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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 196 KB, 1280x848, 1280px-Havoc_in_Heaven_Peking_Opera_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16094804 No.16094804 [Reply] [Original]

The mind that has no fixed aim loses itself, for, as they say, to be everywhere is to be nowhere.

>> No.16094814

I bought some cryptocurrencies and I can't stop looking at them. It really feels like a pollutant. Spent all day worrying about crypto. Just a simple lizard brain I guess

>> No.16094834
File: 412 KB, 400x400, 1596943437508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf is on the rag and won't shut the fuck up about it. Now she's complaining about dropping a small piece of food. Shut up! Shut the fuck up!

>> No.16094856

My motivational issues do not lie outside of me but within me. No more excuses.

>> No.16094874

i only want to work, i don't want to learn. but work becomes a scoundrel and love an elusive impasse. and i still can't think of a way to punish her because i trust her. i suppose my passion will survive as a cautionary warning that he would not exploit may beg.

>> No.16094885

might i offer you good people some music as accompaniment?


>> No.16094975

Good lord, what are those nips wearing

>> No.16095042

Why was the last thread deleted?

>> No.16095075
File: 708 KB, 1200x1692, 43253454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i'm writing a short horror story about a couple trapped on a raft by a lake monster. Not going to give too much away but the idea is that the monster is more then just some undiscovered species but this thing that has lived for centuries, it has a soul, so to speak and toxins that could affect the human body, almost supernaturally. I want to evoke absolute horror with this tale but I also want to touch in surrealism. Any thoughts or tales with a premise similar to this?

>> No.16095092

have to find a new job... getting old... should be at a higher position in my life by now... going to get some stupid entry-level job and it's going to suck and i'm going to be poor and alone

>> No.16095097

I Serve the Base I Serve the Base
Let those chemtrails hit our brains
High as fuck, dem consparacies got me activated
I inhale the gas, my mind is aggravated
Bart Simpsons all around me
Phenibut took my ideas i can't disagree

>> No.16095108

I want to be an Oscar Meyer wiener and get a gf

>> No.16095111

one of our dear lead mods paid us a visit

>> No.16095140
File: 38 KB, 634x603, 4494A91A00000578-4910330-image-m-199_1506089764676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THE KEY TO NOFAP/Coom ritualism:

>Evil spirits in ur dick making you jack to trannies and lose your mind
>Get rid of them fast
>Don't sit there for hours playing with them
>literally just nut as quick as possible, treat it as a cleansing for the time being
>live righteously and eat ritualistically to accumulate good karma and good loads
>hold it
>release in ACTUAL sexual ritual where it is useful and meaningful somehow.

Or maybe it's:

>these are my fucking children
>I'll protect you little bros, instead of shooting you into a shitty toilet bowl
>creepy demon rapists tryna get my kids
>I gotta protecc them

Or is it:

>expell your bad seed karma away
>Jack all your powerful and strengthening seed karma into a shotglass glass
>administer up your ass as suppository with funnel or eat because consummation of good nuts produces better vibes yo

Or is it:

>remove prostate entirely
>all nerves or organs that make the penis cum
>you just retain your seed forever

Help me figure this one out bros

>> No.16095142

I'm glad I'm not male having a penis sounds like a real burden.

>> No.16095145

I'm starting law school in two weeks and I'm anxious to get started and dip my toe in the pool of scholarship. I've been google-ing strategy guides to 1L (first year of law school) and am trying to compile resources that will help me be more competitive with my classmates.

>> No.16095149

I think leftism is bad for the world as a whole but I feel self interest in supporting it because I want to live off NEETbucks and not work or pay for healthcare.

>> No.16095182


>> No.16095232

I got a plan. My name is Dan. I drink from a can. I eat from a pan. I'm in a clan. No, not the Klan. I am a man. I've got a tan. I use a fan. I drive a van. I run; I ran. I eat a flan. I've been to Milan. But not Japan. And never Iran. I have the documents, which I will scan. Somewhere along my lifespan. They say: you are a frogman. No, I am a caveman. I dance the cancan. And where a caftan. Ever since time began. Look at my wingspan. Love my kinsman. I am a man. My name is Dan. And I got a plan.

i will be a writer. i AM a writer. I am The Man who writes

>> No.16095245

I had to give in and start a bookstagram/brand page for my book series. I've noticed a few things about IG writers/book-lovers that has started to concern me.

1) They post incessantly about writing rules, what it means to be a writer, how to approach the craft, etc. Sometimes, it's more general, but I've seen people get as specific as what to wear if you want to write well (like that has anything to do with it)
2) They love to declare their pronouns in their bios (lol)
3) They all take the some artsy shots of the books they're reading, yet have nothing of significance to offer in terms of criticism or opinion
4) Few, if any, have had things published, and it shows in the quality of their work. In fact, I'm convinced most don't even write seriously.
5) The accounts that do post original work usually devolve into Rupi Kaur-esque IG poetry after a while, complete with illustrations and needless optimism

It's all so tiresome, really.

>> No.16095286

Kinsman doesn't rhyme you fucking retard

>> No.16095300

What did you buy? I bought some ripples. Hopefully it's not a meme.

>> No.16095344

>go to undergraduate careers conference
>the advice consists of “suck dick for up to ten years and maybe you’ll get lucky”
haha epic

>> No.16095361

Would be nice if its' OP would tell us how they justified it.
Maybe the OP image was too funny for them.

>> No.16095404

I don't want to go back to college because I want to be with my cat, she's old and frail and I'm scared she'll die while I'm gone. But I can't not go because I can't stand being around my parents constantly like this anymore.

>> No.16095524

There's a thunderstorm rolling through. It has been a while since I heard the loud booming of the thunder gods.
No larp, just being cheesy.
But holy shit it is loud.

>> No.16095536

I was reading through a forum yesterday and saw a post from a young lass, hadn't even finished highschool, saying she'd injected air into her veins in a fit of self-destruction. She deteriorates rapidly - her body turning purple, so she calls an ambulance. She only gets worse at the hospital, she can't walk, she can barely hold a cup, she can feel her brain deteroriating and she's going blind. She says she's writing her will. Through all this her parents and boyfriend refuse to visit her, they're fed up of her since she's already been to the hospital in the past week for self-injury. Another post this morning, evening American time I suppose, she can't breathe without a ventilator, her organs are shutting down, food keeps coming back up, well and truly fucked. Perhaps the kicker in all this, is that she's never given real mental help, not even on her deathbed. She was put on cheap antidepressants by a psychiatrist, who didn't care to sort out therapy for her because she wasn't able to pay for it. I rarely wince looking at gruesome texts or images, but this got me, I absolutely despise the psychiatric profession and the modern mental-healthcare system. God willing we'll have a nuremburg for psychiatrists one day.
tfw sold my 100 linkies 6 months ago.
I felt the same way of wanting to stay with them constantly when my cat was dying, kidney failure if I remember corectly. I felt content of my time with him when he eventually did die because I said goodbye to him, a proper goodbye tears and all, before I left. Eitherway, I hope your cat lives a while longer yet.

>> No.16095636

it's hard to relax doing nothing

>> No.16095669

just wait, eventually youll just be bored agaun

u shud break up

it isn't within you, it is you

>but work becomes a scoundrel and love an elusive impasse
r u gay or something?

life is very, very bad

u sound retarded and very ignorant about politics, probably wait until u know what ur talking about before u form opinions


life is very, very bad

i prefer the sound of heavy rain fall

i saw a video once that you can actually inject a fairly large volume of air into your blood stream without it causing any negative side effects, maybe she was just lying
but yeah the entire medical industry (and really all other industries) needed to be pushed into the sea

just cum, then u get to feel bad about it afterwards and won't want to relax

>> No.16095682

Thanks anon. She had a health scare a few months ago while I was away and has been slowing down a lot and needing more care these days. She's still pretty happy but I'm worried. My mom says she gets stressed out when I'm gone for long periods of time so I'm scared I'm gonna be pushing her into the grave just by leaving.

>> No.16095696

is there a way to make cigarettes give me cancer quicker

>> No.16095722

>remove the filter
>take longer drags at a higher rate
>don't smoke japanese or additive-free cigarettes
>cover up the peforation holes with your mouth
>smoke more

>> No.16095819

Can you imagine picking up a craft and publicly failing at it until you are finally scratching the surface of mediocrity, just to breathe a bit of life into a small forum in the armpit of the Internet? Imagine also thinking that you can get a sort of social life that way, or even just a few people to talk to! Quite ridiculous, isn't it?

