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File: 245 KB, 800x1069, 800px-David_Irving_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16090927 No.16090927[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does he make everyone seethe?

>> No.16090935

what do you mean everyone?
the 20 people that read his work?

>> No.16090951

No, the wide array of historians who have negatively critiqued his work for claiming no document exists showing Hitler's directive for the holocaust.

>> No.16090953

>what do you mean everyone?
faggots like you.

>> No.16090954
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You know Irving is the real deal because so-called Historians fell over themselves to prove him wrong and could find very few errors in his works.

There is not a man alive who knows more about the subject matter.

>> No.16090967

>the wide array of historians who have negatively critiqued his work for claiming no document exists showing Hitler's directive for the holocaust.

And despite their critique, they have still yet to produce one (1) Fuhrer-order suggesting it.

>> No.16090968

I very rarely buy physical books but this is the reason why I'm contemplating the possibility of buying a few of his books.

>> No.16090978


You should, and consider sending along a letter, too. I am fairly certain he does read them.

>> No.16090994

>Why does he make everyone seethe?
Who is seething? Or do you equate seething with debunking?

>> No.16090995

I read The Trail of the Fox. I thought it was very engaging, and there was nothing like antisemitism or holocaust talk in it. Unrelatedly, it makes me laugh that self-driving cars are gonna think rumble strips are crosswalks because of these capchas.

>> No.16091000


Never happened lol

>> No.16091012

He doesn't make people seethe, he makes people say "huh, who published this retard?"

>> No.16091044
File: 42 KB, 680x940, 601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't make people seethe, he makes people say "huh, who published this retard?"

>> No.16091139

>Not only did Irving lose the case, but in light of the evidence presented at the trial a number of his works that had previously escaped serious scrutiny were brought to public attention. He was also ordered to pay all of Penguin's trial costs, estimated to be as much as £2 million (US$3.2 million) though it is uncertain how much of these costs he will ultimately pay.[122][123] When he did not meet these, Davenport Lyons moved to make him bankrupt on behalf of their client. He was declared bankrupt in 2002,[124] and lost his home, though he has been able to travel around the world despite his financial problems.
Suing someone for libel and getting to lose YOUR house in the end takes some skill, he has my respect

>> No.16091323

>>Not only did Irving lose the case, but in light of the evidence presented at the trial a number of his works that had previously escaped serious scrutiny were brought to public attention.

They hired a team of people to scour his entire body of work and they found a handful of errors. The amount of editorializing in that first sentence is pathetic.

>> No.16091333

Why would you sue Jews, in a court, about the holocaust? Guy should've read Sun Tzu or something. How do you beat that enemy on that terrain? Foolish.

>> No.16091404

>even though there is a plethora of evidence of the holocaust, hitler did not directly say it so it didnt happen

>> No.16091430

there’s plenty of documentation of soviets ordering mass executions, the US bombing civilians in japan, the UK bombing civilians in Germany, things were told pale in comparison to the holocaust in evil.

crazy how the allies have no qualms with murdering civilians but the nazis speak in euphemisms

>> No.16091476

And? Nobody disputes it

>> No.16091490

what's your point little man?

>> No.16091532

allies don’t speak in euphemism when talking about inflicting death and destruction on civilians, nazis were magically the only side who did which is why there is no ‘smoking gun’ document

>> No.16091558

I will forever cherish the memory of meeting Irving in person. Not because I have a strong opinion on him one way or another, but because the whole incident of meeting him was so peculiar. A novelist with a more eloquent grasp of prose than I, could have written up an account of the event compelling enough that if it were the first chapter of a book, readers would be hooked. It was bizarre, almost magical. What a character that man is.

>> No.16091561
File: 319 KB, 800x1151, 800px-Heydrich-Endlosung[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so if you use euphemism its a-ok to commit genocide

>> No.16091678

>Why does he make everyone seethe?

Certain (((people))) and their followers hate the fact that they can't refute him, but he has refuted them. Future generations will regard his work as an amazing victory of one man, who, against all odds, published the truth.
A great man.

