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16098564 No.16098564[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is reading not popular in black culture? Why do blacks shun other blacks for trying to read?

>> No.16098572


>> No.16098583


>> No.16098586

Very unfunny culture

>> No.16098599

They have an aversion to becoming educated, something they perceive as becoming more like whitey

>> No.16098601
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I saw a kid reading Infinite Jest.

>> No.16098606

get dat papay playboi. fuck da 9-5, im slingin out da trap

>> No.16098609
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Because when blacks started to form their own communities they saw themselves as totally apart from the American mainstream, which was a political threat because they would be a huge resentful population in the US if left to their own devices, and many of them were becoming involved in leftist activism and terrorism.

The government broke up the radical ones and only allowed blacks to continue to exist in America as permanent welfare-addicted retard slaves because this was less dangerous in the short term, but now their retardation has metastasized several times over and combined with Mexican retardation to form a United Retard Front that makes the lower 50% of the country in a permanent retard underclass that can't read, can't think, can barely speak, and so on.

>> No.16098614

I don't know but letting a nigger go to college means a lot of debt that is not going to ever be paid.

>> No.16098633

Reading isn't popular in American culture in general. That said blacks who love reading tend to only read black nationalist stuff and maybe a touch of Marxism.

>> No.16098642

Because blacks, being a mixture of homo erectus, archaic african hominids and invading eurasians are not truly human, lack many of the genes required for a higher intelligence and thus will not enjoy reading unless they have enough eurasian admixture.

>> No.16098646

there's several theories about this.

1) when europe discovered africa only one country [Ethiopia] had a written language, and therefore it isn't as widespread. this might also mean they can't relate to many works.

2) lack of father figures.
there just ain't that many great black fathers, which means lack of guide in life.

3) it's seen as uncool, or maybe even as a "white" activity (possibly because of point one).

4) blacks just ain't like no reading! (i think this is unlikely.)

maybe the answer is a combination of all 4 theories.

>> No.16098656

Blacks are literally inferior, stop making these weird excuses. Cant enjoy reading if you have an IQ of 85.

>> No.16098664

>dis nigga ahh
i dont understand, what is the "ahh" supposed to convey? is it supposed to be read "this nigaaa"?

>> No.16098669

I grew up in an almost uniformly white area and no one read there either.

>> No.16098684
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>wrote the n-word.

better be black you fucking whigga!

>> No.16098693

He looks like he’s posing for a poster about reading for elementary schools; he probably deserves to be teased

>> No.16098697

>Sweden is already 25% non-white
are you kidding me

>> No.16098699

They don't have a soul or posses any inteligence, have you ever seen a dog or a cat read? I didn't think so

>> No.16098708

Reading is contemporary plantation ethics, submission to the colonial frame.
The Negro's will to power manifests under the smoke filled mist of a Nike department store's sprinkler system. Not in some punk bitch rag by some dead peckerwood.

>> No.16098709

It's the third thing. I know from experience.

>> No.16098710

There is a reason there was never any civilisation in Africa despite them having more than enough ample time to develop one if they could, and all civilisations had dangerous wild beasts roaming their lands so that's not an excuse. Same reason animals can't make civilisations, they're just closer to animal

>> No.16098713

what about the boy in picrel?

i was thinking photoshop, but don't know.

>> No.16098722

Blacks in America are mixed with European admixture, he probably just has that in his blood

>> No.16098728

Animal noises

>> No.16098736

Sweden's population is a little over 10 million. There are over 100 million Nigerians.

Swedes, much like the Irish, will just flat out not exist in 100 years.
Also that graph is kind of shit because it doesn't detail mask usage based on demographics

>> No.16098738

More than that, the official numbers don't count some things and don't count mixed race lol

>> No.16098784

Reading is only popular with teenage girls

>> No.16098796

Not true. When I took my creative writing class in senior year there were some other guys, too.

>> No.16098811


>> No.16098816

Reading isn't popular in any culture.

>> No.16098819

Sadly a very strong anti-intellectual culture exists especially within the poorer black community
>Few years back
>Doing A-level chem test
>Most of the class averages around a 35%
>However this one black guy gets a very high grade around 95%
>Congratulate him saying he since he's getting the grades needed for Oxford which he could very well go to one day
>His friend turns round and says "You go Oxford you'll turn into a white boy"
It's little things like this from within the community that pulls down the highest achievers, imagine being told you're acting white your entire life by the people closest to you

>> No.16098843


>> No.16098849
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People with room temperature IQs are unable to comprehend the benefits of reading, so basically 99% of /lit/

>> No.16098860

Blacks also love to shun other black people for being smart

>> No.16098870

Something something entirely society’s fault

>> No.16098874
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black children in the USA can't read fluently, and in some cases are illiterate, and the public school system moves them through anyways. this issue is never addressed, clear through university, for political and legal reasons. pic related. blacks have a share of the total population of functionally illiterate adults similar to that of non-native hispanics (aka non english speakers).

forget the regressive anti-intellectual leaning of black culture. there are no expectations of literacy in the broken family home or from the schools. where would it ever come from? kids must be read to as early as possible by parents, encouraged to challenge themselves and read for pleasure. kids who come to school at age 5 not even knowing the alphabet are irreversibly set back in their education.