>> No.16095831

After about a year of writing bits and pieces of a novel, today I have finally been able to map out the narrative clearly for the first time. I have no doubt that some arrangements will change, but this is a satisfying feeling no less. Prior to this point it has all been a jumble in my head with no coherent form.

>> No.16095836

Looks like China

>> No.16095860

>>I'll protect you little bros, instead of shooting you into a shitty toilet bowl
I eat mine.

>> No.16095910

The thing which is most open to ridicule is a grown man trying

>> No.16095925 [DELETED] 

What happen to the last write what's on your mind thread?

>> No.16095936 [DELETED] 


If you talk about covid, especially mention it came from the wuhan virology lab, thread gets delet

>> No.16096058

god i hate women

>> No.16096184
File: 80 KB, 1288x1288, canadianfeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was a canadian boy. Growing up in an average suburban area, with lots of snow and a handful of good friends. I'd eat pancakes on a friday morning with syrup and get all excited to meet the boys this evening for board games, comfy movies and hot chocolate as I take a bus ride to school and watch how the glittery white snowflakes fly right past me to turn my surroundings into a beautiful, dreamy winter landscape.
Entering the class room I immediately catch the gaze of my best friend, Tristan, who was thrilled to tell me that his cousin has the new dbz budokai tenkaichi 3 for ps2 which we could borrow for a day or two. Mom has packed me a chicken sandwich and a brownie for lunch. "Yumm", mumbled my pal next to me. We would talk about the latest episode of naruto and how we are so sick of all the fillers.
Class begins and our english teacher would hand out last week's tests. "Take that STEM fag!" he tells the first student as he points to the D- on his test. Me and the boys would start laughing and my smile only gets stronger as I receive my test result, knowing that I absolutely rocked it.
Immediately after school, Tristan calls up his cousin to drive us to his home. As promised, he brought the game with him. In the car we discuss what to do first once we get there and who would have to use the shitty off-brand gamepad. His parents greeted us with a warm hug - his mom has a comfy pair - and asked us what we would like for dinner.
As we are eating pizza, playing D&D and laughing at the hilariously badly scripted horror movie, a feel of endless satisfaction and pure, genuine happiness overwhelms me. "This is it", I'd think to myself, "this is the life".

>t. german anon with no friends

>> No.16096234

I finished Sloterdjiks Spheres yesterday and am now quite unsure where to go with my philosophical studies. There are tons of stuff I would like to get into that /lit/ constantly talks about, but on the other hand I've read about so many authors and things in Spheres I could check out to understand P. SL. better and get a better understanding of aesthetics and art.
Just reading more and more without direction and plan becomes kind of a waste of time. I also need to formulate my own conclusions and studies more.

>I wish I was a canadian boy
>t. german anon
I feel your pain anon. The heatwave blows fucking ass and I'm sick of sweating constantly.
>t. another german anon.

>> No.16096446
File: 1.00 MB, 919x919, 1547007261254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no arthoe/goth/lolita/cosplay/musician GF that loves me

>> No.16096450

Of course a whore wouldn't love you anon why would you expect otherwise

>> No.16096462

you're still male even after the surgery, you know

>> No.16096471

>God willing we'll have a nuremburg for psychiatrists one day.
soon brother

>> No.16096503

The times you were sad: As a child when your parents divorced and your mother moved away. High school when you'd lie awake at night. Grad school when you had no friends. When you dropped out and didn't speak to your father for six months. When your nephew was stillborn. When you had the breakdown last year.

>> No.16096521

My life isn't your life.

>> No.16096538
File: 2.01 MB, 3136x2895, 1592700971468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no cute whore gf

>> No.16096545

I still miss her. The last time we spent time together was 2 years ago, she cut off all communication last year. I still think about her every day.

>> No.16096894

why did she cut off contact?

>> No.16097016

the word momo fits the idea of a peach butt perfectly

>> No.16097037
File: 89 KB, 701x1024, 9CC43AEC-5A5D-439D-B378-2F68C8849C49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16097038

How about a source mate

>> No.16097058

Code is at the bottom as usual, m8.

>> No.16097063

I'm sitting in the beer garden of a pub. I am drinking my beer. Why not. You have to find some things in life to enjoy. And I enjoying drinking a cold beer on a hot day. Who doesn't. I don't know how many beers I will have today. As many as I want. I am very lucky. I applied for a job today. I'm going to get it! I believe. The stars will align. I hope I do get it. I will then once more be a functioning member of society. Look at me with my new job. I'll get a new place. New flatmates, living in London, exploring the city. It will be good. I'll send a message to one of these Tinder matches and maybe we will meet up. Things are looking up. I am positive. Gotta keep those dark thoughts at bay. The more you feed them, the stronger they become. I will feed the positive thoughts. Hot sun, warm breeze. Good for time being

>> No.16097102

Didnt see it, thx bruv.

>> No.16097188

No problem, man. Now you have a good time!

>> No.16097313

Can people really not cum multiple times in a row? I usually do it about 10 or 15 times in a session, but I can do it indefinitely as far I can tell. Have I been blessed?

>> No.16097334

How long does a session last? Once or twice is enough for most people. I guess they'd wish they had your gift if they're unable to make their woman cum the first time. Although it should be noted that closing the orgasm gap is a fairly modern idea, at least as part of the mainstream.

>> No.16097367

>checking out oneitis for over an hour in the gym
>bodybuilder chad starts chatting her up and got her number. She was laughing and smiling.
>all i could do was watch
>they both turn and see me looking through the mirror and laugh. She probs told him ive been checking her out

So where is this magic confidence working out gives you?

>> No.16097397

>How long does a session last?
Depends on how hard I go at it. 20 minutes to an hour usually gets me satisfied. I've never had to wait for a refractory period, so I can cum every half minute if I want to, but my dick would still get raw if I continue too long, which I don't believe would be healthy in the long run.
>Although it should be noted that closing the orgasm gap is a fairly modern idea, at least as part of the mainstream.
What do you mean by "closing the orgasm gap"?

>> No.16097412

I’m an annoying sperg. I enjoy wearing my guise of normality, but it always slips when I have too good a connection with someone. They always end up weakening or severing the connection when they find out how I really am. I’ve played my part too well, now all my mask does is hide how much I hurt.

>> No.16097465

The orgasm gap refers to how men cum practically every time they have sex, while the same is not true for women. It's part nature, since the male orgasm is more important and designed not to take too long, and because women can be satisfied with sex even if they don't cum in a way men typically can't. And it's part culture because of how female sexuality and pleasure has often been viewed historically, women having been notoriously ignorant of their own bodies and their men not caring enough to bother. So closing the orgasm gap refers to how we should put the female orgasm on equal footing with the male dito, for women, but especially men, to take more care that the woman gets to cum as well.

>> No.16097472

were you guys dating? If you had to keep up that facade it would be exhausting and unfair to you, so maybe it's good she left

>> No.16097475

I see, thanks.

>> No.16098198

Nah we weren’t, I asked her out but not even that was too much for her, she blocked me a while after. I just can’t tell the difference between being liked and being loved. But I think with her it’s the closest I’ve ever been to being loved.

>> No.16098361

Someone called me a boomer the other day and I still haven't recovered.

>> No.16098648

Any books on Nofap?

>> No.16098771
File: 37 KB, 737x691, fuck it hurts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to start intermittent fasting today. It's not even 5 P.M and its already unbearable but I have to do it. I've gained so much weight during quarantine that my clothes barely fit me anymore.

>> No.16098777

you're probably 14 given pic related so who cares? enjoy your teens

>> No.16098830
File: 223 KB, 632x632, cursed chihuahua image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 22.
Nice trips

>> No.16098909

>tfw sold my 100 linkies 6 months ago.

>> No.16098925

google it, it'll be much easier if you follow the rules. also, if you want to loose weight, try 10 days. it gets easier on the second day. 20 mins of googling required though.