>> No.16091679


This is not a Fuhrer-order, and on top of that, the Endlosung der Judenfrage is never given a specific meaning.

>> No.16091709
File: 74 KB, 2530x248, holocaust 137 out of 139 witnesses tortured testes nuremberg trials.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget, they will go to any lengths to perpetuate their lies.

Only the truth needs to be censored.

>> No.16091725

i really hope you know how absurd you sound.
what possible solution was there to the "final solution to the Jewish question" could mean? the reason they had to speak in these terms is because they knew what they were doing was horrifying yet they still persisted anyway

>> No.16091768

whats your source?

>> No.16091782

Correct. But the person I responded to suggested that no one read his work.

That's not what he's claiming, idiot. He's claiming that the holocaust was largely the result of a handful of second- or third-tier Nazi officials, not Hitler himself.

>> No.16091791


>> No.16091803

He goes against the established view, people always hate anyone who with views outside the norm it's been like that through all history.

He's likely 100% right, and people don't like to hear the truth.

>> No.16091824

Source OP, pretty juicy?

>> No.16091873

greentext please

>> No.16091904


>> No.16091943

>I'm currently 2/3 of the way through the lowest 3 years in my life, having reacted negatively to psych meds.
>While not delusional, I have entered an obsessive streak in which I have become fascinated with Rudolf Hess, thinking it logical and compelling - given parallels between his history and my family history - that I may be the reincarnation of him.
>To this end, I order a lot of books on Hess, including ordering Irving's book on Hess via his website.
>The shipping charge is ludicrous, £15.
>Irving e-mails me, noticing from my mailing address that we both lived, at the time, about half an hour away from Inverness.
>He suggests he delivers the book to me in person to save me the expense of shipping it.
>Tells me to meet him outside Barclays, as he plans to combine the trip in with some managing of accounts.
>I arrive there first, wait patiently outside Barclays for him to arrive.
>Eventually, this massive land yacht of a vintage saloon pulls up.
>It takes Irving a while to parallel park, causing the drivers behind him to be visibly annoyed.
>I introduce myself and we shake hands before he goes into the bank.
>After he's finished his business, he suggests we head over to MacCallum's pub across the road and offers to buy me a pint.
>Conscious that I'm driving back, I accept a half pint.
>All of his verbalisms are friendly and congenial, but his tone is stilted and his body language is shut-off and suspicious.
>As we drink our pints, I explain to him that my great grandfather, an anthroposophist and Christengemeinschaft pastor, was arrested as part of Aktion Hess, as a consequence of Hess' flight and ostensible betrayal of the Reich - and ask him if he knows anything about Aktion Hess.
>Alas, he doesn't, so our conversation is interspersed with awkward silence.
>We finish our half pints, shake hands and part ways.
I'm still kicking myself that I didn't think to bring a pen and ask him to sign the book.

>> No.16091955
File: 91 KB, 449x606, Himmler_report.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there’s plenty of documentation of soviets ordering mass executions, the US bombing civilians in japan, the UK bombing civilians in Germany, things were told pale in comparison to the holocaust in evil.

>crazy how the allies have no qualms with murdering civilians but the nazis speak in euphemisms

>allies don’t speak in euphemism when talking about inflicting death and destruction on civilians, nazis were magically the only side who did which is why there is no ‘smoking gun’ document

you cannot compare strategic bombing to calculated genocide. the Nazis were as concerned with optics as anyone, in fact they were styling themselves as the good, noble guys trying to save Europe from the Bolsheviks (especially when the war started going poorly). Why would they intentionally leave evidence behind of the Holocaust and lose face in the eyes of the international community?

That being said, the euphamisms were usually quite obvious. Like "liquidating" or giving people "special treatment". Even the less obvious ones like "resettle" quickly fall apart to scrutiny, with almost laughable instances where commanders autistically apply the term like "Kommando group blah blah took 200 Jews to the forest and resettled them. Two large pits were dug. X amount of ammunition was consumed. Operation finished by 5pm" etc.