>> No.16098893
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its generally not popular with people from lower socio-economic backgrounds regardless of color, ethnicity, race or creed to read.
The days of the "working class intellectual" are over.
The social mobility of the 70's, 80's, 90's have left only the dregs behind

>> No.16098931

That's really sad, it's a culture that is designed to pull down success and hard work. No wonder it's the group in the us that is always falling behind.

>> No.16098950

This but unironically. The negroid race is not homo sapiens
Read Erectus walks among us

>> No.16098972

It absolutely was in every culture before modernity among Indo-Europeans

>> No.16098973

25% are immigrants, but a lot of these are other europeans like finns or yugos.

>> No.16098980
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I can't say about black people since I am not one and don't know anyone, but I feel like reading is increasingly being relegated as something normal people don't do, like I have come across people when I mentioned in a conversation that a certain book was better than the movie, they said "You read the book? Even though there was a movie? Why did you do that?". And most young people these days would rather have video games and Youtube as past times rather than reading for obvious reasons. The condition can be so bad that sometimes if you only refer that you read a good book about some topic in the conversation, people will automatically assume you're bragging or trying to appear intelligent. Books are a no-go for any conversation I have with people IRL. I might refer to an idea I found in a book and pass it off as something I saw on YouTube, instead of saying I read it.

And boy reading fiction is so much more frowned upon. Back when I sometimes used to bring books in class to read during idle time, people would legit call it a waste of time, saying that I should instead read some course book if I am going to be reading anyway, while browsing reddit or twitter on their phone. And I think it is only going to get worse with each passing day.

I am no reading supremacist, I don't believe that people who don't read are dumb, since the same information can easily be found in video formats online for anybody who is interested, but stilll I would have liked to be able to discuss books with my friends instead of politics and movies sometimes, and also not being judged for fucking reading a book lmao.

>> No.16098983

Unironically because of the CIA.

>> No.16098991

Lmao its not the CIA's fault niggers never had a civilization or writing system

>> No.16099050

Because they are not homo sapiens.


>> No.16099241

Why are blacks so loud, lads?

>> No.16099273


>> No.16099284

You're right, he's probably just pretending to read

>> No.16099285

No. Sweden has a lot of European immigrants. The actual non-white population is more like 5-8%.

>> No.16099319

Reading is thought of as a white person activity. If you're reading a book, you are betraying your own kind and trying to act better than everyone else. These pathologies are more obvious when you observe them in biracial blacks. You can actually see the tug back and forth between the two cultures in them.

>> No.16099326

What about Benin? Leftist youtube keeps shilling videos about it to me

>> No.16099338

I've been told I'm white my whole life and I turned out fine

>> No.16099357

Dumb people are poor because of low intelligence, not the other way around. Most blacks are poor. There’s no way to dance around this fact.

>> No.16099371

At no point in time reading was a popular thing. At best, most literate people were able and willing to read. Mass literacy isn’t changing a slave/worker into an aristocratic mindset. It is what it is.

>> No.16099374

There's literally no history in negroid Africa, so whatever it is I guarantee you it wasn't a civilisation. Maybe just a couple of tribal leaders mining gold without even knowing what it is beside it looking shinny

>> No.16099392

Well yea

>> No.16099403

Elaborate on your claims. Does education not help one transcend their current state of affairs.

>> No.16099405

Idk but as a mestizo being competent at reading especially english was seen as being admirable. It wouldn't get you pussy or anything but people generally saw it as a good thing. That's when I was younger anyway, there were only 2nd gen Latinos and whites there, maybe one black person. As I got older and the blacks around me started increasing this changed more.

>> No.16099424

>100 years
Make it 15, its like 75% non white under 20

>> No.16099470

>Because when blacks started to form their own communities they saw themselves as totally apart from the American mainstream, which was a political threat because they would be a huge resentful population in the US if left to their own devices, and many of them were becoming involved in leftist activism and terrorism.