>> No.16098951

damn what did you say/do to get blocked? Doesn't seem like she really liked or loved you then

>> No.16098984
File: 139 KB, 1080x817, 1557841959322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to work
>come home
>do random shit for a couple of hours
holy moly there has to be more to life bros...when does it get better

>> No.16098990

When you take it upon yourself to make it better.

>> No.16099036

Well based on the graph it's going to get much better once you hit your 70s

>> No.16099077
File: 179 KB, 962x641, 31701270-8605731-image-a-16_1596851730572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait to hit my 60s so i can boomer it up like all those bikers out in sturgis this week

>> No.16099080

Fuck those fucking mosquitos can‘t they just leave me the fuck alone. Fuuuuuuuck.

>> No.16099088

>futomomo = Thigh
>momo = Peach
It is probably intentional.

>> No.16099089

you know fasting can slow down your metabolism so you end up burning muscle and storing fat? t

>> No.16099269

to what depth can a woman tangle with an idea she doesn't agree with, for the sake of understanding it, without agreeing with it? in my experience, i have never seen a woman "respectfully disagree", as it were. i wonder why i haven't.

>> No.16099461

It‘s fucking hot. And r is snoring. I will never be able to sleep like that.
The alternative us sleeping in o‘s room but then t would notice and i really don‘t want to do that right now. I just want to be alone alone alone and not covered in mosquito bites and not sweating. I‘m also thirsty. Fuck. My eyes are tired. Imm disgusted by the snoring sound. And those damned goats with their fucking bells. Who though that is acceptable? Fucking egoists. Hurr durr people need to listen to non-stop bell chiming because if i lose one of my goats i can find her easier if she got a bell. Get a grip faggot. Chip your damn animals. Holy shit.

I can‘t even let ik fresh air because otherwise o would wake up by t coming home and get up again and then it would end up getting late af and well, basically this night is already fucked. Unless i manage to snuck out. But even then... i can‘t leave o alone up here. He will need mill at night and help going to the toilet. Oh well. Guess it‘s insomnia time once again.

Fuuuuuuck. Fucking assholes. It‘s 23:04 and she‘s screaming around in the garden for a stupid CAT. The same shit every evening. Why the fuuck do they make such a circus over a god damn cat. Let the poor thing alone. It will come home when it feels like it. But no, you need to control everything and everyone. God forbid someone has a different idea of how to live life as you. God fucking forbid. God forbid there‘s weeds in the garden. God forbid. You‘d rather die from overeating than to do some introspection and realize that you‘re not only terrorizing everyone around you but most of all yourself. Let go. It‘s ok. You‘re worth doesn‘t depend on how clean your sink is and how often you water your zucchini’s. Where‘s your substance woman? Your husband hates you. And you hate him. Your kids hate you and you are ashamed of them. Your control freak regime really did you good. Shame you got a say in my life. I wish you wouldn‘t. I really fucking wish you wouldn‘t.

I‘m not sure i want him to work regular schedule. Maybe it would do us good. But the way we consoom, i‘m not sure we will be able to settle for the smaller salary. I‘m a fucking pseud. i‘d rather drink a liter of cranberry juice a day than have him not fuck up his circadian rhythm. What a god dam egoist i am. It‘s also because i enjoy being hole without him. Especially in the evenings when the kids are already asleep. I don‘t want to feel like he‘s observing me. Always feeling sorry for himself that i don‘t want to fuck him. No wonder i don‘t.

>> No.16099464

His breath stinks and his cum makes my pussy smell like it died for two days straight, no matter how much i pamper her afterwards. And he has no sense for sensuality. He‘s not gentle and he makes me feel like shit. My nipples need 3 days to recover from sleeping with him. And i don‘t get anything from it. Sure, sometimes i have an orgasm. But usually i do them myself. So i could have also just masturbated without the foul saliva covering half my face and watery fish sperm juice running down my legs and dampening my panties for the next 4 hours. I‘m sick of it. I‘m disgusted. I feel tainted by him. He destroys my carefully built up purity. Every time i‘m with him i have to start from scratch again. One can‘t get very far like that.
I also taint my purity by stuffing my face with disgusting food. Or by butchering my skin. But usually i do those things because being around him has destroyed the purity i built up and then it‘s „the city is already burning, so why not add some fuel to that and make it count“. So the question is, how can i prevent the city from catching fore in the first place? The obvious answer would be to stay away from him. But that‘s not so easy. After all i depend on him. And the kids love him. It would be cruel. And somehow i think i would miss him if he was actually gone. He‘s not a bad man at all. He‘s good looking, i know that. Very well. Too well for my liking actually. He makes a lot of money. I really got used to the luxury lifestyle. He‘s trying hard to not be a moron. That‘s the most i have ever seen a man do. I have never met a man who actually wasn‘t a moron. So him trying to not be one is already better than anyone else i know. Including females. They aren‘t any better. I know nobody i look up to. Imm disgusted by all of them. Most of all i am disgusted with myself. But somehow i still feel superior for at least seeing the filth. It makes me feel like i can conquer it. Cleanse it. Rip it out. I want purity. I want to feel like freshly washed white bed sheets drying in the blazing sun and slowly dancing in the wind. I won‘t settle for anything less. I will vomit every disgusting thing inside of me into those words until everything is purged from me. I expect these notes to become ratchet and full of filth. That‘s good. When i‘m done it will feel like taking a huge dump. Relieved and clean. Sometimes i relive really good dumps hours after having taken them and revel in the wonderful empty feeling it has left behind. I love the ones that really stink the most. They happen when i was eat good. I supposed it‘s all the accumulated waste my body was able to get rid of. It‘s also when my piss smells weird. Almost sweet. Nauseating but very satisfying. I always imagine that it smells like that because my body was able to clean out a lot of old poison.

>> No.16099472

And i got a lot of that still inside of me. On a physical level as well as a mental and emotional one. Probably also on a spiritual one. But that sounds too new agey to me right now. I don‘t like it.

>> No.16099631
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x1592, 1597093015108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw slav so I can't do proper raceplay with girls

>> No.16099674

I was jerking off and contemplating on how such acts have so much power over me when I realized: "maybe my penis is the main character of my life, not me"

>> No.16099685

Might be. The question is if you are ok with that or if you want to be the one in charge.

>> No.16099689

The light of God no longer shines into my eyes
The love for which I paid the price
That beauty was stronger when I cried
Out of pain, into misery
So the rains weep over the tranquil lake
Alive below but empty-surfaced
Leaving no trace that the inside is fake
Stirring below and empty-faced
Chemical transcendence destroys my mirror image
My sleep is a castle, yet I dream of a bitter village
Better to pre-judge the unruly masses of emotions that might appear
Than to feel their weight in the foundations of what the mind calls 'here'
Broken, bent and brittle
You know it girl, my dick is not so little
Go to sleep now
She'll love you out loud
I see her hair here in the crowds.

>> No.16099701

>She'll love you out loud
That was good

>> No.16099723

Thank you, anon

>> No.16099836

How do I become the man in charge?

>> No.16099882

Assert dominance every time your dick wants to get back into the leading position. Tell the fucker to know it‘s place and that you‘re now running the show and the actually run the show. Ofc you can let him get some attention every now and then, but only with your permission and with the knowledge that you can take that permission away again if he ever takes things too far.

>> No.16100117

Hentai doujins are so good, holy shit. Regular porn doesn't even compare.

>> No.16100124

read taleb

>> No.16100151

i'm really starting to get fed up with this corona shit, i just wanna hop on to a plane and just lie on some remote and exlusive beach for a month or two; doing nothing but drinking and reading. what's the point of being rich when you can't do anything

>> No.16100167

you are not the main character of your life

>> No.16100362

This, only NTR though.

>> No.16100368


>> No.16100408
File: 136 KB, 850x1194, ZGJMGV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it, no waifu pussy for a week. Hope you'll learn your lesson from this, meat-dildo. Now hand me the Nintendo Switch.

>> No.16100417

I keep a pile of coins on my bedside table.
I use them to scratch my feet.

>> No.16100519
File: 590 KB, 640x633, 371C748B-D2E9-467C-8421-F9F9B0A88D95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know. I would mostly just send her things I found funny, sometimes say hey but usually not get a reply and not push it any further. I don’t think I was spamming her everyday though. I just really liked talking to her.

