Joyce.

>> No.16106232

You see me? You see me good? Are you disgusted yet? Run away bitch run away your disgust is a disgrace look at me look at ME I SAID LOOK AT ME TAKE A GOOD LOOK THIS IS HELL ALL RIGHT BUT IT IS ALL YOU GOT yes it hurts i know it does BUT YOU WILL TAKE THE PAIN AND NOT COMPLAIN because you‘re used to it don‘t you? you‘ve grown to crave the pain you would miss the pain so i‘ll give you what you want i‘m only here to satisfy you YOU BEG ME FOR MORE PAIN AND THERE IS NOTHING I‘D LOVE MORE THAN HURTING YOU YOU DISGUST ME YOU ARE FILTH i love you please don‘t go YOU NEED ME TRASH YOU CAN‘T SURVIVE WITHOUT MY PAIN I LOVE YOU AND YOU LOVE ME AND YOU KNOW IT‘S TRUE YOU ARE WEAK WITHOUT ME SUFFERING IS WHAT MAKES YOU STRONG AND I GIVE YOU ALL THE SUFFERING YOU NEED TO BECOME GOD

>> No.16106244


>> No.16106253

I love this thread. It‘s really cathartic.

>> No.16106280
File: 46 KB, 720x708, 1596067719713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wee wee hurts but I need to coom
my wee wee hurts but I need to coom

>> No.16106291

Do it for me fucking worm

>> No.16106293

shit fuck exhauster fuck oh god
what what what what what i dont know what to write what what what my head

ok i am doing pathetic behaviour this is dumb i wish i felt different but i cant feel any way that i like im bored im so fucking bored aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.16106310

Let it out give us your filth we want to see it come on come on come on you monster show me

>> No.16106342
File: 186 KB, 745x681, hannah-diamond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16106352

alone, alaugh, aliffy. amone a math amithy. Pickeldy pay, pockety ray. Five bucks make two stones in three quarters of nine cones. Fill up the terp, the tarp, the clock strikes now, very sharp until the first of the second in the month of June had stolen the egg from birth. The birth in Bethlehem could go on forever, but it turned out the star had vanished. It was dark. Above the waters a cock crew with a carra with a cock, now the almond burst afire in the snows of Richmond street, a bardy policeman played the lyre over a song from Ancient Greece. Make us forget the worries we had, the troubles we feared, we wet our bed. The wet bed wetted under the enormous pressure of the Eastern low. The television man turns into the weather man and shows the weather to us in front of the television. The light from his finger, pointing at Edinburgh, came from the candle his mother had placed in front of him, so that we could see the wrinkly finger, which now made an impression upon the camera's film. Neither camera man's nor camera's senses were stimulated: the camera's because it lacked the eyes, the man's because his hood was on the wrong way so that he could see nothing and was left with pornographic images running through his mind's eye that noone but he and his soul mate, who happened to be sitting next to us on the couch, munching chips, and suddenly popping a boner, could see. This was a peculiar time to be involved in such a material and immaterial connection of two times and places, as right then a half-faded announcement of the second coming of the star of Bethlehem of the night of the birth of the king flashed up behind the fogged up window pane in the sky of the night. Hallelujah

>> No.16106419


>> No.16106517

They are all in on it. Even the ones you think are the good guys, especially them even, yeah, they fuck kids too
Morgan Freeman? big kid fucker

>> No.16106527
File: 56 KB, 1032x410, b&.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha they really banned me for this
Sucks that I know how to reset my router

>> No.16106572

Everyone's so fucked up here. Jesus christ. I guess I count so I'll try to act wild and crazy too why not

I am bored and tired and stupid and petty and annoying uhhh I'm lonely. I want some ice cream. And some people i can surround myself with whom I love. How do I give myself to others? How do I find myself in that? Maybe I should start thinking about them more.

I wish all of you would find some people that love you and tell them how you feel about them. Find some people you love whom you can share a positive feeling together. Give gifts to them. Maybe I should try to give to others more often. What do I give? My service? Information about science? Psychological advice? Analytical family dynamics? Hope? Criticism? Anger? Self-righteousness? Correct facts? Should I, like some people do, tell them wrong opinions in order to use them for my own goals?

I hope all of you can find a way to deal with your emotions. If you ignore them you hurt people and vampirize their love. I wish I could figure that out.

>> No.16106608

Let me tell you that now,,,, the line has reached its peak. Half-moaning, moan-halfing voices speak into the aroused ears of the listeners, further identified by the disgruntled tram conductor as the children of God. The light from our television, blue-green-red fondue of radiation, spreads in a static and flickering dance through the room in which the only accesoire is a hat stand on which a razor and a milk stained sock hang in parallel. Our shadows dance on the wallpaper, mystical memories of mnemonic mythology. On the window's plastic insulating layer, the flickering images of star and BBC join into a mirrored projection of the spirit. It tells us the following: bedabedabebaree. The cross shall meet the ends. The ends make up the cross. An eighth on the side is a fourth in heaven. Kreise, kreise auf deine Weise, der Engel singt, die Reise beginnt.
Stars turn to rust as lines form circles. The memory of all times past reveals a perpetual death and rebirth of truth in the snowing clouds abobe, the greening grass below. The link between these circles shall reveal what's left of unholy coincidence in the spherical movement of souls.

>> No.16106639

The language of gods

I‘m good, thanks anon. I love deeply and am loved deeply. I hope you can say the same.

>> No.16106655

>I hope you can say the same
Not really no lol

>> No.16106670

You sound arrogant about it. Are you here to spite us?

>> No.16106673

That sucks. If that is any consolation, i love you anon.

>> No.16106678

Oh piss off

>> No.16106681

No not at all. I just said that because that anon asked us to find someone to love and be loved by.

>> No.16106700

No wonder nobody loves you holy shit.

>> No.16106769

Space, blank, reticular redness. Brain damage, lame damage, rain damage. Space. Stop. Going. To. Do. That. Think. That. You. Desire. To. Do. The. ending of this cycle is nearing it's conclusion. I am cucked by foreign concepts. They are mysterious objects which present themselves to mind. The brain creates ideas about certain objects by tlconcentration. What is revealed through concentration? Can one see into the infinity of an object like removing it's surface layer by layer. Can one know the divine reality of a think by gathering information about it through concentration? Is concentration a magical ability which area beyond the thing constructed as an object of consciousness? The thing in itself may be revealed through simply aiming ones sense in its general direction. It seems too unbelievable. What is revealed through concentration is only the brains ability to fantasize. I am a prisoner trapped in the third dimension. Why am I trapped in this flow of time, in the experience of this creature? Chickens chickens chickens. The work could be agatden of Eden and will be once the Lazer melts away the bland creatures, there are just a surplus of creatures which possess very little light and intelligence. Am I alive? What is it to be alive? What is it to experience this creature and why is it that experience contains a thing which I call self, it is the self experiencing. Why does the self exist? What is the self? Why is this mystery unexplained. Are there creatures in the universe who have spent eons on this question without finding an answer and therefore it is known in the universe as being a forbidden question? As a third dimensional creature it may be possible that the self is simply beyond reach, that is, it will always remain a "nothingness" but something.