The black leftists were also 70-iq morons, you fucking midwit blowhard.

>> No.16099504

Americans answer me - do Blacks and Mexicans seriously not read books?

>> No.16099546

kelvin or celsius?

>> No.16099554

What is there to elaborate? Back in the day people who knew how to read were aristocrats and they were smart enough to be literary involved. Nowadays literacy is widespread, but the percentage of the population who are literary involved remains constant. Yes, you might have a small portion reading Harry Potter and other YA bullshit, but that’s no different that the common folk listening to the town squire. It might be even worse, because quality drops in an echo chamber.
Mass literacy is not as good as most people paint it out to be. You can’t fix stupidity by throwing books at the issue. Simply put, reading was never popular, it was a rich dude thing to do. It still is, in a sense.

>> No.16099560

because reading is a purely white activity. Only whites read

>> No.16099564
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finlan mentioned :D

>> No.16099576

>The failures of blacks are due to the government/Whitey/anyone but blacks themselves!
Every time.

>> No.16099593

No one said they weren't, you illiterate retard. I know you've just discovered being right wing on the internet so you still get that dopamine hit from hating niggers and BTFOing your liberal parents, but the state developing psychological warfare techniques and secret police to break up race conflicts is bad for you too in the long run.

Case in point, you're retarded because they use the same techniques on you.

>> No.16099612

Chicancx are the worst Mexico has to offer. This isn't a meme, they're vermin that the Mexican government is trying to desperately get rid of so they don't have to deal with them. In that sense, Mexicans are sort of like the Irish and Italians in that yeah, given time, they'd totally assimilate just fine (I do not condone this, nor would I condone Irish and Italian immigration if I were alive at the time). So yeah, most Latinxes don't read, but then, most of them are also like the bottom quarter of Mexicans, and the bottom quarter of White Americans don't read either, so that isn't saying much.

No, Blacks don't read. Most Blacks are functionally illiterate. AAV (African American Vernacular AKA Ebonics AKA Niglish) is slowly losing tense and replacing it solely with aspect (completeness of an action). This means that you cannot say that "he went to the store". This is actually really interesting, or at least it would be if Nogs weren't worthless. When Blacks say THE WHITE MAN (who is really a Jewish man) BE KEEPING ME DOWN, he's not actually wrong, as there ARE mountains of dysgenic forces working against Blacks. They're also 70IQ morons, so this just makes the shit even stinkier.

Reading, and learning in general, is "actin white". Blackness is contrasted with Whiteness. Everything good in the world is Black, and everything bad is White. White people read, so as a Black man you must not. This is enforced by Blacks.

>> No.16099678


I know the question is posed in bad faith but I'll highlight exactly how delusional it is anyway. Anyone who has grown within a black community or at least studied the history of our culture in America would see clearly that intellectualism is highly valued, albeit in forms different from the Eurocentric. Take Malcolm X for example, one of our most lauded figures whose display of sharp wit and passion has been an inspiration for many generations. If you even just talk to black children, in and out the hood, the attitude towards reading is either that they're intimidated by it but still praise it, or have been conditioned to view its role as irrelevant to capitalistic prowess, which is an ideology ingrained by the country itself. When you start looking to black leftist circles, and no I'm not talking about the half baked takes you get from Twitter, but those who study Fanon, Wynter, Nkrumah, Rodney, etc. you'll find a much more diverse canon and tendency for literature than found with the European. Your average black revolutionary is likely to be versed in Hegel to George Jackson, yet still keeps an air of colloquality to himself. But this isn't just a fringe aspect of culture, it's mirrored in niche grouos like Five Percenters and other esoteric tips prizing knowledge in alternative forms. Not that I give credence to every black occult tradition, but it's to say that a desire for "booksmarts" is not foreign to us at all, regardless of what material conditions reflect, the actual experience of the culture as an insider reveals a much different picture. Any argument in the thread claiming otherwise is just delusional.

>> No.16099684

white hands typed this post

>> No.16099688

Does your faggotry know no bounds?

>> No.16099699

Generally speaking, no. They are even more absorbed in pop-culture than whites are.

>> No.16099700


Lol whatever, I'm probably more well read than most whine anons in this thread. These dense replies make that pretty obvious. I'll entertain arguments for awhile too just to prove it.

>> No.16099847

DO you think it’s worse for females compared to males? I think men get shit on more than women if they say they read

>> No.16099892
File: 21 KB, 363x545, l_12b1d6ec9129c583c20166d0d78c52bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite rapper Dru Down encouraged "putting your nose in a book." Cool nigga.

>> No.16099907

Everything bad that's happened to black people was brought about by themselves, especially slavery.