>> No.16100618

what do you do with girls

>> No.16100666

Just talk to them geez

>> No.16100678

>tfw a high energy coomer

>> No.16100682

I want you to go John

t. gatto

>> No.16100689

I'm a woman and I've regularly made a hobby or researching and immersing myself in different viewpoints because I'm interested in understanding them, and there's not much I could get riled up about in terms of views that differ from mine. I don't know if you actually wanted an answer and I'll get called a tranny for saying this, but there you go.

>> No.16100724
File: 221 KB, 1024x1280, 10105546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, I am 21 and I never kissed a girl.

>> No.16100733

i'm going to make a podcast

>> No.16100736

NTR is the only fetish that is designed to be emotionally abusive to the coomer. How can anyone get off to being a cuck

>> No.16100756

What about dominatrix shit?

>> No.16100789

I have 60,000 words of a novel across 3 drafts written over the course of 2 years. I think if I take like a month to polish it up I have a complete novel worthy of at least trying to get published. But honestly I am scared. Partially out of perfectionism (it will never be Good Enough), partly out of a fear of failure (without my secret dream of writing what will get me through the day?), and partly out of fear of success (I do not feel ready to 'become' a 'writer' and have to take seriously what I'm saying and defend my works.

>> No.16100836

How does one fix an aim that was never broken in?

>> No.16100844

What don't you do with girls?

>> No.16100860

How is that emotionally abusive? You consent to the dominatrix trying you up, spanking you, degrading you. You don't consent to your wife getting plowed by another man in NTR.

>> No.16100868

I mean if we're just talking about fantasies you can imagine it not being consensual just like women get off to pretend rape.

>> No.16101063

Remember folks, this is the person telling you to "have sex"

>> No.16101231

I‘m actually the person who tells people to not have sex.

>> No.16101291

I'm more of a trap/ss guy. NTR is only based if you self-insert as the bull.

>> No.16101328

behold the roastie in her natural habitat: talking about how her pussy stank on the internet

>> No.16101341

Doesn't sound like you were spamming her at all. If she left you like that she's not worth your time anon. I know it's hard, but you'll need to find someone who genuinely wants to be around you. I was with someone dismissive for four years out of desperation, and I regret everything. Try not to idealize her

>> No.16101371

My mind is mush right now. No matter how long I last my eyes on a topic I feel a passivity crawl from underneath me, undermining me as I slip back into apathy. Nothing matters.

>> No.16101428

Second night of looting in Chicago!

>> No.16101449

Good. Let them destroy the credibility of this aimless and ultimately doomed BLM movement. They are spreading on twitter that it was an unarmed 15 yo black boy who was shot by cops, when the black female mayor of Chicago has gone on record to say that it was a 20 year old man who shot at the cops first.
This needs to happen. The African American community has to come to terms with its own lumpenproletariat and take responsibility for its own failures.

>> No.16101462

I wish they'd do it in another fucking city. I need to get out of this dump.

>> No.16101485

It's every democratic led city at this point, meaning nearly every economically major city in the country. Once they destroy the tax base that supports welfare by creating an exodus of the walthy tax payers from cities, many of the most hard off among them will fall even worse privation and poverty. It is a race to the bottom and a downward spiral for all involved. The well to do white liberals who uncritically support this wonton destruction, only to run away to mom's house in the comfortable suburbs when it becomes too tough, deserve to be mauled by rabid wolves.

>> No.16101510

I'm not eating enough food. I don't even have a good reason, I just get stressed out that I can't eat privately and my mom will start talking to me and watching me when I go to get food, so I just ignore being hungry and then feel it less. When I do eat it's just junk food snacks because there's no preparation needed and I can eat them in my room without my mom being nosy. Today I had some kind of low blood sugar episode where my eyes went blurry and then I couldn't see anything for several minutes. I'm going to die like an anorexic girl because I'm retarded.

>> No.16101542

get some protein bars dude, it's not as good as "real food" but better than junk food

>> No.16101547

being obsessed with eating in private is a sign you're developing an eating disorder. You should just try to exposure therapy yourself out of it before it gets worse. Eat with your mom even if it feels weird, realize that there is nothing wrong with it.

>> No.16101556

Thanks anon, will try.
It's not that I want to eat in private per se I just can't stand being around my mom and our apartment is so small you can't move without everyone knowing. When I lived on my own there were zero problems and I was even gaining some weight but then I got stuck back here again. My family dynamic is just kind of messed up, I know I shouldn't let it the way of my health though.

>> No.16101645
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I just fapped for an hour just for one nut. Maybe I should do Nofap but I probably won't. Good night.

>> No.16101729

spent 12 hours a day on the computer for a decade and i've never made an online friend

>> No.16101735
File: 174 KB, 708x800, 1591558906493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two false assumptions:

1. Humankind can be improved intellectually, morally and physically.
2. Society is meritocratic, people who work hard succeed.

The reality:

- Success doesn’t always go to the wise, victory doesn’t always go to the strong, the innocent are wrongly accused and the wicked prosper.

- Because we imagine that intelligence, strength and moral goodness are going to have positive results, we read self-help books and go wrong in choosing what is best for us in general.
- We need to take a step back from our own ideas, and learn to be skeptical of successful people. It’s convenient of them to tell us that their success is a result of their virtues, but it probably isn’t true; they probably stole along the way.

- It is important to note that it is deeply cruel to the world’s poor, imprisoned, weak, and needy to suggest that their failures are deserved and lie with a lack of morals, intellect, or physical fitness. Even if that were true, they didn’t ask to be born like they are, or born any other way.

- Political talking heads reinforce assumptions 1 and 2 because it makes their paymasters in the political system look like they are doing a good job. Case in point is how the Chinese Communists make everyone in China undergo a standardized test, which if students pass with a high enough grade, the Communist Party will pay for their education anywhere in the world. The reason the Chinese do this is simply to discredit malcontents; if you say that the reason you didn’t get ahead is because the Chinese Communist Party is corrupt, they can retort that the real reason is because you’re lazy or stupid or both.

- In reality this narrative of meritocracy and self-help encourages active or passive cruelty; it allows the middle class, the Outer Party for all practical purposes, to discriminate against Proles and think of them as less human. This allows middle class people to think uncritically about the orders given to them by the Inner Party elites. It’s a tactic similar to that used by plantation owners of old; by promoting certain slaves and giving them greater autonomy and privileges, they become lapdogs of established authority. Tell those slaves that they are better than the others, and they will ruthlessly defend you.

- The truth of the matter however, is that middle class people are, in the grand scheme, nearly as poor as the people they help oppress. Their lives are made more tenuous than the lives of the poor, simply because they have a carrot of hope dangled before them.

>> No.16101745

I liked it. It's unapproachably honest and a future I'm sure lots of women fear. It's funny though, men fear their mate will end up revealing to be a heartless soulless wretch. At the same time, it seems for some women a mate lacking admirability is a death sentence.

Then again this is the first time I'm on this board so I'm sure if that's really a part of you in there you'll feel worse knowing that a moron actually liked it.

>> No.16101757

Having muscles doesn’t fix autism mate

>> No.16101762
File: 55 KB, 1008x720, rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that bitch is probably spreading lies to her entire gaggle
I am never getting pussy again

>> No.16101763

Based, different anon but that’s my plan

>> No.16101773

Life got me completly bored. Every single day in this last eight years. Every morning the same face, every soon the same feeling and every night the same full energy. Maybe my brain is broken, or maybe i just don't really care about nothing nomore. But today I felt different. Maybe something's changing in me. I just want to feel, not to think anymore.

>> No.16101826

I have the same ability and people freak out everytime i tell them, ive come to realize its sort of rare, as online not many talk about it, i could only stumble upon some reddit threads, ive never had sex but i did im not sure how id handle it, just cum into the condomn then put a new one on and go at it again?

>> No.16101827

I know this is stupid but from a male's perspective, maybe try resistance training and maybe lifting some free weights at home? If only to help gain a primal appetite that supersedes any mental obstacles involving your mom and a lack of privacy or shame/disappointment/judgments you feel and at the same time kickstarting you out of lethargy. You're making ant hills out of mountains. It's understandable especially being stuck in a place without much privacy. Why not kickstart your endocrine system. At a certain point, you should just reside in the fact that you have to try anything to get moving again. Eventually hopefully luckily away from any toxic family.

