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/lit/ - Literature

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16101597 No.16101597 [Reply] [Original]

All this knowledge and you still can't figure out what it takes to be happy.

>> No.16101600

Self Esteem.

>> No.16101602 [DELETED] 
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Keep on, keeping on, I spoze

>> No.16101613


>> No.16101617

today I learnt that my insurance covers psychiatric treatment. I'll finally have someone to talk about Jungean stuff and my 21's coke abuse

>> No.16101686

I'm happy. Ask me anything.

>> No.16101704


>> No.16101743

Cloistered lonely men have a historically bad habit of coming up with a lot of rancid ideas.
Brain surgeon Leonard Shlain theorizes that sudden literacy, on a previously illiterate line, tends to bring out misanthropic, misogynistic and violent tendencies in people.
Why else would they shit on the smartest of all the Greek philosophers, Epicurus? Why instead worship life denying deities, follow endless lines of despots and openly advocate rape and slavery as a natural order? Why not the nice and true path?

>> No.16101779
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Its not something that is purely internal. A healthy society means happier individuals so its not like you can just will society to be better with your knowledge

>> No.16101781
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This but with books

>> No.16101782

I figured it out, I just don’t do it.

>> No.16101804

I started with little things..a fresh cup of coffee in the morning..the smell, the taste, trying to appreciate all ot it. The smell of the air in the early morning, how it even tastes different. I think just paying attention to what you like and try to breathe it in without expectation or worry about whether it fits a specific mode of what is happiness. Let yourself enjoy things.

>> No.16101847
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We cannot choose our external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond to them.

>> No.16101863

>Don't have any food
>Guess I'll just choose not to be hungry

>> No.16101902

No you faggot you don't do nothing because there is no food in the fridge you get some any way you can.

>> No.16101926

Nobody cares butters

>> No.16101929

>but we can always choose
No, you can't.

>> No.16101970

humanists are the biggest cancer on earth. I wish all those faux intellectuals would never exist.

>> No.16101974
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Yeah, OP came to rattle your dumb cages, not to work anything put.

>> No.16101983

>the smartest of all the Greek philosophers, Epicurus

You have to go back.

>> No.16101998

Ok, I'm taking yours

>> No.16102390

I know what it is, I just don't have enough self control to do it.

>> No.16102409

Happiness shouldn't be the goal

>> No.16102468

And you are happy?

>> No.16102581
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BASED hegel poster

>> No.16104166

If you're so happy why do you feel the compulsion to constantly come here and shitpost under your tripcode

>> No.16104221

Butterfat is literally the embodiment of a femcel

>> No.16104249

Happiness should never be the goal, in fact happiness as a goal is the road to ruin.
Meaning, improvement, knowledge, innovation, physical exercise these are things that will bring you long term happiness and make you strive towards more of it, but it's always a side effect.

>> No.16104253

something something happy pig unhappy socrates
>Brain surgeon Leonard Shlain theorizes that sudden literacy, on a previously illiterate line, tends to bring out misanthropic, misogynistic and violent tendencies in people.
>Why else would they shit on the smartest of all the Greek philosophers, Epicurus?
how can you be so right and so stupid at the same time?

>> No.16104303

How would that stop a fitbrah getting laid?

>> No.16104353

That which comes before determines what comes after. This is true for all material things, including our moods and passions. It is true for all Prakrati. We can only choose to ignore Prakrati and focus on Atman.

True gnosis lies outside the predetermined certainty of this chthonic material world, whose body is the great material snake, Jörmungandr/Yaldaboath.

You can hang yourself from the Tree of Knowledge, but you only can ascend when you hang until death.

>> No.16104440

>How to raise your Self esteem by Nathaniel Brandon.
You're welcome.

