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/lit/ - Literature

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16090996 No.16090996 [Reply] [Original]

>read 1 page
>don't remember anything that i just read
>start thinking if any of it was important or matters to the book
>start thinking if i need to reread the whole page again
>wonder if i will have to reread every page in the book
>see i have over 600 pages left
>start thinking if what i am reading even matters
>worry that i will read 600 pages twice and not benefit my life in any way
>become frustrated
>become agitated
>get up
>pace around my house conversing with myself about something else for 30 minutes

i can't do this shit

>> No.16091021

is this what having low iq is like?

>> No.16091023

Yet you can do this shit: >>16090996
Kill yourself nigger

>> No.16091036
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if i didn't know better i would think you were me.

>> No.16091442

If that's your understanding of IQ, you're very mistaken. OP is an example of an individual who's had his brain trained by computers, phones, etc., to respond quickly to quickly presented information. If he practiced reading he wouldn't have the problems he's describing. Reason being that books are big pieces of information which need a process of attention and long sequences of thoughts. His brain is trained to respond to short, small pieces of information which is the exact opposite of what most books are. If he just practices, within a month the problem of s short attention span will be mostly gone.

>> No.16091474

how do i get rid of my short attention span? i have the attention span of a gnat.

>> No.16091485

Same but replace page with sentence

>> No.16091573

The best thing you can do is just sit down for an hour and read and not stress about understanding every little thing. Just sit down with a book you're expecting to like and try to isolate most of your thoughts and attention to what you're reading, and when you have a thought about what you just read think it through then come back to reading. I find that helps greatly with comprehension and lengthening my attention span. By the way, read things you actually think you'll enjoy instead of just lit recommendations. Doing that will actually encourage you to read. Reading is supposed to be enjoyable and not something you feel like you're suffering to get through.

>> No.16091589

Do you guys really try to remember shit page by page? Just try and remember it chapter by chapter

>> No.16091592
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replace sentence with word and it's me

>> No.16091598

To summarize what I just said; you're attention span grows with more practice directed towards a piece of text you're going to enjoy. It's gets better with practice and experience reading. I hope you gain something from my advice :)

>> No.16091607


>> No.16091619

thanks broski. it is a struggle. i spend about an hour a day reading, and i read very slow, and the rest of the day on 4chan. i think that is majorly fucking me up. i imagine i should try and wean off? it is hard because this is my only socialization, and i dont really enjoy normal socialization

>> No.16091632

Try this method.

>> No.16091651

i did. i just went right back to dicking on my computer afterwards

>> No.16091654


>> No.16092119

I do the same talking to myself thing. What's up with that?

>> No.16092144


You're posting here. You already don't take the idea of wasting your time seriously. Just read the thing and take a very brief impression-note every five pages or so.

>> No.16092178

A few months ago I started taking notes while I was reading. Basically every time I had a relevant thought, I would highlight the passage, and note down my thoughts on it. This act of active reading instead of consooming pages made me realise I'd basically been reading the wrong way my entire life.

>> No.16092187
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Based and Carrpilled.

>> No.16093452

No problem man. If you're looking for people to talk to and to socialize somewhat with, this is one of the worst places to do so. Just get rid of any attachment to any website and attempt to socialize elsewhere. I don't have many people to talk to either and don't enjoy talking to new people but you'll be a lot happier if you attempt to make real life relationships. remember, we didn't spend millions of years evolving to become acquainted to sitting at a computer and relying on it for socialization. You're a human, not a machine and because of that you need real relationships. Getting past your mental blocks that stop you from functioning as a healthy human is a necessary to go anywhere you want in life.