>> No.16101860

Have you ever walked into a bookstore, opened a history book and seen your father and grandfather in it? It puts the thought in your head that, if you work hard enough, you'll be standing there beside them in the next edition. That's not the case. It's not his fault, it's not my fault. It's not anyone's fault really, it's the nature of the world. He's an incredible father, and now that I'm an adult he's a wise -and fun- friend. But living in the greatness of his shadow is painful. I can't complain because there is nothing to complain about. Life happens. I always assumed it would, that's what the stoics tell you to practice, isn't it? Practice misfortune and negative visualization? But when the bell tolls, it's different. The abstract is always different than reality. I only ever wanted to be part of something greater than myself.

>> No.16101865

fuck the mods for deleting the children's lit thread.

>> No.16101886

what’s cruel is using a man you’re repulsed by as a source of money and a father figure for your kids who he did not father. leave him you stupid, smelly whore. “it’s not that easy” you did this to yourself. take your coppery, slimy, diseased snatch with you when you leave. you really think that you (someone who writes like a borderline retard—i read your post in a pack-a-day voice and i inagine you have leathery skin and crispy crackwhore bottle-dyed hair) deserve better than a good-looking, high-earning likeable father figure of a man? the fact that you have a stinky pussy? so does half the world, retard! the purest thing you could do is either join a church, step up, and be a god damn mother or hang yourself from the rafters you dumb manipulative slut.

>> No.16101923

I wish I grew up german, so that I had no friends. I'm considering learning the language so I can move to your country anons. Biases aside, what do you think of life in Deutschland?

>> No.16101936

wow I did not look at the bottom of this thread before replying with >>16101923

>> No.16101947
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Been thinking about rules for grilling when I either go to someone's house and take my grill or when I grill at my own place and invite people over. Going to hand these out next time either occurs.

1. Do not ask how much time is left on the cook.
2. Do not give any input on how anything is cooked.
3. Do not open the grill to look at whatever is being cooked.
4. Do not touch the grill.
5. Do not touch what is on the grill.
6. Do not touch cooking utensils unless specifically asked or offered.
7. Do not challenge any decisions made by the grill operator.

These seem pretty fair, yeah?

>> No.16101978

What happens when a superior griller turns up and challenges you to a duel?

>> No.16102012

There is no such man or beast.

>> No.16102060

I don't want to stick up for her but she's being ignored completely. This dude is not even close to being even remotely in touch with her. He is a simp and you are defending him. Could this woman simply be a soulless roastie and a gold-digging whore? Sure. But consider what that makes the rich man who chooses to simply marry a hole. From what I read that's all she is to him. It's pathetic. He has good looks and money and instead of willing the stars and fate towards his favor, he lazily chooses a hole he is entirely out of sync with to consummate with. She's nothing to him worse he tortures her. No amount of credit card allowance makes up for it. Good dad? Fuck you! He would have had to have been a good dad regardless of the whore he married. That's a given and no point of merit. I detest simps, they fuck the game up for the all the real niggas so I gotta side with the money-grubbing whore at this point. Anyone who sticks up for someone who doesn't even want to be a good lover is a simp. If you call yourself a man but don't want to satisfy your woman, fuck not just your woman but your wife, shit not just your wife but the mother of the kids you love so much, then you are not a man. For her, it sounds like a miserable way to waste your years away. For him, he sleeps like a baby to the point where he snores regularly. How dreadful.

>> No.16102106

And this is not possible in Germany because?

>> No.16102164

Why is the British parliament so raucous and unruly? You would think that the British, notorious for being and orderly and civilized people, would have government meetings that reflect that. Instead it's a shitshow full of guffaws and hubbub and rabble rousing.


>> No.16102178

They have to let out the pent up rage somewhere

>> No.16102205

>feel my ideas are lagging behind my level of prose
>sheer panic
>catch up and feel my prose and writing speed lagging behind my ideas
>this is fine

>> No.16102280

They're passionate and are not all in the same business party as fake blowhard American political twats are.

>> No.16102325

Why am I so embarrassed by my writing?

I have the opposite insecurity. I feel my ideas are good but my prose is far too amateurish to properly or convincingly or excitingly portray them.

>> No.16102330

Canadian here, thanks for the nostalgia, unironically

>> No.16102465

Fuck the janny who deleted the last one of these threads, they've been going on for years.

>> No.16102479

Hey, what's your instagram?

>> No.16102596

People seem to talk a lot but never actually say something. I try to keep my conversations under one hundred words and I think the brevity is good. It gets the point across without beating around the bush.

>> No.16102597

What's so bad about killing yourself?

>> No.16102602

How do I stop feeling intense regret over the past and the self-loathing that comes with it?

>> No.16102631

I want to kill the man who circumcised me

>> No.16102633

Imagine being born American

>> No.16102651

"An eye for an eye, a foreskin for a forsekin, and the world will be left blind and circumcized." Ghandi

>> No.16102657

Isn't the feeling not that different according to most people who get cut later in life?
This is one of those topics like communism and declawing cats though where it's impossible to have a normal discussion on it I think

>> No.16102660

>not American

Imagine not mattering

>> No.16102664

Worth it to have an intact dick desu senpai

>> No.16102669

It helps with natural lubrication.

>> No.16102676

Yeah except your country could probably disappear tomorrow and most of the world wouldn't notice or care, must suck desu senpai

>> No.16102678

Cope harder

>> No.16102679

At least I'll never have to cope from a shithole country

>> No.16102710

That, and supposedly it's more tingly and the overall feeling is more spread out
I guess the technology to fix it will be there in our lifetime if people care so much anyway
Lots of people stress out about being cut but it just seems pointless

>> No.16102731

rent free

>> No.16102736

Neither does Milan, that was his first fuck up

>> No.16102755
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You have to just try. First one probably won't succeed but third might.

>> No.16102779

I'm not even American

>> No.16102782

Imagine being born a jew

>> No.16102789

And I'm not Jewish either. Further insult to injury.

>> No.16102791

Damn, what the fuck were your parents on?

>> No.16102796


>> No.16102798

RIP. At least you get the solace of knowing the roasts get circumcised too.

>> No.16102806

all but the last brother

>> No.16102809

I'm not on that mentality. It's sickening either way. I'm in the process of restoring now anyway but it won't be the same.

>> No.16102914

pseudoscience > science

>> No.16102987
File: 20 KB, 600x500, o7YsL2crkq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Je suis mort il y a un peu moins que deux ans, quand ma première copine du lycée m'a quitté. Nous étions ensemble pendant deux ans et demi. J'avais dix-neuf ans quand elle est parti et je suis mort. J'ai vingt et un ans maintenant, et je me sentais comme un fantôme pendant presque deux ans. La manière dans laquelle elle m'avait regardé, et à travers laquelle je m'étais vu, était complètement nécessaire pour ma compréhension de moi-même pendant cette époque-là. Il semble que je pourrait savoir cela seulement après avoir mort—je n'étais jamais conscient de cela auparavant. C'est comme dirait Ellul : En vivant, on n'est pas vraiment conscient, et le passage vers la conscience élevée est aussi le passage loin de la vraie vie. Maintenant, dans la conscience du mort, je vois que mon identité auparavant vivante que nous avions construit et qui est été tué par notre rupture n'était jamais rien sauf qu'un mensonge pernicieux. Mes souvenirs de vivre me dégoutent maintenant. Ma vie ne me manque pas du tout. Mon ancienne copine, elle ne me manque pas beaucoup non plus. J'étais trop préoccupé de moi, quand nous étions ensemble, pour vraiment la connaître. Il faut qu'on connaisse vraiment soi-même avant de connaître tout autre. Mais, je me sens comme un fantôme maintenant. Apres avoir mort, rien. Exactement comme le mort, j'imagine. Exactement comme ce que l'on l'imaginerait.
>Je vais sortir ma ville natale dans deux mois. J'espère qu'une nouvelle vie attend, que le ciel ouvrira, qu'il existe dans la vie plus que des mensonges.

>> No.16103075

milk your brother's suicide for literary resource.

