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16100923 No.16100923 [Reply] [Original]

I'm confused. There's too much information around. Official narratives are full of holes and contradictions, and the non official ones are full of unverifiable information and speculation.
What books can help me better understand the world we live in and current events?

>> No.16101230
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>> No.16101238

Oh my god just shut the fuck up
Why are you so desperate for things to believe in?

>> No.16101245

Observe what's going on around you and develop your own opinions and thoughts. You only have one life so live it, faggot.

>> No.16101262

Learn to infer

>> No.16101286
File: 312 KB, 1379x689, 9DD3019D-6D74-432B-BA48-4ECF996AA939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To start. There’s more of course. I can answer questions later, but afk rn

>> No.16101461

unironcally "white noise" by don delilo

>> No.16101487



and like?? who needs that many brands of cereal?

man....... talk about mnufacturing consent *hits bong*

>> No.16101495

Don't process any more information. Get offline, don't watch movies, don't play videogames and don't read books. At least for a while. You'll feel better.

>> No.16101519

it's hard to figure out what the fuck you want, but it looks like you need something like manufacturing consent if you want to make sense of the media by finding a common motivation behind what they are doing; shock doctrine for policy would be another example, but whatever recommendations you get will be tainted by one ideology or another, so it all gets back to critical thinking and media literacy, so there are your keyword terms to keep in mind; also calm the fuck down, abundance of information is a blessing, not a curse, when you learn how to navigate it
that's a known troll in case you're wondering why those recommendations are pants on head retarded

>> No.16101705
File: 466 KB, 2181x1210, C6756098-F61D-4699-9E49-FC16F50E4CB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[M]anufacturing [C]onsent
Great choice. Very informative.
>[S]hock [D]octrine
Fairly good
I may be known for having a bit of fun at assholes expense, but I am not trolling and those are excellent works for right-living.

>> No.16101816

Thanks that's actually good advice.

>> No.16102887
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pic related.

>> No.16102891

We already have an Adam Curtis thread on the front page.

>> No.16102901
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Play Metal Gear Solid 2 and then set up your own dictatorial authoritarian conspiracy to filter information and create context.

>> No.16102905

Yes but ill help him still

Use social media and 4chan but only rarely to not get yourself into feedback loops so you consume information but you don't get too caught up in this. If you are scared that you will not get the truth, the truth is that this TRUTH doesn't matter anymore.
Do not go to whatever riot there is.
Collect paychecks from your corporation and remain neutral in every situation. Let everyone know that you are NPC but you aren't. You are smarter than that.

>> No.16104288
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dont try to understand, just embrace monke

>> No.16104911


>> No.16104993

Already watched this, good film, too bad his attitude towards Trump supports is superficial.