Finally, due to the sheer scale of the killings, there are many documents that they didnt bother to use any euphamisms at all for, and didnt manage to destroy, such as during the mass shootings in the East by the Einsatzgruppen

and FINALLY, again in clear cases of pre-meditated mass murder of innocents, even the Soviets used euphemisms for both gulag executions and local purges of populations

>> No.16091970
File: 586 KB, 588x1600, jager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more documents without euphemisms:
gas vans:
gas chambers:

>> No.16092001

thats insane anon...I wonder if its possible to ask him for an autograph when ordering one of his books online...

>> No.16092048

I'm sure you can. But I'm saddened that I can't describe how surreal it was to see him arriving. Union St is a really narrow street, one way and with only intermittent parking space. It was completely the wrong sort of environment to be driving such a massive car (no doubt with either none, or primitive, power steering), and the fact that he felt it appropriate to do so just gave him this aura of being obliviously out of touch with his surroundings.

>> No.16092284

He's based. Love that old man like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.16092297

and I'll explain to you this "hitler order" bullshit
this was the main holocaust revisionist point of his "Hitler's War" book. this was released in 1976. and as many shills will remind you, Irving was a pretty well respected historian during that time, before he teamed up with the leuchter/zundel/rudolf clown show in the 80s. So what is a historian? they put the work in and gather sources, and the most valuable sources are primary sources straight from the horses mouth, whether oral or written, from perpetrators or witnesses, and all the primary sources talk about mass killings of Jews. if u want to LARP as a historian u have to accept the holocaust since you can't just blanket deny evidence as fake without any proof just it doesnt suit your politics, doesn't matter if its about the holocaust or the sacking of Rome.
so what does he do? as you hinted >>16091782 he takes a single (1) primary source document, the "Keine Liquidierung" - "no liquidation" document to try & prove it happened BUT hitler didnt know.. Specifically, its a kind of vague 4 line telephone log, between Heydrich and his boss Himmler, Himmler currently at the Wolf's Lair in occupied Poland with Adolf.

>Verhaftung Dr. Jekelius
>Angebl Sohn Molotows.
>Judentransport aus Berlin.
>Keine Liquidierung.

>Arrest Dr. Jekelius
>Alleged son of Molotov.
>Jew-transport from Berlin.
>No liquidation.
leaving aside the Dr. Jekelius part, Irving interprets this as Hitler somehow getting word of killings of Jews (in this case, a transport from Berlin being sent to Riga, Latvia where the SS were killing the entire local Jewish population) ,and having Himmler tell Heydrich to put a stop to it (he also agrees the order came to late and they were shot anyway).
the problem is this makes zero fucking sense. its only nov 1941. the Einsatzgruppen were only getting started with their mass shootings, its before the Wannsee conference, and large scale gassings of the west/central european jews hadnt even begun yet. the idea that this was all the work of rogue officers disobeying orders for the next 4 years, that he had no idea what was going on after that, makes zero fucking sense. thats literally all he has to exonerate hitler, this one fucking phone log
here's what it actually means, after some research by this blog:
>no evidence Hitler is involved in this convo at all
>disagreement between commanders in occupied Latvia belonging to 2 different SS deparments, the HSSPF & RHSA, currently busy killing the local Jews
>one guy, Lange in the RHSA, finds out a Jew transport from Berlin contains decorated ww1 veterans. at this point such Jews are supposed to be spared for optics reasons
>the other guy Jeckeln doesn't care and wants to kill them too
>Lange tries to go over his head and call their mutual boss Himmler
tldr irving has nothing. he BTFO'd himself

>> No.16092326

>in fact they were styling themselves as the good, noble guys trying to save Europe from the Bolsheviks (especially when the war started going poorly).

That was going to be part of bargaining for a separate peace, and frankly, were they wrong? The bolsheviks were a curse on Europe.