>> No.16103108

if it makes you feel any better, the one time I did at 15 y/o, they ended up grooming me

>> No.16103110


>> No.16103112

How is that bad

>> No.16103140

stunted emotional growth, distancing from then losing school friends, occasional panic attacks, paranoia, fear of intimacy and building close relationships
apart from that it was ok I guess

>> No.16103164

Ah I see, that sucks, I'm sorry abiut that anon. I was "groomed" as a teen but I don't feel negatively about it and it turned out pretty well for me overall, but I know this isn't the norm at all so I'm curious about other people's experience with this.

>> No.16103171

does anyone know some fiction that deals with suicide?

>> No.16103177

My diary desu

>> No.16103231

Nick Hornby - A long way down

>> No.16103270


>> No.16103347

it's a mixed bag. KInd of average and dull if I'm being honest, although it highly depends where exactly you live obviously.
Germany has a pretty high standard of living compared to other western countries but it does have its downsides, like the weather for example. Right now we're being hit by a big heatwave. It was 36°C yesterday and there's hardly any snow during winter. This wasn't the case 10 years ago. Climate change is a bitch.
Cities like Berlin or Hamburg have a pretty big club/rave culture but it's currently being crushed by gentrification, so there's that.
the friends thing is possible but I personally just feel like I'd connect with canada more than with Germany. I love winter for example (it rarely snows in Germany) and I like that Canada has this semi-american culture without the retarded burger politics. Maybe I'm romanticizing here but I just think of Canada as a really lovely place

>> No.16103525

this bitch is like 97+% european, you're as much a conquistador as she is a mayan

>> No.16103539

I want her. I woke up with my thoughts completely dominated by my wanting her. I want to take a fucking plane and go there and break into her workplace and take her regardless of whatever happens afterwards. I want my hard flesh rubbing against her warm soft insides until the whole fucking world disappears in a flash of ecstasy.

>> No.16103755
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People like to shit on /lit/ (understandable), but it unironically changed my life and saved me.

>> No.16103787

you must have been in hell if you pulled you up by the absolute rock bottom. not bad honestly. checked.

>> No.16103796

Honestly I wish I were born German just for the language alone. I spent hundreds of hours learning it and still nowhere near good enough.

>> No.16103850

God, I'm glad German is my first language. Even for us reading Kant or Goethe is a tiresome brain flex. Can't imagine not learning that shit "with the mother-milk" to use a common German phrase.

>> No.16103883

Different anon. I'm currently learning German. It's making me realise how shit English is as a language. It's so inefficient and inflexible. It will be a very long time before I can read Kant in German, however. That makes me sad.

>> No.16103921

On the brightside, learning German is very rewarding, because you can start with modern stuff, continue with the Grimms or Brecht, and then work your way up the ladder to Goethe.
>English is inflexible
concerning the word order yes. more than it used to be. but stylistically German has strict boundaries in some ways.

>> No.16104181

is it weird that I as a German find English to be more straight-forward and understandable? For example I was reading the dialectic of enlightenment and I was having trouble understanding adorno's points some times. But then I read the same passages in English and it made more sense all of a sudden.

>> No.16104230

How do you guys deal with the ceaseless suicidal ideation that runs through your head at night while you're trying to sleep? Anybody have any podcasts or audiobooks they listen to at night that are relaxing but not too distracting? I'm just trying to drown out the voice inside telling me to kill myself kill myself kill myself kill myself kill myself kill myself kill myself

>> No.16104250

I fall asleep to car detailing videos on youtube. I mostly have the bad thoughts late at night when my mind isn't actively occupied with doing something. During the day I just try to focus on work as much as possible. The toughest times for me are days where I'm not working. Just feel restless and start having bad ideas.

>> No.16104279

use the voices as fuel to get shredded

>> No.16104296
File: 91 KB, 1024x742, 1597139542674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In school my best mate and I looked almost exactly like beavis and butthead and we would pull all the same retarded shit. Never watched the show until later on but it is seriously uncanny. Life was good, looking back

>> No.16104372
File: 33 KB, 500x480, pages johnny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ******* love reading. Thanks for great recs

>> No.16104524

As I grow older, I find that I can't ignore my emotions like I once could. I get in a bad mood and have to resolve it instead of powering through it. I'm much more conscious of headspace and how it affects me.

Realize that I've been running on a lot of emotional credit, and that interest rate is starting to catch up. It's not easy to deal with because I've put it off for so long

>> No.16104712

Thinking about killing myself. Especially because I know my parents wouldn't care if I did

>> No.16104797

This is healthier even if it seems more strenuous. Younger people don't know how to process their emotions. So to them every bad emotion is an armageddon. As I've gotten older and mellowed out a bit, I see my emotions for what they are. Humans are only constituted to be capable of a limited range of emotions, and I've more or less experienced them all to varying degrees of intensity and frequency. There are no more surprises and it would take much more than it used to in order to floor me.

The downside of this is that fluttering, buoyant, thrilling frisson at being alive that sometimes overtakes the young is harder to achieve now. With maturity comes a certain emotional sobriety.

>> No.16104930

How is the warcry (alala) of the Iliad performed?
This is of extremely high importance I must know it

>> No.16104972

honest question? do you guys think that spending time on here is worth it? Be serious

>> No.16105107

It is the qualities I lack that forever reverberate. Character positives are swept aside and discredited with astonishing efficiency. Opportunities missed and messed up play on loop.

>> No.16105383

I want to focus on a cultural region but i dont know which. Whenever i decide something in a different region pops up and i want to learn about that one instead.

>> No.16105785


>> No.16105808

Like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ipbu4msLSw

>> No.16106073

why are lynx cats so cute bros?

>> No.16106210

I'm sorry guys, the veil has been lifted and I can see that I've acted like a toxic cunt. Constant ragging and snide comments masked as humor, you didn't deserve to bear my insecurities. Things will change!

>> No.16106219
File: 105 KB, 509x337, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. licks their fingers to turn the page

>> No.16106227

You really sound like a bitch, you know that?

>> No.16106238

no definitely not.

>> No.16106242

Yes and no. There‘s better things one could do but i don‘t actually do them. There‘s worse thing i could do so if i‘m on here at least i don‘t do those.

>> No.16106387

I wish I was a landlord like my friend. I don't want to work. I want to stay in my house with my dog. Can't wait to go in Heaven.

>> No.16106480


>> No.16106593

so take out a loan to buy a build and start renting it out, it's not that hard, but it's actually more work than you think

>> No.16106597 [DELETED] 

I've started my second side project. How do I stop this and focus on my main?

>> No.16106781

Biden picked Kamala Harris! Nooo, that was the only one I can't abide. Now I have to vote against him.

>> No.16107061

Harris always struck me as one of those nonentities that only gets attention because of her minority status. I find it heartily rich that she was also California's top cop and a black woman, as if Biden is trying to short circuit the chips of the BLM movement.
It's doom and blight either way regardless of who wins. Politics is corrupt to the core.

>> No.16107161

Philosophy is an annihilative weapon. It eradicates lies.

>> No.16107178

I wish there was a blog that compiled /lit/ effortposts. Philosophy, psychology, literary theory, insights into thinking, self-help, etc. I wouldn't waste nearly as much time on this website trawling through shit to find a few gold nuggets here and there.

>> No.16107304

effortposts are usually some pseud ass mother fucker and not worth a damn

>> No.16107307
File: 342 KB, 1333x2000, EWeKWqmWoAA1sbR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Asuka gf

>> No.16107335

there's definitely a handful of posts every month that are mind-blowing, have significantly changed my opinion about one subject or another, caused me to think deeply to myself, or even inspired me to shut off my computer and read for a long period of time.

>> No.16107466 [DELETED] 

Don't forget Kamala Harris attacked Brett Kavanaugh for being in the Knights of Columbus. She is anti-Catholic to the core!

>> No.16107514

There are definitely some goodposts here and there. It's a shame because 4chan is inherently a transient and throw-away place to say things. I would say the ratio to goodpost to shit post is something like 1:100 or 1:1000
Nice projection. Not everyone who posts here is as mediocre as you.

>> No.16107539


The best posts are a couple lines at most. Remember that stupid Girard guy who used cut and paste these big long effort posts? That guy hadn't read any other philosophy than Girard, and didn't even have a bachelors, but he sure put a lot of "effort" into his garbage posts.

