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16090898 No.16090898 [Reply] [Original]

So, /lit/. What do you choose?

>> No.16090908
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Leave and never post on our board again pleb

>> No.16090909

don't care
won't read it

>> No.16090916

Who knows

It's by far the most fun of choices, trust me

>> No.16090917

i choose free will beacuse these wojaks are funny

>> No.16090924

Free Will

>> No.16090931

Unironically Compatibilism

>> No.16090984

I choose you :)

>> No.16091010

Same but I want to believe in Free Will so much bros. Its just really hard

>> No.16091040

Idk i believe in Free Will. It's literally a chaos on Earth. It's such a complex chaos that last few generations of politicans absolutely don't have any thought on future. Only opportunistic way to solve problems. No vision. Simple natural catastrophe can change absolutely anything as much as one person can cause massive change. I believe in it. Im also a Christian so idk what the fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.16091043
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Combination of free will and "who knows."

We can only see and understand the world as determinate, and so naturally we are tempted to see ourselves as part of the world, and similarly determinate. But a perfectly determinate and mechanical world would have no need of a conscious subject constituting it, let alone constituting it in a manner that includes ideas of free will and its moral value.

The psychical is logically opposed to matter, and determinacy is the aspect of matter, so it follows that radical freedom is the aspect of the psychical. But even suspecting this abstractly, we still can't imagine freedom. It's impossible to imagine a "free act" at our present level of cognition. So we again lapse into the temptation of thorough determinism, and assume we must be mistaken.

Some people remain in that mindset indefinitely, or else they become so frustrated by the lack of a different answer that they become the "who cares?" guy. But some others are led, again and again, back to the mystery of: "but then why the freely willing, moral subject in the first place? Why the 'empty' idea of freedom? Why have the psychical at all, as distinct from the material and mechanistic? Why would a mechanical world have need of 'illusions', what would it mean for an unthinking machine to be 'deluded' about its own freedom?" This is the very definition of a "mystery" in the ancient hermetic sense, something that can't be comprehended by the mind but still exists for the mind, so that it pulls the mind out of its present conceptions and toward it, to somewhere higher than its present state. Freedom, or the impossible necessity of freedom, is the first and last mystery of the universe.

>> No.16091059

Free will (pink Wojak variant)

>> No.16091694


>> No.16091769

Compatibilism through means of clinamen which are so common they render free will a definite reality
Free will through CI though I haven't actually read Kant yet and I'm basing this entirely on a single post I saw on a thread a little while ago

>> No.16091843

"Who's Knows?"

That there possibly exists something vast and beautiful beyond our imagining gives me hope.

>> No.16091864

I will never understood why critics of determinism say that ambition is pointless when it's exactly the other way around.

>> No.16092194

Is there any book that "impersonates" the "Who Knows?" perspective?

>> No.16092274

Somewhere between compatibalism and "who knows?" This material reality is filtered between the biology of our perception and the amalgum of our mind and soul, the cognition presents to us a platter of dilemmas and our spirit treats each one as a binary decision: either denial or acquiescence. I think our decision on each of these things recursively affects our souls and thus alters how we are inclined to act in the pursuit of desires in the future.

>> No.16092285

My brain and my body are going to need to figure out what they both like before worrying about something like this.

>> No.16092307

>a roastie
fuck off nigger retard faggot pleb

>> No.16092338

It makes no sense to oppose free will and determinism. You can have imminent freedom (which is nothing but the feeling of desire having control over a process) while not having transcendent freedom (which doesn't even make sense as a concept, since you cannot breach the rules of the substance you are).

>> No.16092459

>while not having transcendent freedom (which doesn't even make sense as a concept, since you cannot breach the rules of the substance you are).
That's the exact problem.

>> No.16092554

It’s all 5

>> No.16092889

no. under "who knows" all books and language are saying the same thing, and are all saying nothing, both, and neither. wittgenstein comes the closest to impersonating it to me, tractatus logico-philosophicus and/or philosophical investigations

>> No.16092914
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someone gets it

>> No.16093274
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Can someone explain to me what the actual difference between determinism and free will to me? What actual difference does it make? If someone chooses to make a decision, or they were predetermined to make the decision and the choice was an illusion, what actually changes? You're not free from consequence either way, responsibility is still deferred the same way. Murdering with free will puts you in prison because you're choosing to be a murderer, murdering because you're fated to puts you in prison because you're determined a murderer.

>> No.16093357

>not recognizing plath immediately
>not understanding the meaning of this meme immediately
absolutely pathetic. leave and never come back brainlet.

>> No.16093381

nobody can even define free will apart from compatibilists who are largely just playing word games. The difference is whether we should 'blame' people, which also doesn't really mean much. I guess you can have more pity for the murderer, but as you say you still have to jail or execute him.

>> No.16093633


>> No.16093767

That's pretty much what I thought, but it seemed so obvious I figured I was missing something critical. This subject just seems stupid.

>> No.16094094

shit meme

>> No.16094218

There, that wasn't so hard.

>> No.16095168

>nobody can even define free will apart from compatibilists who are largely just playing word games.
You can say the same exact shit about determinism though.

>> No.16095242

I've chosen "who knows" since my late childhood.