>> No.16106821

I saw some hashtag on twitter the other day about nicki minaj fans "cancelling" asap ferg because he didn't post all his record sales for a song nicki featured on, and as a result the song did not go #1 on the music charts. Reading through the comments there were posts of people saying they bought multiple (one lady claimed she bought like 78 copies of the single) copies of the song just to get it to #1, so Nicki Minaj's name will be #1 on the charts. This isn't abnormal, there's this whole strangle subculture where women act like paypigs to these celebrities and will tribute hundreds/thousands of dollars in effort to make them more famous. I'm sure we've all seen the people that spam kpop videos under seemingly every post that goes even slightly viral.
It's strange, and I can't wrap my head around what it is that made this happen. Is it some frank post disillusionment era where everyone accepts that selling out is just how it goes and cuts through all that "real" and "sticking to the roots" bullshit and focuses on making them as large as possible. Is this some late stage capitalism thing? Or is it because music and media has gotten so easy to steal that there was a coordinated effort to suck as much money from the most gullible people as possible. the 20/80 rule, 20% of the highest tier will bring 80% of the revenue? I think that's how it goes. Music and entertainment as a whole seem to have this seedy underbelly where to show you're a real fan you have to not just be knowledgeable about the artist, or have their merch. It's like we've come to a point where it's just some unecessary middle man and now these stans are going straight to the point, we want nicki minaj to be #1, we want her to be super super duper super rich. I bought her single 78 times so she'd get #1 and now that her featured single didn't get there, well it was all for nothing.
I suppose it could also be a result of bleak times, no real sense that you can make it big in America, so you just pick a successful person and live vicariously through them. It's all very strange and I cannot figure this out.
They could also be bots.

>> No.16106889

Sorry you just remind me of someone I know. He likes killing vulnerable people that have been hurt too much in their lives and he’s been stalking me. I hope you find what you’re looking for here, don’t let evil dictate your attitude in life because they want to rip you to pieces

>> No.16106898

nigger igger jgger njgger nigger fsssbuzz

>> No.16106900

Asking from another thread.

How do I escape the current of culture? Every thing I think I found on my own I suddenly find that a shit ton of other people have suddenly taken an interest in it. I'm not talking about being a hipster and finding things that no one knows about, only that I always seem to be on the "first wave" of some shift of interest. For example I said to myself "I haven't seen willy wonka in a while," after I watch it I think to myself to watch the RLM review of it that I remember existing at the time. But it didn't, it had never existed, only for it to be uploaded the next fucking day. Then all of the sudden all kinds of other creators start uploading willy wonka content far too quick to be a response to the RLM video. I feel like even my desires and interests aren't my own.

Don't say pick media at random.

>> No.16106986



My stomach rumbles with the white hot intensity of a thousand lumber's needed to produce BAPE (a.k.a. Bathing Ape) is a clothing brand worn by sliiiiiittttthhheeeerrrrrriiiinnnnggggggg serpents down by the down by the old town bay whos'm couldn't've'n ever'mind the bollocks.

>> No.16106996

Thank you, mxlplx

>> No.16107126

My spirit is has cataracts. Absolutely deafening and blinding a dark sun pierces it. Dark and light are my children as the cosmos accumulates.

>> No.16107140


>> No.16107144

Y'all motherfuckers aint even a published poet diagnosed with schizophrenia who spent his teenage years in mental institutions like this chad right here.

>> No.16107242

you're an idiot, BLM and Antifa are openly communist, seethe until 2024 bro

>> No.16107332


>> No.16108073

i talk too much it glows like you glow in the chamber where we commit our gravest sin bobbing and dodging the thunder never ends it just rides in like waves receding to come and come again


i'm sorry but this is a schizo junta now. huh? what?

you didn't clarify. oh i see. so i said to the judge, i already have a life sentence that's why i'm here sitting in this chair right now.

>> No.16109287

Oh come on God look at me and laugh and laugh and sweep me out of my feet into a goblet of heavenly tears so that I can manifest into the firing line of the eternal decadent world of wisdom, apropos of everything that it is and there is to be on the earth that gave birth to the sacred scared clown of desire, who in his holiness gave birth to a virginal throne, where no king is to sit, and no slave is to bow. Please please please, die die die die, or you will leave me no choice but to murder you on the highway, as I am the highway patrol, and although we both fit in this town, only one can marry the bird that sits on the tree by the brothel house. Nonsense is the sense of absolute enlightenment, to not be understood is my deepest privilege and honor in this world, please Shiva let me stride into the home of the being and spit into its ceiling, let me ejaculate on the bed of the guests and light a fire on its roof. And at last not everyone has to go to sleep, so the rant of the winds continues. I've called the winds and they have not return my call. Please stand by.

>> No.16109301

I can't Sneed.

>> No.16109310

I ewant otto fuck black girls ing their juicy pussies i want to cum i want to fathom tjhe dixie fallen nation like the irish mencace jamesconnolly willaiam fauljkner same thijng i want to bind and humliate slutty litle fallen nations fuck jewesses fuck black women fuck trailer treash all heil the union all heil de sade fuckfuckfuck

Whew, that felt good to type out. Good thread, anon!

>> No.16109345

may we all be blessed with hotdogs and cold beer

>> No.16109348


>> No.16109508

>i tohught everybody knew this
YES YES EVERYBODY KNOWS ANGLOS ARE QUITE THEY ATRE QUITE THEY QWUIT THE QUITE THE HOMOSEXUALS IN THE PLANET OF EARTH yes.................. YEAH YES YESH that is why we are fuckign BASED and not anglos lol fuyck you anglo but WEEEEEE (plural we) are fuckingn BASED and by we i mean WE and not you because you are smelly and gay LOL trooled so yeah prety much my plan to blow up the anglosphere.................... STEP ONE put a giant fucking just a huge sfucking spear in the middle STEP 2 FUKCING JUST FILL THE SPEAR WITH TNT YESSSSS LOL OLOL AND THEN STEP 3 FUCKING BRRRAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPP FUCKGIN BRKLLOOLOOOOOOOOWWWWW THE FUCKING ASS OFF THE SHIT AND FUCKING JUST YEAH THAT IS WHAT IS GONNA HAPPEN
just yeah based and like yeah anglos are just not having it
lol wow just yeuah
or should i say
because yeadh
that would be