>> No.16099912

they are just as human as anyone else. that said black people in the city tend to be retarded. its nothing like that where I live however.

>> No.16099971

Your average black revolutionary simply says gibs me dat

>> No.16099974

Mass literacy isn´t changeing a- consumer-worker/slave into an individual that will use of their idle time with matters beyond consumtion (excluding socialising,sports and other such endevours). This is among many reasons due to the fact that consumption is not a but a mere vice or simple economic factor but one of the building blocks of our modern new, stunning, brave world. It is both passivatig and "agitating" it unifies and devides. It is even able to be "deep" or to appear as though it posessed complexity and meaning by cannibalizing on things which came before it, thereby giving the consumer-worker just barely enough that even less of them might end up searching for it in other places.
Meanwhile , the "aristocrat" however seems to have been replaced by an other role which could for lack of a better term be described as the specialist or in some cases the visionary/achieve(r/d). While their performative tasks and the maneuvering of the upper class might be require more wit and planning and knowledge, the way the upper class spends idle time seems to be oddly similar to that of the worker-consumer, although the consumption of the the achiever/achieved is often more focused on the aquisition and DISPLAY of riches. The well groomed and educated nobleman of old has become obsolete, linage and courtly knowledge are no longer requisite for manoeuvering thru circles of power, only the skill to fulfill complex non-menial work. Which can best be seen in the silicon valley or the the stock-exchanges.
Off course all of this observations are superficial and have nothing in common with the original topic off this thread.

>> No.16100062

Based Afronon disputing White bullshit.


>> No.16100099

Nigga you on 4chan.

>> No.16100103

Not really they aren't, they have far more Homo Erectus admixture than anybody else

>> No.16100110

Didn't the Five Percenters kill Malcom X? How more anti-intellectual can you get?

>> No.16100119

>Because when blacks started to form their own communities they saw themselves as totally apart from the American mainstream
They were FORCED into segregated communities.

>> No.16100159


>> No.16100165
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Maybe reading needs to be made taboo again, as it was in the plantation days, to regain its mystique.

>> No.16100211


NOI was supposedly aware of the plot to kill him and green lighted it. The politics of that are messy but irrelevant to my point: the black intellectual tradition is vibrant from the hood to academia, and anyone who studies or actually grew up black, living in black communities knows this is true.

>> No.16100223

judging by hiphop artists the only form of reading seen as acceptable in the ghetto is what the Nation of Islam gives them as material.

>> No.16100229

ONLY at Miller Grove

>> No.16100286
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This shit makes me sad. Respect to the little guy reading hope he makes something of himself.

>> No.16100413

Black intellectualism is “white man bad”. NOI members literally believe the white man was created by a mad scientist to sow evil. It’s like woman and astrology. They are dumb, they come up with dumb concepts, and they think they are smart because they “figured it out”. e.g. nick cannon and his fucking retarded take about melanin and evil. He went against his masters after that one and was made to apologize, tho.

The problem with this type of analysis is that it’s one of the outside-looking-in. You might be looking at the right things but with the wrong perspective/lenses/whatever.

>> No.16100425

You don't need to be sad. He reads because he is different than the other niggers.

>> No.16100463

25% with an immigrant background maybe, no whites are fortunately not that many and they tend to be in poor areas of the big cities where crime is the worst.

>> No.16100527

>3) it's seen as uncool, or maybe even as a "white" activity (possibly because of point one).
It's literally this. Black culture hurts itself. You can say that blacks are inferior, but it is a fact that the dominant culture of (poor area) blacks actively hurt the success of the people living there.

>> No.16100529

>caring about some nigger

>> No.16100558

>He went against his masters after that one and was made to apologize, tho.
holy kek

>> No.16100573
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>> No.16100583


psychologically suck my ass, pseud.

>> No.16100586

It must be weird being black and spending your whole life railing against the 'powers that be', eg. YT and getting in no trouble for it, being praised for it, so you think that criticizing power like this is just a normal and lucrative part of how a society functions. Then you criticize a certain other group and you find that's really, really not how things work.

>> No.16100729

purely socioeconomic reasons

>> No.16100757

Starts off as 2 with single-mothers probably working 2 jobs plus all household stuff leaving no time to read to kids. Kids grow up not reading and when they see white kids read #3 probably takes over.

>> No.16100763


>> No.16100790

My Mexican family does not read. Only my father did. He became a millionaire doctor, they... they suck and did not.

Now I am a castizo with nothing but pity and casual animosity for Mexicans and blacks that don’t read. For fucks sake, your own family can read and succede and you WILL STILL be butthurt faggots that won’t read and help themselves.