>> No.16092342



>> No.16092365

you dont even know what he's right about. his entire holocaust revisionism is schizophrenic as shit. when hes still a serious historian he says it happened by hitler didnt know as in >>16092297 . then he jumps on the auschwitz denial bangwagon with the other big name revisionists which hes just attaching his name to , nothing to do with each other. what is his point here? hes also proven to be disingenous as fuck, and continues to support what he admitted was a forgery to inflate the dresden death toll
>In 1977 the Tagesbefehl-47, which had long been strongly suspected as a forgery (e.g. by Max Seydewitz), was conclusively proven to be so: a copy of the original document was discovered by Götz Bergander. Bergander had found a reservist, Werner Ehlich, who reported that not only that he had had the original in his hands, but, as a then member of the Dresden police force, had also made one typed and one hand-written copy of it. The copy was still in Ehlich's possession. It started 'In order to be able to counter wild rumours....', and proceeded to list all the details listed in the version of TB 47 used by Irving: with one crucial difference: In this authentic Ehrlich copy the death figure was put at 20,204, the expected dead at 25,000, and the number cremated at 6,865. What had clearly happened was that someone had doctored the document by simply adding a '0' to the end of each number it contained. What Irving had claimed as authentic documentary evidence turned out to be a crude forgery. It was not until 1977 in Germany that Irving finally described TB 47 as a Nazi fake, as Seydewitz had argued all along. But it was not until 1995 that Irving came clean with his English language readers as well, and made clear that TB 47 was in fact a product of the Propagandaministerium's 'machinations'. Despite having been finally forced to disown TB 47, Irving has continually kept the legend of a higher death toll alive and sown the seeds of doubt amongst the unwary and the ill-informed.
go ahead and double down and cope how hes still your hero when he just straight up lies to people lol

>> No.16092367

ADD post

>> No.16092405
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I just can't find it in my heart to hate someone who wanted to kill jews, comunists and capitalists.

>> No.16092420
File: 65 KB, 244x352, 1581297755493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical nazi shills. come in with red pills about how there's no documents of mass killings of jews without euphemisms . get btfo'd. derail the debate into fluff about muh bolshevism, prove you never even read or understand irvings arguments call people schizos. rofl

>> No.16092487

>then he jumps on the auschwitz denial bangwagon with the other big name revisionists which hes just attaching his name to

He was convinced by the evidence. Next you're going to tell me that Germar Rudolf is a fraud. Nerd.

>> No.16092505
File: 9 KB, 218x196, 1592929523522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is a fucking schizopost. You are schizoposting.

Read Degrelle and get back to me.

>> No.16092581

they're politically motivated shills. Rudolf's prussian blue arguments are fake and gay. its one big strawman to try and prove gassing didnt happen in the Kremas while ignoring all other primary source evidence like documents and testimony (his chemistry was also debunked) and the impossibility of any other explanation. But Irving, if hes a "serious historian" can't do that, he cant just say all the sources are made up and part of a hoax like the grug holocaust deniers do , hes supposed to be held to a different standard. that proves hes a shill too
nice try faggot. nazi larper calling people a shizo. your entire ideology is the definition of schizo, loving hitler for killing jews but also having to say it didnt happen. lol

>> No.16092653

Once again proving holodeniers don't read

>> No.16092689

Nigga, the whole historiography of the NatSoc regime is politically motivated, straight form 1933 till this day. You can't just call on revisionists and ignore the highly emotional and moralistic rhetoric of the mainstream.

>> No.16092714

Yes yes, and they played Orchestra music when they were piling people into the gas chambers. Give it a rest, schizo. You probably believe all that bullshit in Shirer. Tesch, Kori, Topf & Son, etc. They were all in on it, building psuedo-showers to unload a big pile of Zyklon on the Jewish rats.