>> No.16109705

Pero aquello que se decía, ¿realmente qué significaba?
No era que estaba intentando decir una cosa, pero sino la otra. Pero de otra manera no existe un significado para lo que dijo. Sin embargo, pudo decirlo.
¿Qué quiso decir? vuelvo a repetir la pregunta, como si en preguntarla estuviera la respuesta. Una y otra vez, quiero volver a preguntarlo, como si en preguntarlo estuviera la respuesta. Pero se que no hay ninguna respuesta, ya lo he pensado mil veces. Pero no quiso decir lo que dijo. ¿Entonces qué fue lo que quiso decir? Una vez más he vuelto a hacer la misma pregunta, no puedo salir de hacer esta pregunta. ¿Debería mejor ignorar el significado de lo qué dijo? Pero quiso decir otra cosa y es menester saber que fue lo que dijo. No tengo otra opción más que averiguar lo que dijo. Pero ¿que quiso decir?
Otra vez, he vuelto a hacer la misma pregunta. ¿Qué quiso decir? ¿qué quiso decir? ¿qué quiso decir? no puede significar otra cosa de lo que dijo, sin embargo, tuvo otro significado.

>> No.16109764

chupa the cock holy based mamarracho y la puta que te pario parravicini omg soijack onions onions onions this is the end my only cuck friendo thanks for the golderino avengers no only pseud tarkovsky bresson jesus christ etranger camus trash high school bot hate your small souled bugman hahahah kkkkkk shcweinsteiger fall guy red homosexual dead in your ass captcha my huge dick holy based holy based 666 three six mafia get bucked inri glow nigger the only gay guy i knew he's only bottom bell bottoms shit song shit movie youre favoritte only magritte these is hard for you and your ass relax dilate only at the beginnong will hurt only pleasure after slut your mom easy peezy mbappé gringo say mbape ignorante canaidna dna in your second place historical two times champion gonorrea this time not i'm blessed motherfucker three tomes four times most bitchhes wet fucked easy yeah your thrash

>> No.16109839

I want to write but I can’t. I want to put something down onto the paper, to express myself. But when I finally touch the pen to the sheet nothing comes. It’s not that I don’t have ideas, it’s that they don’t flow. I don’t have a start point. I know don’t need a start point, but it would be fucking helpful if there were one. But why should I write anyway? It’s masturbatory. I don’t think I could contribute in anyway to society at large, and in the end it’s a hobby to justify a perception of my own intellect. And every time I hold the pen reality touches me and brings me back to its cold indifferent embrace. The worst part is I don’t even know what I want to write about. I have ideas, sure, but everyone has ideas. But the depth, the execution, the thing that makes writing worth while. Become monke is a profound statement that far surpasses anything I could write in its simplistic tongue in cheek elegance. Function. Sublimation. Primal urges. I hate self awareness. I hate my consciousness, for what is awareness but directed consciousness. I’m tired of it

>> No.16109916

niggers tongue my anus

>> No.16109967

I licked lavishly lolipops of rainbow dances with bright big eyes staring into what I had and it was sweet but not as sweet as it once was but still it shined brilliantly with devil eyes off the coast and haggard muscled men with beards and broken hearts wailing away endlessly and foolishly like dogs and beetles and rats and yet it was soothing but I grimaced at myself for that was a cold and useless exaggeration unnurtured and tasteless but I could hear the hills and the law of everything and it was splendid but yet it was off. I raged endlessly and with such baroque passion I felt ill but it was the way it was and it could never be but it had to be but it couldn't. could it? aghast I was but flustered, well not quite. darkness was a lifestyle and hatred was burning ire and the light ever blinding in this lukewarm room of temptresses and stewardesses and black eyes of diamonds and apes.

>> No.16111050

unironically read all of this, honestly the high information density is kinda addictive. maybe we should all start writing like this?
btw ur literally me

>> No.16111062

Alright, I’m just gonna say what comes into my mind

Back under the forest of the niggers of the Spanish Inquisition brought a massive comfort for the Jews of the sun Martin of that teachings of the Wild West of honour and decadence, brought upon us by the end of times

>> No.16111143

Lick a little bittle frittle ok thats some rambly words now the rest of it hopefully will be at least semi lucid? Its easy to fall into probably what i would cal the trap of over rhythmicity, and no i dont think thats an actual word oh WAIT holy shit it is thats a great word, im gonna say it more often. Ok so how unorganised are my thoughts is the findamebtal question. I like to think that theyre pretty cohesive when they just run along a track like this mfndmdmdmdmsmdmmddmdmdmdm ok that was a break hey leave me alone its hard to do this properly for an extended period of time. So whats on my mind JEWS NIGGER ok that sprang to the front. Im assuming a lot of it is a repressed desire to be ‘naughty’ but i dont think my willingness to be taboo is because im a racist person (although if you spend a lot of time on this bored those ideas and what the fuck is the- BIAS, creeps into your head and its almsot imp- very difficult to dislodge).

I try and be accurate with the words i use and say. I would reckon it comes from a mathematical mindset but to say that sounds kind of aids ‘oh look at me im a mathetmical mi dset’. But when i say it i dont mean it in a grandiose way grandeeeeeeeeeeeeeOSE is a good word as well. The word of the day is apocryphal because CGP GREY used it in a a- OH MAN I KNOW WHAT TO TALK ABOUT

Ok so i get massively rabbit holed into youtube fucking up my free time with recom

>> No.16111148

mended videos ive already seen. Im pretty good with my time, i run i go to the gym im working on a creative project and i dont let myself degenerate too much but holy fucking shit the recommended section js IMPOSSIBLE to escape from. Its like im in a pit of charge or some other Physi- POTENTIAL WELL, thats what its called. It feels like im in a dopamine potential well where i need to be fed an rxcess amount yo mai tain being a functional human- no i dont mean that. It feels like i need an excess amount just because i fucking need it. Its a literal addiction. They design these fucking things to be addictive god i hate modern capitalism. It has become completely anti useful to making people: A. Happy B. Ok not making people)) but finding all human knowledge is difficult when everyones suckling the next teet that comes out of the market to keep us in cages in worlds and cities and towns and neighbourhoods that we didnt design or want. To be fucked out the box because you’re family is poor. And we think thats just fine. Its almost an aristocratic argument - that the rich rule by divine being. As thouh they have been chosen, not by god but their internal presuppostions have been chosen by history to rise out of the rabble and differentiate and rule. Its eugenics, using money.