And if they do read it is just stuff that makes them feel deeply, fliks and horror and not challenge or inform.

>> No.16100816

>becoming more like whitey
I used to a whitewashed black girl and the othee nogs would kaugh at her for not speaking ebonics. They really are an inferior race

>> No.16100824

I always remember in Jr High, first day of English class, we had this paper and were told to write down answers to a few questions about ourselves, if we finished early we could sit there or pull out a book to read if we had one
One of the questions was to write down your favorite books. So I finished it, then pulled out a book I brought (The Hobbit). As I'm reading it, this black kid sitting next to me asks what book I'm reading and to show it to him, he then writes it down as his answer and then passes that to his friends behind him who copy it

It wasn't graded or anything, just some info for the teacher to get to know us. They always tried to cheat off me for the rest of the semester

>> No.16100840

>Why do blacks shun other blacks for trying to read?
I never got this. I knew a haitian kid in highschool that was a loner and would always have a sci fi kind of book with him. None of the other haitians wanted anything to do with him. Real sad. To be fair I was also ostracized in the same way but it's different seeing it happen to someone else.

>> No.16100861

I knew an intelligent Nigerian kid, during my high school years, who immigrated to the states. Poor guy would get clowned by the native niggers for excelling in our geometry class and reading.

>> No.16100893

Feels like even if they'd give in to peer pressure they'd still get ripped on just as much for being, "that kid who used to read" as opposed to "that loner who reads". I remember he rec'd me Empire of the Atom. I don't read much sci fi so it's really out of place in my library but it was pretty good. Makes me hope he didn't get fucked on as much after hs.

>> No.16100932

I've stayed in touch with him and he took the med school route, coming from a family of doctors himself. Just sucks that the average black culture is against trying hard in academic subjects in favor for athletic prestige.

>> No.16100944

>NOI members literally believe the white man was created by a mad scientist to sow evil.
Not that anon but that's the black israelites.

>> No.16100963

haha I remember this black anon posting here saying that he hates his community because all they do is twerk and make shitty rap music and he even posted his finger with a copy of crime and punishment lmao
he even posted race theories and iq statistics kek what a loser
I wonder what he's up to now

>> No.16101034

>Hey, whitey, what did you write down for the "name here" question?

>> No.16101169

I don’t even know what a black Israelite is, and maybe they believe the same stupid shit as NOI members:

>> No.16101206

education should not even cause a person go in debt

>> No.16101218

they do. black israelites parrot farrakhan all the time

>> No.16101226

Yakub was a black israelite thing.

>> No.16101272

Blacks and Mexicans read books like anyone else. Look at the limitless black authors that were masters like Robert Hayden and Langston Hughes and James Baldwin and Zora Hughes.
Poor people are less likely read because of classism in the American school system + anti-intellectualism + reading is not crazy popular anyhow. Do not let the racists on this board inform your view of the world

>> No.16101283

As if it’s popular in “white culture”

>> No.16101290

NOI members believe it too, what the fuck is your point?

>> No.16101307

Everybody knows that Yakub shit is gay. You try to mention NOI shit or Black Israelite shit to a regular black person and they wouldn't know what the fuck you were talking about. It's not "black intellectualism", it's loudmouth faggotry. Even Malcolm X thought the NOI was full of shit.

>> No.16101320
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>intellectualism is highly valued, albeit in forms different from the Eurocentric

>> No.16101354

Who qualifies as a black intellectual, then?

>> No.16101373

Definitely not faggots who larp in party city Kwanzaa gear on streetcorners with picket signs.

>> No.16101385

Most black authors only write about racism. They're incredibly limited.

>> No.16101430

>Robert Hayden and Langston Hughes and James Baldwin and Zora Hughes.

Who? Who? Who? Who? I'm snoozing.

>> No.16101432

Citation on that claim? King and Malcom X seemed to have more intelligence than most pol posters.

>> No.16101441

King was a plagiarist and accessory to a rape. Malcolm X was alright.

>> No.16101458

lol you're a literal who outside and inside of this Moroccan rock-slinging fetishist forum, all the people you're whoing are well-known

>> No.16101476

Society will only move forward once it collectively realizes blacks are not cool and are, in fact, cringe.

>> No.16101479 [DELETED] 

After this year, the truth can no longer be ignored.

>> No.16101550

African immigrants are always really hard working, a stark difference to their American counterparts

>> No.16101572

Wrong. Plenty come to western countries for welfare. The old guys usually are OK. I've never met an old Jamaican guy who didn't work hard, but even then you can never say they're all like that.