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/lit/ - Literature

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16092197 No.16092197 [Reply] [Original]

I want to read Nietzsche because the concepts of the ubermensch & last man interest me, but i havent read any philosophy yet. Could anyone give a a route to take, for example, Socrates -> Plato -> etc. in order to read Nietzsche and fully understand his works? Ty

>> No.16092304

Start greeks

>> No.16092723

That may be counterproductive.
why don't you read Zarathustra and see if it clicks with you?
I also found his essay on nihilism useful for his influence in later philosophy.
but other wise >>16092304 is correct.

>> No.16092772


>> No.16092807

The Gay Science is a great book and doesn't require much history of philosophy background.
You don't need to read things in order to get everything. I would recommend reading greeks at some point just cuz they're good writers, but you don't Need them for Nietzsche

i also wouldn't recommend starting with zarathustra. imo, it's a nice cap to finish off a bunch of other Nietzsche reading. I don't know how someone would be able to make any sense out of it without having read a bunch of his other books first.

>> No.16093109
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>> No.16093160

>why don't you read Zarathustra
Thats the worst place to start most points and references will go over his head. Zarathustra should be the last book you read.

>> No.16093188

Before reading any book of Nietzsche you must understand Kant, and for understanding Kant you must know about thw "must be" and gnoseology.

It's funny beacuse Nietzsche throw shit all the time to Kant. lmao

>> No.16093222

> but i havent read any philosophy yet
I could tell this from the first sentence which made it obvious you are some poserfaggot that hasn't ready any and got influenced by /lit/ lol

>> No.16093238
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>I want to read Nietzsche

>> No.16093257

>You don't need to read things in order to get everything
Casual normie just trying to posture.

>> No.16093333

poor wording.
you don't need to read everything in chronological order in order to get everything

>> No.16093350

Yes we know poser you just read whatever philo you see on /lit/ front page to fit in.

>> No.16093360
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>> No.16093366


>> No.16093427

I don't have philosophy ground too and i want study Kant. Do you have any guide or recommend?

>> No.16093458

By the time you have the background necessary to understand neechee the only reason you'd still want to read him is to have a laugh.

>> No.16093468


>> No.16093480

OP is going to time travel and listen to him in person.

>> No.16094295

Theres a /lit/ article that has a really in-depth guide to immersing yourself in philosophy. It's not 100% required to read everything recommended, but it's advisable if youre looking to understand not only a text you read, but it's philosophical context as well. https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1y8_RRaZW5X3xwztjZ4p0XeRplqebYwpmuNNpaN_TkgM/pub

>> No.16094338

All you need.

>> No.16094366

>t. slaves

>> No.16094435
File: 79 KB, 696x604, Clifford The Big Red Dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Karl Marx
Clifford the big red dog has more insight on the subject of Human societies and anthropology as a whole than Capital.

>> No.16094483

There's a book called "The Portable Nietzsche" which contains a nice progression of selected writings arranged for the purpose of overviewing the development of his thought, once you do some work to contextualize him it would be good to start there.

Nietzsche writes a lot for specific contexts and that's a challenge for studying him. I got a lot out of him without having the full context, but I know I've missed a lot as well. I'd say some study of Plato and Heraclitus is essential, and understanding the history of western philosophy is probably pretty crucial too. Descartes, Hume, Kant. Look up whatever secondary material you want going over that, try to get a feel for the landscape of western philosophy prior to Nietzsche.

Schopenhauer was a significant influence on Nietzsche as you'll hear from a lot of people, but I haven't read Schopenhauer so I couldn't tell you what that does or doesn't do for understanding Nietzsche.

>> No.16094492

Not OP but I'd just like to step in to let you know that it has no serious impact whatsoever on someone to post a onions wojak in response to them, it just makes you look like someone who can't speak for themselves, as well as someone who is out of touch with people as to think that this is what suffices to roast someone.

>> No.16094521

the ubermensch is just an hedonist building a narrative wherein he does not view himself as one.
This is exactly what liberals are doing.

>> No.16094529

The Birth of Tragedy is the wine aunt of Finnegans Wake.

>> No.16094546

Seriously just read Homer and some essential Plato and Aristotle, read bits of the stoics and Kant and then read Nietzche. It may take a few months but it will be worth it, the Plato and Homer especially, you may find you’ll get more out of those than what you want to find in Nietzche.

>> No.16094584

that makes no sense

>> No.16094594

The ubermensch is one who reintroduces the master morality to society without falling back into the actual pitfalls of the classic master-slave morality system. He is a man that quite literally transcends and goes beyond good and evil. To refer to the concept as simply Hedonistic is just garbage.

>> No.16094624
File: 24 KB, 325x499, Ernst Junger On Pain Book k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard the Ernst Junger's essay On pain and other works by him are heavily influenced by Nietzsche. In a kind of "applied" perspective.

>> No.16094907
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dont take this image seriously , like in January i got Malaria Fever and got really sick the headaches where one of the hardest shit i've ever felt , and started to watch youtube videos and listen to Brian Eno to calm down the fever while took some mgs of acetaminophen and aspirin , and i literally looked for on the youtube searching bar '' 4chan lit '' just a fever mind could make this mental process so mine was , and the channel was by the same name of the creator of this image NEET FEET , the channel was horrendous , is about a girly dude who talks like is from a country who ends in Stan and opens up boxes with his feet , i recover from the malaria attacks but still got some pain on the back of my head while im resting , but i almost died. Well anons goodbye and remember we all gonna make it

>> No.16094913

>no serious impact
>that's why I took 20 minutes to seethe
NEETchuh was a virgin.

>> No.16094936


>> No.16094981
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Nietzsche is not really a good place to start with philosophy, but if you're set on it then pic related is a pretty good guide. I would also add that some familiarity with the Greeks would be helpful, especially the Greek tragedies, since Nietzsche was a Greek scholar and he often makes reference to them.

>> No.16094992

Oh yeah and one more thing, don't turn your nose up at secondary literature. People on /lit/ don't like it but honestly it can be very useful and important especially if you're reading something prone to misinterpretation, and especially especially if you've never read any philosophy before. There's lots of good podcasts, YouTube content, and other books that can help you out.

>> No.16094993
File: 241 KB, 732x633, apu spy glass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there a James Bond villain in the bottom right of that pic?

>> No.16095028

Kant, Schopenhauer, Stirner

>> No.16095052

that's the weather project installation from the tate modern a few years ago. i saw it there. it was pretty fun. there was an awful lot of guff written about it at the time though.

>> No.16095123

Ugly chart. Doesn't have Fichte or Schelling.

>> No.16095137

>50 years later

>> No.16095262

based. rage against the machine were redpilled af

>> No.16096023

Just fucking read if you want to read. If you don’t understand completely then come back to it after digesting the book for the first time. It will surely make more sense as you reflect and relate parts of the text in your waking life

>> No.16096059

gay faggot bait