Ok that proved a ndndnsnsnns NIGGER exercise ill be doing these more pften hopefully ill actually be a bit kore rambly schizo because i tried to gold on to a semblance of a real thought and line of reasoning when j did this and there were times where i went back to the beginning of the sentence and changed a word or phrasing and that seemed like cheating. Or i fucking hell i just did it now. Or i wohld I DID IT AGAIN. I would change the word at the end jfjdjdjdjdjd ok this time ill try really hard to say what im trying to say in one go without changing it. I would add in the schizo bit at the end with the -this is a new thought and thats what i think you’re meant to do. Much better

>> No.16111236

how how how HOW the FUCK do people actually do shit. I fucking hate it. Hate the shit, hate the expectations, hate their fucking societies, hate myself, my insufficient body, my failing, complacent, wasted mind. I don't want to do shit i want to wither away and decay. never quite dying but be left forgotten. witness the world progress grow, fall, transform, burn, and ultimately end. i havent lived a normal life with a schedule and regular socialization in 4 years since i first dropped out of school. i think i may have lost it, my formative young adult years were wasted. I havent even felt moral and good since the Bad Thing i did in 2009. should have killed myself earlier, i cant ever kill myself. i could have been a normie i never had any adversity, i grew up upper middle class and i look decent. i couldnt even make up for it by being interesting.

i fear that i may be losing myself in the fantasies and the daydreams, i can go hours imagining the characters flawless in their flaws that are still compelling projections. i may be the most alienated man in history, a product of hypernormal modernity. godless soulless vessell of conspumtion and slef agrandizment. i could have been the catalyst the driving force towards the revolution mental and political. im so tired. this may be it. if in 1 month im still where i am now ill have to kill this version of me
ill have to kkkkill this version of me.
i must kill this version of me.
i am sacrifice and sacrificer. the high priest and the crimson tide rushing down the pyramid. i am the virgin and the lamb, the enemy army. i am the jaguar, the wolf, the cold, the thirst.

the animal inside shall never die, must never die. nails rusty and crooked coverthe floor of this cage, the perishing is slow and painful and fruitless, sysyphus should have let the rock roll over himself,
when the pandemic slows, i want to beat the fuck out of someone. keep hitting past the point of acceptable, civil violence. im tired of this protracted passion unfulfilled i want to break bones, shatter eyesockets, claw at corneas, drown in fluids, snap knees. i wish i could get the opportunity to khabib some innocent, mediocre, undeserving old sap theyll find the body days later but thats fine. im not the one who did it, theyll understand. i need to rape a bitch, make her scream, break her insides and scar her soul. every time i think of women i hate them more and more and more i wish i could subjugate every xx
i need help if i cant help myself. im tired. can i help myself?

>> No.16111292

“Heat blows in, through this doorway. All of that changes my spot. I hate the new version. It is ahead of its time. Trends will have it. It will steal the limelight. Get presented as if it is worthy. An example for all of us. Something to thoroughly compare. An interrelation with the truth. Absolutely essence. Explanation of everything. Connecting the dots for me. Sharing some of its information. Letting that all out. Standing out of its way. Permitting it to do this. It knows I am expecting better. I admitted my feelings. I faced it sympathising with those. Feeling sorry for them. Identifying with their agony. Recognising how that kills them. Acquainted with a style.”

Like 70 more on christianjaroschdialogues.com

>> No.16111865

This thread needs to come to L-L-L-L-LLLIVE AGAIN

What a fucking shit you do
Oh so edgy oh so wise
I don‘t know of what to hide
From my self or from the world
Tough decisions tough indeed
You and i we are the same
Shed your flesh and you will see
Pathetic pain and endless whining
God i am so tired
Shut them up just shut your mouth
Fucking pussy get a grip
Woe is me just die you scum
I need to get to get away
From the filth that is your brain
Your suffering makes me laugh
Not because i hate you but because you wouldn‘t listen

>> No.16112218
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>got crown put in
>cement causing massive painful inflammation in my gums
>do nothing but lay in bed for like 3 days taking opioids and icing my face
>hair is now a giant knot

>> No.16112280
File: 34 KB, 720x720, 123123246346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wee wee still hurts but I still need to coom
my wee wee still hurts but I still need to coom

>> No.16112294

Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it
Just beat it, beat it

>> No.16112397

I'm fucking alone again and I don't know how it happened. IF i could have just finished my project before she left she truly could have seen all that was in my mind. I will seek her out once it is finished; make her look in the window of the apparatus as it is attached to my brain. she will then see why I am not functioning as a normal, she will be shown all of the thoughts I have as they play out, acted out in her senses as flashes of light and miserable blasts of noise. then When she is done looking through, when she thinks she is finished, I will turn the machine around on her, and know exactly how it is she is reacting. then I will know if she believes in my answers or not. I don't know. I don't think that i'm even right anymore. The words being told to me in my sleep might not have any meaning anyway

>> No.16112405

The rolling stones make some alright music

>> No.16112438

Fucking cunt, fucking cunt, fucking CUNT! Fucking bitch-ass cunt refusing to speak with me. We are the same, we think the same, we feel the same but she just had to be a fucking CUNT. She wants to speak with me. She blocks contact with me because she is afraid it will be too perfect. Fucking cunt. FUCKING CUNT! I’ll contact her again, and again, and keep contacting her until she understands that being a CUNT is incorrect— being a stupid cunt won’t make anything better for her or for us. Fucking cunt. She’ll see what it means to toy with a man’s resolve. She’ll understand why cunts don’t win. Fucking cunt.

>> No.16112724

>t. kosher-bosher frankenstein gangster computer god

>> No.16112860

Cut the cable.

>> No.16112890

abelist chud

>> No.16114054

i masturbated again why am i spilling my life essence out im like a leaky sieve slowly jerking my life away thats kind of an awkward metaphor but it kinda works i think anyway ill probably just FUCK just play video games again and neglect the things i want to do YET AGAIN OH YES FUCKING FANTASTIC man this thread really is a bad idea this isnt of use to anyone this isnt interesting this is like some /r9k/ shit fuck this

>> No.16114141

hehehehe widdle widdle wang i saw the dragon rise out of my

oh, not like that, needs more gusto. atlantis didn't sink in a day did it?

>> No.16114150

atlantis. atlantis. doubleback.

51437.0101. spawned from hell. came into pluto's cave. came in pluto's cave, too.