>> No.16107545
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>> No.16107561

>I would say the ratio to goodpost to shit post is something like 1:100 or 1:1000
That's because the mods allow it. I hate so much that I can't discuss literature or music or retro games here without scrolling through tons of bait and stupidity. There is still good discussion but the signal to noise ratio is really awful. At least in here I feel like I am talking to actual people

>> No.16107571

and everywhere else on the internet, it is like 1:100000 unless you stumble upon a treasure of a carefully curated community.
Girard is somebody who I have no knowledge of and yet seems fascinating. I don't mind taking knowledge from specialists so I can have a broader, deeper understanding of the world. Sometimes brevity is good, and length obviously isn't a good indicator of quality alone, but there have been massive writeups here that make me wish I had that anon's booklist so I could understand what it would be like to think like him.

>> No.16107615

4chan's culture has always been about juvenile jokesterism and shitposting. Attempting to use it as a serious vector for discussion about sensitive topics such as literature goes agains the grain. I personally use it because it takes the edge off and it's relaxing to shitpost or speak off the cuff about stuff I otherwise take seriously.

On Reddit I would say it's at least 1:1000 to 1:10,000 just because of its rampant censorship and groupthink. 4chan is where you get the other side of the story, ugly and controversial as it may be.

>> No.16107666

Why don't you try actually reading the books? This is probably why you think short posts aren't good because you didn't do the reading. If I have something to say about Nietzsche or Gravity's Rainbow or whatever, I'm not going to write up a 250 word summary before getting to the point. If you want to actually learn about literature or anything, go to school and/or read a book.

>> No.16107694

>Why don't you try actually reading the books?
I do. The point is that I'm routinely exposed to things here that I would have never otherwise encountered, often presented in a way that would have overpowered my inner-skeptic. If I'm ignorant about a book, then I can't really read it now, can I?

>This is probably why you think short posts aren't good because you didn't do the reading.
I never said they weren't. They can be. It's strange that you think *only* short posts are good or that long posts have their length because they're regurgitating some kind of summary instead of building upon several insights to generate something greater. Sure, cut the fluff, but I like journeys.

>go to school
I go to a top university (HYP), and my education fucking blows for the most part. I try to take responsibility for my own education as a result.

>> No.16107844

I'm officially a detransitioner now. Male to female to male. No fucking idea what I'm supposed to do now

>> No.16107866

Ironically, what's stopping me from killing myself is making my parents sad. If I had no familial attachments, roping would have been much easier.

>> No.16107876

Those two anons talking about Schopenhauer recently blew my mind

>> No.16107882

I'm at the point now where if I had a gf and she held me, I'd probably start crying.

>> No.16107905

Don't overthink it. You seem motivated enough to retain a competitive edge. Just don't get lazy, do little bits every day and you'll be fine.

What's important is making sure people know who you are. Try and talk to everybody: the cliques and the spergs. Opportunities always flow to you through others.

If you can muster up enough courage to say hi to her, you'll be able to hold a conversation unless you were reared in a locked room for the first 15 years of your life. Try to have an out of body experience or pretend there's a little rat in your brain pushing and pulling levers, controlling your every move. Even if it's a 2 minute convo, that's a foundation to build on.

I think half the fun is trawling through the muck to find the nuggets. It's not like we have anything better to do, do we?

The warmth of a soft body opens the floodgates like nothing else. Just wait until VR technology can provide that feeling for the low price of $5.99

>> No.16107909

It's incredibly obvious that's a guy

>> No.16107926

Jesus. God is real for the same reason life is meaningless.


>> No.16107941

An excellent criticism of ostentation OP.

Me? I am currently being and my mind only flickers with spectral images and snippets of remembered music

>> No.16107946

What is the ideal life for me? To never need to look at the clock. To awaken whenever and to do whatever without fear of having wasted time. It is to do when I please, not whatever I please. That is the ultimate metric of success for me in this life.

>> No.16107950

>have to get a job soon
>haven't worked since december
How do i cope, i dread having to go back?

>> No.16107968

I wanted to escape so badly fiction was my only option. Now I have options fiction is my only chance but its not real.

>> No.16108077

Sounds cool as hell anon

>> No.16108079


>> No.16108103

Good luck on your journey anon. I think that's a very brave decision. How long were you living as a woman?

>> No.16108144

Jannies have no business deleting threads when the criteria are so vague. Here's a post I tried to post in a deleted thread about why scientists are such philistines these days.

>The issue is structural. Many STEM programs have this chauvinistic contempt for other fields. The best scientists, the one in a billion ones, like Erwin Schrödinger or Ludwig Boltzmann, were genuine cerebrals who were curious about everything. Issac Newton gave as much attention to biblical studies as he did physics, albeit with less impact. Richard Feynman is a pale ghost compared to these towering figures. CP Snow wrote an influential book about the arbitrary conflict between science and humanities and why that ends up depriving both.

>> No.16108235


>> No.16108248

The basis of that perspective is the idea there's nothing to learn from the humanities. The fact we've abandoned every ideal save for technological process is kind of grim

>> No.16108260

I can't keep looking for help from other people because none of them understand my problem and none of them have any interest in them.

it's down to me finding my own solutions to my own problems within my own mind. The only fucking problem is I don't know how and to date, nothing I've done has worked

>> No.16108261 [DELETED] 

I never felt like
so miserable

>> No.16108275 [DELETED] 

I never felt like so miserable
I never felt this would last forever

>> No.16108297

Biden just lost my vote by picking that dirty cop. Congrats on lucking into a 2nd term Trump. Fuck.

>> No.16108327

anon. biden is a shitty candidate who made a shitty pick, but the difference between him and trump is the difference between a landlord who won't fix your air conditioner and a landlord who intentionally sets your house on fire and then sues you for damaging his property

going for a moral absolute is going to get people killed and you could have acted to stop it

>> No.16108334


>> No.16108337

the electoral system will always fail you anon

>> No.16108341

How many people did Obama kill by letting the CIA create ISIS? If Biden gets in, they're gonna start up all the terrorism bullshit again.

>> No.16108346

Jannies delete threads if they talk about Covid. Your thread being deleted may have had nothing to do with the OP post.

>> No.16108349

so I'm a piece of shit right, a real piece of shit. Why ? well I have no job, do I have skills? Maybe I mean, I speak Spanish , Swedish, German, and English of course. Actually I do have a job teaching German, it pays almost nothing. I'm no ignorant, I try to stick to the one-book-a-month rule; and thanks to that I have a decent bookshelf. I am still not worthy to society in a very literal sense , I haven't finished my degree and I see dumb people(at least in my eyes, hey I gotta feel good) running around with decent jobs, doing something at least. Meanwhile I'm cringing in class all the time because most of it feels like a waste of time and I've done the things they require you to do already, so yeah fucking limbo I'm in. All the "good" things that happen to me make me feel even shittier because I always find myself lacking something be it money, happiness or stupid bliss.
there you go hope you enjoyed the rambling, see you in five years bucko

>> No.16108351

Most great physicists up till the 20th century at least respected philosophy. They had some intellectual humility. As a philosopher, I find myself tittering at how completely misguided contemporary physicists are. They can do the math but they can't "do the math about the math" and see how their methodology is limited. And I don't mean anything from a postmodernist perspective about power or social relations. I just mean that physicists don't know what a theory is, or have any comprehension that science is a subcategory of philosophy, namely a pragmatiicist and empiricist one. Yet their heroes such as Einstein were reading Kant as young boys and it informed their entire thinking. I view these intellectual poseurs with nothing but the most vehement of contempt.

>> No.16108357

lol why are you libtard

>> No.16108359

What if everybody refused to pay their taxes? Hmmmm

>> No.16108360

>thinking Biden won't get anyone killed

>> No.16108368

Biden is probably the person in America who personally is most responsible for mass incarceration behind Bill Clinton, so what does he do? Selects a cruel prosecutor who did all she could to pack California's prisons. Anyone who votes for that ticket is despicable.

>> No.16108376

>Drumpf is killing people


>> No.16108386

I’m considering taking a week long break from any computer usage to try to break my habits. I am on the computer constantly unless I have something else I must do away from it. Most of the time I’m not even doing anything, I’m just wasting time, it would honestly be an improvement if I was addicted to vidya or something.

>> No.16108396

anon, get you facts from someone who doesn't think chemicals are turning the frogs gay. If you can even find 4chan without giving yourself a computer virus you should have more dignity than that.

