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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 29 KB, 409x451, Mark Rothko in his West 53rd Street studio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16088888 No.16088888 [Reply] [Original]

mark rothko playlist now live:


>> No.16088896
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>> No.16088925
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with quints, i re-offer the following newly uploaded, most-requested playlists:

crowd theory
cults - the occult
fundamentalism - extremism - prophecy
hypnotism - mesmerism - possession
media politics - fake news - politics of truth
nationalism - statism
persuasion - manipulation
political experts/expertise
witchcraft - magic


>> No.16089324
File: 281 KB, 1327x803, kWDfZA9VnaQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huge thanks for your work! Do you have by any chance playlists for Stoicism, generative art, and guerrilla urbanism?

>> No.16090673
File: 153 KB, 750x1334, 1549593624723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for sure.

stoicism is in process now. say a little more about what you mean by generative art and guerrilla urbanism--i have some idea, but a starting point/syncing with your vision would be great.

>> No.16091435
File: 522 KB, 1108x747, FpYZyhp2vJY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aye, by "generative art" I meant art—music, paintings, video, texts—created indirectly, that is, with the help of computer programs, algorithms, stochastic processes. Generally, anything that is created with at least one layer of abstraction between creator and creation.

I want to do a research on the topic and am in search of some expository information: history, trends, critical analysis, examples, problems and solutions, maybe discussions of ethical and legal consequences, etc. Frankly speaking, I would be glad to see just about anything about this area, not only about art.

By guerrilla urbanism I meant something like this: ankrom.org/freeway_signs. I don't really know the official term for this phenomena (does it even exist?), but what I originally implied was that, when denizens of the city (nonprofessionals) inadvertently or deliberately participate in adapting and improving urban space. We can see that right now, with all the design hacks stemming from adapting cities to pandemic reality on the fly, without any proper technical documentation or guidelines from professional architects, urbanists, and designers.

By the way, what was your starting vision on these things? It is interesting to know what other notions and ideas people get when hearing about those things.

>> No.16091569
File: 54 KB, 498x645, 3E41FC93-641A-4E0A-A1A2-C65AC7C36B65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy checked, based and AbExpilled

>> No.16091894
File: 19 KB, 512x579, white on black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to the thread that the absolute best Rothko book is Anfam's Yale Cataloque Raisonne. Also my pet theory about his final paintings is that they were at least partially influenced by the then-current Moon landings.

>> No.16092013

Lol what?

>> No.16092027
File: 498 KB, 255x235, 1596818942457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and checked

>> No.16092036

YOU are not welcome here you nigger loving kike.

>> No.16093009

you wouldn't say that to his face you coward. go sully some other thread

>> No.16094191
File: 779 KB, 1542x2160, BC64891B-7E5E-49BA-9772-B1A8548518E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting stuff, anon. I can definitely build something like that for you.

Generative art first reminded me of procedural generation in video game history, along with things like fractal art today, exhibitions that look specifically at the use of technology in the production of art, technology-as-art, etc.

The problem of abstraction you bring up addresses it from another angle that initially hit me, too: i probably wouldn’t include it (i envision more a technical playlist for your request), but even theory from Burke or Benjamin qua abstraction and the reception of art might be interesting, but that is tangential and highly theoretical.

Urban guerrilla stuff is really interesting, given what you described. I actually was going to take it in a more activist/violence aspect of kinda internal partisan/denizen emergent divides in given urban environments. Would you say that another way you would go about thinking about this would be something like: the democratization of urban planning/production? Emergent shadow cities crop up and disappear all the time without official guidance and regulation—but you are talking less about third-world footprints and the redevelopment of “first-world” space, yeah?

Good stuff, anon.

Thanks man. Requests are welcome.

Agreed. I really love Rothko and Newman; problems of the contemporary “sublime” are on my radar, building a playlist now specifically on the history of the sublime from Longinus up.

Checked for being a good man. Thanks.

>> No.16094989

I did not really think about technologization of art. Come to think of it, it really is an interesting observation—our art (not all of course) becomes more techy, as we get more advanced means for the production of art. Your point also reminded me that we increasingly start to consume, or better put, get access to art solely by technological means: screens, audio and video recordings, online texts, etc. That could too be thought in terms of abstraction, but now on the viewers' part as technology on one side gives people more opportunities to embrace art, but on the other—you appreciate it indirectly, as a digital representation or copy.

Concerning guerrilla urbanism, you are right—it could be summed up as a democratization of urban design/space. Did not really think of it in third-world states. I searched the Internet and found this interesting point of view on the subject: bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-06-23/design-hacks-will-dominate-coronavirus-recovery, even though the focus of the article is coronavirus consequences on the urban space. Now, I think one could give such definition to what I look for: citizens can too engage in urbanism and public service, but on a "lower" level.

I've come across some really "unique" takes on the problem like an arborist covertly planting redwoods in a city or eco-activists doing seed-bombing, although I question the truthfulness of these stories. Perhaps, a much better illustration of what I am meaning is: core77.com/posts/26433/the-efficient-passenger-project-vs-the-mta-is-good-signage-a-bad-idea-26433.

Anyway, thanks for the support!

>> No.16095381
File: 1.96 MB, 3984x2445, 9E83A8FB-1011-45EA-A265-93E12497CD76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think at another theoretical level you would encounter someone like Heidegger and his critique of technology as well: that the essence of the technological “impulse” is not technological at all, but aesthetic, and what that means in the face of emergent tech.

Guerrilla urbanism is a really deep and interesting subject, it seems—1. Will absolutely build the list, 2. Thanks for drawing attention\ to it.

What’s your own stake in this, out of curiosity? You said it was for research- academic or personal?

>> No.16095542
File: 312 KB, 1080x1349, toYlIIe-p_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd really like to do an academic study but I am not currently related to academia (and don't really know what would the name of the field of studies sound like). In fact, I am planning to do a small personal project in guerrilla urbanism in my city that is closely related to literature and am currently amassing a bibliography for research purposes.
I want to gain a deeper understanding of the topic and hope that it will grow into something bigger. Might even do try to get some formal academic experience with it if anything.

Concerning the generative art, the initial drive was not that sophisticated. I was just really amazed (and terrified) to see the recent progress in AI algorithms: GPT-3 and its applications. In my opinion, GPT and other future models will also inevitably bring change to art. In fact, they are doing that right now. I have started seeing threads on /lit regarding AI and literature and stumbled upon some interesting projects in generative art.

And as such, I want to research the implication of technological progress on aesthetics. I wonder, if there are already some works concerning the "new aesthetics" of art in the age of computers, or something that deals with the topic from the point of view of some aesthetic theories.

>> No.16096108
File: 161 KB, 575x325, 1593896819210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bassed OP. thank you.
got anything on propaganda?

>> No.16096575
File: 540 KB, 913x471, 1575248232874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

propaganda is pretty much next up

shooting for release today

>> No.16097759

Bump for interest