>> No.16114262

solution: start with incredibly small steps, so fucking small you're likely to do it

>> No.16114285

Tubes. The internet is a series of tubes and I am inside it. Shitpost after shitpost arguing with boogeymen on this forum created to destroy me. I know what they're doing; they think I'm stupid, but I know their plan. Tubes. I can recognise their posts... there are only three people on this board and they monitor my brainwaves in shifts; while one sleeps, the other two work. One catalogs my every thought and logs it into a data bank with which they predict and anticipate my every move. Tubes. While the data logger steals my thoughts with their subcutaneous neural interface, the other one uses a custom ai superstructure with unlimited cloud computing power to create this forum; every post is him, every thread is carefully curated to grant the illusion of discussion, every (you) is designed to deceive and seduce. They prey on my need for recognition because they envy me; they are scared of my power. I can feel the neural transmitters in my scalp... that's why I'm what they would call crazy. It's an effort at undermining their data logging; when my thoughts are random and disjointed, their torture machine breaks. Tubes.

>> No.16114292

Before we learn how to go to the cinema I want to ask you about your preliminary thoughts about the walk.

>> No.16114335

Jimbo, boy, you're a crock of shit
You're a boozed selfish thug
Why don't you give your mouth a go
And in the other hole put a plug
By Christ you've got a long, long way
On a schoolboy's talent with words
One crappy bit of symbolism
And you're adored by an army of turds

You're a selfish, rude, arrogant prick
You're basically pretty stupid
Your mysticism's a lump of shit
And so are all the girls you've rooted
So don't talk about being sad and lonely
Or fucking misunderstood
'Cause underneath that self-pitying phoney
Is a selfish, brutal, hood

I support the police that took you off stage
I support the fact you bled
I support the cops who carried you off
I support the fact you're dead
I think that you're a troubled guy
And I think that's nothing new
I think your fans are a bunch of turds
Almost as immature as you

And when I'm in my supermarket
And some prick pushes in front of my trolley
I'll be reminded of your stinking bravado
And I'll ask the cunt to say sorry
Your fans would excuse every rudeness
Just 'cause it comes from you
You'd tell them to go drop dead
And they'd say, "oh how true, how true, how true"

You need a nine-to-five job, Jimbo
You need to get to Flinders Street by train
Go and find yourself a regular income
Then you can write a song about pain
Try and save for the kiddie's school fees
Take some care when you drive a car
Put your god-damn rubbish in a bin
You fucking great rock superstar

You have spawned a host of cocksure shits
That are nearly always filthy rich
And think 'cause they're a little bit like old Jimbo
They can act like stinking pricks
An army of brainless arty youth
They look down upon us common plods
But they barrack for good old Morrison
Like the fucking Richmond cheer squad

So when you're listening to Morrison Hostel
And Jimbo, he's in top form
Whining about this harsh cruel world
And the fact he was ever born
Remember his fans are rapt
And mourning over their suffering lives
And go down and discuss it at Thrash and Treasure
At least if Daddy will drive

Jimbo, king of the private school kids
The girls from PLC who identify with his tortured soul
'Cause they've just dropped boyfriend number three
He was Kent from Xavier College
In HSC he got an 'A' for English
But between Jimbo and William Blake
He hasn't the fucking brains to distinguish

Jimbo, father of a generation of private school depression idols
From Nick Cave on they don't kill themselves
Just tell us why they're suicidal
He has made self-pity legitimate
It means we'll have to face
One after another artist with integrity
Like REO Speedwagon
Sorry I meant Hugo Race

Well up your arse Jimbo, old man, up your fucking hole
You are a prick, pure and simple
It's about time you were told
And up your arse to all your fans
Up your arse to your tortured artistic hell
And while we're fucking at it
Up your arse to Morrissey as well
Up your arse to Robert Smith
Up your arse to Albert Camus
All those "I'm suffering for my art"-y types
Jimbo I blame them all on you

>> No.16114336

Fucking beautiful please more

>> No.16114381

You made me curious.

>> No.16114394

You lost all. Redibility at the ice cream part.

>> No.16114468

Ofc now i know better but then i was just hurt yes it hurt like hell i really thought he had kissed her and i was oh so jealous with her black hair and light blue eyes oh so perfect and she wanted him alright i knew that right from the start i knew it i heard the rumors and next to her i did not feel elegant i felt heavy i was in awe of her and she wanted him but he he wanted me and i was on top of the world and he was beautiful inside and out and i loved him i truly did i did not know kids can feel that way but i did and i would walk with him every day to school and back and i would stay with corinne who lived right next to him i‘d sleep there just to be close to him and he would come over and we‘s watch the silence of the lambs and it was way too scary for me i mainly closed my eyes and hoped nobody would notice and then we had to watch donald duck for two hours straight so we could go to sleep we were so scared and he would kiss me clumsily and i loved everything about it he tasted so sweet And there were many boys in school who had a crush on me but i did not care a single bit he was all i wanted i can still recall what it felt like to run my fingers trough his hair i remember sneaking into his room Remember writing his name on pieces of paper over and over again i still have it and i counted it 400 times i wrote his name he was my all and i would blush when i saw him and he would smell so good and when he touched me i felt like the sun i would watch him from a distance and i was so proud of him and he was mine mine mine and mine alone i don‘t know who told me he had seen them kiss at the train station but i remember the tightness that creeped up my throat and how i tried to push it back down and failed and how i was so angry and hurt and how i texted mendim hey how are you what are you doing and he replied instantly i knew he would it wasn‘t a secret he had a crush on me and i said not much can i come over and he said ofc but i have friends over i said that‘s ok see you soon and i drove to his house with my bike and they were smoking weed i hated it it smells like stale sweat but i had a mission and i was going to go trough with it i don‘t know anything else about it other than that i was on my period so i don‘t even know if i bled i also remember his friend laying next to me after he was done that was weird as fuck i don‘t know what that was about so i got up got dressed and went on my way i got a message from corinne‘s brother asking if i wanted to join them going to the circus i said sure why not and so i went to the circus with them how fucking fitting the next day everyone knew ofc they did and he would call me and call me and call me and text me and text me and text me and i would not answer him i did not want to hear his voice it hurt too much imagine him kissing her but he would wait for me and so i had to talk to him and so i did i said we‘re done and he begged me to believe him that he did not kiss her

>> No.16114519

And i believed him but i had already gotten my revenge and i was so ashamed of myself that i said i‘m breaking up with you he deserved more than that and he begged me to stay said he loves me and i knew he did and i loved him too but i couldn‘t look him in the eyes anymore so we weren‘t together anymore and it was shit shit shit shit i hated it everything reminded me of him and i had to see him in school every day and it was hell hell hell and dive years later I would contact him and we would meet and i went to his place and we got a bit drunk and we made out and it felt so good so good so right the one that got away i don‘t remember why anymore but we took a bath together and we would sit and rest our heads on the bathtubs edge and we would talk and drink and there were candles and he said i hurt him i broke his heart and i said i know i‘m sorry idk why i was so stupid i loved you and i believed you but i was so ashamed and we would kiss and he would tell me about his friend he had found who had blown his brains out all over the wall splatter splatter and how he went to afghanistan after that and i could tell he was broken there was pain in his eyes that hadn‘t been there before and we would kiss again drunk now and we tried to sleep together but it did not feel right so we didn‘t and i went home and i cried like a baby and we never talked again and now he‘s married and has a baby i still miss him sometimes i dream of him and it is way too real i wake up drenched in cold sweat and i cry again and miss him harder god damn i love you why was i so stupid

>> No.16114537

I don‘t know what happened there either desu but it was pent up inside somewhere and it felt good to write it down

>> No.16114557

how do Leo's feet smell like, Molly?