I'm expecting the world to keep failing me for the rest of my life but I want to at least believe there are people on my own side who aren't stupid enough to believe those two options are equal.

fine, LESS people killed. Lord knows there's never been a president with clean hands.

There are two choices right now anons. one is incompetent, the other is malicious AND incompetent, and those two have proven they do not cancel each other out in any way shape or form

If i have to chose between two senile gropers, I'm going to go with the one WHO ISN"T ACTIVELY TRYING TO BURN MY WHOLE COUNTRY TO THE GROUND TO MAKE HIS BABY CHEETO DICK FEEL BIGGER

>> No.16108403


>> No.16108411

Why are people so overdramatic about Trump jesus christ, this is why he won.

>> No.16108412

It does make you wonder what the hell changed, doesn't it? The scientific method has been around for hundreds of years, but only now do people treat it like gospel and consider the humanities a trifle. We should really figure out why most people end up thinking so lowly of the humanities and fix it, since without them we're really just a pack of worker drones incapable of thinking about life beyond a narrow set of topics.

>> No.16108419

>anon, get you facts from someone who doesn't think chemicals are turning the frogs gay.

Sounds like you need the facts my friend.


>> No.16108425
File: 80 KB, 1080x714, m9pkkbyxal351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine operating on this level

>> No.16108427

Chemicals aren't turning the frogs gay but they're turning them into hermaphrodite freak things.

>> No.16108429

Are you talking about the Chinese flu? If Biden wins, what do you expect him to do in order to cure the China flu?

>> No.16108431

I immediately thought the "set your house on fire and then sue you for it" was Biden. Just look at BLM setting cities on fire and then pressuring Democratic city councils to abolish the police due to "racism". Strange kind of movie you libtards are watching, lol.

>> No.16108439

>someone who doesn't think chemicals are turning the frogs gay

Are you trolling bro? How can someone with access to the internet be so clueless? Do you literally get your every waking thought from the television?


>> No.16108440


>> No.16108443


>> No.16108448

He help sell the lies that started the Iraq war, or do you not think poor third worlders are people blue neocon?

>> No.16108451


>> No.16108459

of course the options are not equal, but with trump there is the small chance the américain masses actually effect change. with biden you doom yourself to quieter atrocities and minuscule liberal " improvements " which serve only to calm those like you

>> No.16108465
File: 798 KB, 998x710, munch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to be like the flamboyant kind of 19th century dandy writer

I didn't want to be the kind that is constantly bedridden in pain like Beardsley or Munch

>> No.16108474

I just ate two Quest protein cookies over the course of like an hour. Oh god, those things are fucking disgusting. Quest protein powder is so fucking good, but the cookies are truly awful.

>> No.16108501

That's a good idea, try it.

>> No.16108507

anon, speaking as someone who actually has a knowledge of physics, I think you're adjacent to the real problem. The problem is not "how do we know things?" but "how do we teach people to understand the mathematics properly"

from what I've seen, your average physicist knows the math but he doesn't know how to interpret it. When he sees a tensor in an equation he sees the mathematic abstraction but he doesn't see what the indexes of the tensor represent because he's insulated himself from the problem.

by contrast, a great physicist needs to be able to intuit what the equations they work on are representing. if they just see it as a math problem they can perform experiments but they can't get answers for themselves. I don't think universities are teaching that which ends up being a contagious lack of understanding

nothing anon. the role of the president isn't to cure a disease it's to make sure the country is prepared for an outbreak, and has qualified professionals guiding the relife effort

it is NOT the goal of the president to gut the programs meant to prevent a virus outbreak, skip briefings, ignore experts, profiteer off off-label uses of medications that make the people who take it sicker, and sacrfice people to the economy like it's a fucking pagan harvest god.

This isn't about good anymore. It should be but it isn't. this is about choosing between a lousy politician and a fucking dictatorship

I. Don't. Care.

There is a literal fucking concentration camp four miles from my fucking house. this needs to end now no matter the cost.

>> No.16108522

>it is NOT the goal of the president to gut the programs meant to prevent a virus outbreak
anon, the "pandemic" team that Trump cut had nothing to do with overall preparedness. it was specifically created to deal with ebola. that's it. don't be a fucking hysterical retard who only reads headlines.
>profiteer off off-label uses of medications that make the people who take it sicker
nigger, HCQ has been generic for more than 60 years now. how the FUCK is anybody going to be making money off of that? stupid gorilla nigger brain

>> No.16108557

>profiteer off off-label uses of medications

Hydroxychloroquine isn't patented, and costs $15. No one is getting rich off it, but maybe that is the problem.

A concentration camp? You mean a detention center for people who chose to illegally cross the border? Are you really going to disrespect holocaust survivors like that?

>> No.16108563

>There is a literal fucking concentration camp four miles from my fucking house.

Is it bigger than the California state prisons Kamala Harris filled with marijuana smokers?

>> No.16108569

>You mean a detention center for people who chose to illegally cross the border?

a detention center for children who have not committed any crimes and who are citizens of the united states.

>> No.16108573

why do people read lebinz when the max black paper exists

>> No.16108584
File: 1.48 MB, 2048x1365, gettyimages-458329310-2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a detention center for children who have not committed any crimes and who are citizens of the united states.

A detention center like this? Wow, that is truly terrible. I would never be able to vote for someone who set up such a place.

>> No.16108594

They aren't overdramatic. Even if they are cringe, cringe and unwarranted drama are two different things. Cringe can be achieved just as easily by aloofness and underdrama. Anything short of shooting Trump in the face is an understatement; that's what actually makes anon's post cringe.

>Chinese flu
You mean the American pandemic.

>> No.16108603

>Are you really going to disrespect holocaust survivors like that?

do u no where you are anon

>> No.16108615

That guy is obviously a tourist, probably send here by the DNC to damage control on their absolutely vile VP pick

>> No.16108684

lol are they sleeping on aluminum foil wtf

>> No.16108687

i'm NOT GAY!

>> No.16108690


>> No.16108716

i might be missing something very important, i could be being larped as, i should of made movements when i could

>> No.16108726

Light dissolves to grey
as the evening hastens out.
Made great posts today.

>> No.16108730

Not this one

>> No.16108738


>> No.16108752

Idk ask Biden if he does a town hall meeting in your town, since that pic is from 2014.

>> No.16108792

I'm done asking for help from people who don't understand my problems, have no interest in helping me find solutions, and have fewer answers than i do.

I'm done trying to help people who have committed to not listening to me

i'm the only person who matters in my life and I'm the only one who has ever mattered. Other people are idiots, and the offer me nothing but frustration and wasted time

>> No.16108800

You sound a little emotional anon but generally speaking those are good declarations. Gotta be careful who you associate with. Toxic people really do exist. Psychic vampires. No good.

>> No.16108848

it's not just toxic people. The worst parts of my life aren't the people who abuse me, but the people I rely on to help me but don't know any better than I do about what i want, what i need, what works, what doesn't work, what's been tried, what's failed and so on.

in the end, being locked inside my head has caused me as much suffering as it has happiness, but true hell is other "people"

>> No.16108897

It's a good question. I think it has to do with the general tendency to structure education in purely vocational terms. Physicists graduates these days, as I understand it, are more likely to enter finance as quants or the tech industry than they are to study atoms. Back in the day there were less physicists and there was also a massive push toward cracking the atom and understanding the fundamental forces of nature. It wasn't just academic; governments subsidized the effort because they thought it would win wars and defeat their rivals. These days physics is just a way to learn applied math and then the next step is to apply it to finance or tech to make money.
>a contagious lack of understanding
But this is all about what I'm talking about. You can't understand the totality of physics within physics. You need to step outside of it and see how it is situated within the rest of the sciences and within the rest of thought in general. I think physics is highly intellectually demanding and to comprehend its most difficult mathematics probably takes up most of the mental resources of many of its students. But the true achievers should have more polymathic ambitions.

>> No.16108903

I forgot to cite >>16108507 in this post who I was referring to

>> No.16109038

Those are space blankets, they're form keeping people warm in cold conditions. They use them in emergencies usually, like when they rescue somebody who was lost in the woods. It's not bad that they're using them per se, but it does suggest that that big warehouse is incredibly cold and that they don't have actual beds.

>> No.16109328

is this supposed to make them look good? It's depressing