>> No.16104465

i can though, it was one of the first things i figured out when i started reading

>> No.16104599
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It reads like a conspiracy theory:
>What triggered this profound shift was literacy’s reliance on the analytic thought processes linked to the brain’s left hemisphere. Meanwhile, the feminine traits associated with the right hemisphere were systematically devalued. This imbalance revealed itself in many ways, including a cultural decline in goddess worship and the status of women. (p. 2)
>Literacy, especially alphabet literacy, caused a biological effect that led to a fundamental change in the way cultures understood their reality. Some neuropathways in the brain were reinforced while others withered. Goddess worship, feminine values, and women’s power had depended on the ubiquity of the image. God worship, masculine values, and the paradigm of patriarchy rose with the written word. This was—and is—literacy’s hidden cost. (p. 5)
>Athens [...] produced history’s greatest concentration of thinkers, along with the first extended experiment in democracy and a rich tradition in the visual arts. The literacy-loving Athenians were the first to debate the merits of aesthetics, and they espoused many values that we associate with the feminine. (p. 6)
>Given these contrasts, one would assume that women fared better in Athenian society. The opposite was true. Athenian women were excluded from education, government, and public affairs. For all its state-sanctioned hardships and brutality, Sparta was more egalitarian. Girls and boys were educated in nearly the same manner in Sparta, and women competed in athletics. (p. 6)
>Russia, of course, was in the grip of its own malignant delirium. Thanks in part to its own sacred text, Marx’s Communist Manifesto, the now-familiar litany of left-hemispheric assaults against right-sided values had swept that land as well. The communists purged art, color, gaiety, and laughter from society. Clothing became drab, buildings gray, and smiles disappeared as people pored over their new black-and-white text. Dogma replaced rational discussion. Though communism often oppressed women, it was Mother Nature that suffered the most grievous wounds as the anti-feminine assault in the name of “industrialization” despoiled much of Russia’s pristine landscape. (p. 8)
>A show about adorable koala bears elicits essentially the same brain wave pattern as one containing violence or sexuality. In contrast, reading generates beta waves, which appear when a person is concentrating on a task. Task-oriented beta waves activate the masculine/aggressive side
of the brain of both men and women; alpha and theta waves emanate more from the feminine/nurturer side of both men and women. (p. 9)

>> No.16104809
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It’s lazy entertainment, and I should do other things I admit. Atm I come too often because of coronachan

Because I’m right but you hate to admit it.
What about Epicurus? He allowed women to discuss philosophy in the garden. Leontion Was one of many women philosophers whose work has all been destroyed, along with Epicurus’ lost works, and no doubt of spite. The same kind of spite we see on /lit/

I think it’s a reasonable theory.

>> No.16105702

alcohol and drugs

>> No.16105933
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>Why else would they shit on the smartest of all the Greek philosophers, Epicurus?
Shut the fuck up, Epicurean

>> No.16105949

You do know Epicureanism is negative hedonism, right?

>> No.16106031

I take meaning over happiness any day.

>> No.16106051

I'm also happy, why dont you ask ME something, asshole.

>> No.16106179

Literal biggest hypocopism (hypocritical cope)

>> No.16107004

I eatt :)

>> No.16107333

the fuck you mean, aristotle's ethics, gym, better routines, learned socialising, and the eventual women that comes with this.

>> No.16107342

As much as I hate to say a word in favour of the tripcode, you are wrong:

>When we say, then, that pleasure is the end and aim, we do not mean the pleasures of the prodigal or the pleasures of sensuality, as we are understood to do by some through ignorance, prejudice, or willful misrepresentation. By pleasure we mean the absence of pain in the body and of trouble in the soul. It is not an unbroken succession of drinking-bouts and of merrymaking, not sexual love, not the enjoyment of the fish and other delicacies of a luxurious table, which produce a pleasant life; it is sober reasoning, searching out the grounds of every choice and avoidance, and banishing those beliefs through which the greatest disturbances take possession of the soul

>> No.16107479

>Because I’m right but you hate to admit it.
>What about Epicurus? He allowed women to discuss philosophy in the garden. Leontion Was one of many women philosophers whose work has all been destroyed, along with Epicurus’ lost works, and no doubt of spite. The same kind of spite we see on /lit/
it's the exact opposite, you're right about Epicurus and dumb about the other thing

>> No.16107502

>What triggered this profound shift was literacy’s reliance on the analytic thought processes linked to the brain’s left hemisphere. Meanwhile, the feminine traits associated with the right hemisphere were systematically devalued. This imbalance revealed itself in many ways, including a cultural decline in goddess worship and the status of women. (p. 2)
I only need to read this far to see how bullshit this is. The often reapeated claim that there's a qualitative difference between the type of information handled by the two hemispheres (and not just a difference of functions performed) is absolute pseudoscientific horseshit unsupported by even the most far-fetching interpretation of experiments done on split brain patients.