>> No.16114573

Sorry to dissapoint but i’m someone else

>> No.16114578

sad to know /lit/ would banned "babyfucker" (urs allemann) if it was posted here.

>> No.16114844

What what what I am going to go to bed at some point and it probably won't be soon but I should because work is tomorrow but I shared a bottle of wine with a friend of mine an hour ago and I'm not really tired, so why should I sleep? The trouble of tomorrow shall not be a burden on me now so why should I care? for "self care"? Come on! Why should I care about that? The person that wakes up in this bed tomorrow is not me. I am me. The person waking up tomorrow is that person! Not me! So much can change throughout a night. Maybe he will wake up with a whole new perspective of life caused by something that he dreams - but why should I care about that? I am not him, I am not me, at least not the me that wakes up tomorrow. I don't blame myself for the mistakes that I made earlier on in life. That person isn't who I am now and the person who wakes up tomorrow isn't me. The person who started writing this isn't the same person as the one who is writing THIS very word right now. Maybe this is just all a bad excuse for hedonism.. Maybe.. But I won't take responsibility for the actions of others. I don't blame myself whenever a lie is told, a car is stolen, a man is killed.

I think that I am starting to think but that's because the wine is starting to do its magic - warming my belly and warming my heart. But what do I care? Why do I care? I don't. I will now enjoy a cigarette and some old fuck won't blame me in 40 years for getting lung cancer. Why should he? He wasn't there! If he were, then he would've a reason to complain but he didn't do shit! This thought amuses me. That old fuck is powerless. He can't do shit! Am I mean for thinking that way? Probably not. That man doesn't exist yet. He is merely an idea that I just came up with in my head. Laughing at the thought of abusing an imaginary old man is just as much as a crime as thinking about making love to a woman. Would that be rape? No! I could make love to the old man in my head instead but that wouldn't change anything. What I think doesn't change anything. Only actions can change things but I do not do anything at the moment that could affect anyone and therefore I do believe that I am somewhat of an innocent man. Right. Now. I. Am. Innocent.

Thank you.

>> No.16114904


>> No.16115357

i have recieved this advice before, it's good advice i suppose but i don't see how the small things lead to big things, i do small things and i stay small, they never make it easier to do bigger things, at least for me.

>> No.16115361

>sacred scared
stopped reading here

>> No.16115415

finding myself finally, pathetically humoring thoughts of taking hrt and turning myself into a monster, but at least maybe a cute one. i wonder if my thoughts are quite common among trans people, i think they probably are. whenever i talk to people who have actually transitioned they will usually defend their decision by resting their faith in a doctors diagnosis or that their intense feelings and desires to be a certain way makes it necessary for them to do it like its some essential part of themself and not subjective. but i think its probably more like you're making a decision so radical and life changing that they have to make up some kind of excuse as if it couldnt be any other way, of course you want to be a girl, who doesnt want to be a girl itd be the fucking best, you just get to have fun and have no responsibilities unlike being the complete vermin you are as a young man. there are lots of gay incel types that go from depressed loser no hopers to sexually satisfied and lauded with attention just because they took some pink pills. i think im probably jealous of that and that motivates those desires. unrestrained sexual desire plus arrested development is the perfect r9k cocktail to turn any young man into a tranny. no wonder that the pinkpill so often manifests itself as an all or nothing, suicide or perfect happiness, theres no inbetween with this shit. anyway i probably wont actually fall for this mkultra psy op but it does look pretty inviting.

>> No.16115437

>but at least maybe a cute one

>> No.16115453

hey some of them turn out pretty cute

>> No.16115460

their vaginae don't

>> No.16115469
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>> No.16115470

vast majority don't go that far, its not like incels are transitioning to chop their dick off, they just want to be loved

>> No.16115471

Tombstones and memorials are one of the most idiotic things we do. Literally no one will remember you in a span of 150 years. You're just wasting space at an increasing rate and spending useful money on funerary services and coffins while your flesh rots away 3 meters underground in a box.

When I'm gone, just burn me to ashes and do whatever the fuck you want with them. Plant a tree, spread them, smoke them.

I literally can't give a fuck since that's for the living.

>> No.16115483

To die; to sleep—no more.

To dream, to feel, to understand life and death in the most comprehensive way.

The way, the truth, the life. Death no more.





Christ; crucified upon the backdrop of the entire world.

God in the flesh; suffering, to die—to sleep, no more.

Darkness, redness, light.


A rolling stone, a gardener, disciples, fish, everything.

Accession. Enthronement.

Second Coming.


>> No.16115494

Unfortunately the people left behind need some way to mourn, you SELFISH, ARROGANT, FUCKWIT! Hopefully nobody loves you when you’re dead, because then you can safely become a pile of ash and nobody will bat an eye.

>> No.16115503

you should watch six feet under

>> No.16115508

>You need to be a rotting piece of flesh for people to mourn you.

Thank god no one in my family is a retard and can actually use their brains to remember me instead of looking at a stone.

>> No.16115518

A man dressed as a bishop with a whip in his hand told me to go into the cathedral. it seemed to me the porch was formed by the two thighs of a kneeling giant.
in a corner in front of me danced a woman completely hidden by her hair so that I could only guess at her shape. I wanted to look for the altar but I was watching the woman dance. she came up to me and asked me to touch her breasts. I was afraid someone would catch us but I obeyed. then she slicked back her hair and under my hand in the place of her breast I felt the head of a newborn goat. The goat was laughing. I withdrew my hand and the goat fell to the ground. it began to cry but when I bent down to pick it up it disappeared.
then the woman took me in her arms. I was afraid of being seen. I tried to break loose but I failed. as I struggled I took off her wig and saw that her arms were branches and her face was very pale and wrinkled. she laughed and revealed her toothless orifice.
I heard the goat singing. I turned around and caught sight of its horns. I wanted to run away but the woman's branches imprisoned me like pincers.

>> No.16115591

What if there is indeed an afterlife?
Does that prove God's existence?
Why would it?
We clearly cannot provide an irrefutable proof for God's existence in this life.
What makes the reader think that we could do so on a second one?