>> No.16092738

that is completely irrelevant to the discussion. we're talking about the study of history, not this vague "mainstream" bullshit. It doesn't matter what a historians personal opinions are, he's not going to blame Katyn on the Nazis instead of the Soviets, or pretend it didnt happen at all, just because he wants it that way. natsoc shills have a completely delusional schizo way of argumentation where they accept the "mainstream" narrative whenether it suits them (ie, the Holodomor, Katyn, Soviet crimes, whatever), but when it comes to the Nazis suddenly everything is a lie, retconned, forged, hoaxed, evidence planted. they're liars and shills

>> No.16092781
File: 66 KB, 550x400, a705422929b010801936ff8bb640b4d4a5b642c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah thats exactly what I believe cause its true. and its obvious you know its true when your bias shows. the orchestra covered the screams. theres literally an auschwitz photo album where someone takes shots of the jews who failed selection (children, mothers, elderly etc) right up to the point where they're at the crematoriums. one of the main reasons former revisionists like Hunt realized that this whole 'movement' is bullshit

>> No.16092792

btfo by

>> No.16092804


Mhmm, and just like Graebe said, the Einsatzgruppe couldn't wait for all the GAS VANs, so they just dug huge graves right in the street and shot naked jews right into the pits.

The nerve of these yids making this shit up.

>> No.16092808
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>> No.16092831
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>> No.16092909
File: 14 KB, 281x281, 1596794613770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending the holocaust for free

>> No.16092919

also next time you shill your retarded bullshit why dont you ctrl F euphemism in Irving's Hitlers War
page 527
>As for the German Jews, Goebbels did not mince his language in a talk
to senior Berlin journalists on September 23, stating that the Jews knew
‘with deadly certainty’ that they were to be deported to the east and ‘left to
their murderous fate.’ ‘They can already sense the inexorable tread of physical annihilation,’ he added, ‘and therefore, so long as they live, they inflict damage on the Reich wherever they can.’
>The deportations from Berlin had resumed; from July 1942 onward
trainloads had begun leaving the capital for the camp at Auschwitz and what was vaguely called ‘the east.’ Finding the number of Jews remaining, particularly in the legal system, still intolerable, Goebbels suggested declaring them all ‘unconditionally ausrottbar’ – disposable, but the word has a nastier undertone. Otto Thierack, the new minister of justice, refused to go along with this. ‘So long as the Führer won’t allow us to address the broader issue of those with Jewish blood or in-laws,’ he replied to Goebbels, ‘we can’t carry out an Aktion confined to the legal system.’
>The entire Nazi killing operation was smothered in paper-thin euphemisms and bland letters-for-the-record.

lol. so it sounds like hes agreeing with everything in the official narrative.. you can tell its kind of tactical just to get Hitler off , hence the transition to full retard denial a few later, but even then it just shows how disingenuous he is. you retards should just stop bringing Irving up he doesn't help you, apparently hes a holocaust believer 'officially' (yeah, the jews made him say it blah blah) again now anyway, just 4 million instead of 6. great

>> No.16092931

* a few years later

>> No.16092958
File: 320 KB, 566x677, 1581297927528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. i btfo brainlet retards for fun. you shill literal flat earth tier denials for free, literally straight up lying to people brazenly because you're convinced its for some good cause to rehabilitate your dead cult leader . ask me whats more retarded

>> No.16092981
File: 706 KB, 1024x1005, 1596880176098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok dude, have fun 'btfo'ing people. I'm gonna go bust a fat nazi nut into some Jew girls.

>> No.16093038
File: 57 KB, 645x588, e02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16093345

that website is so shitty not even the yad vashem will use their work

>> No.16093394

>there is a plethora of evidence of the holocaust
No there's not.

>> No.16093398

so now you’re just posting hoax photographs the nerve of these people i swear

>> No.16093453
File: 378 KB, 431x573, kalki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irving is great with his facts and all but what really proves the holocaust is a lie is the behavior of people and specifically the chosen people when someone deny it.
Why would you care if someone denies something is truth? Why would you make it illegal for someone to deny something that is truth? The reason is simply that it is a lie.
Everything about holocaust deny is censored because the lie of the holocaust is so weak and fragile that is easier to deny it than to believe in it. That's also why it MUST be teachen to children in schools and movies about it all the time.

But Kalki is coming. The evil will be destroyed. The truth will triumph.

