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16094365 No.16094365[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

books where one man in a group of friends lusts over the girlfriends of his friends?

>> No.16094373

you writing that or jacking off to the idea of it?

>> No.16094382

Alan Harrington's The Secret Swinger.

>> No.16094616

Why is it the life ambition of every zoomer to sleep three in a bed?

>> No.16094637

I think it's just a power fantasy. One woman already demands far too much attention, let alone two of them at the same time. And you just know that neither of them will be making you breakfast in the morning anyways. No, you'll have to do it yourself after begrudgingly shoving multiple limbs off your body and hopscotching around multiple pairs of soiled undergarments

>> No.16094651

respect yourself and respect your friend, scoundrel

>> No.16094655

No, it’s MMF

>> No.16094668

It’s a lot like that episode of Seinfeld with Amanda Peet. Sitcoms have conditioned them to believe an average man is incapable of giving a woman what they deserve. So they hatch these schemes to divide up the labor. What you’re describing is a “throuple” but the the most common form is Cuck-Woman-Bull combo because Bulls can have multiple women and there’s no shortage of cucks

>> No.16094688

I lost my virginity to my friends girlfriend. He then proceeded to try and kill my bird, he failed.

>> No.16094700

He's definitely a cuck if he couldn't even beat your bird in a 1v1 cage match

>> No.16094710

This sounds a straight out of a Wes Anderson movie

>> No.16094717


Imagine having a group of friends, and not only that but with enough status for most of them to have access to women.

Really lucky guy OP, I wouldn't squander it by being a horndog or you might end up like me. It's a lot harder to build a reputation than it is to lose it

>> No.16094739

Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.16094900


>> No.16095006
File: 40 KB, 640x628, DvvtBJxUwAI7QlF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when that pseud writes a paragraph to some random question.
Don't you have burgers to flip in the morning?

>> No.16095018

Are you listing for your friends girlfriends because you are decadent, immoral and weak or because you are an incel?
If your answer is both its actually only the second one that applies.

>> No.16095019

>Don't you have burgers to flip in the morning
At this point, I wish. Nobody is hiring for anything right now in my area because of corona

>> No.16095022
File: 41 KB, 700x400, cum ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life last year

>> No.16095024

They should really let people do what they please and let these pussies scared of the virus stay barricaded in their homes and stop imposing their faggotry and cowardice onto others

>> No.16095567

The Sun also Rises

>> No.16095708

Genuinely retarded.

>> No.16095743

my diary desu

>> No.16095834

Lolita by Vladimitr Nabakov

>> No.16095851

not my diary, friends gfs are off limit

>> No.16095888

Woah I have the same story, except instead of a bird it was a Siamese fighting fish

>> No.16095900

I had sex with my friend's girlfriend while he was in the same bed passed out from vodka. I was under the impression that he had approved before passing out but I realised the next day that he must have been blacked out because he had no recollection of the event. It didn't seem like he was avoiding the truth either, to this day I think he still has no idea.

>> No.16095905 [DELETED] 

Norwegian Wood not exactly but kinda

>> No.16095916

Murakami’s “Nausea 1979” (short story) is exactly this, pretty much.

>> No.16096047
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>> No.16096428

I honestly don’t understand how food service and gas stations jobs are not in demand when people could have been getting paid $600 a week to stay home. Is it just because everyone went back into the workforce at once?

>> No.16096443

i just don't understand why anybody would ever want to have sex

>> No.16096444


>> No.16096478

ah yes
you might be interested in my novella here

>> No.16096486

Why the fuck wouldn't you want a girl riding your dick while another rides your face

>> No.16096494

Again, It’s MMF

>> No.16096510

As a zoomer I've literally never met a guy who wants that

>> No.16096528

lol, definitely a cope. jobs are not hard to get atm.

>> No.16096532

The OP of the thread wants to share some guys girlfriend
>>16094668 is the best explanation. I now assume all zoomers are like this. Possibly because of the de-emasculating effects of the Iraq War loss

>> No.16096561

>I'll probably never have an FMF bare dick threesome agin because I caught herpes
It hurts bros
But most of the books about lusting after taken women that I know don't involve a relationship with the other man.
The Brothers Karamazov?
Jules et Jim is a good film about it.

>> No.16096612

No one cares if you have herpes 1 bro it’s 2020 degeneracy won

>> No.16096664

OP doesnt says anything about "sharing" and makes literally no implicstion at all of some kind of mutual threesome. He just thinks they're hot and wants to bang them, which would probably entail them cheating on his friends for him. Youre projecting your own weird fantasies onto a group of people you know nothing about based on a post that doesn't even say what you say it says retard

>> No.16096691

hero of our time kinda

>> No.16096802

Seethe harder degenerate Zoomer; a cuck shed in August must be irritatingly warm