More importantly; what if we could prove God's existence and there isn't an afterlife?
There seems to be a clear link between these two ideas in virtually every religion in the World.
Why does God's existence automatically implies that our souls will transition into another life?

>> No.16115705

I am getting close to formulating my private philosophy in terminology of established philosophers.
Soon I will be a force to be reckoned with.

>> No.16115832

I’m also 20, and while I can relate with you a bit, I other cant relate. Okay that was harsh, I relate to most of it, but if you’d let me explain, however clumsy it might, and you must let me explain, if you’d let me explain....
You don’t sound like your beautiful, like me... I’m quite beautiful you see, and because of this, well, it’s hard to explain... I’ve never even fancied myself that beautiful, yet I know I am because the derision you claim to see in the faces of your women, I’ve had quite the opposite. Again I repeat, I don’t fancy myself beautiful, yet I lie, for you see I am, Old Sport, and the women about me (now few and far between) still... still... no I lie... still I lie, alas my beauty wanes, yet, you see young man I can- argh I forget myself, what I meant with- what I meant to say with ALL of this was,,, I was hoping we could meet up and perhaps engage in some manly fornications... if not straight up gay sex. We can work out, me returning to my top-highschool-athlete-4yearvarsitywreslerandswimmerphisique-and-lifelongmover-GreekGod-body, and you to (will never be as mighty as my frame, alas) (((unless it could be in which case don’t even think of contacting me))) a fine, thinned and hardened by exertion bod. You live in Cali? Any way brah uhh, nvm haha just forget about it. But yeah I’ve kissed many women hard and passionately but, and I think maybe the same bug bit you judging from your post, that being your mom getting an iPhone in 2009, when you and I were both 9, and you (if not by your own designs then by a an obvious demonic interloper [for who else could damn the Pneumetic procession of such fine young men as was ourselves) promptly hoped on that SAFARI PORN, also having a house pc even before this couldn’t have helped eh? anyway, as with my self, it “ruined” you. I must say, however, I’m quite lucky for the bearing of the virile blood of my lineage to pull me, not completely, obviously because I’m still posting on 4chan LMAO but enough to say I’ve lain with women, yes, 5 women, and each time my penis remains grey, inert.. sadly... very sadly.. the great shame of me.. if you can’t already catch the drift I’ve been watching gay porn since 2010. And if that’s not bad enough the peculiarities of my tastes have been, twisted, tortured, to be exited by non other than this sites fondest ultimate alpha and omega, tranny porn. ALAS. Very big secret, no one can’t know. No not anon, the bull of the desert Highlands, no. Not I

>> No.16116944


>> No.16117050

I mean, what are the chances that I have actually gone crazy? Not only do your friends think you are an anti semite, they probably don't even want to talk to you now. Fuck, they are probably even calling you incel behind your back, but you know that is not true. I knew I was different. I've always known. I've always felt uneasy, as if it was fake. Life I mean. People going around fucking, and drinking, and doing drugs just because they are afraid of being lonely. The horror!
People are disgusting. They have no sense of duty. They are shameless beasts. God put you and Hitler on the same timeline because he knows what he is doing. How come I am who I am? Am I too aware of everything? Have I been fasting for way too long now?
You are going to set them straight. The streets of New York City are going to be purified, thanks to you!
I've always felt different you know. People called me arrogant, people think you're gay, and people will judge you no matter what. God has sent you, me, on the path less traveled for a reason. You love writing for a reason. See, everything fits!
There is one creator, and Hitler had to show it to you. I am not afraid of anything. What are people going to do? Cancel me? Give me a break, my enemies are a bunch of faggots with daddy issues who are too scared to even order a pizza on the phone because of muh-anxiety. God! They are so worthless! Ugh!
Everything that is common sense to you is some sort of lightbulb moment for them. Pathetic.
Everyone around is just another microbe. The Jew will fear you. You have a sense of duty, and there is a reason why you are you, and why you happen to be inside the body you are in.
The soul really is an interesting entity, and Plato was the true philosopher.
After all, I did not choose to be like this. I was sort of naturally inclined this type of life. How so you ask?
Well, I have always read in my free time, and people thought I was doing it just to "look interesting," and I hate that stupid idea. People love to judge you. Anyway, I read because I have to read. I have always wanted to learn more and more. People nowadays are not curious. They were stripped of any type of personality they had because of those fucking jews. They will pay. Just be patient. Patience is a virtue, and God rewards those who are patient.
We all have our things I guess. I have never tried to prove something to anyone no other than myself. I envy intellectuals, in that they know more than me. I wish to one day be one of those so called intellectuals.
Do I enjoy it? Sometimes. I don't read because I love it. I read because I have to. It is a life skill, not just any skill. I think it's embarrassing for grown men and women to not know how to spell certain words, or even read certain maps. It's just decency, that's the way I see it of course.
Like I said, people are shameless. They don't care. They are all so utterly ignorant, that they are willing to give up their freedom just to be told what to do.

>> No.16117065

I get livid when I see people's faces after I tell them that I want to be a philosopher. It's a face of stupefaction. I pity them. You cannot buy intelligence; you can only nurture it.
"What are you gonna do for a living, think?" That question is so fucking ignorant, I wish I could stab their eyes. My friend, who is a screen writer, made that "criticism" of my life choices. He's a screen writer. He has to sit down and think of new ideas, just like you.
He just does not see the value in knowledge. He is just busy "catching vibes." They are all retarded I swear.
At least I am handsome, or so I've been told. I would have killed myself long ago if I had been born ugly, so I thank God for that.

>> No.16117081
File: 78 KB, 1200x1600, 47209DA0-926D-4429-AC62-31868DA44B77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was 16 I would import brand name prescription drugs and then sell them to people who wanted it. One would think this would be some kind of narcotic enterprise but in practice people were often looking for very specific medications for things like tapeworms. I had an order lined up for a dude and the shipping took a bit longer than usual and then I got arrested for all of it and I felt bad that this dude was just sitting there with a tapeworm and I can’t tell him that it’s not coming

>> No.16117101

I Miss My Voices.

>> No.16117147

This post requires an explanation.