>> No.16093498

Lol google Auschwitz photo album pdf . gg.
The amount of seething about that blog by shills is hilarious. for years the revisionist charlatans were unchallenged publishing their propaganda books and spinning their narratives. Now they are completely exposed and picked apart thanks to that blog with it's shitloads of sources and original documents . That's why you guys have to inb4 it every time , it's better for you if people stay low info or just take the revisionists word for it lol. the truth doesn't fear investigation indeed

>> No.16093507

So if it's illegal to deny communist crimes in some countries for political reasons that means they didn't happen right. Thanks for exposing yourself as a total brainlet with your retarded straw man that you people ALWAYS resort to when it's shown how you actually know less than zero about this subject but larp as red pilled lol

>> No.16093559

>so it sounds like hes agreeing with everything in the official narrative
Almost. Still not enough to keep him from being unpersoned, slandered, beaten, imprisoned, and his work destroyed.
>hence the transition to full retard denial
He never did that. He's always had the same stance. He was briefly a champion of "revisionists" because he was a respected historian who said the official narrative was wrong (an extremely damaging statement to the validity any exterminationist narrative considering how many lives were and are being destroyed based on falsehoods regarding the reality of the holocaust). But he never once said there was no other version of the holocaust.

You're right that most people who praise him as "the one and only source for truth", or whatever, are fucking retards, though. They aren't the kind of people who want to think hard, and check sources. They want to have an authority they can point to and say "See, my bias has to be true!". Many of them likely haven't even read his books, instead just watching their favorite Irving youtube vids, hence they don't know what he actually says. Every time I've ever quoted Irving to my fellow third positionists on the chans without sourcing the quote I've been accused of being a kike. They really have no idea what he believes.

>> No.16093622
File: 81 KB, 1337x354, 9MRZEZkvJnx-ETXMiS2KeonE45HKlAyQHG_yAHbbGVk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but the communist crimes are real and are not the entire foundation reason of why certain etnostate exist, retard
You are just angry cause the holocaust makes no fucking sense and it's so easy to realize without constant propaganda and censorship

>> No.16093659

It was an Oscar-Wilde-tier self-own.

Pro-tip: don't sue for libel in Britain unless you're squeaky clean.

>> No.16093677

because most Holocaust deniers are emotional retards. That should tell you all you need to know about the subject. Unironically believing in a hoax is magical thinking.
And Irving is a Nazi apologist shill. That's what his work was always about. There is no internal consistency in hiding behind the historical method to say okay the Holocaust happened but Hitler didn't know because he "didn't tour Auschwitz" like in HW, it was all Himmler and the SS, then a few years later say that because of Leuchters cyanide bullshit he doesn't believe in any Holocaust at all. It doesn't make any sense. That means he has to throw out all his sources as fabrications that he was using to exonerate Hitler before. And of course take the standard scummy denier line, that they don't have to explain what happened to these people either, hehe. Yeah, very historian like. That's not revisionism, it's an agenda. plus his position has changed so many times, wether it's to cover his ass or not. So tell me, what exactly has he contributed to Holocaust question here? Name one thing.

>> No.16093723
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Communist crimes are real cause historians say so lol. The same ones you say are part of a conspiracy to lie about the Holocaust.. you're a schizo and an emotional liar. You just want one to be real and another to be fake. And the Holocaust makes perfect sense. Every single issue revisionist shills have tried to poison the well with has a logical rational explanation. You may not like it but they do. That's why they have no silver bullets. That's why they dodge around basic questions about what happened to millions of Jews last seen in Nazi custody, too many to keep anywhere, most unfit for labor. Oh yeah except Mattogno who pulls this theory out of his ass that the Nazis resettled them to the Soviet Union but there's no proof or witnesses or documents or anything just trust me bro. lol

>> No.16093811

brb gonna take a random black and white photo of some people in a forest and say it’s from auschwitz

>revisionists unchallenged
only a deranged neurotic jew thinks holocaust deniers haven’t had any opposition.

