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File: 84 KB, 850x400, quote-state-authority-can-never-be-an-end-in-itself-for-if-that-were-so-any-kind-of-tyranny-adolf-hitler-110-12-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16094678 No.16094678[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what are some books you recommend for young idealists who have neither a job or any assets and are extremely discontent with the system?
>inb4 get a job and stop dreaming kid
i'd rather kill myself.

>> No.16094698

Mein Kampf

>> No.16094705
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>> No.16094712
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>> No.16094716

"How to Read a Book"

>> No.16094757

i read the first volume a month back, does volume 2 lay out the entirety of his weltanschauung as well as methods of seizing control from a corrupt state?
if not, i'd rather read gottfried feder's economic theory and stick to sorel's myth of violence.
thank you, I like evola, traditionalism, and perennial philosophy but I never found elements in it that can be used to create a tangible movement.
i put it down after 50 pages because it was telling me to do what I already practice.
it is sad that the majority of people (at least americans according to the book) cannot read above the 8th grade level.

>> No.16094770

The Red & The Black

>> No.16094781
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The problem isn't that you have ideals, it's that you do not know how to get what you want out of the world. Either seek power (in the strict sense of the word), or turn bitter

>> No.16094788

>i put it down after 50 pages because it was telling me to do what I already practice.
The first 50 pages don't go beyond "inspectional reading". If you're beyond that level, any value you would squeeze from the book would be from later chapters. Should have jumped to something relevant. Not to insinuate you're not a master reader, with a huge pee pee.

>> No.16094883
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Thank you
I've toyed with the idea of seizing power and discussed it with a friend, who then accused me of having a powerlust and that any attempt of seizing power would be futile. In the best case scenario I would end up dead for trying to interfere with the banking cabal, and in the worst case miserable and isolated from the crowd.
You're correct, I probably should not have put it down so prematurely but I choose what to read in the order of what I can understand and reap the most practical benefit from. I suppose this book can do a lot of that.
I will take a second look, I'm sure this book proved useful to those who can read at a far more advanced level than I.

>> No.16094895

Get a job you useless fucking cockroach.

>> No.16094906

Useless to whom?

>> No.16094994

>i'd rather kill myself.
You just might.

>> No.16095026

>You're correct, I probably should not have put it down so prematurely
No no no no no no, you seem to be under the impression that this a respectable forum. You see, I'm a faggot and should kill myself.

>> No.16095177 [DELETED] 


>> No.16095371

Read Republic by Plato and understand how fucked our system is compared to how it is meant to be.

>> No.16095462

as in the republic is perfect? The republic is as realistic as a utopia.

>> No.16095824
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lmao is this how you cope with your failure? This explains everything, the absolute state of this board you pathetic parasitic NEETs. I feel bad for your parents who fed you. Too cowardly to follow your leader's footsteps huh?

>> No.16095872

Get a job and keep dreaming, much of your discontent is yourself, but things could be much better. Remember as he says, to understand the present condition or state of decline of things, one thing which we must do first is to "Know thyself". Understand what led to this, understand why you are discontented with it, and why you wish to act. It is not so simple a thing, as many marxists mistake, as "the system which is to blame for everything". But one must take that onboard of this ship, and figure the rest out, looking to the stars, how to navigate. It is not the only thing to know, and likely the least important.

>> No.16095882

Not him, but to yourself, to your family, to your community. And to the system at large which, though this is a less affirmative argument, you still belong to and which is still comprised of your people.

>> No.16095945

"How to Get a Doctor's Prescription for Adderall." By your local chemically induced autist.

>> No.16095947
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Listen to Jonathan Bowden's speeches

>> No.16095975
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Practically insane.

>> No.16096004

I believe if you're brought into this world, the people who did so should provide for you until your death. It's their responsibility.

I also believe you have to approach reality as is, which means those people won't and can't provide for you so you'll have to do it yourself. And for you to not bring someone into this world unless you can ensure they are taken care of until their death.

Death is guaranteed, it's going to happen no matter what you do. So there's a bit of freedom there to really go out without a care and do what you can to change the system.

You're falling from a plane. You can either just curl up and wait for the impact, or do some sweet flips and see how far you can glide before the impact.

>> No.16096085

>some pamphlet from a WN press
>from there, try the complete works of Nietzsche

>> No.16096090

>I've toyed with the idea of seizing power and discussed it with a friend, who then accused me of having a powerlust and that any attempt of seizing power would be futile. In the best case scenario I would end up dead for trying to interfere with the banking cabal, and in the worst case miserable and isolated from the crowd
Get psychiatric help

>> No.16096095

>still comprised of your people.
nice bait

>> No.16096102
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>I've toyed with the idea of seizing power

>> No.16096437

>i don’t “seize power” simply because it would be futile

>> No.16096472

Holy cringe

>> No.16096505

Yeah obviously it's not a good foundation, but I guess the idea is you already know a fair bit before you've come onto Bowden.

>> No.16096515

You know there is a Bowden thread up right now.

>> No.16096943
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>I've toyed with the idea of seizing power

>> No.16096996

Kek, but I mean the majority. As many bloodleaching niggers there are.

>> No.16097331

Haven't we all?

>> No.16097420

Honestly? Read Twilight Of American Culture by Berman.

>> No.16097445

Perhaps when we were 14? Anyone who uses this language sincerely lacks perspective, experience, and most notably intelligence.

>> No.16097473

You are so making it onto the list

>> No.16097506

Sure but magical thinking is required to squeeze our way out of this situation.

>> No.16097514

How do you expect to change anything without fighting? Are you content with the way things are?

>> No.16097547

If you had understood traditionalism properly youd know your role is not to act up but to contemplate. As the saying goes "old things become new through use".

>> No.16097615

Contemplation before action is not useful to those in a burning building.

>> No.16097659

yet you only dream about your little fantasies, you weak-willed pansies

>> No.16097668

Bullshit Jobs: A Theory
Twilight of the Machines
Post Scarcity Anarchism
Anarchism and Other Essays

>> No.16097682

fite me irl faggot

>> No.16097790

Okay, where should we meet up?