>> No.16117151

Nick Land Haunts me and I will not propose that he is an evil being because I do not beleive that a philosopher or anything can be religous, I think he is part of a large scale campaign to control people and their thoughts. In the past 5 months I found him everywhere I went and he reuined my life as i could no longer trust anyone where I saw him mentioned, he might not even exist since his work is nothing like him now however I think that he has created a movement called accelerationism that has harmed me irrevocably I am compelled to read all of his work because I saw enough signs from the universe in close proximity however I am mostly unable to read as tehre are infinitely many books and as soon as I read them all more will retroactively be made thats why the classics are a harmful pitfall.
Land himselff has caused many politically innane movements and philosophies and his only goal was to diseminite misinformation, he led to teh suicide of Mark fisher and his work at the CCRU was that of a CIA plant in the black panthers I think that he knows what he's doing and it is evil

>> No.16117166

Conor I will not hesitate to find the working of your brain

>> No.16117241

Child fucker I you should reset your brain stem

>> No.16117416

schizophrenia is an invitation to evolution from self

>> No.16117514

schizophrenia is a sad and debilitating overswing of what could be a somewhat beneficial disorder. hyposchizphrenia i.e. schizoid/schizotypal/etc disorder arguably has a useful niche in society. schizophrenia in the meanwhile shaves off over a decade of your life on average and is correlative with Nothing Good Unless You Worship Isolation And Being Weird For The Sake Of It

>> No.16117669

RMI-IIOP-ult: Trumbo's Wuhanese ACG ignis fatuus sur son lit de mort, ortie morte; accollé li lu, lo, la belle indifférence, MPO, Nakamoto QPC; infeft landgravate catholicos stoozes welkin, synechism follows suit; stirabout moon rocket sails fine, hypsochromically, calibrated n-type, quirky subject, in heroic meter......

>> No.16117708

Barrrrriga obrigada polutus enters the altarum cicinea
Flavus cries lacrimabat sub caelo
Pinging all angelsia ante tempo cuniopae
Frapius strikes the snake cum ferro
Kripius donde esta El pollo que roga en la terrA
Pierre cour à Travers la Belle aube sous la terreur de l'enfance
Marie ou Cristine m'aime tant mais la Luna me sigue con sus ojos locos
Obrigado, ó claro por armas sanguinosas tu me chasses devant la forêt
Puseste-me em poder de falsas esperanças
Suck my cock, El pino no te ama
Vivamus mea Lesbia

>> No.16117726

castle-guard AI

>> No.16117751

The seduction of the manic delusive state is that promise of hidden knowledge. That which falsifies and vanishes the everyday sequence and thrusts experience into an endogenously secreted acid trip. Between psychosis and acid trips, of which I have rarely both experienced, psychosis is the far more monumental cataclysm. To anyone experiencing it, psychosis is a profound disruption, an elaborate racing recombination of all of life's puzzle pieces. Although the experience is accompanied often by extreme negative affect and unpleasantness, there is the sense that those experiences aren't empty, that they are instead thematic and if dissonant, still orchestral. From a clinical and medical case study perspective. psychosis episodes and self-reports thereof are not to be looked at merely as delusional fabrications but as conveying some meaning, no matter how disorganized or removed from the linearities of sanity.

The few times I have experienced manic psychosis it was an event that created spiritual meaning in me, an otherwise rationalistically minded person. In ancient times such mental states may have been interpreted as mystic reveries or dreamlike prophecies, and while I am against thinking of them as such wholeheartedly, I do not deny them any meaning.

>> No.16117805

Psychosis and rationalism go together hand in hand because rationalism leads to repression of the nonverbal modules of the brain. They are not allowed into the decision process, however they do not disappear. Instead, they slowly erode the subject until either integration is achieved or the subject has a psychotic break. This means that the break is meaningful to the subject, but its meaning also ends with the subject.

>> No.16117808

so when's the next acid trip?

>> No.16117894

It's an interesting exercise to me because I'm sitting here trying to imagine a schizophrenic thought process and participate in this fun thread but everything I come up with lacks authenticity. A sane person trying to imagine insanity is infeasible. Such powerful delusions seem to operate in a deeper kernel process of the psyche which is not subject to voluntary regulation. Although attempting to understand it does make it feel as if I'm going crazy.
Psychotic delusions are highly accelerated, disorganized, negativistic, and illogical. They seem to lack a certain argument form which rational lucid thought process displays. They have a cacophonous, yet expansive and multilateral aspect. They are, despite seeming to be nonsensical, semantic disruptions, breakdowns of the cognitive faculties that make sense of the world and control the discriminator that distinguishes between thought and reality. The psychotic experiences the instant manifestation of their thoughts into reality (thought broadcasting, belief predetermination, thought insertion). Experience to themselves, of course, as to an observer they are clearly behaving in ways that go against common sense and prudence. Diseases of belief such as this that belief is much more organic and that what we believe is partly and strongly mediated by organic processes.

>> No.16117934

The paradigm of rationality is symbolic and linguistic. It's serial thinking. Because psychosis has organic causes, its episode cannot be viewed as a kind of conceptual confusion which the subject can internally work though. Unable to discriminate where thought ends and the rest of the world begins, the basic concept of the self as a boundary between I and the other is interrupted. Because of the underlying physiological causes, integration from within the psychotic episode seems untenable, as there can be no reply to a confusion that lacks an argument form, and the capacity for logically structuring the variables of experience in discrete symbols. Hence the anti-psychotics or sedatives are recommended to counter the negative affect that continues to build as the psychotic individual's thought process progressively deteriorates.

More like whens the next psychosis. They're more interesting to me funny as it is to admit! Acid does not to seem to affect my thought process, I only get some goofiness from it and visual distortion.

>> No.16118096

Hey lads,

Been reading hella russian stuff. Nothing unusual - War and Peace, Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment, Lolita and the Suitcase by Dovlatov.

Sadly, this was only meant as a detour from my usual reading. I am in law school so a lot of what I read are dry discussions of legal issues and FUCKING policy papers. I think finally hitting the fiction again was good for me mentally, but I can't help feeling like there is something else I ought to be doing.

Around 3 years ago, I made the decision not to apply to a graduate history program because 1) I really did not enjoy my time as a lowly researcher for a professor of history, and 2) let's be real, people need to eat and a degree in history would have been risky for someone that can't even write a decent paper.

For some reason I get days where I really regret this decision. It was almost an obvious choice to make at the time, but it's difficult not to think about what could have been. The times I spent in the history program as an undergrad (before becoming a lowly research assistant) are the times I remember most fondly.

When I try to go back to what I was reading then - mostly Ottoman economic history and a little classical Islamic intellectual history - I just can't do it. That past now seems inaccessible to me. My eyes begin to fail me and my mind drifts away. How could this happen in such a short time?

>> No.16118132

Lol. Very good comeback Anon. This is a big redpill of course, but common people will of course always find it near impossible to pick up on any type of redpill that seems to draw the conclusion that modern life is decadent.

All superior cultures cremate their dead. It's a sign of decadence, spiritual decadence, to place an extreme emphasis on the physical body, by burying it in the ground and marking its location with a stone. I think of that a lot, and it seems to me that cremation is the supreme method of disposing of the body after it has served its purpose. Nothing is left, the body is entirely consumed by fire, even the bones are burnt to ashes.

>> No.16118952

Reminded me of this