>> No.16093829
File: 381 KB, 600x866, bbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he got BTFO'd in court for lying

kek at the nazis pretending he's actually based

>> No.16093839

crazy how even according to the official story on 20% of jews were killed at auschwitz and yet it’s all we hear about.

wtf does ghettoization even mean? is taking a jews material possessions and making him live in a certain part of town where he can’t swindle people the same as killing him

>> No.16093869

Communist crimes are real cause there is good evidence.
The holocaust is a lie because the evidence is so retarded it is funny and because it is illegal to deny it.
No one would deny it if the evidence wasn't so stupid and easily to not believe. 6 million jews and more millon of non jews but also millons of survivors lol human skin lamps, human soap, the hollocausterx the masturbation machines.
The holocaust is the biggest lie ever created no matter how much you censure or how much you scream about it. The truth fears no investigation and the truth needs no censorship

>> No.16093884


>> No.16093909

>wtf does ghettoization even mean? is taking a jews material possessions and making him live in a certain part of town where he can’t swindle people the same as killing him

You are a retard.

>> No.16093934

It's from the Auschwitz photo album. The location of the people matches up. They're next to Krema 5 in Auschwitz. Nothing you can argue. And revisionist deconstructions of evidence were unchallenged cause it was a niche subject. It's all crap anyway that's why you guys have to go back to spreading memes about masturbation machines to idiot zoomers like >>16093869 lol
It's not my fault retards meme about Auschwitz all the time cause there were some movies about it. So much for the Holocaust propaganda education system. More were killed in shootings than Auschwitz. Yes ghetto deaths are all the ones who died of disease and starvation while awaiting transfer to a labor or death camp. Eventually the ghettos were cleared out. That's why there's no Jews in these places anymore, when before all these major central and eastern European cities had large Jewish districts

>> No.16093952

yeah. it's all very ghoulish and bad faith, it didn't happen but it should have etc. It would actually be more respectable to just admit to it and double down instead of this weak, cowardly bitch game of "revisionism"

>> No.16093954
File: 761 KB, 413x498, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16093962

It didn't happend but it should have. Very well said.

>> No.16093987
File: 36 KB, 324x505, 1581298052461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see, there you go. look at you, killer, down to shoot babies in the head at close range but those pussy Nazis just didn't have the stones for it . anime and internet shit posting is really the key to breeding the ultimate NeetSoc

>> No.16094031

A jew talking about killing babies, such a surprise

>> No.16094111
File: 237 KB, 1350x1048, mizoch1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the jew accusations now lol, uh oh. so what is it based nazi guy. here's one of your NatSoc friends about to shoot those 2 Jewish children in the face. would you be ready to step in if he got tired ?

>> No.16094118

Legitimately looking like some sort of JIDF discord raid in this thread.

>> No.16094143

Thats their job. I would prepare something for them to eat and maybe kiss them and hopefully sleep with them to help them release stress if they are cute SS aryan boys

>> No.16094144
File: 141 KB, 520x622, 1513898486260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comes over from pol to shut up this board with your holocaust denial bait
>gets btfod, exposed as retard about both Irving and the whole subject.
>starts crying about jidf
every time

>> No.16094150

A girl or a homo

>> No.16094198

Girl who hates homos

>> No.16094225

Sounds absolutely surreal, thanks for sharing
only correct answer

>> No.16094261

>what possible solution was there to the "final solution to the Jewish question" could mean?
Somehow managing to maintain the Haavara Agreement during wartime is one possibility.

>> No.16094409

For real now, why are you getting so emotional and aggressive? If you argue against someone form a confident position, you really shouldn't adopt such an attitude, constantly fusing insults with arguments. If I were to argue against creationists, I would just say "here's what knew, here's how we know it, make your own mind". One thing I wouldn't do is try to OWN people or trow insults at them, because that's just childish and creates needles antagonism.
Look, I'm of Jewish heritage myself, and if it turns out less people did during the Holocaust than commonly believed, I don't see how it's a bad thing. Of course there'll be backlash in such a scenario, but it's doesn't means it's right to avoid having discussion with these people. So long as both sides avoid non-arguments and personal attacks I don't see why it's a problem.

>> No.16094465

Sounds highly unlikely, as such large transfer would be noticed and widely reported.
If I recall correctly the idea of "natural population reduction" trough overwork appear in several documents. Of course, it doesn't necessarily means gassing, at least in the beginning..

>> No.16094583