>> No.16108008

Happiness is genetic. Tough luck

>> No.16108034

He who seeks happiness and puts it on a high mountain, distances himself from it to the highest degree.

He who makes happiness inconsequential to his goals and life constantly falls into happiness.

He who is in perfect forgetfulness and is simply sitting, not seeking anything, has completely satisfied himself in all ways that he truly needs and can complete.

However God is ever the Sun, glory, Virtue, happiness, honor, wisdom and so forth are his shadows. You can rest in the shadow and partake of the least amount, or you can seek the sun and be overwhelmed in the light of his overflowing immensity.

God is Good.

>> No.16108203

So Epicurianism has nothing special about it, because every philosophy is essentially seeking pleasure, whether here or in the hereafter. They employ different tools, but they all want the same thing.

>> No.16108212

go outside
eat vegetables
get a girlfriend
get a job
fuck pussy
there, your "depression is gone"

>> No.16108301
File: 19 KB, 480x360, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried picking up something heavy and then putting it back down

>> No.16108312

as if /fit/ is the answer

>> No.16108330

its not, at least not in the "this one small trick" kind of way.
its one tool, among many, that you can use. lifting, in of itself, wont make you not depressed. but itll move you in the right direction.

>> No.16108345

>openly advocate rape and slavery as a natural order? Why not the nice and true path?
The sheer amount of wrongdoing in this paragraph. Greek philosophy notoriously said that rape and murder is natural. And you cannot have a “nice” and true path those are contradictory terms

>> No.16108366

read ecce homo

>> No.16108382

>and they espoused many values that we associate with the feminine

>> No.16108385

>aristotle's ethics


>> No.16108387
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look, it sounds cliche, but it is true. also something something Schopenhauer.
we feel good when we are moving towards a goal. we dont even feel that good when we attain it though. the goal can be defined by you. thats why people feel good when theyve finally grinded to level 99 (and then it suddenly becomes, well what the fuck now, being level 99 is boring).
it aint easy to make progress in real life. its rarely linear, there oftentimes isnt positive feedback informing you whether you are on the right track, and more often than not, you can feel like you did all the right things and somehow, someway, things just didnt work out.
the gym is one of the few domains in life where, yes, you put in the time, you put in the work, and boom, you get progress. definite, quantifiable, measurable progress, that is linear (linear at first).

>this is why i lift

>> No.16108388

I completely agree.

>> No.16108406

I don't. Left brain says you're a fucking retard.

>> No.16108732

a fitting comment from someone who only thinks with only half a brain

>> No.16108980

butterfly thank you for contributing nothing to this thread, you rancid hedonistic shitposter.

>> No.16109005

You came here more often before corona tho.

>> No.16109033

Your 21?

Butterfly if you're reading this I will fuck you however you like

Improvement and innovation are hollow without some goal in mind

"Greek philosophy" is not monolithic, nor is it good and true for the most part.

>> No.16109809

Learn a language where the actual word for the feeling of happiness is more appealing, and you will have a greater understanding of what it means to be happy, even if it is because you start to know less relatively. It would be a very happy thing to have a language capable of expressing the happiness.

>> No.16109902

Not really. The stated aim of multiple philosophies, like Stoicism and Aristotelianism, was to live a virtuous life. The aim is to be a human with a fully developed excellence of character rather than live a life determined by pleasure seeking and pain avoidance. If every school agreed with the Epicureans, they wouldn't have disputed like they did.

>> No.16110834
