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16100071 No.16100071 [Reply] [Original]

Books to counter this?

>> No.16100077


>> No.16100130


>> No.16100218

is this a kids novel?

geez. author had a meltdown.

>> No.16100269

More based and redpilled than most books for adults. Proof that kid's medua doesn't HAVE to be shitty and "it's for kids" isn't an excuse

>> No.16100735

A guide to suicide perhaps. Off yourself, you genetic dead end.

>> No.16100748

having to work 40+ hours a week and then coming home to a cunt wife and children who hate you does that to a person

>> No.16101031

friendly reminder the author made the white kid a homosexual and the black kid has children with a white woman

>> No.16101128

>Didn't they enjoy laughing and cheering and goofing around when they were young?

I honestly didn't tbqh, I hated being a kid

>> No.16101141

Projecting incel.

>> No.16101143

Jesus Christ, what fool wrote this? Kids are happy and play and goof because they know nothing and adults are doing everything for them. The implication here is that only through some kind of personal failings ("compromises, failures, laziness") could anybody age, take on heavy workloads and too many worries and responsibilities, etc. Tell a parent with a few young kids and a hard job that they need to lighten up and not ask for peace and quiet in the few hours they have before work starts again. Sure, they all made the stupid error of not being born into independently wealthy families or winning the lottery and hiring nannies. What ignorant horseshit. The art shows he's Pilkey, author of the disgusting worthless Captain Underpants crap. He became a best-selling author on that junk when he was 31, after a decade of getting bad books and art published, and he's been married since 2005. And, what a surprise, he has no kids.

>> No.16101155

OP got btfo

>> No.16101463


How will children ever recover?

>> No.16101590

friendly reminder he's also jewish. I wonder if these two facts relate to each other in any way?

>> No.16101608

No one has to do any of that. You chose to reproduce with a whore and take responsibility for providing for them.

>> No.16101626
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>> No.16101643
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>> No.16101651

It's exactly this kind of mindset that leads to the perpetual adolescence of Marvel fans and Harry Potter liberals. That's not to say that you ought to condemn yourself to misery, but life is suffering and children need discipline lest they fail to develop the fortitude necessary to bear inevitable hardship.

>> No.16101652

He's American.

>> No.16101657

Wasted, thanks man for the common sense.

>> No.16102700
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Little House on the Prairie

>> No.16102708

me on the left

>> No.16102776

The guy is living the dream

>> No.16102808

Captain Underpants was great, keep seething /pol/hacks

>> No.16102815

>oh no I had to have no ambitions and accept my place as a wagie slave
>oh no I had to have unprotected sex and make three fucking kids
>society man

>> No.16102833

Vaguely, my thoughts are that kids can afford to be more carefree because they are shielded from the front lines of what needs to be done in order to survive, which in modern times involves jobs/employment, further back would involve agricultural subsistence of some kind, and even further back hunting and gathering.

Adulthood comes with the knowledge (usually, unless you're quite wealthy) that you have to take action and expend a lot of effort to survive in whatever environment you are in, whether that involves growing food or working. These things have bottom lines that are, ultimately, serious for everybody involved and the stress is justifiably increased. Children are shielded from these realities and are thus more carefree.

That being said, adults can definitely be unnecessarily serious party poopers at times. Both the stress/depressive nature of adults and carefree nature of children is totally understandable.

>> No.16102840

Hunting and gathering was a good fucking time though. Yeah the work was dangerous, but it wasn't that complicated and you didn't need to spend all your time doing it. The rest of the time you spend enjoying yourself, fucking, spending time with your family and friends, making shit, and doing fulfilling tasks for the betterment of your group. Agriculture was a mistake.

>> No.16102858

>not being born into independently wealthy families
You are genetic trash, commie.

>> No.16102859

>agriculture was a mistake
This. We now have longer lives, but at what cost? I also doubt suicide was as prevalent in pre-agricultural societies as it is now.

>> No.16103286

the author is obvious pedo

>> No.16103293


>> No.16103308

Children are psychotic. They lie, hit steal, bully, murder, and destroy with no other consideration than their own pleasure. Our ape brains tell us they're cute, so they get away with it. The mother of some runt kid says 'ooh isn't he an angel...' despite the kid being crazy.

If children weren't harmless we would've killed them all by now.

>> No.16103323

The point being, children are not 'pure' or 'innocent', and we shouldn't 'return to childhood'. Children are ignorant, spiteful, and so hilariously incompetent in their psychotic schemes that we simply laugh them off.

>> No.16103367

rare photographic evidence of a black man who was *at that very moment* convinced not to vote for Biden. what you are witnessing is a complicated biochemical reaction as his immune system attacks the melanin in his skin.

>> No.16103407


I mean yeah but at the same time I'm tired of all this feel sorry for parents shit
Getting married and having kids is a choice a selfish choice the world isn't asking you to do these things and in fact in the majority of cases it would be better off if you didn't
And these actions come with many compromises, sacrifices, difficulties so chances are if you have a lot of worries and responsibilities it's because you did these things without being prepared
It's not rocket science why smart successful people have less kids

>> No.16103451

>it's all just personal life decisions bro!

>> No.16103458

>don't trust other adults
>trust me instead
>they don't understand you
>but I understand you
>hide this little interaction between us

>> No.16103470

These viewpoints are as extreme as the "all children are innocent little darlings" viewpoint. Children are just children, inexperienced, not yet fully socialized, tending towards their baser natures, but they're neither angels nor demons.

>> No.16103505

Are anti-natalists really this retarded and alien from how the world works?

>> No.16103546


How does it work anon
Because from where I'm standing it seems like parents are nothing but entitled burdens on society
But please try to convince me that poor and stupid people are being forced to get married and have kids and we should all be slaving away to accommodate them

>> No.16103570

I think we should honour those that have children because without a steady flow of new people, our systems would stop working and suffering would be vastly multiplied
Suffering can best be minimised in a state that had a birth rate around replacement
Not having kids is being selfish towards your neighbor by your own twisted logic

>> No.16103628


Anon the human population has pretty much done nothing but grow for almost it's entire existence
Why? Because there's literally nothing on this planet that can stop us from doing so even this current pandemic will only put a minuscule dent just as the plague and flu did
To think that a lack of population will ever be an issue save for us encountering some vastly superior alien species or some other extremely cataclysmic event is a highly ridiculous sentiment

>> No.16103745

So to keep full record
Anti-natalists don't know anything about human history and the disastrous consequences demographic collapses have had on the remaining populations
They just impose their own worthless lives on everybody else

>> No.16103776


You're talking about purely short term consequences which are more the result of human built systems which still doesn't change the fact that for a long time the birth rate has been much higher than the death rate

>> No.16104277

>friendly reminder he's also jewish

Citation needed

>> No.16104819

OP's quote is literally aimed at kids asking why their parents and teachers aren't more funny and carefree. It's not about adults who don't deal with kids in their daily life at all.

>> No.16104858

>what happened
Peer pressure and group norms. Humans who have made compromises for whatever reason find it inexplicable anyone would do otherwise. People who have not made those sacrifices for those reasons find it inexplicable someone would. Usually children haven't had as much time to become compromised, but most will eventually.
Probably the most famous book on the phenomenon is Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem, which coined the phrase "little Eichmann" to describe someone with an over-reliance on group identity for their own self-esteem.

>> No.16105716

Kids are annoying, unconscious, irresponsible little shits most of the time, that's why.

>> No.16105868

>captain underpants is bad and degeneracy

>> No.16105951

Sarah, Plain and Tall

>> No.16106546

agreed.plain &tall