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16094741 No.16094741 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on how to escape the toxic irony and cynicism of our modern age?

>> No.16094744

just keep posting weeabo shit. that will do it

>> No.16094752

You need a book to tell you that you should lead by example? You’re probably already thinking that.

>> No.16094755

I'm not very well read, but I don't think it's been written yet.

>> No.16094767
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We have to stab our modern age to death
We can’t do it alone.

>> No.16094777
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Getting tedpilled

>> No.16094806
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>> No.16094808

Make a friend who you could trust and allow yourself to be honest and vulnerable with.

>> No.16094815

Just start taking everything literally

>> No.16094923

This kind of thing is still contained with in the vacuum that is the internet. I'm sure it will leak out sooner than later and cause further damage to society, but until then just delete all your social media accounts and stop using 4chan. The type of people who exhibit this kind of behavior online all stutter and stammer like the retards they are if you ever confront them in a discussion IRL.

>> No.16095050
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>Book written by chad

>> No.16095161

You don't need a book on that. Go outside, and find the nearest nigger whether he's walking down the street or sitting on the porch with his nigger friends, and punch him in the fucking jaw. From there on, become a reborn man.

>> No.16095230

will you be my friend

>> No.16095326

Unironically read infinite jest.

>> No.16095329

or dead man

>> No.16095329,1 [INTERNAL] 

Seeking escapism in literature is your first mistake.

>> No.16095357
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>> No.16095417
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you can read the unabomber manifesto desu

>> No.16095421

life is suffering anyway anon. do It and be free

>> No.16095448

Just turn off your computer

>> No.16095450


>> No.16095516

how do I get a gf EXACTLY like that?

>> No.16095554

Log off. Limit screen time to when you're shitting. I'm shitting right now, and when I'm done I'm going to read Heidegger.

>> No.16095560

yeah no

>> No.16095570


>> No.16095585

The idea that any of us can escape it is absurd, it is an integral aspect of everyone you know, including yourself. Asking how to escape it is like asking how to get away from skin.

You need Marx

>> No.16095588

>he hasn't found his computers off-switch yet

>> No.16095591

This, and the essay E Unibus Pluram gets right into it

>> No.16095600

Lead by example, Anon.

>> No.16095618

if you'd ever been outside you'd know its just as bad, at least online you can't cough covid into my eye juide

>> No.16095626

It isn't just as bad in real-life. Sincere conversation is easy to find if you aren't toxicly ironic or cynical yourself.

>> No.16095641

>Sincere conversation is easy to find if you aren't toxicly ironic or cynical yourself.
but I am toxically ironic and cynical

>> No.16095692

Go to church

>> No.16095724


>> No.16096581
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>Let’s appeal to the masses with authoritarianism instead.
In other words, more of the same. Ye-no yourself.

Apparently not. Smart guy, but it never worked before. Seems he was wrong about a lot.

>> No.16096594

>The idea that any of us can escape it is absurd, it is an integral aspect of everyone you know, including yourself. Asking how to escape it is like asking how to get away from skin.
We escape it by making a new modernity of course. Embrace that

>> No.16096896


>> No.16096932

but u would still be u

>> No.16096936

>Apparently not. Smart guy, but it never worked before. Seems he was wrong about a lot.
i said marx, not lenin

>> No.16096941

All it would take is raising one generation not under state-capitalism

>> No.16096951

I was only getting a Marx/Bakunin dig in.

>> No.16096962

this is the problem with anarchists, u just say 'if we solved the problem then the problem would be solved' totally ignoring reality

>> No.16097017

That is the reality. You can turn away from money, but we have to organize it. This hasn’t happened, hence why we’re still not free.
Yes, being raised in a different condition would result in different kinds of people. This is why Leninism etc. turned out the same peoples.

>> No.16097059

listen i hate lenin more than u do but the reality is not as simple as 'just stop doing capitalism and everything will be fine', i don't know the solution and neither do you because the solution must come from the movement of classes through history, neither of us are a class, we a merely components of a class, history has to happen and it will happen as it will, not as we will it

>> No.16097066

Is this book really that good?

>> No.16097128

yikes bro

>> No.16097140

he had a meltdown because he wasn't allowed to transition

>> No.16097144

Read ride the tiger and become Jünger’s Anarch

>> No.16097149

thats a yikes from me

>> No.16097219

>We can’t do it alone.

Says you, tripfucker.

>> No.16097265

Eh i think it will go away when there are enough people who went through like 2 cultural cycles...

>> No.16097370

Whom are you quoting? Not me. I guess I can’t make myself clear to some people with words stuck in their ears.
The movement needs a lot of push but at the right moment(s), we ought not be completely worthless flotsam on the sea of history.

It’s simplistic strategy that I believe is the best thing we can do right now to get things started.

We can only do so much alone.

>> No.16097600

>we ought not be completely worthless flotsam on the sea of history
its not a choice, thats is what we are and all we ever can be

>> No.16097767
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Plenty of people/movements have a had an enormous effect on the trajectory of history even if they weren't ever in total control.

>> No.16097787
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Don’t let Mark Fisher get to you so deeply. The currents are strong, but build a mast and sail, make a rudder.

>> No.16099135


These guys know what's up. I'd also recommend his essay on David Lynch (followed by actually watching Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive).

>> No.16099896
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this, but without irony

>> No.16099914
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>> No.16100953

Just be sincere.